World Stamp Catalogue/Moldova/2000

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1999 ---- Stamp Catalogue of Moldova 2000 ---- 2001

Mihai Eminescu - 150th anniversary.

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January 15.
Image Description Notes
Miniature sheets 21

376 - Raluca Eminovici (1816-1876). Mother of the poet.

377 - Gheorghe Eminovici (1812-1884). Father of the poet.
378 - Iosif Vulcan (1841-1907). Editor of the magazine “Family”, that published Eminescu’s first poem.
379 - Veronica Micle (1850-1889). Poetess, “sweet friend” of Eminescu.
380 - Mihai Eminescu (1850-1889). The great national poet, after a photograph of the years 1885-1886.

Michel Catalogue Number 345-349

Children’s world. Fairy tales characters.

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February 15. Perf 14
Image Michel Catalogue Number Description Reference Notes
350 Ileana Cosânzeana. A fairy tale character that embodies female physical and spiritual beauty.
351 Fairy tale character Făt-Frumos defeating the dragon.
352 Fairy tale character Harap Alb riding the magical horse.

Outstanding personalities.

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February 26. Perf 133/4:14
Image Michel Catalogue Number Description Reference Notes
353 Toma Ciorbă (1864-1936). Doctor-humanist.
354 Henri Coandă (1886-1972). Engineer and scientist, designer of the first jet airplane of the world (1910).
355 Guglielmo Marconi (1874-1937). Italian physicist and inventor that carried out for the first time cable-free transmission of a telegram (1896) and the first telegraphic radio-transmission (1899). Nobel Prize winner (1909).
356 Norbert Wiener (1894-1964). American mathematician, founder of cybernetics (1948).

The XXth century. Remarkable events.

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April 12. Perf 14
Image Michel Catalogue Number Description Reference Notes
357 Conquer of the space. Years shown: 1961 - the first flight of man to the space; 1969 - the first moon-landing.
358 Discovery of nuclear energy. Creation of a very efficient (nevertheless extremely dangerous) source of artificial energy.
359 Global computerisation. Map of the world on a computer screen, symbolising the global computerisation of the society.
360 Blessed approaching. The meeting of Pope Joan Paul II with P. F. Teoctist, Patriarch of the Romanian orthodox church.

2000 years of birth of Jesus Christ. The Holy Easter.

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April 30. Perf 14:133/4
Image Michel Catalogue Number Description Reference Notes
361 Icon Resurrection of Jesus Christ (1841). National Fine Arts Museum.
362 Icon Resurrection of Jesus Christ (XIXth c.). National Fine Arts Museum.

Europe 2000.

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May 9. Perf 14
Image Michel Catalogue Number Description Reference Notes
363 50 years of Robert Schuman’s declaration. The declaration laid the foundation of the European Union.

Exhibitions 2000.

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May 30. Perf 14:133/4
Image Michel Catalogue Number Description Reference Notes
364 Exhibition EXPO-2000. Hanover (1, June - 31, October). Man - Nature - Technology.
365 Exhibition WIPA-2000. Vienna (30, May - 4, June). International philatelic exhibition.

Cave monasteries and wood churches.

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August 12. Perf 14
Image Michel Catalogue Number Description Reference Notes
366 Cave monastery (XVI- XVIIth cc.). Ţipova.
367 Wood church St. Nicolae (1791). Heciul Vechi.
368 Wood church Cover of the Holy Virgin (XVIII- XIth cc.). Palanca (Edineţ).
369 Cave monastery (XV- XVIth c.). Butuceni.

Olympic Summer Games. Sydney - 2000.

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September 15. Perf 14:133/4
Image Michel Catalogue Number Description Reference Notes
370 Judo.
371 Graeco-Roman wrestling.
372 Weightlifting.

UNESCO. International day of teacher.

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Oktober 5. Perf 14
Image Michel Catalogue Number Description Reference Notes
373 A thoughtful child. On the background - a school-class in work.
374 Romanian language class. The teacher is explaining the lesson. On the blackboard is written a quatrain from the “Our language” poem by Alexei Mateevici.

2000 years of birth of Jesus Christ. Christmas.

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November 11. Perf 133/4
Image Michel Catalogue Number Description Reference Notes
375 Icon Prayer of the shepherds (XVI-XVIIth cc.). National Fine Arts Museum.
376 Icon Birth of Jesus Christ (XIXth c.). National Fine Arts Museum.
Miniature sheets 22

Icon Wonderworking Holy Virgin from Hârbovţ (XIXth c.). National Fine Arts Museum.

Michel Catalogue Number 377

1999 ---- Stamp Catalogue of Moldova 2000 ---- 2001