Bogdan II (1449-1451). Son of Alexandru cel Bun and father of Ştefan cel Mare. Defeated the troops of the Polish king by Crasna (1450). In 1451 was murdered by his brother, Petru Aron, who occupied the throne.
Bogdan IV (1568-1572). Reigned under the regency of his mother, became a big friend of the Polish. Promised to assist the Polish not only at the king’s appeal, but also at the appeal of his hetmans. Was dethroned by the Turks at the boyars’ request.
Constantin Cantemir (1685-1693). Father of the ruler Dimitrie Cantemir. Took a position of fidelity towards the Ottoman Porta, counting on the Turks’ help against the Polish invasions. Having suspected the chronicler Miron Costin of participation in a plot, ordered to execute him.
Simion Movilă (1606-1607). Ruler of Muntenia and Moldova. Occupied the Moldovan throne due to a concurrence of circumstances, with Polish help .
Gheorghe III Duca (1665-1666, 1668-1672, 1678-1684). Ruler of Moldova. In the last period of his reign, the Turks appointed him Hetman of Ukraine. Increasingly imposed severe taxes, as a consequence the boyars dethroned him.
Iliaş Alexandru (1666-1668). Son of the Moldovan ruler Alexandru Iliaş. Was born and grew up in Tsargrad, did not know the language of his country, at the divan he employed an interpreter.
Miniature sheets 20
Vasile Lupu (1634-1653). Was concerned with the proper organisation of the state, with its economic and cultural development. Founded several architectural monuments, the Churches Golia and Three Hierarchs in Jassy, St. Dimitrie in Orhei among them. Introduced printing in Moldova (1642). Founded the first higher education school - Slavonic-Greek-Latin Academy (Vasiliev academy) (1640), introduced the Romanian language in the church, printed the Rules - the first law code.
Michel Catalogue Number 336
Out of the Red Book of the Republic of Moldova. Animals.