Category:Book:Adventist Youth Honors Answer Book/Honors with problematic requirements

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Honors listed here are those whose requirements are problematic for one reason or another. Some suffer from incorrect metric/English conversions, others suffer from having undergone incomplete edits to the requirements. Each honor in this category has a note explaining why the requirement is problematic.

Pages in category "Book:Adventist Youth Honors Answer Book/Honors with problematic requirements"

More recent additions More recent modifications
  1. Adventist Youth Honors Answer Book/Recreation/Camp Safety - Advanced
  2. Adventist Youth Honors Answer Book/Outreach/Maori Lore
  3. Adventist Youth Honors Answer Book/Recreation/Archery - Advanced
  4. Adventist Youth Honors Answer Book/Outdoor Industries/Gardening
  5. Adventist Youth Honors Answer Book/Recreation/Camp Safety
  6. Adventist Youth Honors Answer Book/First aid/Rescue breathing
  7. Adventist Youth Honors Answer Book/Health and Science/First Aid, Basic
  8. Adventist Youth Honors Answer Book/Recreation/Archery
  9. Adventist Youth Honors Answer Book/Nature/House Plants
  10. Adventist Youth Honors Answer Book/Outdoor Industries/Subsistence Farming
  1. Adventist Youth Honors Answer Book/Nature/House Plants
  2. Adventist Youth Honors Answer Book/Health and Science/First Aid, Basic
  3. Adventist Youth Honors Answer Book/Nature/Stars - Advanced (General Conference)
  4. Adventist Youth Honors Answer Book/Nature/Stars - Advanced (North American Division)
  5. Adventist Youth Honors Answer Book/Health and Science/First Aid, Standard
  6. Adventist Youth Honors Answer Book/Recreation/Archery - Advanced
  7. Adventist Youth Honors Answer Book/Outreach/Maori Lore
  8. Adventist Youth Honors Answer Book/Recreation/Camp Safety
  9. Adventist Youth Honors Answer Book/Recreation/Camp Safety - Advanced
  10. Adventist Youth Honors Answer Book/Recreation/Swimming - Beginner (General Conference)

The following 16 pages are in this category, out of 16 total.