World Stamp Catalogue/Moldova/2001

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2000 ---- Stamp Catalogue of Moldova 2001 ---- 2002

UNHCR. A woman with a child in her arms, in utter despair.

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January 19. Perf 14
Image Michel Catalogue Number Description Reference Notes
378 UNHCR. A woman with a child in her arms, in utter despair.

Protected fauna. Corn crake (Crex crex).

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March 31.
Image Description Notes
410 - Corn crake. Crex crex. On a rock. PANDA emblem and WWF initials.

411 - Corn crake. Crex crex. In the grass. PANDA emblem and WWF initials.
412 - Corn crake. Crex crex. In the nest while hatching. PANDA emblem and WWF initials.
413 - Corn crake. Crex crex. With the chicks in the green grass. PANDA emblem and WWF initials.

Michel Catalogue Number 379-382

Yury Gagarin. The Earth’s first spaceman. April 12, 1961.

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April 12. Perf 14
Image Michel Catalogue Number Description Reference Notes
383 Yury Gagarin (1934-1968). Russian pilot and spaceman, the first man who carried out a space-flight

Anniversaries-Commemorations. Artistic personalities.

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April 28. Perf 14
Image Michel Catalogue Number Description Reference Notes
384 Maria Dragan (1947-1986). Folk-music singer.
385 Marlen Dietrich (1901-1992). Actress, chanson singer.
386 Ruxandra Lupu (1630(?)-1687). Daughter of the ruler Vasile Lupu.
387 Lidia Lipkovski (1884-1958). Opera singer.

Europe 2001. Water - natural treasure.

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May 5. Perf 14
Image Michel Catalogue Number Description Reference Notes
388 Waterfall. Saharna.

Dumitru Prunariu. The first Roumanian spaceman. May, 14, 1981.

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May 14. Perf 14
Image Michel Catalogue Number Description Reference Notes
389 Dumitru Prunariu. Spaceman-researcher of the crew of the spaceship “Sojuz-40”.

Children’s drawings.

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June 1. Perf 14
Image Michel Catalogue Number Description Reference Notes
390 Childhood. Cristina Mereacre (5 years old).
391 My house. Ion Şestacovschi (6 years old).
392 Dance. Aliona-Valeria Samburic (14 years old).
393 Peace dance. Andrei Şestacovschi (14 years old).

10 years of the issue of the first postage stamp of the Republic of Moldova.

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June 23.
Image Description Notes
Miniature sheets 23

425 - The first postage stamp “Coat of Arms of the Republic of Moldova” on a brown background.

426 - The second postage stamp “Coat of Arms of the Republic of Moldova” on a brown background.
427 - The third postage stamp “Coat of Arms of the Republic of Moldova” on a brown background.

Michel Catalogue Number 394-396

Chişinău zoological gardens.

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Jule 14. Perf 133/4
Image Michel Catalogue Number Description Reference Notes
397 Bangal tiger. Panthera tigris tigris.
398 Chapmann's zebra. Equus quagga antiquonum (Chapmann).
399 Brown bear. Ursus arctos.
400 Niligau antilope. Boselaphus tragocamelus.
Miniature sheets 24

Lion. Panthera leo.

Michel Catalogue Number 401

10 years of the issue of the Declaration of Independence of the Republic of Moldova.

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August 27. Perf 14
Image Michel Catalogue Number Description Reference Notes
402 Flag of the Republic of Moldova on the "Marea Adunare Naţională" place.

The Catalogue of postage stamps of the Republic of Moldova. 2001-2006

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National musical instruments.

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October 6. Perf 141/4
Image Michel Catalogue Number Description Reference Notes
403 “Cimpoi” Bagpipe – wind folk instrument made of a leather sack and some sonorous pipes.
404 “Fluier” Pipe – wind folk instrument made of a wooden tubular pipe with 6 holes.
405 “Nai” Pan’s pipe – wind folk instrument made of some different size wooden pipes.
406 “Taragot” – wind folk instrument, made of a conic pipe with holes, valves and ancie.

Dialogue among Civilizations.

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October 9. Perf 141/4
Image Michel Catalogue Number Description Reference Notes
407 Drawing: First prize at the National Contest “Dialogue among Civilizations”. Author Ivan Pîcev (Republic of Moldova)
408 Drawing: First prize at the International Contest “Dialogue among Civilizations”. Author Ursca Golob (Slovenia).

Moldovan Rulers (V).

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October 27. Perf 141/4
Image Michel Catalogue Number Description Reference Notes
409 Mihai Racoviţă (1703-1705, 1707-1709, 1716-1726). Was a Moldovan Ruler during three periods of time and a Muntenian Ruler during 2 periods of time. Ruled in the Fanariot spirit, established during that epoch. Had to fight against the parties of boyars and against the finicality from the Porte. Promoted an excessive fiscal policy.
410 Nicolae Mavrocordat (1709-1710, 1711-1715). Was a Moldovan Ruler during two periods of time and a Muntenian Ruler also during two periods of time. During his reign the Turkish -Fanariot regime was established, meanwhile the Turkish exploitation reached the height. He was preoccupied by education; he founded schools and encouraged the teaching of Latin, Helen, and mathematics.
411 Constantin Mavrocordat (1733-1735, 1741-1743, 1748-1749, 1769). Was the Moldovan Ruler during four periods and Muntenian Ruler during six periods of time. Learned man. He reformed: the justice, the fiscal system, the army, in order to modernize the state. For the administration of the territories were named some boyars (ispravnici). In 1749 he promulgated The Establishment of Constantin Mavrocordat- the law through which slavery was abolished.
412 Grigore Callimachi (1761-1764, 1767-1769). Fanariot Ruler, son of Ioan Teodor Callimachi. Diminish some of the taxes. Was for education. Gave the order for „The traditions of Moldova register” to be written. Being suspected of having connection with Russians, he was taken to Constantinople and beheaded.
413 Grigore Alexandru Ghica (1849-1853, 1854-1856). ). Was a Moldovan Ruler during two periods of time and a Muntenian Ruler during one period of time. He was the enemy of the Austria and a friend of Russia. He regulated the tax and the public educational system.

Through the measures he took, he brought the country to a relative prosperity. He has been assassinated by a killer sent by the Porte because he was against giving Bucovina to Austria.

414 Antioh Cantemir (1695-1700, 1705-1707). Both he and his brother, Dimitrie Cantemir, try trough different means to obtain the throne. He has been described by chronicler Ion Neculce as a “person with a large body, handsome, and smart, fair judge”. Was friendly with Poles. During his first reigning he sign the Peace treaty at Karlovitz.
Miniature sheets 25

Dimitrie Cantemir (1710-1711). Moldovan Ruler. Learned man, encyclopedist, polyglot, writer. At the age of 15 he became hostage in Constantinople, where was kept there for 20 years. In 1710 he is assigned as Moldovan Ruler by the Turks. Tried to obtain the independence of the country, by signing a secret alliance document with Russia. After the Russian-Moldavian army has been defeated by the Turks in Stănileşti (1711), he took shelter in Russia. Wrote historical, geographical, and philosophical works. Became a member of the Berlin Academy of Science (1714).

Michel Catalogue Number 415

Christmas 2001. Churches jubilee.

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November 10. Perf 14
Image Michel Catalogue Number Description Reference Notes
416 The Church of the Holy Trinity. 1821. The Monastery Saharna.
417 Dormition of the Mother of the God Church. 1841. The Monastery Hâncu.
418 Saint Dumitru Church, 1636. Orhei. One of the foundations of Vasile Lupu, a Moldovan Ruler.
419 The birth of Jesus Cathedral, 1936. Chişinău.

10 years from the foundation of the Committee of the Commonwealth of Independent States.

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December 14. Perf 14
Image Michel Catalogue Number Description Reference Notes
420 0 years from the foundation of the Committee of the Commonwealth of Independent States. The CIS emblem.
2000 ---- Stamp Catalogue of Moldova 2001 ---- 2002