World Stamp Catalogue/Moldova/1999

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1998 ---- Stamp Catalogue of Moldova 1999 ---- 2000


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April 9 Perf 14
Image Michel Catalogue Number Description Reference Notes
303 125 years of foundation of the Universal Postal Union. UPU emblem.
304 50 years of the European Council. European emblem and the flag of the Republic of Moldova, on the background - European map.

Europe ’99. National reservations and parks.

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May 5 Perf 14
Image Michel Catalogue Number Description Reference Notes
305 Reservation “The Lower Prut” (1691 ha).
306 Reservation “Ruler’s Forest” (6032 ha).
Miniature sheets 18

Reservation “Codru” (5177 ha).

Michel Catalogue Number 307

== Anniversaries-Commemorations. 200 years of birth of the French writer Honore de Balzac (1799-1850).==

May 20. Perf 14:133/4
Image Michel Catalogue Number Description Reference Notes
308 Honore de Balzac. Classic of the universal literature.

Anniversaries-Commemorations. 200 years of birth of the Russian poet Alexander Pushkin (1799-1837).

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June 6 Perf 133/4:14
Image Michel Catalogue Number Description Reference Notes
309 Alexander Pushkin and Constantin Stamati, painting by Boris Lebedev. House-museum “A. S. Pushkin” in Chişinău.

National Sport.

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June 26 Perf 133/4
Image Michel Catalogue Number Description Reference Notes
310 Trânta - national Sport. Two stages of the fight are shown on the background of the spectators and two rams for the winners.
311 Oina - national Sport. Episodes of the game. Two secular trees at the end of the village.

30 years of the moonlanding. 1969-1999. Apollo II.

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Juli 20. Perf 14
Image Michel Catalogue Number Description Reference Notes
312 Neil Armstrong - American astronaut, leader of the expedition.
313 Michael Collins - American astronaut, pilot of the control module.
314 Edwin Aldrin - American astronaut, pilot of the moon module.

Decorations of the Republic of Moldova.

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Juli 31. Perf 133/4:14
Image Michel Catalogue Number Description Reference Notes
315 Medal “For military Merits”.
316 Medal “For civic Merits”.
317 Medal “For Bravery”.
318 Medal “Mihai Eminescu“.
319 Order “For Work Merits”.
320 Order “Ştefan cel Mare”.
Miniature sheets 19

Order of the Republic.

Michel Catalogue Number 321


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August 7. Perf 133/4:14
Image Michel Catalogue Number Description Reference Notes
322 Wine-gourd with wood intarsia.
323 Embroidery. Embroidered ie (national blouse).
324 Traditional ceramics. Ornamented ceramic vessels.
325 Wickerwork. Table and chairs.

Anniversaries-Commemorations. 250 years of birth of the German poet Johann Wolfgang of GOETHE (1749-1832).

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August 20. Perf 14:133/4
Image Michel Catalogue Number Description Reference Notes
326 Johann Wolfgang of Goethe. Classic of the universal literature.

10 years of return to the Latin method of writing.

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August 21 Perf 133/4
Image Michel Catalogue Number Description Reference Notes
327 10 years of return to the Latin method of writing. Stylised Phoenix bird.

Anniversaries-Commemorations. Metropolitan Bishops Varlaam and Gurie Grosu.

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September 11. Perf 133/4:14
Image Michel Catalogue Number Description Reference Notes
328 Metropolitan bishop Varlaam (1590-1657). Enlightener and writer, introduced book-printing in Moldova.
329 Metropolitan bishop Gurie Grosu (1877-1943). Archbishop since 1920, metropolitan bishop of Chişinău from 1928 to 1937.

Moldovan Rulers (IV).

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Oktober 11. Perf 14
Image Michel Catalogue Number Description Reference Notes
330 Bogdan II (1449-1451). Son of Alexandru cel Bun and father of Ştefan cel Mare. Defeated the troops of the Polish king by Crasna (1450). In 1451 was murdered by his brother, Petru Aron, who occupied the throne.
331 Bogdan IV (1568-1572). Reigned under the regency of his mother, became a big friend of the Polish. Promised to assist the Polish not only at the king’s appeal, but also at the appeal of his hetmans. Was dethroned by the Turks at the boyars’ request.
332 Constantin Cantemir (1685-1693). Father of the ruler Dimitrie Cantemir. Took a position of fidelity towards the Ottoman Porta, counting on the Turks’ help against the Polish invasions. Having suspected the chronicler Miron Costin of participation in a plot, ordered to execute him.
333 Simion Movilă (1606-1607). Ruler of Muntenia and Moldova. Occupied the Moldovan throne due to a concurrence of circumstances, with Polish help .
334 Gheorghe III Duca (1665-1666, 1668-1672, 1678-1684). Ruler of Moldova. In the last period of his reign, the Turks appointed him Hetman of Ukraine. Increasingly imposed severe taxes, as a consequence the boyars dethroned him.
335 Iliaş Alexandru (1666-1668). Son of the Moldovan ruler Alexandru Iliaş. Was born and grew up in Tsargrad, did not know the language of his country, at the divan he employed an interpreter.
Miniature sheets 20

Vasile Lupu (1634-1653). Was concerned with the proper organisation of the state, with its economic and cultural development. Founded several architectural monuments, the Churches Golia and Three Hierarchs in Jassy, St. Dimitrie in Orhei among them. Introduced printing in Moldova (1642). Founded the first higher education school - Slavonic-Greek-Latin Academy (Vasiliev academy) (1640), introduced the Romanian language in the church, printed the Rules - the first law code.

Michel Catalogue Number 336

Out of the Red Book of the Republic of Moldova. Animals.

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November 20. Perf 14
Image Michel Catalogue Number Description Reference Notes
337 Otter. Lutra lutra. Acvatic carnivourous mammal.
338 Sturgeon. Huso huso. Migrating fish.
339 Bat. Rhinolophus ferrumequinum. Nocturnal insectivorous mammal.

Women’s World Chess Championship with the overprint “Postponed Championship”

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November 27. Perf 133/4
Image Michel Catalogue Number Description Reference Notes
340 Chessboard. On the background - a woman with the globe in her hand .
341 Emblem of the Championship. On the background - the Republican Palace.

Out of the patrimony of museums of the Republic of Moldova. The National Museum of History of Moldova.

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December 11. Perf 14:133/4
Image Michel Catalogue Number Description Reference Notes
342 Bronze helmet and lamp (IVth c. B. C.).
343 Thracian ceramic vessel (X.-VIIIth c. B. C.).
344 Gospel (1855).
1998 ---- Stamp Catalogue of Moldova 1999 ---- 2000