Adventist Adventurer Awards and Answers

About this Book
[edit | edit source]Little Lamb Stars
[edit | edit source]
The Little Lamb Stars are designed for children four years old or pre-schoolers. A patch for each star is available through AdventSource
- ABC's
- Bible Friends
- Bodies of Water
- Colors
- Community Helper
- Finger Play
- Healthy Food
- Healthy Me
- Insects
- Little Boy Jesus
- Music
- My Friend Jesus
- Numbers
- Sharing
- Special Helper
- Stars
- Trains And Trucks
- Trikes & Bikes
- Weather
- Wooly Lamb
- Zoo Animals
Eager Beaver Chips
[edit | edit source]The Eager Beaver Chips are designed for children five years old or kindergartners A patch for each chip is available through AdventSource

- Alphabet Fun
- Animal Homes
- Animals
- Beaver
- Beginning Biking
- Beginning Swimming
- Bible Friends (EB)
- Birds
- Crayons And Markers
- Fire Safety
- Gadgets And Sand
- God's World
- Helping at Home
- Jesus' Special Helper
- Jesus’s Special Supper
- Jesus' Star
- Jigsaw Puzzle
- Know Your Body
- Left And Right
- Manners Fun
- My Community Friends
- Pets
- Playing With Friends
- Scavenger Hunt
- Shapes And Sizes
- Sponge Art
- Stamping Fun
- Thankful Heart
- Toys
Busy Bee Awards
[edit | edit source]The Busy Bee Awards are designed for children six years old or first-graders. A patch for each award is available through AdventSource

- Artist
- Bible I
- Butterfly
- Buttons
- Fish
- Flowers
- Friend of Animals
- Guide
- Health Specialist
- Home Helper
- Music Maker
- Potato
- Reading I
- Safety Specialist
- Sand Art
- Spotter
- Swimmer I
Sunbeam Awards
[edit | edit source]The Sunbeam Awards are design for children seven years old or second-graders. A patch for each award is available through AdventSource

- Acts of Kindness
- Baking
- Camper
- Collector
- Cooking Fun
- Courtesy
- Feathered Friends
- Fitness Fun
- Friend of Jesus
- Friend of Nature
- Gardener
- Glue Right
- Handicraft
- Ladybugs
- Missionaries
- Reading II
- Road Safety
- Seasons
- Seeds
- Trees
- Whales
Builder Awards
[edit | edit source]The Builder Awards are design for children eight years old or third-graders. A patch for each award is available through AdventSource

- Astronomer
- Bead Craft
- Build & Fly
- Building Blocks
- Cyclist
- Disciples
- Early Adventist Pioneer
- Family Helper
- First Aid Helper
- Gymnast
- Hand Shadows
- Homecraft
- Honey
- Lizards
- Magnet Fun
- Magnet Fun II
- Media Critic
- Olympics
- Postcards
- Prayer
- Reading III
- Saving Animals
- Sewing Fun
- Swimmer II
- Temperance
- Tin Can Fun
- Troubadour
- Wise Steward
Helping Hand Awards
[edit | edit source]The Helping Hand Awards are design for children nine years old or fourth-graders. A patch for each award is available through AdventSource

- Basket Maker
- Bible II
- Bible Royalty
- Caring Friend
- Carpenter
- Technology (formerly Computer Skills)
- Country Fun
- Environmentalist
- Fruits of the Spirit
- Geologist
- Habitat
- Honey Bee
- Hygiene
- My Church
- My Picture Book
- Outdoor Explorer
- Pearly Gates
- Prayer Warrior
- Purity
- Rainbow Promise
- Reading IV
- Reporter
- Safe Water
- Sign Language
- Skater
- Stamping Fun Art
- Steps to Jesus
- Tabernacle
- Weather (HH)
Multi-Level Awards
[edit | edit source]The Multi-Level Awards are design for children of all grade level. A patch for each award is available through AdventSource
- Bible Storytelling
- Bread of Life
- Cooperation
- Cupcakes and More
- Delightful Sabbath
- Dinosaurs
- Dogs
- Photo Fun
- Germs
- Good Samaritan
- Jesus Special Supper
- Listening
- Missionaries
- Nutrition
- Parables of Jesus
- Photo Fun
- Snowshoe
- Stay Safe
- Talent
- Universe
Special Award Patches
[edit | edit source]The Special Award Patches are design for children of all grade level. These patches available through AdventSource