World Stamp Catalogue/Europe
List of stamp-issuing entities in Europe
[edit | edit source]- Albania - ALB
- Andorra (French Post offices) - AND
- Andorra (Spanish Post offices)
- Armenia - ARM
- Austria - AUT
- Belarus - BLR
- Belgium - BEL
- Bosnia and Herzegovina - BIH
- Bulgaria - BGR
- Croatia - HRV
- Cyprus - CYP
- Czech Republic - CZE
- Czechoslovakia - CSK
- Denmark - DNK
- Faroe Islands - FRO
- Greenland - GRL
- Estonia - EST
- Finland - FIN
- Åland Islands - ALA
- France - FRA
- Georgia - GEO
- Germany - DEU
- East Germany - DDR
- Greece - GRC
- Hungary - HUN
- Iceland - ISL
- Ireland - IRL
- Italy - ITA
- Latvia - LVA
- Liechtenstein - LIE
- Lithuania - LTU
- Luxembourg - LUX
- Republic of Macedonia - MKD
- Malta - MLT
- Republic of Moldova - MDA
- Monaco - MCO
- The Netherlands - NLD
- Norway - NOR
- Poland - POL
- Portugal - PRT
- Romania - ROU
- Russia - RUS
- San Marino - SMR
- Yugoslav Federation - YUG
- Montenegro - MNE
- Serbia - SRB
- Slovakia - SVK
- Slovenia - SVN
- Soviet Union - SUN
- Spain - ESP
- Sweden - SWE
- Switzerland - CHE
- Ukraine - UKR
- Great Britain - GBR
- Guernsey - GGY
- Gibraltar - GIB
- Isle of Man - IMN
- Jersey - JEY
- Vatican City - VAT