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Traditional Chinese Medicine/Lung Meridian

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Lung Meridian | Large Intestine Meridian | Stomach Meridian | Spleen Meridian | Heart Meridian | Small Intestine Meridian | Urinary Bladder Meridian | Kidney Meridian | Pericardium Meridian | San Jiao Meridian | Gallbladder Meridian | Liver Meridian | Ren Mai | Du Mai | Head And Neck Acupuncture Points | Chest And Abdomen Acupuncture Points | Back Acupuncture Points | Upper Extremities Acupuncture Points | Lower Extremities Acupuncture Points

The acupuncture points of the Lung Meridian (手太阴肺经) include:

Chinese Name Pinyin Acupoint
中府 zhōng fǔ LU 1
云门 yún mén LU 2
天府 tiān fǔ LU 3
侠白 xiá bái LU 4
尺泽 chǐ zé LU 5
孔最 kǒng zuì LU 6
列缺 liè quē LU 7
经渠 jīng qú LU 8
太渊 tài yuān LU 9
鱼际 yú jì LU 10
少商 shào shāng LU 11

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