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User:Whiteknight/New Book Guide/Categorizing

From Wikibooks, open books for an open world


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Another point that is worth mentioning is that a new book should be properly categorized. Categorizing a book properly won't help attract as much attention as listing it on the main page, or putting it on an appropriate bookshelf, but having things neatly and correctly categorized will help to give your book the professional "look and feel" that is the hallmark of a good and stable book here on wikibooks.

Categorizing a book on Wikibooks can be very easy. The most important thing to determine is what subject your book belongs to. Go to Subject:All Subjects and read through the list of currently existing subjects. If you find one that your book fits into, you are well on your way. If you can't find a good one for your book, ask about it at The New Books Staff Lounge. If other wikibookians can't find a proper category for your book (and they usually can), a new one can be created.

Categorizing your book is simple, and requires only a few short steps.

Categorization Templates

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There are a few important categorization templates that, if used properly, can help to categorize your new book properly without needing to deal with the technical details of page categorization.


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The most important categorization template that your book can use is the {{Subject}} template. This template lists books by subject, and helps to ensure that the books are properly listed in the Subject Pages.

To list your book with the {{Subject}} template, check the list at Subject:All Subjects, and pick the subject that best describes your book. Use the template with this subject. For instance, if your book was about mathematics you would write {{Subject|Mathematics}}. The subject template can be used with multiple subjects, especially if your book does not fit into any one particular subject very well.

In general, avoid creating a new subject tag unless your book absolutely doesn't fit in anywhere else. Ask for help at the new books chat or the project chat room for help in creating a new subject page, if you don't know how to do it.


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List your book in the alphabetical listing. To do this, use the {{Alphabetical}} template, using the first letter of the book as the first argument. For example, use {{Alphabetical|R}} if your book starts with R.

Prerequisites and Corequisites

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Many books have prerequisite topics that readers should be familiar with before they start reading. Use the {{Prerequisite}} and {{Corequisite}} templates on your book to specify these types of relationships.

Reading Level

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Books tend to fit into a specific reading level. This is determined by the age and education levels of the target audience. Use the {{Reading level}} template to specify which reading level a particular book uses. See Wikibooks:Reading Levels for an explanation of the various levels in use.

Categorization Gadget

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