Chinese (Classical Mandarin)
(Work in progress)
This is a tutorial of the form of Mandarin known as 中州音 or 韻白 among some other names in Chinese. It was spoken as lingua franca of Ming and T’sing and is used in traditional Chinese theatry in modern days. Its pronunciation is prescribed by the rhyme books 洪武正韻 and 音韻闡微. Its more colloquial, topolect-influenced forms have been documented by Korean and European Sinologists throughout Ming and T’sing Dynasty. In modern days, some of its localized variants are spoken in regions in Southwestern China and Northern Myanmar.
Transliteration and pronunciation
[edit | edit source]Glossary
[edit | edit source]Colloquial form
[edit | edit source]Adjectives ending in tĭ(底/的)
[edit | edit source]- 白 ⟨bĕᵏ⟩ "to be white".
白底/白的 ⟨bĕᵏ tĭ⟩ "white(adj.)".
白底花/白的花 ⟨bĕᵏ tĭ⟩ hwā "white flower(s)".
- 白 ⟨bĕᵏ⟩ "to be white".
Particle 得
[edit | edit source]- Used to before a verb, may be translated to get to.
- 來 ⟨lȃi⟩ "to come".
不來 ⟨pŭ lȃi⟩ "does not come/will not come".
不得來 ⟨pŭ tĕᵏ lȃi⟩ "cannot come".
- 來 ⟨lȃi⟩ "to come".
Used immediately after a verb to indicate capability.
做得飯 ⟨tzú tĕᵏ fván⟩ "able to cook (lit. to make meal)".
來不得 ⟨lȃi pŭ tĕᵏ⟩ "not able to come".
- Used immediately after verb to lead certain adverbs.
- 行得快 ⟨hhȋng tĕᵏ khwái⟩ "walks fast".
Particle 把
[edit | edit source]Particle 可
[edit | edit source]- Meaning to be allowed to.
- 只可動口不可動手 ⟨chï̀ khò dúng' khòw, pŭᵗ khò dúng' shiòw⟩ "the subject may be discussed, but it is not proper to fight about it (lit. only allowed to move the mouth, not allowed move the hands)".
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- 我自己來了 ⟨ngò dzé kì lȃi liàu⟩ "I am coming by myself / I have come by myself"
- 我親自來了 ⟨ngò thsīn dzé lȃi liàu⟩ "I am coming in person / I have come in person"
- 我自己害了自己 ⟨ngò dzé kì hhái liàu dzé kì⟩ "I (, by myself,) have harmed myself"
- 我害了我自己 ⟨ngò hhái liàu ngò dzé kì⟩ "I have harmed myself"
- 我不願意自己誇獎自己 ⟨ngò pŭ (ng)yuén 'í dzé kì khwā tziàng dzé kì⟩ "I am not willing to compliment myself all by myself"
- 我不願意誇獎我自己 ⟨ngò pŭ (ng)yuén khwā tziàng ngò dzé kì⟩ "I am not willing to compliment myself"
- 你自己傷自己 ⟨nì dzé kì shiāng dzé kì⟩ "you (, by yourself,) are hurting yourself"
- 你自己傷你自己 ⟨nì dzé kì shiāng nȋ dzé kì⟩ "you (, by yourself,) are hurting yourself"
- 他常常誇自己 ⟨thā čhhiȃng čhhiȃng khwā dzé kì⟩ "he often compliments himself"
- 我幫你你幫我 ⟨ngò pāng nì nì pāng ngò⟩ "I help you and you help me"
- 我們兩個彼此相幫 ⟨ngò mȗn liàng kó pì thsè siāng pāng⟩ "The two of us (mutually) help each other"
- 這一個惱恨那一個那一個惱恨這一個 ⟨čié 'ĭᵗ kó nào hhén ná 'ĭᵗ kó ná 'ĭᵗ kó nào hhén čié 'ĭᵗ kó⟩ "This one hates that one and that one hates this one."
- 他們彼此惱恨 ⟨thā mȗn pì thsè nào hhén⟩ "The two of them hate each other"
- 他們彼此相惱恨 ⟨thā mȗn pì thsè siāng nào hhén⟩ "The two of them (mutually) hate each other"
Relative clauses
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- 愛父親底兒子 ⟨’ái fvú' thsīn tĭ ȓ tzè⟩ "the son who loves (his) father"
- 上這裏來 ⟨shhiáng' čié lì lȃi⟩ "to come up here / coming up here"
- 如今上這裏來底這個人 ⟨zhyȗ kīm shhiáng' čié lì lȃi tĭ čié kó zhȋn⟩ "this person who is now coming up here"
- 不念書 ⟨pŭ niém shyū⟩ "not to study / not studying"
- 光玩 ⟨kwāng ngwón⟩ "only to play / only playing"
- 不念書光玩兒底孩子們 ⟨pŭ niém shyū kwāng ngwón tĭ hhȃi tzè mȗn⟩ "the children who never study but only play"
- 我看了你借與我底那本書囉 ⟨ngò khán liàu nì tzié yù ngò tĭ ná pùn shyū lȏ⟩ "I have read the book that you lent me"
- 我如今說底那個人 ⟨ngò zhyȗ kīm shyuĕᵗ tĭ ná kó zhȋn⟩ "the person that I am talking about now"
- 我說與你底那個 ⟨ngò shyuĕᵗ yù nì tĭ ná kó⟩ "the thing that I have told you"
- 學過 ⟨hhiȏk kwó⟩ "to have studied/learned in the past"
- 他們學過底 ⟨thā mȗn hhiȏk kwó tĭ⟩ "what they have learned in the past"
- 這些孩子凡是他們學過底全忘了 ⟨čié siē hhȃi tzè fvȃm shhḯ' thā mȗn hhiȏk kwó tĭ thhsyuȇn vȃng liàu⟩ "These kids, whatever they have learned in the past, they have all forgotten"
- 同我說話 ⟨thhȗng ngò shyuĕᵗ hhwá⟩ "to speak (words) with me"
- 同我說話底那個人 ⟨thhȗng ngò shyuĕᵗ hhwá tĭ ná kó zhȋn⟩ "the person speaking with me / the person who spoke with me"
- 我告訴底這個人 ⟨ngò káo sú tĭ čié kó zhȋn⟩ "the person whom I have told"
- 做甚麼 ⟨tzú shhím mwȏ⟩ "to do what"
- 你願意我做甚麼我就做甚麼 ⟨nì (ng)yuén ’í ngò tzú shhím mwȏ ngò dziów tzú shhím mwȏ⟩ "whatever you wish me to do, I will readily do"
Interrogative pronouns
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- 那個人是誰 ⟨ná kó zhȋn shhḯ' shhȗi⟩ "who is that person?"
- 上園子裏去底那個人是誰 ⟨shhiáng' yuȇn tzè lì khyú tĭ ná kó zhȋn shhḯ' shhȗi⟩ "who is the person going to the garden?"
- 是誰蓋底 ⟨shḯ' shhȗi kái tĭ⟩ "who has got it built?"
- 這箇體面底宮殿是誰蓋底 ⟨čié kó thì mién tĭ kyūng dién shhḯ' shhȗi kái tĭ⟩ "who has got this magnicient palace built?"
- 你尋底是誰 ⟨nì szȋm tì shhḯ' shhȗi⟩ "who is it that you are looking for?"
- 你尋誰 ⟨nì szȋm shhȗi⟩ "who do you look for / who are you looking for?"
- 這把刀子是誰底 ⟨čié pà tāo tzè shhḯ' shhȗi tì⟩ "of whom is this knife / whose knife is this?"
- 你與誰說話 ⟨nì yù shhȗi shyuĕᵗ hhwá⟩ "whom do you speak with / whom are you speaking with?"
- 你與誰說話呢 ⟨nì yù shhȗi shyuĕᵗ hhwá nȋ⟩ "whom are you speaking with?"
- 你做甚麼 ⟨nì tzú shhím mwȏ⟩ "what are you doing / what do you do?"
- 你願意做甚麼 ⟨nì (ng)yuén ’í tzú shhím mwȏ⟩ "what are you willing to do / what do you wish to do?"
- 你說甚麼 ⟨nì shyuĕᵗ shhím mwȏ⟩ "what are you saying?"
- 你喜歡哪一箇 ⟨nì hì hwōn nà ’ĭᵗ kó⟩ "which one do you like (more)?"
- 這兩張畫哪一張好 ⟨čié liàng čiāng hhwá nà ’ĭᵗ čiāng hào⟩ "(between) these two paintings, which piece is good/better?"
Common verbs
[edit | edit source]- 我來 ⟨ngò lȃi⟩ "I will come (here) / I do come (here)"
- 他不來 ⟨thā pŭ lȃi⟩ "he will not come (here) / He does not come (here)"
- 伱不說話 ⟨nì pŭ shyuĕᵗ hhwá⟩ "you are not talking / you do not talk"
- 他不說甚麼 ⟨thā pŭ shyuĕᵗ shhím mwȏ⟩ "he is not saying anything"
- 他甚麼也不說 ⟨thā shhím mwȏ iĕᵏ pŭ shyuĕᵗ⟩ "he is not even saying anything"
- 我正寫字呢 ⟨ngò číng siè dzé nȋ⟩ "I am/was writing (characters)"
- 昨天伱來的時候我正寫字呢 ⟨dzŏᵏ thiēn nì lȃi tĭ shhï̑ hhów ngò číng siè dzé nȋ⟩ "when you came yesterday, I was writing (characters)"
- 伱說了 ⟨nì shyuĕᵗ liàu⟩ "you have said (it)"
- 我甚麼亦未說 ⟨ngò shhím mwȏ iĕᵏ ví/méi shyuĕᵗ⟩ "I have not even said anything"
- 伱爲甚麼不說呢 ⟨nì úi shhím mwȏ pŭ shyuĕᵗ nȋ⟩ "why don't you say (it)?"
- 伱甚麼也不說 ⟨nì shhím mwȏ iĕᵏ pŭ shyuĕᵗ⟩ "you are not even saying anything"
- 伱爲甚麼甚麼也不說呢 ⟨nì úi shhím mwȏ shhím mwȏ iĕᵏ pŭ shyuĕᵗ nȋ⟩ "why are you not even saying anything?"
- 伱爲甚麼未說甚麼呢 ⟨nì úi shhím mȏw ví/méi shyuĕᵗ shhím mwȏ nȋ⟩ "why haven't you said something?"
- 天氣好不好 ⟨thiēn khí hào pŭ hào⟩ "is/was the weather good or not good?"
- 前日天氣好不好 ⟨thhsiȇn zhĭᵗ thiēn khí hào pŭ hào⟩ "was the weather the good the day before yesterday?"
- 他與我說了 ⟨thā yù ngò shyuĕᵗ liàu⟩ "he has spoke with me / he has told me"
- 他合我說話呢 ⟨thā hhŏ ngò shyuĕᵗ hhwá nȋ⟩ "he is talking with me"
- 他未合我說話 ⟨thā ví/méi hhŏ ngò shyuĕᵗ hhwá⟩ "he has not spoke with me"
- 有甚麼事 ⟨iòw shhím mwȏ shhé⟩ "what matter is there / what is the matter?"
- 上箇月有甚麼事 ⟨shhiáng kó (ng)yuĕᵗ iòw shhím mwȏ shhé⟩ "what happened last month?"
- 他從來未傷害過人 ⟨thā thhsyȗng lȃi ví shiāng kwó zhȋn⟩ "he has never harmed a person in the past"
- 我從來未見過這麼傷心底事 ⟨ngò thhsyȗng lȃi ví/méi kién kwó čié mwȏ shiāng sīm tì shhé⟩ "I have never seen such a sad matter in the past"
- 他從未來過 ⟨thā thhsyȗng ví lȃi kwó⟩ "he has never come (here) in the past"
- 不久就要造完了 ⟨pŭ kiòw dziów ’iáu dzáo' hhwȏn liàu⟩ "not after long, it will finish building"
- 那隻船不久就要造完了 ⟨ná čĭᵏ čhhyuȇn pŭ kiòw dziów ’iáu dzáo' hhwȏn liàu⟩ "not after long, that ship will finish building"
- 現今我所造底那船不久就要造完了 ⟨hhién kīm ngò shù dzáo' tì ná čĭᵏ čhhyuȇn pŭ kiòw dziów ’iáu dzáo' hhwȏn liàu⟩ "the ship that I am building now will finish soon"
- 我被齩了 ⟨ngȏ bí (ng)iào liàu⟩ "I am bitten"
- 我被瘋狗齩了 ⟨ngȏ bí fūng kòw (ng)iào liàu⟩ "I am bitten by a mad dog (rabid dog)"
- 他被老虎喫了 ⟨thā bí lào hù khĭᵏ liàu⟩ "he is eaten by a tiger"
- 伱說話 ⟨nì shyuĕᵗ hhwá⟩ "speak, you"
- 伱說話罷 ⟨nì shyuĕᵗ hhwá bà⟩ 2speak, won't you?"
- 伱莫說話 ⟨nì mŏᵏ shyuĕᵗ hhwá⟩ "do not speak"
- 伱不要說話 ⟨nì pŭ ’iáu shyuĕᵗ hhwá⟩ "do not speak"
- 我們說說 ⟨ngò mȗn shyuĕᵗ shyuĕᵗ⟩ "let us talk a bit"
- 我們說說罷 ⟨ngò mȗn shyuĕᵗ shyuĕᵗ bà⟩ "why don't we talk a bit"
- 我們莫說話 ⟨ngò mȗn mŏᵏ shyuĕᵗ hhwá⟩ "let's not talk"
- 我們不要說話 ⟨ngò mȗn pŭ ’iáu shyuĕᵗ hhwá⟩ "let's not talk"
- 我們上學去罷 ⟨ngò mȗn shiáng' hhiŏᵏ khyú bà⟩ "why don't we go to school"
- 叫他上學罷 ⟨kiáu thā shhiáng' hhiŏᵏ khyú bà⟩ "ask him to go to school"
Usage of adverbs
[edit | edit source]- 我走得慢 ⟨ngò tzòw tĕᵏ mán⟩ "my walking is slow / I walk slowly"
- 我慢慢走 ⟨ngò mán mán tzòw⟩ "I walk slowly"
- 伱快快底走 ⟨nì khwái khwái tĭ tzòw⟩ "go a little fast, you"
- 伱快走 ⟨nì khwái tzòw⟩ "go fast, you"
- 我們慢慢底走罷 ⟨ngò mȗn mán mán tĭ tzòw bà⟩ "let us walk slowly"
- 伱莫走快囉 ⟨nì mŏᵏ tzòw khwái lȏ⟩ "do not walk too fast"
- 伱莫走得這麼慢囉 ⟨nì mŏᵏ tzòw tĕᵏ čié mȏ mán lȏ⟩ "do not walk so slowly"
- 伱說得好 ⟨nì shyuĕᵗ tĕᵏ hào⟩ "well said"
- 他說話說得太快 ⟨thā shyuĕᵗ hhwá shyuĕᵗ tĕᵏ thái khwái⟩ "(as) he/she speaks, (he/she) speaks too fast"
- 我們說話說得慢些 ⟨ngò mȗn shyuĕᵗ hhwá shyuĕᵗ tĕᵏ mán siē⟩ "(as) we talk, let us talk a little slower"
- 我們慢慢的說 ⟨ngò mȗn mán mán tĭ shyuĕᵗ⟩ "let us tell it slowly"
[edit | edit source]- 更大 ⟨kéng dá⟩ "bigger"
- 這箇梨甜那箇梨更甜 ⟨čé kó lȋ thhiȇm ná kó lȋ kéng thhiȇm⟩ "this pear is sweet; that pear is sweeter"
- 月亮比日頭小 ⟨(ng)yuĕᵗ liáng pì zhĭᵗ thhȏw siàu⟩ "the moon is smaller than the sun"
- 我的帽子比伱的帽子好看 ⟨ngò tĭ máo tzè pì nì tĭ máo tzè hào khán⟩ "my hat is prettier than your hat"
- 他比伱力量大 ⟨thā pì nì lĭᵏ liáng dá⟩ "he is of bigger strength than you / he is stronger than you"
- 伱的園子裏比我的園子裏花多 ⟨nì tĭ yuȇn tzè lì pì ngò tĭ yuȇn tzè lì hwā tō⟩ "in your garden there is more flowers than in my garden"
- 我花園裏不如伱花園裏花多 ⟨ngò hwā yuȇn lì pŭ zhyȗ nì hwā yuȇn lì hwā tō⟩ "in my garden there is not as many flowers as in your garden"
- 我比伱來得早 ⟨ngò pì nì lȏi tĕᵏ tzào⟩ "I come/came earlier than you"
- 伱辦事比我辦得快 ⟨nì bán shhé pì ngò bán tĕᵏ khwái⟩ "you conduct business faster than I"
- 伱比我上城裏去得多 ⟨nì pì ngò shhiáng' chhȋng lì khyú tĕᵏ tō⟩ "you go up into the city more than I go (there)"
- 他寫字比伱寫得好 ⟨thā siè dzé pì nì siè tĕᵏ hào⟩ "he writes (characters) better than you write"
- 道路今年比去年好走 ⟨dáo' lú kīm niȇn pì khyú niȇn hào tzòw⟩ "the road this year is better/easier to walk than (that of) last year"
- 我比伱大兩歲 ⟨ngò pì nì dá liàng súi⟩ "I am older than you by two years / I am two years older than you"
- 這兩匹馬我喜歡這一匹 ⟨čié liàng phĭᵗ mà ngò hì hwōn čié ’ĭᵗ phĭᵗ⟩ "(between) these two horses, I like this one (more)"
- 再沒比這一方民人窮的囉 ⟨tzái mŏ pì čié ’ĭᵗ fāng mȋn zhȋn khhyȗng tĭ lȏ⟩ "(there is) no other that is poorer than people of this place""
- 我的房子不如伱的房子高 ⟨ngò tĭ fvȃng tzè pŭ zhyȗ nì tĭ fvȃng tzè kāo⟩ "my house is not as tall as your house"
- 我的房子不如伱的房子那麼高 ⟨ngò tĭ fvȃng tzè pŭ zhyȗ nì tĭ fvȃng tzè ná mȏ kāo⟩ "my house is not so tall as your house"
- 我家不如他家那麼富貴 ⟨ngò kiā pŭ zhyȗ thā kiā ná mȏ fów kúi⟩ "my family is not so rich as his family"
- 伱學問與他學問一般大 ⟨nì hhiŏᵏ vún yù thā hhiŏᵏ vún ’ĭᵗ pān dá⟩ "your academic accomplishment is of the same magnitude as her/his academic accomplishment"
- 伱學問與他學問一樣大 ⟨nì hhiŏᵏ vún yù thā hhiŏᵏ vún ’ĭᵗ iáng dá⟩ "your academic accomplishment is of the same magnitude as her/his academic accomplishment"
- 伱學問與他學問不分上下 ⟨nì hhiŏᵏ vún yù thā hhiŏᵏ vún pŭ fūn shhiáng hhiá'⟩ "your academic accomplishment and her/his academic accomplishment are no better or worse than each other"
- 與星星一般多 ⟨yù sīng sīng ’ĭᵗ pān tō⟩ "numerous as the stars"
- 像星星那麼多 ⟨sziáng' sīng sīng ná mȏ tō⟩ "numerous like the stars"
- 他們的金子與他們的銀子一般多 ⟨thā mȗn tĭ kīm tzè yù thā mȗn tĭ ȋn tzè ’ĭᵗ pān tō⟩ "their gold is of the same amount as their silver"
- 以我意見 ⟨ì ngò ’í kién⟩ "in my opinion"
- 我想不到他們這麼勤勞 ⟨ngò siàng pū táo thā mȗn čié mȏ khhȋn lȃo⟩ "I did not imagine them to be so hard working."
- 最好 ⟨tzúi hào⟩ "the best"
- 頂好 ⟨tìng hào⟩ "the top best"
- 很好 ⟨hhèn hào⟩ "very good"
- 最高的 ⟨tzúi kāo tĭ⟩ "the tallest"
- 這些樓中最高的 ⟨čié siē lȏw čyūng tzúi kāo tĭ⟩ "the tallest among these buildings"
- 這些樓裏頭最高的 ⟨čié siē lȏw lì thhȏw tzúi kāo tĭ⟩ "the tallest among these buildings"
- 最靈的 ⟨tzúi lȋng tĭ⟩ "the smartest"
- 那些孩子中最靈的 ⟨ná siē hhȃi tzè čyūng tzúi lȋng tĭ⟩ "the smartest among these children"
- 第一膽小的人 ⟨dí ’ĭᵗ tàm siàu tĭ zhȋn⟩ "the number one cowardly person"
- 在天下是第一膽小的人 ⟨dzái' thiēn hhiá' shhḯ' dí ’ĭᵗ tàm siàu tĭ zhȋn⟩ "to be the most cowardly person under the heaven"
- 這是天下最膽小的人 ⟨čié shhḯ' thiēn hhiá' tzúi tàm siàu tĭ zhȋn⟩ "This is the most cowardly person under the heaven."
- 我認得的人當中就是他明白 ⟨ngò zhín tĕᵏ tĭ zhȋn tāng čyūng dziów shhḯ' thā mȋng bĕᵏ⟩ "Among the people that I know, it is him that is (the most) perceptive."
- 這是我認得的人當中最明白的 ⟨čié shhḯ' ngò zhín tĕᵏ tĭ zhȋn tāng čyūng tzúi mȋng bĕᵏ tĭ⟩ "This is the most perceptive one among the people that I know."
[edit | edit source]- 從天上降下來的 ⟨thhsyȗng thiēn shhiáng kiáng hhiá' lȃi tĭ⟩ "descended from heaven"
- 他與伱說了甚麽 ⟨thā yù nì shyuĕᵗ liàu shhím mȏ⟩ "What has he said to you?"
- 這把傘是我的 ⟨čié pà sàn shhḯ' ngò tĭ⟩ "This umbrella is mine."
- 在家 ⟨dzái' kiā⟩ "at home"
- 在家裹 ⟨dzái' kiā lì⟩ "at home"
- 在我兄弟的家裹 ⟨dzái' ngò hyuēng dí' kiā lì⟩ "at my brother's"
- 在桌子上 ⟨dzái' čwŏᵏ tzè shhiáng⟩ "on the table"
- 他打了我的臉 ⟨thā tà liàu ngò tĭ lièm⟩ "he struck my face"
- 從窗戶裏出去 ⟨thhsyȗng chwāng hhú' lì chyŭᵗ khyú⟩ "to go out through the window"
- 夏天裏我上那裏.兩天去一回 ⟨hhiá thiēn lì ngò shhiáng' ná lì liàng thiēn khyú ’ĭᵗ hhȗi⟩ "During summer, I go there once every two days""
- 八十以上九十以下 ⟨păᵗ shhĭᵖ ì shhiáng' kiòw shhĭᵖ ì hhiá'⟩ "aove eighty and below ninety"
- 打仗以前 ⟨tà djiáng' ì thhsiȇn⟩ "before the war"
- 還未打仗以前 ⟨hhȃi ví tà djiáng' ì thhsiȇn⟩ "earlier when the war had not started"
- 發洪水以後 ⟨făᵗ hhȗng shùi ì hhów⟩ "after the flood"
- 在窗戶底下 ⟨dzái' čhwāng hhú' tì hhiá'⟩ "under the window"
- 隔著門縫子看人 ⟨kĕᵏ djiŏᵏ mȗn fvúng tzè khán zhȋn⟩ "to observe people through the narrow opening of the door"
[edit | edit source]- 我求伱一件事兒 ⟨ngò khhiȏw nì ’ĭᵗ gién' shhé⟩ "I have a request for you (lit. I beg you for one matter)"
- 我求伱幫我 ⟨ngò khhiȏw nì pāng ngò⟩ "I beg you to aid me."
- 窮人們求哀矜 ⟨khhyȗng zhȋn mȗn khhiȏw ’āi kīng⟩ "The poor ask charity."
- 窮人們要飯喫 ⟨khhyȗng zhȋn mȗn ’iáu fván khĭᵏ⟩ "The poor ask for food to eat."
- 他要多少錢 ⟨thā ’iáu tō shiàu thhsiȇn⟩ "How much money does he ask for?"
- 有一個人請見你 ⟨iòw ’ĭᵗ kó zhȋn thsìng kién nì⟩ "There is a man asking to meet with you."
- 請他進來不 ⟨thsìng thā tzín lȃi pŭ⟩ "Will you invite him to come in?"
- 你叫他進來 ⟨nì kiáu thā tzín lȃi⟩ "Tell him to come in."
- 我願意 ⟨ngò yuén ’í⟩ "Willingly."
- 聽命 ⟨thīng míng⟩ "At your command."
- 隨伱的便 ⟨szȗi nì tĭ bién⟩ "As you please."
- 我不攔擋 ⟨ngò pŭ lȃn tàng⟩ "I do not oppose it."
- 我承當伱的事 ⟨ngò čhhȋng tāng nì tĭ shhé⟩ "I take charge of your business."
- 我承管伱的事 ⟨ngò čhhȋng kwòn nì tĭ shhé⟩ "I take charge of your business."
[edit | edit source]- 做得到 ⟨tzú tĕᵏ táo⟩ "(I) can get (it) done."
- 做不到 ⟨tzú pŭ táo⟩ "(I) cannot get (it) done."
- 做得來 ⟨tzú tĕᵏ lȃi⟩ "(I) know how to do (it)."
- 做不來 ⟨tzú pŭ lȃi⟩ "(I) do not know the way to do (it)."
- 這事情我做不來 ⟨čié shhé thhsȋng ngò tzú pŭ lȃi⟩ "This thing - I do not know how to do."
- 這是不能的事情 ⟨čié shhḯ' pŭ nȇng tĭ shhé thhsȋng⟩ "This is a matter that cannot be (done)."
- 萬萬不能的 ⟨ván ván pŭ nȇng⟩ "By all means (it) cannot be done."
- 我總不願意 ⟨ngò tzùng pŭ yuén ’í⟩ "I will never be willing to."
- 這個不在我 ⟨čié kó pŭ dzái' ngò⟩ "It does not depend on me."
- 這不是我的事 ⟨čié kó pŭ shhḯ' ngò tĭ shhé⟩ "It is not a matter that concerns me."
- 這個不屬我管 ⟨čié kó pŭ shhyŭᵏ ngò kwòn⟩ "It is not my department."
- 這個不是我該管的 ⟨čié kó pŭ shhḯ' ngò kāi kwòn tĭ⟩ "It is not something that I should concern myself with."
- 我不管那些事 ⟨ngò pŭ kwòn ná siē shhé⟩ "I do not meddle with those things."
- 伱沒有揀好時候 ⟨nì mŏ iòw kiàn hào shhï̑ hhów⟩ "You have not chosen a proper time (for this matter)."
- 不是不願意 ⟨pŭ shhḯ' pŭ yuén ’í⟩ "It is not that I am not willing to."
- 千萬莫拏著我說的話當推辭的話 ⟨thsiēn ván mŏᵏ nȃ djiŏᵏ ngò shyuĕᵗ tĭ hhwá tāng thūi szȇ tĭ hhwá⟩ "By all means please do not take the words that I said as excuses of refusal."
- 伱不叫這個人進來麽 ⟨nì pŭ kiáu čié kó zhȋn tzín lȃi mȏ⟩ "Are you not calling this person to come in?"
- 伱不許這個人進來麽 ⟨nì pŭ hyù čié kó zhȋn tzín lȃi mȏ⟩ "Do you not allow this person to come in?"
Confirmation and negation
[edit | edit source]- 一定 ⟨’ĭᵗ díng⟩ "Certainly"
- 一準 ⟨’ĭᵗ čyùn⟩ "Certainly"
- 可不是麽 ⟨khò pŭ shhḯ' mȏ⟩ "Isn't (it) so?"
- 是眞的 ⟨shhḯ' čīn tĭ⟩ "(It) is true."
- 那是有的 ⟨ná shhḯ' iòw tĭ⟩ "There is such a thing."
- 有這事 ⟨iòw čié shhé⟩ "There is such a thing."
- 是實事 ⟨shhḯ' shhĭᵗ shhé⟩ "It is a fact."
- 我說一定是眞的 ⟨ngò shyuĕᵗ ’ĭᵗ díng shhḯ čīn tĭ⟩ "I say it must be true"
- 這是顯然易見的 ⟨čié shhḯ' hièn zhiȇn í kién tĭ⟩ "It is very evident."
- 是一定的事 ⟨shhḯ' ’ĭᵗ díng tĭ shhé⟩ "It is a certain fact."
- 事是一定的 ⟨shhé shhḯ' ’ĭᵗ díng tĭ⟩ "The matter is certain"
- 伱可以信我的話 ⟨nì khò ì sín ngò tĭ hhwá⟩ "You can believe my words"
- 我親耳朶聽見了 ⟨ngò thsīn r̀ thīng kién liàu⟩ "I heard it with my own ears"
- 我親眼見了 ⟨ngò thsīn iàn kién liàu⟩ "I saw with my own eyes."
- 沒有甚麼疑惑 ⟨mŏ iòw shhím mwȏ ngȋ hhwĕᵏ⟩ "There is not any doubt."
- 一點疑惑也沒有 ⟨’ĭᵗ tièm ngȋ hhwȇŏᵏ iè mŏ iòw⟩ "There is not even a little bit of doubt."
- 不是我一個人聽見說的 ⟨pŭ shhḯ' ngò ’ĭᵗ kó zhȋn thīng kién shyuĕᵗ tĭ⟩ "It was not me alone who have heard it being said."
- 不光我自己聽說了 ⟨pŭ kwāng ngò dzé kì thīng kién shyuĕᵗ liàu⟩ "(It was) not only me who have heard about (it)."
- 獨獨的伱不信 ⟨dŭᵏ dŭᵏ tĭ nì pŭ sín⟩ "You alone do not believe it."
- 獨獨的伱一個人不信 ⟨dŭᵏ dŭᵏ tĭ nì ’ĭᵗ kó zhȋn pŭ sín⟩ "You alone do not believe it,"
- 再沒有比這個一定的咯 ⟨tzái mŏ iów' pì čié kó ’ĭᵗ díng tĭ lŏᵏ⟩ "Nothing is more certain than this"
- 不能 ⟨pŭ nȇng⟩ "Cannot"
- 沒有疑惑了 ⟨mŏ iòw ngȋ hhwĕᵏ liàu⟩ "There is no more doubt."
- 巴不得不是 ⟨pā pŭ tĕᵏ pŭ shhḯ'⟩ "Wish it wasn't (so)"
- 恨不得不是 ⟨hhén pŭ tĕᵏ pŭ shhḯ'⟩ "Wish it wasn't (so)"
- 若我知道得不眞切我不說 ⟨zhiŏᵏ ngò čī dào' tĕᵏ pŭ čȋn thsiĕᵗ ngò pŭ shyuĕᵗ⟩ "If I did not know (it) for sure I would not say (so)."
- 我知道一定是眞的 ⟨ngò čī dáo' ’ĭᵗ díng shhḯ' čīn tĭ⟩ "I know it must be true."
- 我保管是眞的 ⟨ngò pào kwòn shhḯ' čīn tĭ⟩ "I vouch for the truth of it."
- 不是我有的說沒的沒的說有的 ⟨pŭ shhḯ' ngò iòw tĭ shyueï̄ mŏ tĭ mwȏ tĭ shyuĕᵗ iòw tĭ⟩ "Not that I would deny what is true and to affirm what is false."
- 沒那回事 ⟨mŏ ná hhȗi shhé⟩ "There is no such matter"
- 不是眞的 ⟨pŭ shhḯ' čīn tĭ⟩ "(It) is not true."
- 是假的 ⟨shhḯ' kià tĭ⟩ "(It) is false."
- 是瞎話 ⟨shhḯ hiăᵗ hhȏá⟩ "(it) is nonsense."
- 那是不能的 ⟨ná shhḯ' pŭ nȇng tĭ⟩ "That cannot be."
- 伱說笑 ⟨nì shyuĕᵗ siáu⟩ "You are joking."
- 伱說的這話是笑話 ⟨nì shyuĕᵗ tĭ čié shhḯ' siáu hhwá⟩ "These words that you have spoken (must) be of joking / You can't be serious!"
[edit | edit source]- 眞的麼 ⟨čīn tĭ mȏ⟩ "Really?"
- 是眞的麼 ⟨shhḯ' čīn tĭ mȏ⟩ "Is it true?"
- 伱不是在說笑麼 ⟨nì pŭ shhḯ' dzái' shyuĕᵗ siáu mȏ⟩ "Are you not joking?"
- 不可信 ⟨pŭ khò sín⟩ "(That) cannot be trusted."
- 信不得 ⟨sín pŭ tĕᵏ⟩ "(That) can not be trusted."
- 那個不足信 ⟨ná kó pŭ tzyŭᵏ sín⟩ "That does not worth believing."
- 我懂不得 ⟨ngò tùng pŭ tĕᵏ⟩ "I cannot understand (it)"
- 這個懂不得 ⟨čié kó tùng pŭ tĕᵏ⟩ "This, (I) cannot comprehend."
- 我一點也不信 ⟨ngò ’ĭᵗ tièm iè pŭ sín⟩ "I do not believe even a bit (of it)."
- 這話我一句也不信 ⟨čié hhwá ngò ’ĭᵗ kyú iè pŭ sín⟩ "Of those words, I don't believe even a single sentence."
- 沒那事 ⟨mŏ ná shhé⟩ "There is no such matter."
- 這是人編的事兒 ⟨čié shhḯ' zhȋn piēn tĭ shhé ȓ⟩ "It is something that people have fabricated"
- 伱錯了 ⟨nì thsŏᵏ liàu⟩ "You are mistaken."
- 我不知道伱想說甚麽 ⟨ngò pŭ čī dáw' nì siàng shyuĕᵗ shhím mwȏ⟩ "I do not know what you intend to say."
- 保不定 ⟨pào pū díng⟩ "(I) don't vouch (for it)."
- 說不準 ⟨shyuĕᵗ pŭ čyùn⟩ "(I) cannot say for sure."
- 我沒有說過這話 ⟨ngò mŏ iòw shyuĕᵗ kwó čié hhwá⟩ "I have not said these words."
- 我有疑惑 ⟨ngò iòw ngȋ hhwĕᵏ⟩ "I have doubts."
- 恐怕不是眞的 ⟨khyùng phá pŭ shhḯ' čīn tĭ⟩ "(I) am afraid (it) is not something true."
- 若不是眞的我不說 ⟨zhiŏᵏ pŭ shhḯ' čīn tĭ ngò pŭ shyuĕᵗ⟩ "If it were not true, I would not say (so)."
- 我不說謊 ⟨ngò pŭ shyuĕᵗ hwàng⟩ "I do not lie."
- 我不撒謊 ⟨ngò pŭ săᵗ hwàng⟩ "I would not tell a lie."
- 我不瞎說 ⟨ngò pŭ hiăᵗ shyuĕᵗ⟩ "I do not talk blindly / I do not talk nonsense."
- 我不說瞎話 ⟨ngò pŭ shyuĕᵗ hiăᵗ hhwá⟩ "I do not say blind words / I do not say nonsense."
- 我不是聽見甚麽就信甚麽 ⟨ngȏ pŭ shhḯ' thīng kién shhím mȏ dziów sín shhím mȏ⟩ "It is not like that I believe whatever I hear."
- 猜 ⟨thsāi⟩ "To guess"
- 偲 ⟨thsāi⟩ "To guess"
- 估量 ⟨kù liȃng⟩ "To conjecture"
- 估摸著 ⟨kù mŏᵏ djiŏᵏ⟩ "Conjecturing"
- 約摸 ⟨’iŏᵏ mŏᵏ⟩ "Conjecturing"
- 大概 ⟨dá kái⟩ "Probably"
- 或許 ⟨hhwĕᵏ hyù⟩ "Probably"
- 許有 ⟨hyù iòw⟩ "It is probable."
- 許是眞的 ⟨hyù shhḯ' čīn tĭ⟩ "Perhaps (it) is something true/real."
- 看著像眞的 ⟨khán djiŏᵏ sziáng' čīn tĭ⟩ "Seems to be real."
- 不是不可能的事 ⟨pŭ shhḯ' pŭ khò nȇng tĭ shhé⟩ "It is not something improbable."
- 大約是有 ⟨dá ’iŏᵏ shhḯ' iòw⟩ "(It) likely does exist."
- 大概是有 ⟨dá kái shhḯ' iòw⟩ "(It) likely does exist."
- 大概是眞的 ⟨dá kái shhḯ' čīn tĭ⟩ "(It) is likely something true."
- 十分有八分該是這回事 ⟨shhĭᵖ fūn iòw păᵗ fūn kāi shhḯ' čié hhȗi shhé⟩ "By eight tenth the matter is probable to be as such."
- 不是斷然不能 ⟨pŭ shhḯ' twón zhiȇn pŭ nȇng⟩ "It is not something absolutely impossible."
- 我偲他不曾看見 ⟨ngò thsāi thā pŭ thhsȇng khán kién⟩ "I am guessing that he has not seen (it)."
- 我揣摩著他不曾看見 ⟨ngò čhwài mŏᵏ djiŏᵏ thā pŭ thhsȇng khán kién⟩ "I am guessing that he has not seen (it)."
- 不用說便懂得了 ⟨pŭ yúng shyuĕᵗ bién tùng tĕᵏ liàu⟩ "Without having to say (anything), it is/was understood."
- 預先就看出是這回事了 ⟨yú siēn dziów khán čhyŭᵗ shhḯ' čié hhȗi shhé liàu⟩ "In advance (I) was able to recognize nature of matter to be so."
- 那是自然 ⟨ná shhḯ' dzé zhiȇn⟩ "That is of course (so)."
- 我已經猜到了 ⟨ngò ì thsāi táo liàu⟩ "I have guessed (it) right."
Admiration and surprise
[edit | edit source]- 好極了 ⟨hào gĭᵏ liàu⟩ "(It is) superb."
- 好到極處了 ⟨hào táo gĭᵏ čhyú liàu⟩ "(It is) superb."
- 體面 ⟨thì mién⟩ "handsomely"
- 奇妙 ⟨khhȋ miáu⟩ "to be marvelous"
- 確是奇妙 ⟨khiŏᵏ shhḯ' khhȋ miáu⟩ "Marvelous indeed."
- 奇怪 ⟨khhȋ kwái⟩ "Strange!"
- 是奇怪 ⟨shhḯ' khhȋ kwái⟩ "Strange indeed."
- 我到現今還驚訝 ⟨ngò táw hhién kīm hhȃi/hhwȃn kīng iá⟩ "I am still surprised even till now."
- 多麼奇妙 ⟨tō mwȏ khhȋ miáu⟩ "What a wonder!"
- 想不到的事 ⟨siàng pŭ táo tĭ shhé⟩ "(It is) something that one would not have imagined."
- 無言可言 ⟨vȗ iȇn khò iȇn⟩ "No words can be said / It is inexpressible."
- 怎麽了 ⟨tzèm mwȏ liàu⟩ "What is matter?"
- 眞的麽 ⟨čīn tĭ mwȏ⟩ "Really?"
- 誰能想到 ⟨shhȗi nȇng siàng táo⟩ "Who would have imagined (it)!"
- 怎能這樣 ⟨tzèm mwȏ nȇng čié iáng⟩ "How can that be?"
- 這事情實在古怪 ⟨čié shhé thhsȋng shhĭᵗ dzái' kù kwái⟩ "This matter is indeed strange!"
- 誰也不曾聽說這種事 ⟨shhȗi iè pŭ thhsȇng thīng shyuĕᵗ čié čyùng shhé⟩ "No one has heard of the likeness of such matter."
- 可惜阿 ⟨khò sĭᵏ ’ō⟩ "What a pity!"
Amity and enmity
[edit | edit source]- 他是我的朋友 ⟨thā shhḯ' ngò tĭ phhȇng iòw⟩ "He/she is my friend."
- 他是我朋友 ⟨thā shhḯ' ngò phhȇng iòw⟩ "He/she is my friend."
- 他是我的知己 ⟨thā shhḯ' ngò tĭ čī kì⟩ "He/she is my intimate friend."
- 他是我的知心朋友 ⟨thā shhḯ' ngò tĭ čī sīm phhȇng iòw⟩ "He/she is my intimate friend."
- 我眞心愛他 ⟨ngò čīn sīm ’ái thā⟩ "I love him/her sincerely."
- 他是我最好的朋友 ⟨thā shhḯ' ngò tzúi hàw tĭ phhȇng iòw⟩ "He/she is my dearest fnend."
- 我們很相好 ⟨ngò mȗn hhèn siāng háo⟩ "We are closely united."
- 我們很有交情 ⟨ngò mȗn hhèn iòw kiāw thhsȋng⟩ "We are closely united."
- 我們好得如同弟兄兩個 ⟨ngò mȗn hào tĕᵏ zhyȗ thhȗng dí' hyuēng liàng kó⟩ "We love each other like brothers."
- 我們相互離不開 ⟨ngò mȗn siāng hhú lȋ pŭ khāi⟩ "We cannot leave each other/ we are inseparable."
- 我們誰也離不開誰 ⟨ngò mȗn shhȗi iè lȋ pŭ khāi shhȗi⟩ "We cannot leave each other/ we are inseparable."
- 我們的脾氣很相符 ⟨ngò mȗn tĭ phhȋ khí hhȇn siāng fvȗ⟩ "Our tempers agree perfectly."
- 我們同心合意 ⟨ngò mȗn thhȗng sīm hhŏᵖ ’í⟩ "We are but one heart and one mind."
- 像這樣的朋友很少 ⟨sziáng' čié iáng tĭ phhȇng iòw hhèn shiàu⟩ "Such friends are very rare."
- 這麼好的明友難尋 ⟨čié mwȏ hào tĭ phhȇng iòw nȃn szȋm⟩ "Such good friends are hard to find."
- 這麼相好的人少有 ⟨čié mwȏ siāng háo tĭ zhȋn shiàu iòw⟩ "Very few persons are so closely united."
- 交結朋友 ⟨kiĕᵗ kiāo phhȇng iòw⟩ "to form a friendship"
- 斷交 ⟨dwòn kiāo⟩ "to dissolve friendship"
- 斷交情 ⟨dwòn kiāo thhsȋng⟩ "to dissolve friendship"
- 絕交 ⟨dzyuĕᵗ kiāu⟩ "to dissolve friendship"
- 我不喜歡這個人 ⟨ngò pŭ hì hwōn čié kó zhȋn⟩ "I don't like this person."
- 我不愛這個人 ⟨ngò pŭ ’ái čié kó zhȋn⟩ "I do not cherish this person"
- 我不喜歡他的模樣 ⟨ngò pŭ hì hwōn thā tĭ mȗ iáng⟩ "I do not like her/his countenance."
- 我不喜歡他的樣子 ⟨ngò pŭ hì hwōn thā tĭ iáng tzè⟩ "I do not like her/his countenance."
- 我煩他 ⟨ngò fvȃn thā⟩ "I am annoyed by her/him"
- 他叫我煩得荒 ⟨thā kiáu ngò fvȃn tĕᵏ hwāng⟩ "He makes me anxiously annoyed."
- 他長得相貌不濟 ⟨thā čiàng tĕᵏ siáng máo pŭ tzí⟩ "He/she is grown with a face that is not passable / has an unpleasing appearance."
- 我們有讎 ⟨ngò mȗn iòw čhhiȏw⟩ "We are at feud."
Joy and sorrow
[edit | edit source]- 我很喜歡 ⟨ngò hhèn hì hwōn⟩ "I like (it) very much. "
- 我很喜歡這個 ⟨ngò hhèn hì hwōn čié kó⟩ "I like it very much."
- 我心滿意足了 ⟨ngò sīm mwòn ’í tzyŭᵏ liàu⟩ "All my wishes are satisfied."
- 這叫我難受 ⟨čié kiáu ngò nȃn shhiów'⟩ "This makes me unwell."
- 我爲這難受得很 ⟨ngò úi čié nȃn shhiów' tĕᵏ hhèn⟩ "I feel very unwell for this."
- 可惜了 ⟨khò sĭᵏ liàu⟩ "Pitiful."
- 眞是可惜 ⟨čīn shhḯ' khò sĭᵏ⟩ "(It) is truly pitiful."
- 眞叫人難受 ⟨čīn kiáu zhȋn nȃn shhiów'⟩ "(It) really makes one feel unwell."
- 是件憂愁事兒 ⟨shhḯ' gién' ’iōw čhhȏw shhé⟩ "(It) is a vexing matter."
- 眞是不順心 ⟨čīn shhḯ' pŭ shhyún sīm⟩ "(It) is truly against one's will."
- 是場大災禍 ⟨shhḯ čhhiȃng dá tzāi hhwó'⟩ "It is a great misfortune."
- 眞可怕 ⟨čīn khò phá⟩ "Truly dreadful!"
- 傷心 ⟨shiāng sīm⟩ "to ache one's heart / to cause one grief"
- 伱不知道這多麼傷我的心 ⟨nì pŭ čī dáw' čié tō mwȏ shiāng ngò tĭ sīm⟩ "You don't know how much it grieves me."
- 伱不知道這叫我多麼傷心 ⟨nì pŭ čī dáw' čié kiáu ngò tō mwȏ shiāng sīm⟩ "You don't know how much grief it causes me."
- 伱不知道這叫我多麼難受 ⟨nì pŭ čī dáw' čié kiáu ngò tō mwȏ nȃn shhiów'⟩ "You don't know how much distress it causes me."
- 我眞沒有福 ⟨ngò čīn mŏ iòw fŭᵏ⟩ "I am really unfortunate."
- 我實在沒有福 ⟨ngò shhĭᵗ dzái' mŏ iòw fŭᵏ⟩ "I am truly unfortunate."
- 伱爲甚麼這麼憂愁 ⟨nì úi shhím mwȏ čié mwȏ ’iōw chhȏw⟩ "Why are you sorrowful?"
- 伱爲甚麼這樣憂愁 ⟨nì úi shhím mwȏ čié iáng ’iōw chhȏw⟩ "Why are you sorrowful?"
- 我的愁解不了 ⟨ngò tĭ chhȏw kiài pŭ liàu⟩ "My sorrow cannot be dissolved / I am inconsolable. "
- 莫懈勁 ⟨mŏᵏ kiái kíng⟩ "Don't be cast down."
- 我實在可憐他 ⟨ngò shhĭᵗ dzái' khò liȇn thā⟩ "I really pity him."
- 我從心裏可憐他 ⟨ngò thhsyȗng sīm lì khò liȇn thā⟩ "I pity her/him from my heart."
- 我替伱傷心 ⟨ngò thí nì shiāng sīm⟩ "I am sorrowful on your behalf / I sympathize with you."
- 我爲伱傷心 ⟨ngò úi nì shiāng sīm⟩ "My heart aches for you."
- 聽命罷 ⟨thīng míng pà⟩ "Resign to the fate!"
- 這是無可奈何的事 ⟨čié shhḯ' vȗ khò nái hhȏ tĭ shhé⟩ "This is a matter that cannot be helped."
- 這事無可奈何 ⟨čié shhé vȗ khò nái hhȏ⟩ "This matter cannot be helped."
[edit | edit source]- 我很生氣 ⟨ngò hhèn shēng khí⟩ "I am very angry. "
- 伱叫我好生氣 ⟨nì kiāu ngò hào shēng khí⟩ "You make me very angry."
- 我正在氣頭上 ⟨ngò číng dzái' khí thhȏw shhiáng⟩ "I am at the height of anger."
- 我正在氣頭上.不要惹我 ⟨ngò číng dzái' khí thhȏw shhiáng pŭ ’iáu zhiè ngò⟩ "I am at the height of anger; do not provoke me."
- 看著伱像不歡喜 ⟨khán djiŏᵏ nì sziáng' pŭ hwōn hì⟩ "It seems that you are not happy."
- 伱惱我麼 ⟨nì nào ngò mwȏ⟩ "Are you vexed with me?"
- 伱莫要生氣 ⟨nì mŏᵏ ’iáu shēng khí⟩ "Do not be angry."
- 他好忿怒 ⟨thā háo fún nú⟩ "He/she gets angry easily (lit. he/she likes to be angered)."
- 他好著急 ⟨thā háo djiŏᵏ kĭᵖ⟩ "He/she is impatient. (lit. he/she likes to get anxious)."
- 他好生氣 ⟨thā háo shēng khí⟩ "He is easily provoked (lit. he likes to become irritated)."
- 伱爲甚麼忿怒 ⟨nì úi shhím mwȏ fún nú⟩ "Why are you angry?"
- 伱莫對我生氣.不是我的不是 ⟨nì mŏᵏ túi ngò shēng khí pŭ shhḯ' ngȏ tĭ pŭ shhḯ'⟩ "Don't be angry with (lit. toward) me; it is not my fault. "
- 我不是故意的 ⟨ngò pŭ shhḯ' kú ’í tĭ⟩ "I was not intending (it) / I did not do it on purpose. "
- 我差一點未勥忍過去 ⟨ngò čhā ’ĭᵗ tièm ví khhiàng zhìn kwó khyú⟩ "I was scarcely able to contain myself. "
- 伱爲甚麼惹我.不要囉唆我了 ⟨nì úi shhím mwȏ zhiè ngò pŭ ’iáu lȏ sō ngò liàu⟩ "Why do you provoke me? Do not bother me anymore."
- 伱不要過于難爲我.我受不得 ⟨nì pŭ ’iáu kwó yȗ nȃn ȗi ngò ngò shhiów' pŭ tĕᵏ⟩ "Do not give me too much of a hard time; I cannot bear it."
- 我總不饒他 ⟨ngò tzùng pŭ zhiȃu thā⟩ "I will never forgive him."
- 我怎麼也饒不了他 ⟨ngò tzèm mwȏ iè zhiȃu pŭ liàu thā⟩ "I cannot forgive her/him no matter how."
- 伱記讎麼 ⟨nì kí čhhiȏw mwȏ⟩ "Do you hold grudge?"
- 伱不願意和睦麽 ⟨nì pŭ yuén ’í hhwȏ mŭᵏ mwȏ⟩ "Are you not willing to be reconciled?"
- 我很不喜歡伱 ⟨ngò hhèn pŭ hì hwōn nì⟩ "I dislike you very much."
- 我做了甚麼 ⟨ngò tzú liàu shhím mwȏ⟩ "What did I do?"
- 我怎麼樣伱了 ⟨ngò tzèm mwȏ iáng nì liàu⟩ "What (lit. how) have I done to you?"
[edit | edit source]- 多麽丟臉 ⟨tō mwȏ tiōw lièm⟩ "How embarassing!"
- 多麽丟人 ⟨tō mwȏ tiōw zhȋn⟩ "How embarassing!"
- 是很醜的事兒 ⟨shhḯ' hhèn čhiòw tĭ shhé⟩ ""
- 這事兒很不好 ⟨čié shhé ȓ hhèn pŭ hào⟩ "It is very bad."
- 多麽醜 ⟨tō mwȏ čhiòw⟩ "How ugly!"
- 是可恨的事兒 ⟨shhḯ' khò hhén tĭ shhé ȓ⟩ "It is something abominable."
- 是可惡的事兒 ⟨shhḯ' khò ’ú tĭ shhé ȓ⟩ "It is something abominable."
- 伱怎麼做出這個來了 ⟨nì tzèm mwȏ tzú čhyŭᵗ čié kó lȃi liàu⟩ "How could you have done such a thing?"
- 這個伱是爲甚麽做的 ⟨čié kó nì shhḯ' úi shhím mwȏ tzú tĭ⟩ "To what end did you do this?"
- 伱怎麽敢這樣 ⟨nì tzèm mwȏ kàm čié iáng⟩ "How dare you do so?"
- 我忍不住 ⟨ngò zhìn pŭ djyú⟩ "I cannot withstand it."
- 我受不得 ⟨ngò shhiów' pŭ tĕᵏ⟩ "I cannot bear it."
- 我不要這個 ⟨ngò pŭ ’iáu čié kó⟩ "I won't have that. "
- 我不依 ⟨ngò pŭ ’ī⟩ "I am not complying."
- 我不幹 ⟨ngò pŭ kán⟩ "I am not doing (it)."
- 我要這個 ⟨ngò ’iáu čié kó⟩ "I want this."
- 我一定要 ⟨ngò ’ĭᵗ díng ’iáu⟩ "I must have it / I insist on having it."
- 小心莫再這樣 ⟨siàu sīm mŏᵏ tzái čié iáng⟩ "Take caution and do not be so again."
- 我這不是說笑嗎 ⟨ngò čié pŭ shhḯ' shyuĕᵗ siáu mȏ⟩ "Here, am I not just joking?"
- 不要說話 ⟨pŭ ’iáu shyuĕᵗ hhwá⟩ "Do not speak."
- 不要言語 ⟨pŭ ’iáu iȇn yù⟩ "Do not speak."
- 不要出聲 ⟨pŭ ’iáu čhyŭᵗ shīng⟩ "Do not make a sound."
[edit | edit source]- 意見 ⟨’í kién⟩ "opinion"
- 主意 ⟨čyù ’í⟩ "idea/opinion"
- 我來向伱問個主意 ⟨ngò lȃi hiáng nì vún kó čyù ’í⟩ "I come to ask you for an idea (on a certain matter)."
- 該做甚麼 ⟨kāi tzú shhím mwȏ⟩ "What ought to be done?"
- 做甚麼好 ⟨tzú shhím mwȏ hào⟩ "What is the proper thing to do?"
- 該當怎麼樣 ⟨kāi tāng tzú shhím mwȏ⟩ "How should it be like?"
- 我們該當怎麼樣 ⟨ngò mȗn kāi tāng tzèm mwȏ iáng⟩ "How should we (do it)?"
- 我們該當做甚麼 ⟨ngò mȗn kāi tāng tzú shhím mwȏ⟩ "What ought we do?"
- 我們該拏定主意 ⟨ngò mȗn kāi nȃ díng čyù ’í⟩ "We ought to settle on a plan."
- 我很爲難 ⟨ngò hhèn ȗi nȃn⟩ "I am put in a difficult situation."
- 我不知道可以做甚麼 ⟨ngò pŭ čī dáo' khò ì tzú shhím mwȏ⟩ "I do not know what can be done."
- 我想一件事 ⟨ngò siàng khì ’ĭᵗ gién' shhé⟩ ""
- 我心裏想起一件事來 ⟨ngò sīn lȋ siàng khì ’ĭᵗ gién' shhé lȃi⟩ ""
- 我心裏有了一個意思 ⟨ngò sīn lȋ iòw liàu ’ĭᵗ kó ’í sē⟩ " "
- 我改了主意 ⟨ngò kài liàu čyù ’í⟩ "I have altered my mind."
- 這個怎麼樣 ⟨čié kó tzèm mwȏ iáng⟩ "How about this?"
- 這個好不好 ⟨čié kó hào pŭ hào⟩ "Is this okay?"
- 這個行不行 ⟨čié kó hào pŭ hào hhȋng pŭ hhȋng⟩ "Will this work?"
- 伱看著這個怎麼様 ⟨nì khán djiŏᵏ čié kó tzèm mwȏ iáng⟩ "What do you think about this?"
- 伱看這個好不好 ⟨nì khán čié kó hào pŭ hào⟩ "Do you think this one is fine?"
- 我的意見與伱的意見很對 ⟨ngò tĭ ’í kién yù nì tĭ ’í kién hhèn túi⟩ "My opinion matches with your opinion very well."
- 我的意見與伱的意見一樣 ⟨ngò tĭ ’í kién yù nì tĭ ’í kién ’ĭᵗ iáng⟩ " My opinion is the same as yours."
- 是好主意 ⟨shhḯ' hào čyù ’í⟩ "(It) is a good idea."
- 伱的意見也是我的意見 ⟨nì tĭ ’í kién iè shhḯ' ngò tĭ ’í kién⟩ "Your opinion is also my opinion."
- 伱的主意也是我的主意 ⟨nì tĭ čyù ’í iè shhḯ' ngò tĭ čyù ’í⟩ "Your idea is also mine."
- 這主意最好 ⟨čié čyú ’í tzúi hào⟩ "This idea is the best"
- 這是最好的法子 ⟨čié shhḯ' tzúi hào tĭ făᵖ tzè⟩ " It is the best method/way."
Questions and answers
[edit | edit source]- 有甚麼 ⟨iòw shhím mwȏ⟩ "What is there / what gives?"
- 伱願意我做甚麼 ⟨nì yuén ’í ngò tzú shhím mwȏ⟩ "What do you wish me to do?."
- 我一點也不知道 ⟨ngò ’ĭᵗ tièm iè pŭ čī dáo'⟩ "I do not know even a bit (of it)."
- 伱的紙彀不彀 ⟨nì tĭ čï̀ ków pŭ ków⟩ "Is your paper enough?"
- 彀了 ⟨ków liàu⟩ "(It) is enough."
- 不彀 ⟨pŭ ków⟩ "(It) is not enough"
- 伱多久來見我們 ⟨nì tō kiòw lȃi kién ngò mȗn⟩ "When will you come and see us?"
- 人多不多 ⟨zhȋn tō pŭ tō⟩ "Was the people (there) many?"
- 誰在這裏 ⟨shhȗi dzái' čié lì⟩ "Who is here?"
- 伱認得這個人不 ⟨nì zhín tĕᵏ čié kó zhȋn pŭ⟩ "Do you know this person?"
- 伱認得這個人不認得 ⟨nì zhín tĕᵏ čié kó zhȋn pŭ zhín tĕᵏ⟩ "Do you know this person?"
- 見過面 ⟨kién kwó mién⟩ "I know him by sight."
- 面熟 ⟨mién shhyŭᵏ⟩ "(Her/his) face looks familar."
- 這個甚麼時候做完 ⟨čhié kō shhím mwȏ shhï̑ hhów tzú hhwȏn⟩ "When will it be conpleted? "
- 他爲甚麼去的 ⟨thā úi shhím mwȏ khyú tĭ⟩ "For what purpose did he go (there)?"
- 他爲甚麼去了 ⟨thā úi shhím mwȏ khyú liàu⟩ "For what purpose has he gone (there)?"
- 是人是鬼 ⟨shhḯ' zhȋn shhḯ' kùi⟩ "Is it a man or a ghost?"
- 是個人嘛是個鬼啊 ⟨shhḯ' zhȋn mȃ shhḯ' kùi ȃ⟩ "Is it a man or a ghost?"
- 伱是餓了是渴了 ⟨nì shhḯ' ngó liàu shhḯ' khŏᵗ liàu⟩ "Are you hungry or thirsty?"
- 我不餓我是渴了 ⟨ngò pŭ ngó ngò shhḯ' khŏᵗ liàu⟩ "I am not hungry, it is thirst that I have."
[edit | edit source]- 伱近些兒 ⟨nì gín' siē ȓ⟩ "Come closer."
- 我有一件事兒與伱說說 ⟨ngò iòw gién' shhé ȓ yù nì shyuĕᵗ shyuĕᵗ⟩ "I have something to discuss with you."
- 我有話給伱說 ⟨ngò iòw hhwá kĭᵖ gnì shyuĕᵗ⟩ "I have a word to tell you."
- 伱說了甚麼 ⟨nì shyuĕᵗ liàu shhím mwȏ⟩ "What did you just say?"
- 伱說的是甚麼 ⟨nì shyuĕᵗ tĭ shhḯ' shhím mwȏ⟩ "What is it that you are saying?"
- 伱有甚麼話說 ⟨nì iòw shhím mwȏ hhwá shyuĕᵗ⟩ "What have you to say?"
- 我没甚麼話說了 ⟨ngò mŏ shhím mwȏ hhwá shyuĕᵗ liàu⟩ "I have nothing more to say."
- 他與伱說了甚麼 ⟨thā yù nì shyuĕᵗ liàu shhím mwȏ⟩ "What did he say to you?"
- 他連一句話也沒有對我說 ⟨thā liȇn ’ĭᵗ kyú hhwá iè mŏ iòw túi ngò shyuĕᵗ⟩ "He did not say even one sentence toward me. "
- 伱話太多 ⟨nì hhwá thái tō⟩ "You talk too much."
- 他同伱說了話沒有 ⟨thà thhȗng nì shyuĕᵗ liàu hhwá mŏ iòw⟩ "Has he spoken with you?"
- 他說得好不好 ⟨thā shyuĕᵗ tĕᵏ hào pŭ hào⟩ "Did he/she speak well?"
- 說得好 ⟨shyuĕᵗ tĕᵏ hào⟩ "He/she spoke well."
- 伱高聲説 ⟨nì kào shīng shyuĕᵗ⟩ "Speak loud."
- 伱大聲説 ⟨nì dá shīng shyuĕᵗ⟩ "Speak loud."
- 不要這麼大聲 ⟨pŭ ’iáu čié mwȏ dá shīng⟩ "Do not (speak) so loud."
- 不要說話 ⟨pŭ ’iáu shyuĕᵗ hhwá⟩ "Do no talk"
- 不要說話了 ⟨pŭ ’iáu shyuĕᵗ hhwá liàu⟩ "Do not talk anymore."
- 不要出聲 ⟨pŭ ’iáu čhyŭᵗ shīng⟩ "Do not make a sound."
- 不要言語 ⟨pŭ ’iáu iȇn (ng)yù⟩ "Do not talk."
- 這一句說得 ⟨čié ’ĭᵗ kyú shyuĕᵗ tĕᵏ⟩ "This sentence is sayable/There is such an expression."
- 那一句說不得 ⟨ná ’ĭᵗ kyú shyuĕᵗ pŭ tĕᵏ⟩ "That cannot be said."
- 這個是甚麼意思 ⟨čié kó shhḯ' shhímh mwȏ ’í se⟩ "What is the meaning of this(lit. this is of what meaning)?"
- 伱說的這話是甚麼意思 ⟨nì shyuĕᵗ tĭ čié hhwá shhḯ' shhím mwȏ ’í se⟩ "What is the meaning of what you said/What do you mean by that?"
- 這個叫甚麼 ⟨čié kó kiáu shhím mwȏ⟩ "What is this called?"
- 叫他上這裏來 ⟨kiáu thā shhiáng' čié lì lȃi⟩ "Tell him/her to come up here."
- 我已經叫他來了 ⟨ngò ì kīng kiāu thā lȃi liàu⟩ "I have already told her/him to come here."
- 他說了來 ⟨thā shyuĕᵗ liàu lȃi⟩ "He says he is coming."
- 伱叫他立刻就來 ⟨nì kiáu thā lĭᵖ khĕᵏ dziów lȃi⟩ "You tell him to come here immediately."
- 他叫我叫伱與他說話去 ⟨thā kiáu ngò kiáu nì yù thā shyuĕᵗ hhwá khyú⟩ "He told me to tell you to go speak with him."
- 誰叫我 ⟨shhȗi kiáu ngò⟩ "Who calls me?"
- 叫我的是誰 ⟨kiáu ngò tĭ shhḯ' shhȗi⟩ "Who is it that calls me?"
Hearing and understanding
[edit | edit source]- 伱聽著 ⟨nì thīng djiŏᵏ⟩ "Hark ye."
- 伱聽著我說 ⟨nì thìng djiŏᵏ ngò shyuĕᵗ⟩ "Hear what I say."
- 伱聽我的話 ⟨nì thīng ngò tĭ hhwá⟩ "Listen to my words."
- 伱聽見了沒有 ⟨nì thīng kién liàu mŏ iòw⟩ "Do you hear?"
- 伱聽見我了不 ⟨nì thīng kién ngò liàu pŭ⟩ "Do you hear me? "
- 我說的話伱聽見了沒有 ⟨ngò shyuĕᵗ tĭ hhwá nì thīng kién liàu mŏ iòw⟩ "What I said - did you hear (it)? "
- 聽見了 ⟨thīng kién liàu⟩ "I hear (it)."
- 沒有聽見 ⟨mŏ iòw thīng kién⟩ "I do not hear (it)."
- 伱明白我的話不 ⟨nì mȋng bĕᵏ ngò tĭ hhwá pŭ⟩ "Do you understand my words?"
- 我說的話伱明白不 ⟨ngò shyuĕᵗ tĭ hhwá nì mȋng bĕᵏ pŭ⟩ "What I said - did you understand (it)?"
- 明白了 ⟨mȋng bĕᵏ liàu⟩ "I understand (it)."
- 我沒有聽見伱說的話 ⟨ngò mŏ iòw thīng kién nì shyuĕᵗ tĭ hhwá⟩ "I did not hear what you said."
- 我沒有明白伱說的話 ⟨ngò mŏ iòw mȋng bĕᵏ nì shyuĕᵗ tĭ hhwá⟩ "I did not understand what you said."
- 伱不聽我說話 ⟨nì pŭ thīng ngò shyuĕᵗ hhwá⟩ "You do not listen to me."
- 伱不聽我的話 ⟨nì pŭ thīng ngò tĭ hhwá⟩ "You do not listen to my words."
- 如今伱聽見我了聽不見 ⟨zhyȗ kīm nì thīng kién ngò liàu thīng pŭ kién⟩ "Now do you hear me? "
- 如今伱聽見我了不 ⟨zhyȗ kīm nì thīng kién ngò liàu pŭ⟩ "Now do you hear me?"
- 伱明白我的意思不 ⟨nì mȋng bĕᵏ ngò tĭ ’í sē pŭ⟩ "Do you understand what I mean?"
- 伱爲甚麼不應答我 ⟨nì úi shhím mwȏ pŭ ’íng tăᵖ ngò⟩ "Why don't you respond to me ?"
- 我説的話伱不明白麽 ⟨ngò shyuĕᵗ tĭ hhwá nì pŭ mȋng bĕᵏ mwȏ⟩ "Don't you understand what I say? "
[edit | edit source]- 伱喜歡這個人不 ⟨nì hì hwōn čié kó zhȋn pŭ⟩ "Do you like this person?"
- 我不但喜歡他我還爱他呢他眞可爱 ⟨ngò pŭ dán' hì hwōn thā ngò hhȃi ’ái thā nȋ thā čȋn khò ’ái⟩ "I not only like her/him, but love her/him; she/he is really loveable! "
- 我不光喜歡他我還愛他呢他眞可愛 ⟨ngò pŭ kwāng hì hwōn thā ngò hhȃi ’ái thā nȋ thā čȋn khò ’ái⟩ "I not only like her/him, but love her/him; she/he is really loveable! "
- 我不喜歡冬天 ⟨ngò pū hì hwōn tūng thiēn⟩ "I don't like winter."
- 我不喜歡冬季 ⟨ngò pū hì hwōn tūng kí⟩ "I don't like winter."
- 我喜歡秋天裏走道 ⟨ngò hī hwōn thsiōw thiēn lì tzòw dáw'⟩ "I like travelling in autumn."
- 我愛他如同親兒子一樣 ⟨ngò ’ái thā zhyȗ thhȗng ’ái thsīn ȓ tzè ’ĭᵗ iáng⟩ "I love him as if he were my own son."
- 這是他最愛的兒子 ⟨čié shhḯ' thā tzúi ’ái tĭ ȓ tzè⟩ "This is the son he is fondest of."
- 伱喜歡哪一個 ⟨nì hì hwōn nà ’ĭᵗ kó⟩ "Which one do you like (the best)?"
- 我喜歡牲口 ⟨ngò hì hwōn shēng khòw⟩ "I like domestic animais."
- 伱喜歡音樂不 ⟨nì hì hwōn ’īm iŏᵏ pŭ⟩ "Are you fond of music"
- 我不喜歡做這個 ⟨ngò pŭ hì hwōn tzú čié kó⟩ "I do not like doing this. "
Discovery and retrieval
[edit | edit source]- 伱尋甚麼 ⟨nì szȋm shhím mwȏ⟩ "What are you seeking?"
- 伱找甚麼 ⟨nì čào shhím mwȏ⟩ "What are you seeking?"
- 我尋我的書 ⟨ngò szȋm ngò tĭ shyū⟩ "l am looking for my book."
- 在我的屋裏 ⟨dzái' ngò tĭ ’ŭᵏ lì⟩ "It is in my house."
- 我滿世界尋 ⟨ngò mwòn shí kiái szȋm⟩ "I am looking for (it) everywherer / in the entire world. "
- 一會兒我找去 ⟨’ĭᵗ hhúi ȓ ngò čào khyú⟩ "In a moment I will go look for (it)."
- 不要在我的抽屜裏尋 ⟨pŭ ’iáu dzái' ngò čhiōw thí lì szȋm⟩ "Don’t search in my drawer(s)."
- 該多尋些尋見就不用尋了 ⟨kāi tō szȋm siē szȋm kién dziów pŭ yúng szȋm liàu⟩ "Should search for it some (more); once (we) find it we won't need to look for it anymore."
- 伱在字彙上尋這個字 ⟨nì dzái' dzé úi shhiáng szȋm čié kó dzé⟩ "Seek that character in the character dictionary."
- 伱上書房裏去拏一部經來 ⟨nì shiáng' shyū fvȃng khyú nȃ ’ĭᵗ bú' kīng lȃi⟩ "Go up to the libary/book room to fetch a scripture book here."
- 伱找的是甚麼 ⟨nȋ čào tĭ shhḯ' shhím mwȏ⟩ "What is it that you are looking for ?"
- 我來叫伱來了 ⟨ngò lȃi kiáu nì lȃi liàu⟩ "I come to get you."
- 我找的是伱 ⟨ngò čào tĭ shhḯ' nì⟩ "You are whom I was looking for. "
- 伱找就找著了 ⟨nì čào dziów čào djiŏᵏ liàu⟩ "Seek and you will find."
- 伱尋見伱尋的那個了沒有 ⟨nì szȋm kién nì szȋm tĭ ná kó liàu mŏ iòw⟩ "Have you found what you were looking for? "
- 這部書我在哪裏去找去 ⟨čié bú' shyū ngò dzái' nà lì khyú čào khyú⟩ "This book - where do I go to look for (it)?"
- 我在那裏尋這部書去 ⟨ngò dzái' nà lì szȋm čié bú' shyū khyú⟩ "Where do I go to look for this book?"
- 狗聞出兔子來了 ⟨kòw vȗn čhyŭᵗ thú tzè lȃi liàu⟩ "The dog sniffes out a hare."
- 伱想出新法子來了麼 ⟨nì siàng čhyŭᵗ sīn făᵖ tzè lȃi liàu mwȏ⟩ "Have you devised a novel approach?"
- 船主望不見燈樓 ⟨čhhyuȇn čyù váng pŭ kién tēng lȏw⟩ "The captain does not see a light house."
- 伱這是在哪裏𢯱羅來的 ⟨nì čié shhḯ' dzái' nà lì shōw lȏ lȃi tĭ⟩ "Where did you find and gather all these?"
[edit | edit source]- 伱想我願意誑騙伱麼 ⟨nì siàng ngò yuȇn ’í kwáng phién nì mȏ⟩ "Think about it - would I be willing to deceive you?"
- 我走錯了 ⟨ngò tzòw thsŏᵏ liàu⟩ "I mistook my way."
- 人皆有差錯 ⟨zhȋn kiāi iòw čhā thsŏᵏ⟩ "Every one is liable to error."
- 我認錯 ⟨ngò zhín thsŏᵏ⟩ "I acknowledge my error/fault."
- 我錯了 ⟨ngò thsŏᵏ liàu⟩ "I was wrong."
- 伱爲甚麼不認錯 ⟨nì úi shhím mwȏ pŭ zhín thsŏᵏ⟩ "Why don't you acknowledge your fault?"
- 他認了錯 ⟨thā zhín liàu thsŏᵏ⟩ "He has acknowledged his fault."
- 伱不認得我了麼 ⟨nì pŭ zhín tĕᵏ ngò liàu mȏ⟩ "Don't you recognize me anymore?"
- 他立刻就認得我了 ⟨thā lĭᵖ khĕᵏ dziów zhín tĕᵏ ngò liàu⟩ "He immediately recognized me."
- 便有千人我亦從中認得他出來 ⟨bién iòw thsiēn zhȋn ngò ĭᵏ thhsyȗng čyūng zhín tĕᵏ thā čhyŭᵗ lȃi⟩ "Even if there a thousand person, I can still recognize her/him from among (them)."
- 他不愿意承認這個賬 ⟨thā pŭ yuén ’í zhín čié kó čiáng⟩ "He is not willing to acknowledge this debt."
- 他不認這個賬 ⟨thā pŭ zhín čié kó čiáng⟩ "He does not acknowledge this debt."
- 我一聽他的聲音就認出他了 ⟨ngò ’ĭᵗ thīng thā tĭᵏ shīng ’īm dziów zhín čhyŭᵗ thā liàu⟩ "Once I heard her/his voice, I recognized her/him."
- 我一聽他聲音就認得是他 ⟨ngò ’ĭᵗ thīng thā tĭᵏ shīng ’īm dziów zhín tĕᵏ shhḯ' thā⟩ "Once I heard her/his voice, I recognized that (it) was her/him."
[edit | edit source]- 我要走了 ⟨ngò ’iáu tzòw liàu⟩ "I need to go now."
- 要回去了 ⟨’iáu hhȗi khyú liàu⟩ "Need to go back now."
- 伱不要走這麼快 ⟨nì pŭ ’iáu tzòw čié mwȏ khwái⟩ "Don't go so soon/fast."
- 不要關門 ⟨pŭ ’iáu kwān mȗn⟩ "Do not close the door"
- 他父親給他留下個大產業 ⟨thā fvú' thsīn kĭᵖ thā liȏw hhiá' ’ĭᵗ kó dá čhàn iĕᵖ⟩ "His father left him a good fortune of business."
- 他父親給他留下個大家業 ⟨thā fvú' thsīn kĭᵖ thā liȏw hhiá' ’ĭᵗ kó dá kiā iĕᵖ⟩ "His father left him a good fortune of business."
- 伱猜一猜 ⟨nì thsāi ’ĭᵗ thsāi⟩ "You take a guess."
- 他辭别了我們有半個月了 ⟨thā szȇ biĕᵗ liàu ngò mȗn iòw pwón kó yuĕᵗ liàu⟩ "He bid farewell with us half a month ago,"
- 許我進去 ⟨hyù ngò tzín khyú⟩ "Allow me to go in."
- 莫叫人上我的屋裏去 ⟨mŏᵏ kiáu zhȋn shhiáng' ngò ’ŭᵏ lì khyú⟩ "Don't let anyone go up into my room."
- 我父親不許我出門 ⟨ngò fvú' thsīn pŭ zhiáng ngò čhyŭᵗ mȗn⟩ "My father will not let me go outside."
- 這個伱賣多少錢 ⟨čié kó nì mái tō shiàu thhsiȇn⟩ "This one - how much money do you sell (it) for?"
- 這個伱賣甚麼價 ⟨čié kó nì mái shhím mwȏ kiá⟩ "This one - what price do you sell (it) for?"
- 他叫雀兒飛出去了 ⟨thā kiáu tsiŏᵏ ȓ fī čhyŭᵗ khyú liàu⟩ "He/she has let the bird fly away."
[edit | edit source]- 近來這些日子 ⟨gín' lȃi čié siē zhĭᵗ tzè⟩ "these recent days"
- 纔三天 ⟨thsài liȃng sām thiēn⟩ "(It) is scarcely three days."
- 纔有三天 ⟨thsài iòw liȃng sām thiēn⟩ "(It) has scarcely been three days."
- 有八天了 ⟨iòw păᵗ thiēn liàu⟩ "(It) has been eighty days (since)."
- 有半個月了 ⟨iòw pwón kó yuĕᵗ liàu⟩ "(It) has been half a month."
- 有三個星期了 ⟨iòw sām kó sīng khhȋ liàu⟩ "(It) has been three weeks."
- 至少有一個月 ⟨čḯ shiàu iòw ’ĭᵗ kó yuĕᵗ⟩ "It is at least a month."
- 少一兩天 ⟨shiàu ’ĭᵗ liàng thiēn⟩ "a day or two less"
- 早三四天 ⟨tzào ’ĭᵗ liàng thiēn⟩ "three or four days sooner"
- 在很久前了 ⟨dzái' hhèn kiòw thhsiȇn liàu⟩ "(It was) a long time before."
- 略在那時候前一些 ⟨liŏᵏ dzái' ná shhï̑ hhów thhsiȇn ’ĭᵗ siē⟩ "A little before that period."
- 差不多那時候 ⟨čhā pŭ tō ná shhḯ hhów⟩ "Near about that time."
- 上月 ⟨shhiáng yuĕᵗ⟩ "last month"
- 上箇月 ⟨shhiáng kó yuĕᵗ⟩ "last month"
- 去年 ⟨khyú niȇn⟩ "last year"
- 頭年 ⟨thhȏw niȇn⟩ "last year"
- 明年 ⟨mȋng niȇn⟩ "next year"
- 年初一 ⟨niȇn čhū ’ĭᵗ⟩ "the first day of the year"
- 大年初一 ⟨dá niȇn čhū ’ĭᵗ⟩ "the first day of the year"
- 正月初一 ⟨čīng yuĕᵗ čhū ’ĭᵗ⟩ "the first day of the first month in the year"
- 過了一個月 ⟨kwo/kwó liàu ’ĭᵗ kó yuĕᵗ⟩ "a month later"
- 一月的工夫 ⟨’ĭᵗ yuĕᵗ tĭ kūng fū⟩ "in the duration of a month"
- 下月初一 ⟨hhiá' yuĕᵗ čhū ’ĭᵗ⟩ "the first of the next month"
- 下月初二三 ⟨hhiá' yuĕᵗ čhū ŕ sām⟩ "the second or third of the ensuing month"
- 一個半月的工夫 ⟨’ĭᵗ kwó pwón yuĕᵗ tĭᵏ kūng fū⟩ "(in) the duration of one and a half months"
- 月底 ⟨yuĕᵗ tì⟩ "at the end of the month"
- 過十五天 ⟨kwo/kwó shhĭᵖ ngù thiēn⟩ "in fifteen days"
- 下週 ⟨hhiá' čiōw⟩ "next week"
- 過了一週 ⟨kwo/kwó liàu ’ĭᵗ čiōw⟩ "a week later"
- 過了八天 ⟨kwo/kwó liàu păᵗ thiēn⟩ "eight days later"
- 不論哪一天 ⟨pŭ lȗn nà ’ĭᵗ thiēn⟩ "no matter which day"
- 天天 ⟨thiēn thiēn⟩ "everyday"
- 毎天 ⟨mùi thiēn⟩ "everyday"
- 每日 ⟨mȗi zhĭᵗ⟩ "everyday"
- 一天也不隔 ⟨’ĭᵗ thiēn iè pŭ kĕᵏ⟩ "not pausing for even one day"
- 今天是初幾是十幾 ⟨kīm thiēn shhḯ' čhù kì shhḯ' shhĭᵖ kì⟩ "What is the day of the month today?"
- 今天初十了 ⟨kīm thiēn čhù shhĭᵖ liàu⟩ "Today is the tenth already."
- 今天三十 ⟨kīm thiēn sām shhĭᵖ⟩ "It is the thirtieth today."
- 去年臘月 ⟨khyú niȇn lăᵖ yuĕᵗ⟩ "the last month of last year"
- 頭年臘月 ⟨thhȏw niȇn lăᵖ yuĕᵗ⟩ "the last month of last year"
- 他走了有兩週了 ⟨thā tzòw liàu iòw liàng čiōw liàu⟩ "It has been two weeks since he went."
- 過兩週他回來 ⟨kwó liàng čiōw thā hhȗi lȃi⟩ "In two week he will return."
- 過幾天我下鄕 ⟨kwo/kwó kì thiēn ngò hhiá' hiāng⟩ "In a few days I shall go down to the countryside."
- 待幾天我下鄕 ⟨dái' kì thiēn ngò hhiá' hiāng⟩ "(After) waiting for a few days I shall go down to the countryside."
- 這幾天天很不好 ⟨čié kì thiēn thiēn hhèn pŭ hào⟩ "These last few days - the weather has been unfavorable."
- 從我見了他還沒有三天呢 ⟨thhsyȗng ngò kién liàu thā hhȃi mŏ iòw sām thiēn nȋ⟩ "Since I saw him, it has not yet been three days."
- 待八天我就走 ⟨dái' păᵗ thiēn ngò dziów tzòw⟩ "(After) staying for eight days I will then go."
- 過八天我就走 ⟨kwo/kwó păᵗ thiēn ngò dziȏw tzòw⟩ "I will go in eight days."
- 過一週我就走 ⟨kwo/kwó ’ĭᵗ čiōw ngò dziów tzòw⟩ "I will go in a week."
- 待十五天我就跟著伱走 ⟨dái' shhĭᵖ ngù thiēn ngò dziów kēn djiŏᵏ nì tzòw⟩ "In fifiteen days I will go after you."
- 過十五天我就跟著伱走 ⟨kwo/kwó shhĭᵖ ngù thiēn ngò dziów kēn djiŏᵏ nì tzòw⟩ "In fifiteen days I will go after you."
- 過兩週我就跟著伱走 ⟨kwo/kwó liàng čiōw ngò dziów kēn djiŏᵏ nì tzòw⟩ "In two weeks I will go after you."
- 過一個月我就回來了 ⟨kwo/kwó ’ĭᵗ kó yuĕᵗ ngò dziȏw hhȗi lȃi liàu⟩ "In a month I will be back."
- 過年他就念完書了 ⟨kwo/kwó niȇn thā dziòw niém hhwȏn shyū liàu⟩ "Once this year passes he will finish school."
- 明年他就念完書了 ⟨mȋng niȇn thā dziòw niém hhwȏn shyū liàu⟩ "He will finish school as soon as next year."
- 到明年還有三週 ⟨táo mȋng niȇn hhȃi iòw sām čiōw⟩ "There are still three weeks till next year."
- 到過年初一還有三週 ⟨táo kwo/kwó niȇn čhù ’ĭᵗ hhwȃn iòw sām čiōw⟩ "There are still three weeks till new year's day. "
- 毎兩三天 ⟨mùi liàng sām thiēn⟩ "every two or three days"
- 每兩三日 ⟨mùi liàng sām zhĭᵗ⟩ "every two or three days"
- 每兩天 ⟨mùi liàng thiēn⟩ "every other day."
- 毎三天 ⟨mùi sām thiēn⟩ "every third day. "
- 他一週來見我們兩回 ⟨thā ’ĭᵗ čiōw lài kién ngò mȗn liàng hhȗi⟩ "He/she comes to see us twice a week."
- 早晚伱後悔 ⟨tzào vàn nì hhów' hùi⟩ "Soon or later you will regret."
- 這是他天天做的事兒 ⟨čié shhḯ' thā thiēn thiēn tzú tĭ shhé ȓ⟩ "This is something that he/she does everyday."
Parts of the day
[edit | edit source]- 早起 ⟨tzào khì⟩ "morning"
- 早上 ⟨tzào shhiáng⟩ "morning"
- 晌午 ⟨shiàng ngù⟩ "noon"
- 晚上 ⟨vàn shhiáng⟩ "evening"
- 黑夜 ⟨hĕᵏ ié⟩ "night"
- 冬天夜很長 ⟨tūng thiēn ié hhèn čhhiȃng⟩ "(In) winter, nights are long."
- 過兩三天我去見伱去 ⟨kwo/kwó liàng sām thiēn ngò khyú kién nì khyú⟩ "In two or three days I will go and see you."
- 我們兩個整一天的工夫在一齊 ⟨ngò mȗn liàng kó čìng ’ĭᵗ thiēn tĭ kūng fū dzái' ’ĭᵗ thhsȋ⟩ "The two of us stay together the entire day."
- 我在他的莊子上住了三天 ⟨ngò dzài thā čwāng tzè shhiáng djyú liàu sām thiēn⟩ "I spent three days at his country house."
- 我們整天家打獵 ⟨ngò mȗn čìng thiēn kiā tà liĕᵖ⟩ "We hunt all day long. "
- 我打了一早上毬 ⟨ngò tà liàu ’ĭᵗ tzào shhiáng khhiȏw⟩ "I played ball for the entire morning."
- 我今天過晌午去見伱去 ⟨ngò kīm thiēn kwo/kwó shiàng ngù khyú kién nì khyú⟩ "I will go see you today past noon. "
[edit | edit source]- 請問如今幾下鐘 ⟨thsìng vún zhyȗ kīm kì hhiá' čyūng⟩ "I beg to ask: what o'clock is it now?"
- 請問如今幾點鐘 ⟨thsìng vún zhyȗ kīm kì tièm čyūng⟩ "I beg to ask: what o'clock is it now?"
- 晌午了 ⟨shiàng ngù liàu⟩ "It is noon now."
- 如今不過晌午 ⟨zhyȗ kīm pŭ kwó shiàng ngù⟩ "It is but noon."
- 還沒有到晌午 ⟨hhwȃn/hhȃi mŏ iòw táo shiàng ngù⟩ "It is not yet noon. "
- 差一刻不到晌午 ⟨čhā ’ĭᵗ khĕᵏ pŭ táo shiàng ngù⟩ "It wants a quarter to noon."
- 如今半夜零一刻了 ⟨zhyȗ kīm pwōn ié lȋng ’ĭᵗ khĕᵏ liàu⟩ "It is a quarter past midnight."
- 天還不晚 ⟨thiēn hhwȃn/hhȃi pŭ vàn⟩ "It is not yet late in the day."
- 還早呢 ⟨hhwȃn/hhȃi tzào nȋ⟩ "It is still early."
- 天很晚了 ⟨thiēn hhèn vàn liàu⟩ "It is very late in the day."
- 想不到天這麼晚了 ⟨siàng pŭ táo' thiēn čié mwȏ vàn liàu⟩ "(I) did not expect it to be so late in the day already."
[edit | edit source]- 天怎麼樣 ⟨thiēn tzèng mwȏ iáng⟩ "How is the weather (lit. sky) like?"
- 天氣怎麼樣 ⟨thiēn khhí tzèng mwȏ iáng⟩ "How is the weather like?"
- 天好不好 ⟨thiēn hào pŭ hào⟩ "Is the weather (lit. sky) good?"
- 天氣好不好 ⟨thiēn khí hào pŭ hào⟩ "Is the weather good?"
- 有日頭沒有 ⟨iòw zhĭᵗ thhȏw mŏ iòw⟩ "Is the sun there/out?"
- 天氣好 ⟨thiēn khí hào⟩ "Thew weather is good."
- 天氣常變 ⟨thiēn khí čhhiȃng pién⟩ "The weather changes frequently."
- 天很好 ⟨thiēn hèn hào⟩ "The weather (lit. sky) is great."
- 如今天晴 ⟨zhyȗ kīm thiēn thhsȋng⟩ "The sky is clear."
- 天很晴 ⟨thiēn hhèn thhsȋng⟩ "The sky is very clear."
- 天不好 ⟨thiēn pŭ hào⟩ "The weather (lit. sky) is bad."
- 天氣不好 ⟨thiēn khí pŭ hào⟩ "The weather is bad"
- 陰了天 ⟨’īm liàu thiēn⟩ "The sky turns cloudy."
- 陰起天來了 ⟨’īm khì thiēn lȃi liàu⟩ "The sky starts to turn cloudy."
- 滿天是雲 ⟨mwȏn thiēn shhḯ' yȗn⟩ "The full sky is (covered) by cloud."
- 天上滿是雲 ⟨thiēn shhiáng mwòn shhḯ' yȗn⟩ "(It) is full of cloud in the sky."
- 今天天好 ⟨kīm thiēn thiēn hào⟩ "The weather (lit. sky) is good today."
- 看見日頭了 ⟨khán kiēn zhĭᵗ thhȏw liàu⟩ "(One can) see the the sun."
- 日頭出來了 ⟨zhĭᵗ thhȏw čhyŭᵗ lȃi liàu⟩ "The sun comes out."
- 天看著要晴 ⟨thiēn khán djiŏᵏ ’iáu thhsȋng⟩ "The sky seems to be becoming clear."
- 天氣好了 ⟨thiēn khí hào liȃu⟩ "The weather turns good."
- 天晴了 ⟨thiēn thhsȋng liàu⟩ "The sky turns clear."
- 下霧 ⟨hhiá' vú⟩ "to become foggy"
- 下的霧很大 ⟨hhiá' tĭ vú hhèn dá⟩ "The fog that has descended is very strong / It is very foggy."
- 大霧滿天 ⟨dá vú mwòn thiēn⟩ "The sky is full of dense fog."
- 一出來日頭霧就散了 ⟨’ĭᵗ čhyŭᵗ lài zhĭᵗ thhȏw vú dziów sán liàu⟩ "One the sun comes out the fog dissipates."
- 日頭一出來霧就散了 ⟨zhĭᵗ thhȏw ’ĭᵗ čhyŭᵗ lài vú dziów sán liàu⟩ "One the sun comes out the fog dissipates."
- 今天黑夜天很好 ⟨kīm thiēn hĕᵏ ié thēn hhèn hào⟩ "The weather (lit. sky) is good at night today / tonight."
- 今天夜裏天很好 ⟨kīm thiēn ié lì thēn hhèn hào⟩ "The weather (lit. sky) is good at night today / tonight."
- 今天夜裏天很黑 ⟨kīm thiēn ié lì thiēn hhȇn hhĕᵏ⟩ "The sky is very dark tonight."
- 有月亮沒有 ⟨iòw yuĕᵗ liáng mŏ iòw⟩ "Is the moon there/visible?"
- 有月亮 ⟨iòw yuĕᵗ liáng⟩ "There is moon / The moon is visible."
- 看見月亮了 ⟨khán kién yuĕᵗ liáng liàu⟩ "The moon becomes visible."
[edit | edit source]- 颳風了 ⟨kwăᵗ fūng⟩ "The wind blows."
- 颳大風了 ⟨kwăᵗ dá fūng⟩ "The wind blows hard."
- 颳起大風來了 ⟨kwăᵗ khì dá fūng lȃi liàu⟩ "The storm begins in earnest."
- 颳了一夜風 ⟨kwăᵗ liàu ’ĭᵗ ié fūng⟩ "The wind has been high all night."
- 颳了一宿風 ⟨kwăᵗ liàu ’ĭᵗ syŭᵏ fūng⟩ "The wind has been high all night."
- 颳暴風了 ⟨kwăᵗ báo fūng liàu⟩ "It blows a dreadful hurricane."
- 颳涼風了 ⟨kwăᵗ liȃng fūng liàu⟩ "The wind blows cold."
- 風很涼 ⟨fūng hhèn liȃng⟩ "The wind is very cold"
- 風很冷 ⟨fūng hhèn lèng⟩ "The wind is very cold"
- 風小了 ⟨fūng siàu liàu⟩ "The wind is subsiding."
- 煞了風 ⟨shăᵗ liàu fung⟩ "The wind has stopped"
- 息了風 ⟨sĭᵏ liàu fung⟩ "The wind has stopped"
- 改了風 ⟨kāi liàu lfung⟩ "The wind has changed."
- 颳甚麼風 ⟨kwăᵗ shhím mwȏ fung⟩ "What quarter is the wind in?"
- 颳東北風 ⟨kwăᵗ tūng pĕᵏ fūng⟩ "The wind is northeast."
- 風旗朝東南 ⟨fūng khhȋ čhhiȃu tūng nȃm⟩ "The vane points south-east."
- 一點見風也沒有 ⟨’ĭᵗ tièm fūng iè mŏ iòw⟩ "There is not a breath of wind."
Rain and hails
[edit | edit source]- 伱看著這個天氣怎麼樣 ⟨nì khán djiŏᵏ čié thiēn khí tzèm mwȏ iáng⟩ "What do you think of the weather? "
- 我看著要下雨 ⟨ngò khán djiŏᵏ ’iāu hhiá' yù⟩ "I think it will rain. "
- 遇工夫不大要下雨 ⟨yú kūng fū pŭ dá ’iáu hhiá' yù⟩ "We shall have some rain before long."
- 陰了天了許下幾陣暴雨 ⟨’īm liàu thiēn hyù hhiá' kì djín báo yù⟩ "The sky gets cloudy; perhaps there will be several episodes of heavy rainfall."
- 雲彩滿了天 ⟨yȗn thsài mwòn liàu thiēn⟩ "The sky is full of clouds."
- 缺雨 ⟨khyuĕᵗ yù⟩ "to be in want of rain"
- 下一點雨好 ⟨hhiá' ’ĭᵗ tièm yù hào⟩ ""
- 下一點雨沒有不好 ⟨hhiá' ’ĭᵗ tièm yù mŏ iòw pŭ hào⟩ "A little rain won't do any harm."
- 下一點雨園子就好了 ⟨hhiá' ’ĭᵗ tièm yù yuȇn tzè dziów hào liàu⟩ "With a little rainfall the garden will be good."
- 我覺著下雨點兒 ⟨ngò kiŏᵏ djiŏᵏ hhiá' yù tièm ȓ⟩ "I feel a few drops of rain."
- 下雨 ⟨hhiá' yù⟩ "to rain"
- 落雨 ⟨lŏᵏ yù⟩ "to rain"
- 下大雨 ⟨hhiá' dá yù⟩ "to rain very fast"
- 下了雨 ⟨hhiá' liàu yù⟩ "It has rained."
- 今天早起下雨下得多 ⟨kīm thiēn tzào khì hhiá' yù hhiá' tĕᵏ tō⟩ "It has rained a great deal this morning."
- 潲得滿屋子精濕 ⟨sháo tĕᵏ mwòn ’ŭᵏ tzè tzīng shĭᵖ⟩ "The rain has come in and has made the whole room so damp."
- 伱心思著這雨下了一天了不 ⟨nì sīm sē djiŏᵏ čié yù hhiá' liàu ’ĭᵗ thiēn pŭ⟩ "Do you think the rain has been falling all day ?"
- 伱心思著這雨得下一整天不 ⟨nì sīm sē djiŏᵏ čié yù tĕᵏ hhiá' ’ĭᵗ čìng thiēn pŭ⟩ "Do you think the rain will be falling all day ?"
- 大約著今天停不了雨 ⟨dá ’iŏᵏ djiŏᵏ kīm thiēn thhín pŭ liàu yù⟩ "It is not likely it will cease raining today."
- 大約著今天停不了雨了 ⟨dá ’iŏᵏ djiŏᵏ kīm thiēn thhȋng pŭ liàu yù liàu⟩ "It is not likely anymore that it will cease raining today."
- 大約著今天住不了雨了 ⟨dá ’iŏᵏ djiŏᵏ kīm thiēn djyú pŭ liàu yù liàu⟩ "It is not likely anymore that it will cease raining today."
- 下得大雨傾盆 ⟨hhiá' tĕᵏ dá yù khyuēng phhȗn⟩ "It pours. "
- 這不過是一陣暴雨 ⟨čié pŭ kwó shhḯ' ’ĭᵗ djín báo yù⟩ "It is no more than a heavy shower of rain."
- 不久就要住雨 ⟨pŭ kiòw dziów ’iáu' djyú yù⟩ "Before long the rain will be over."
- 伱看一看這條虹多麼好 ⟨nì khán khán čié thhiȃu hhȗng tō mwȏ hào⟩ "Take a look: how fine is this rainbow is!"
- 人說這是好天的憑據 ⟨zhȋn shyuĕᵗ čié shhḯ' hào thiēn khí tĭ phhȋng kyú⟩ "People say that it is a sign of fine weather."
- 不定有時候出了虹好幾天下雨 ⟨pūw díng iòw shhï̑ hhów čhyŭᵗ liàu hhȗng hào kì thiēn hhiá' yù⟩ "Not necessarily; sometimes (with) the appearance of rainbow it will raim for quite a few days."
- 天濤上來了 ⟨thiēn thhȃo shhiáng' lȃi liàu⟩ "Here is a storm. "
- 打雷 ⟨tà lȗi⟩ "to thunder"
- 打了一夜閃 ⟨tà liàu ’ĭᵗ ié lȗi⟩ "It has lightened all night."
- 打了一宿閃 ⟨tà liàu ’ĭᵗ syŭᵏ lȗi⟩ "It has lightened all night."
- 打了一天雷 ⟨tà liàu ’ĭᵗ thiēn lȗi⟩ "It has thundered all day long. "
- 打了個霹雷 ⟨tà liàu kó phĭᵏ lȗi⟩ "A loud thunder-bolt as struck."
- 打了個暴雷 ⟨tà liàu kó báo lȗi⟩ "A loud thunder-bolt as struck."
- 伱聽見說霹了甚麼沒有 ⟨nì thīng kién shyuĕᵗ shyuĕᵗ phĭᵏ liàu shhím mwȏ mŏ iòw⟩ "Did you hear about (the thunder) having hit anything?"
- 雷霹了鐘樓 ⟨lȗi phĭᵏ liàu čyūng lȏw⟩ "The thunder-bolt fell upon the steeple."
- 兩科樹遭雷霹了 ⟨liàng khwō shhyú tzāo lȗi phĭᵏ liàu⟩ "Two trees have been struck by the thunder-bolt."
- 雷霹死人了沒有 ⟨lȗi phĭᵏ sè zhȋn liàu mŏ iòw⟩ "Has the thunder killed any persom"
- 沒有 ⟨mŏ iòw⟩ "It has not."
- 還不知道 ⟨hhwȃn/hhȃi pŭ čī dáo'⟩ "It is not known yet."
- 下的雹子也多 ⟨hhiá' tĭ bŏᵏ tzè iè tō⟩ "It has likewise hailed a great deal."
- 怕菓子遭雹子打壞了 ⟨phá kwò tzè tzāo bŏᵏ tzè tà hhwái liàu⟩ "I am afraid the fruits has been hit and damaged by the hail."
Frost and freeze
[edit | edit source]- 上了凍 ⟨shhiáng' liàu túng⟩ "It has frozen."
- 凍了凌 ⟨túng liàu lȋng⟩ "Icicles have formed."
- 現今上凍上得很厲害 ⟨hhién kīm shhiáng' túng shhiáng' tĕᵏ hhèn lí hhái⟩ "It freezes now very hard."
- 凍得石頭裂開了 ⟨túng tĕᵏ shhĭᵏ thhȏw liĕᵗ khāi liàu⟩ "It freezes so hard that the stone have cracked."
- 冰凌凍得很厚 ⟨pīng lȋng túng tĕᵏ hhèn hhów'⟩ "The ice is thickly frozen."
- 伱看下的這雪花子這麼大 ⟨nì khán hhiá' tĕᵏ čié syuĕᵗ hhwȃ tzè čié mwȏ dá⟩ "Look how so big these falling snowflakes are."
- 伱看下的這是多麼大片的雪葉子 ⟨nì khán hhiá' tĕᵏ shhḯ' tō mwȏ dá phién tĭ shyuĕᵗ iĕᵖ tzè⟩ "Look how big a snowflake this falling one is."
- 昨天黑夜下的雪多 ⟨dzŏᵏ thiēn hĕᵏ ié hhiá' tĭ syuĕᵗ tō⟩ "It snowed a great deal last night."
- 下了一地雪 ⟨hhiá' liàu ’ĭᵗ dí syuĕᵗ⟩ "The whole ground is covered in snow that fell."
- 化了凍 ⟨hwá túng⟩ "It thaws."
- 開了凍 ⟨khāi liàu túng⟩ "It thaws."
- 雪化起來了 ⟨syuĕᵗ hwá khì lȃi liàu⟩ "The snow is melting."
- 今晚這雪就全化淨了 ⟨kīm vàn čié syuĕᵗ dziów thhsyuȇn hwá dzíng liàu⟩ "The snow will be all melted away this evening. "
- 到了冬天 ⟨táo liàu tūng thiēn⟩ "Winter is come. "
- 到了冬季 ⟨táo liàu tūng kí⟩ "Winter is come. "
- 我喜歡夏天我也喜歡冬天 ⟨ngò hì hwōn hhiá thiēn ngò iè hì hwōn tūng thiēn⟩ "I like summer and I also like winter."
- 我看著冬天不比夏天受罪 ⟨ngò khán djiŏᵏ tūng thiēn pŭ pì hhiá thiēn shhiów' dzúi'⟩ "I find winter no more unsufferable than summer."
- 這是伱一個人的意見 ⟨čié shhḯ' nì ’ĭᵗ kó zhȋn tĭ ’í kién⟩ "That is own opinion alone."
- 冬天各地方全是死死亡亡的惹人煩得荒 ⟨tūng thiēn kŏᵏ dí fāng thhsyuȇn shhḯ' sè sè vȃng vȃng tĭ zhiè zhȋn fvȃn tĕᵏ hwāng⟩ "In winter everywhere feels languishing and morbid and (it) makes one annoyed and irritated."
- 冬天各地方全是死氣沉沉的惹人煩得荒 ⟨tūng thiēn kŏᵏ dí fāng thhsyuȇn shhḯ' sè khí čhhȋm čhhȋm tĭ zhiè zhȋn fvȃn tĕᵏ hwāng⟩ "In winter everywhere feels languishing and morbid and (it) makes one annoyed and irritated."
- 我估量晴不了一天 ⟨ngò kù liȃng thhsȋng pŭ liàu ’ĭᵗ thiēn⟩ "I estimate the weather to stay clear less than one day."
- 冬天有時候太陽出來到底不過二刻 ⟨tūng thiēn iòw shhï̑ hhów thái iȃng čhyŭᵗ lȃi táo tì pŭ kwó ní khĕᵏ⟩ "In winter sometimes the sun appears in the end for no more than half hour."
- 如今正是冷的時候 ⟨zhyȗ kīm číng shhḯ' lèng tĭ shhï̑ hhów⟩ "Now is verily the time of cold weather."
- 看這個樣今年冷得必定厲害 ⟨khán čié kó iáng kīm niȇn Ièng tĕᵏ pĭᵗ díng lí hhái⟩ "Looking at how it is, the coldness will certainly be harsh this year."
- 伱記得天很冷的那一年不記得 ⟨nì kí tĕᵏ thiēn hhèn lèng tĭ ná ’ĭᵗ niȇn pŭ⟩ "Do you remember that year when the weather was very cold?"
- 記得天冷的厲害 ⟨kí tĕᵏ thiēn lèng tĕᵏ lí hhái⟩ "I remember the weather to be harshly cold."
- 兩個半月沒有開凍 ⟨liàng kwó pwón yuĕᵗ mŏ iòw khāi túng⟩ "The ice did not melt for two months and a half. "
[edit | edit source]- 如今像春天一樣 ⟨zhyȗ kīm sziáng' čhyūn thiēn ’ĭᵗ iáng⟩ "It feels like spring time now."
- 日頭有伏天那麼熱 ⟨zhĭᵗ thhȏw iòw fvŭᵏ thiēn ná mwȏ zhiĕᵗ⟩ "The sun is as hot as in the middle of summer."
- 四季伱喜歡哪一季 ⟨sé kí nì hì hwōn nà ’ĭᵗ kí⟩ "What season do you like best?"
- 春天是我最喜歡的時候 ⟨čhyūn thiēn shhḯ' ngò tzúi hì hwōn tĭ shhï̑ hhów⟩ "The spring is the season I like best."
- 我很盼望春天 ⟨ngò hhèn phán váng čhyūn thiēn⟩ "I long for the spring."
- 我盼春天盼得荒 ⟨ngò phán čhyūn thiēn phán tĕᵏ hwāng⟩ "I long for the spring anxiously."
- 是四季裏頭最好的 ⟨shhḯ' sé kí lì thhȏw tzúi hào tĭ⟩ "It is the most pleasant of all seasons."
- 是四時裏頭最好的 ⟨shhḯ' sé shhḯ lì thhȏw tzúi hào tī⟩ "It is the most pleasant of all seasons."
- 看著甚麼也活了 ⟨khán djiŏᵏ shhím mwȏ iè hhwŏᵗ liàu⟩ "Every thing seems to revive."
- 今年若有好天氣菓子結得多 ⟨kīm niȇn zhiŏᵏ iòw hào thiēn khí kwò tzè kiĕᵗ tĕᵏ tō⟩ "If the weather prove fovourable, there will be plenty of fruit this year."
- 有核的菓子全沒有結 ⟨iòw ghĕᵏ tĭ kwò tzè thhsï̑en mŏ iòw kiĕᵗ⟩ "All the stonefruits have failed."
- 甚麼也長得早 ⟨shhím mwȏ iè čiàng tĕᵏ tzàw⟩ "The season is forward."
- 甚麼也長得晚 ⟨shhím mwȏ iè čiàng tĕᵏ vàn⟩ "The season is backward."
- 今年夏天不熱 ⟨kīm niȇn hhiá thiēn pŭ zhiĕᵗ⟩ "The summer this year has not been hot."
- 三月裏屋裏還生火 ⟨sām yuĕᵗ lì ’ŭᵏ lì hhwȃn/hhȃi shēng hwò⟩ "Even in the third month, (we had to) use fire in the house."
- 看著四季全亂了 ⟨khán djiŏᵏ sí kí thhsyuȇn lwón liàu⟩ "The four seasons seem to be all messed up."
- 看著四時全亂了 ⟨khán djiŏᵏ sí shhï̑ thhsyuȇn lwón liàu⟩ "The four seasons seem to be all messed up."
- 已經芟了草 ⟨ì kīng shām liàu thsào⟩ "The meadows are mowed already."
- 如今收麥子 ⟨zhyȗ kīm shiōw mĕᵏ tzè⟩ ""
- 年成好 ⟨niȇn čhhȋng hào⟩ "The harvest of the year is plentiful. "
- 年景好 ⟨niȇn kìng hào⟩ ""
- 已經割了麥子 ⟨ì kīng kŏᵗ liàu mĕᵏ tzè⟩ "The wheat has been reaped"
- 打的糧食多 ⟨tà tĭ liȃng shhĭᵏ tō⟩ "There is much sustenance."
- 今年夏天很熱 ⟨kīm niȇn hhiá thiēn hhèn zhiĕᵗ⟩ "The summer this year is very hot"
- 如今是伏天 ⟨zhyȗ kīm shhḯ' fvŭᵏ thiēn⟩ "We are in the dog-days."
- 夏天過了 ⟨hhiá thiēn kwó liàu⟩ "Summer is over."
- 往後好天少 ⟨wàng hhów hào thiēn shiàu⟩ "From now on the fine days will be scarce."
- 以後少有好天 ⟨ì hhów shiàu iòw hào thiēn⟩ "From now on the fine days will be scarce."
- 如今落葉子了 ⟨zhyȗ kīm lŏᵏ iĕᵖ tzè liàu⟩ "Now the leaves are alling"
- 早起天冷 ⟨tzàw khì thiēn lèng⟩ "The mornings are cold."
- 我們在屋裏巳經生了火 ⟨ngò mȗn dzài ’ŭᵏ lì ì kīng shēng liàu hwò⟩ "We have started using a fire in the house already. "
- 天短了 ⟨thiēn twòn liàu⟩ "The days are shortened."
- 夜長 ⟨ié čhhiȃng⟩ "The evenings are long."
- 一到五下鐘就看不見了 ⟨’ĭᵗ táo ngù hhiá' čyūng dziów khān pŭ kién liàu⟩ "One cannot see at five o'clock."
- 快到冬天了 ⟨khwái táo tūng thiēn liàu⟩ "Winter draws near."
- 冬天快到了 ⟨tūng thiēn khwái táo liàu⟩ "Winter draws near."
[edit | edit source]- 天暖和 ⟨thiēn nwòn hhwȏ⟩ "The weather is warm."
- 天氣温和 ⟨thiēn khí ’ūn hhwȏ⟩ "The weather is mild."
- 天暖和點兒了 ⟨thiēn nwòn hhwȏ tièm liàu⟩ "The weather has become a little bit warmer."
- 日頭熱了 ⟨zhĭᵗ thhȏw zhiĕᵗ liàu⟩ "The sun is hot."
- 熱起來了 ⟨zhiĕᵗ khì lȃi liàu⟩ "It begins to be hot."
- 天很热 ⟨thiēn hhèn zhiĕᵗ⟩ "It is very hot."
- 我很熱 ⟨ngò hhèn zhiĕᵗ⟩ "I feel very warm."
- 我渾身出汗 ⟨ngò hhȗn shīn čhyuĕᵗ hhán⟩ "I am perspirating all over."
- 天熱得受不得 ⟨thēn zhiĕᵗ tĕᵏ shhiów' pŭ tĕᵏ⟩ "The heat is insupportable."
- 伱熱不熱 ⟨nì zhiĕᵗ pŭ zhiĕᵗ⟩ "Are you warm?"
- 我熱 ⟨ngò zhiĕᵗ⟩ "I feel hot."
- 今天早起天很熱 ⟨kīm thiēn tzào khì thiēn hhèn zhiĕᵗ⟩ "It is very hot this morning."
- 我們上陰涼裏去涼快涼快 ⟨ngò mȗn shhiáng' ’īm liȃng lì khyú liȃng khwái liȃng khwái⟩ "Let us walk in the shade to get cool there."
- 我熱得睡不著 ⟨ngò zhiĕᵗ tĕᵏ shhúi pŭ djiŏᵏ⟩ "I feel so hot I cannot fall sleep."
- 往年我不記得夏天這麽熱過 ⟨wàng niȇn ngò pŭ kí tĕᵏ hhiá thiēn čié mwȏ zhiĕᵗ kwó⟩ "I do not remember a summer from the past as hot as this."
- 越欱遠水越渴 ⟨yuĕᵗ hŏᵖ shùi yuĕᵗ khŏᵗ⟩ "The mored water one drinks, the thirstier one feels."
- 我洗了個澡心裏纔略好些兒 ⟨ngò sì liàu kó tzào sīm lì thhsȃi liŏᵏ hào siē ȓ⟩ "I took a bath; and only then I felt somewhat more at my ease."
[edit | edit source]- 天氣不那麼熱了 ⟨thiēn khí pŭ ná mwȏ zhiĕᵗ liàu⟩ "It is not so hot anymore."
- 天冷 ⟨thiēn lèng⟩ "It is cold."
- 天冷得厲害 ⟨thiēn lèng tĕᵏ lí hhái⟩ "It is terribly cold."
- 天太冷 ⟨thiēn thái lèng⟩ "It is excessively cold."
- 天又冷又潮 ⟨thiēn iów lèng iów čhhiȃu⟩ "It is cold and humid."
- 天氣又冷又潮 ⟨thiēn khí iów lèng iów čhhiȃu⟩ "It is cold and humid."
- 覺著冷了 ⟨kiŏᵏ djiŏᵏ lèng liàu⟩ "The cold begins to be felt."
- 我冷 ⟨ngò lèng⟩ "I am cold."
- 我很冷 ⟨ngò hhèn lèng⟩ "I am very cold."
- 我的身上凍了 ⟨ngò tĭ shīn shhiáng túng liàu⟩ "I am frozen. "
- 我腳很冷 ⟨ngȏ kiŏᵏ hhèn lèng⟩ "My feet are very cold."
- 我凍得荒 ⟨ngò túng tĕᵏ hwāng⟩ "I am so frozen that I feel anxious."
- 我要凍死了 ⟨ngò ’iáu túng sè liàu⟩ "I am perishing with cold."
- 我凍得受不得 ⟨ngò túng tĕᵏ shhiów' pŭ tĕᵏ⟩ "I am quite exhausted with cold."
- 我的腳凍了 ⟨ngò tĭ kiŏᵏ túng liàu⟩ "My feet are frozen. "
- 我凍得說不出話來了 ⟨ngò túng tĕᵏ shyuĕᵗ pŭ čhyŭᵗ hhwá lȃi liàu⟩ "I am so cold I cannot talk."
- 到了生火的時候了 ⟨táo liàu shēng hwò tĭ shhï̑ hhów liàu⟩ "Fire begins to be seasonable. "
- 燺火好 ⟨khào hwò hào⟩ "It is pleasant to get near the fire."
- 伱手冷不冷 ⟨nì shiòw lèng pŭ lèng⟩ "Are your hands cold?"
- 我凍得手指頭痛 ⟨ngò túng tĕᵏ shiòw čï̀ thhȏw thúng⟩ "My fingers ache with cold."
- 我的手凍腫了 ⟨ngò tĭ shiòw túng čyùng liàu⟩ "I have chilblains. "
- 冬天我凍得荒 ⟨tūng thiēn ngò túng tĕᵏ hwāng⟩ "I suffer very much with cold in the winter."
- 伱凍得打顫 ⟨nì túng tĕᵏ tà čién⟩ "You shiver with cold."
- 伱凍得抖擻 ⟨nì túng tĕᵏ tòw sòw⟩ "You shiver with cold."
- 我渾身打顫 ⟨ngò hhȗn shīn tà čién⟩ "My entire body trembles."
- 我渾身抖擻 ⟨ngò hhȗn shīn tòw sòw⟩ "My entire body trembles."
- 前日黑夜我凍醒了 ⟨thhsiȇn zhĭᵗ hĕᵏ ié ngò túng sìng liàu⟩ "The night before last the cold woke me up."
- 我臉凍的痛 ⟨ngò lièm túng tĕᵏ thúng⟩ "My face aches with cold."
- 吐的唾沫沒到地就凍成冰一截一截的摔碎了 ⟨thù tĭ thwó mwŏᵗ mŏ táo dí dziów túng čhhȋng pīng ’ĭᵗ dziĕᵗ ’ĭᵗ dziĕᵗ tĭ shwĕᵗ súi liàu⟩ "Spittle becomes ice before it reach the ground, and breaks in pieces as it falls."
- 誰也不曾經遇這麼冷 ⟨shhȗi iè pŭ thhsȇng kīng yú čié mwȏ lèng⟩ "Never did anybody see such cold. "
- 老人最怕冷 ⟨lào zhȋn tzúi phá lèng⟩ "Old people fear the cold the most."
- 芭蕉樹禁不得冷 ⟨pā tziāu shhyú kīm pŭ tĕᵏ lèng⟩ "The palm-tree cannot bear the cold."
[edit | edit source]- 身體好 ⟨shīn thì hào⟩ "How is your health?"
- 身子好 ⟨shīn tzè hào⟩ "How is your health?"
- 很好 ⟨hhèn hào⟩ "Very well."
- 不大好 ⟨pŭ dá hào⟩ "Not very well."
- 覺著有點有病兒 ⟨kiŏᵏ djiŏᵏ iòw tièm bíng ȓ⟩ "I feel indisposed."
- 身上不舒服 ⟨shīn shhiáng pŭ shyū fvŭᵏ⟩ "I do not feel quite comfortable."
- 痛得厲害 ⟨thūng tĕᵏ lí hhái⟩ "It aches badly."
- 好些兒了 ⟨hào siē ȓ liàu⟩ "A little better."
- 覺著輕多了 ⟨kiŏᵏ djiŏᵏ khīng tō liàu⟩ "I feel greatly relieved."
- 我頭痛 ⟨ngò thhȏw thúng⟩ "My head hurts."
- 我腦袋痛 ⟨ngò nào dái thúng⟩ "My head hurts."
- 我嗓子不好 ⟨ngò sàng tzè pŭ hào⟩ "I have a sore throat."
- 我嗓子啞了 ⟨ngò sàng tzè ’ià liàu⟩ "I am hoarse."
- 我流鼻子 ⟨ngò liȏw bĭᵗ/bí tzè⟩ "My nose is runny."
- 鼻子不透氣 ⟨bĭᵗ/bí tzè pŭ thów khí⟩ "My nose is stuffy."
- 鼻子不通氣 ⟨bĭᵗ/bí tzè pŭ thūng khí⟩ "My nose is stuffy."
- 我擤鼻子 ⟨ngò hìng bĭᵗ/bí tzè⟩ "I blow my nose."
- 看著伱的眼有病 ⟨khán djiŏᵏ nì tĭ iàn iòw bíng⟩ "Your eyes seem to have illness."
- 看著著伱像眼裏有病 ⟨khán djiŏᵏ nì sziáng' iàn lì iòw bíng⟩ "You seem to have illness your eyes."
- 我肚裏不好 ⟨ngò dú lì pŭ hào⟩ "I am not feeling well in my stomach."
- 令弟看著很好 ⟨líng dí' khán djiŏᵏ hhèn hào⟩ "Your younger brother seems very well."
- 舍弟臉上有血色 ⟨shié dí' lièm shhiáng' iòw hyuĕᵗ shĕᵏ⟩ "My younger brother carries health in his countenance."
- 他血氣旺 ⟨thā hyuĕᵗ khí wáng⟩ "He has a good constitution."
- 他肨了 ⟨thā pháng liàu⟩ "He gained weight/fat."
- 他發了福 ⟨thā făᵗ liàu fŭᵏ⟩ "He gained weight/fat."
- 他的兒孑看著是個輭弱身孑 ⟨thā tĭ ȓ tzè khán djiŏᵏ shhḯ' kó zhyuèn zhiŏᵏ shīn tzè⟩ "His son appears to have delicate health."
- 舍姪像要死的一樣 ⟨shié djĭᵗ sziáng' ’iáu sè tĭ ’ĭᵗ iáng⟩ "My nephew looks like a dying man."
- 醫生不下藥了 ⟨’ī shēng pŭ hhiá iŏᵏ liàu⟩ "The doctor is no longer giving her/him any medicine (the case being past help)."
- 我想他沒有大活頭 ⟨ngò siàng thā mŏ iòw dá hhwŏᵗ thhȏw⟩ "I do not think he/she will live long."
- 他𤸃得皮包著骨頭 ⟨thā shów tĕᵏ phhȋ pāo djiŏᵏ kŭᵗ thhȏw⟩ "He/she is nothing but skin and bones."
- 大約著他活不長 ⟨dá ’iŏᵏ djiŏᵏ thā hhwŏᵗ pŭ čhhiȃng⟩ "It is probable he will not live to be old."
- 大約著他長命不了 ⟨dá ’iŏᵏ djiŏᵏ thā čhhiȃng míng pŭ liàu⟩ "It is probable he will not live to be old."
- 大約著他活不大年紀 ⟨dá ’iŏᵏ djiŏᵏ thā hhwŏᵗ pŭ dá niȇn kì⟩ "It is probable he will not live to be old."
- 令尊納福 ⟨líng tzūn năᵖ fŭᵏ⟩ "How does your father do?"
- 尊翁萬福 ⟨tzūn ’ūng ván fŭᵏ⟩ "How does your father do?"
- 家父託庇 ⟨kiā fvú' thăᵏ pí⟩ "He is very well (lit. thanks to your protection)."
- 令堂納福 ⟨lȋng thhȃng năᵖ fŭᵏ⟩ "How is your mother?"
- 令堂安福 ⟨líng thhȃng ’ān fŭᵏ⟩ "How is your mother?"
- 家毋好多了 ⟨kiā mù/mòw hào tō liàu⟩ "My mother is much better."
- 他不好 ⟨thā pŭ hào⟩ "She is not well. "
- 他有病 ⟨thā iȏw pīng⟩ "She has a sickness."
- 他病了 ⟨thā bíng liàu⟩ "She is sick."
- 他病得重 ⟨thā bíng tĕᵏ djyúng'⟩ "She is very ill. "
- 他病得很厲害 ⟨thā bíng tĕᵏ lí hhái⟩ "She is badly ill."
- 他有甚麼病 ⟨thā iòw shhím mwȏ bíng⟩ "What ails her? "
- 他凍著了 ⟨thā túng djiŏᵏ liàu⟩ "She has taken cold."
- 他是從多久病的 ⟨thā sh6ū čhdȗìff⟩ "How long has she been ill?"
- 他是從甚麼時候病的 ⟨thā shhḯ' thhsyȗng shhím mwȏ shhï̑ hhów bíng tĭ⟩ "Since when has she been ill?"
- 我從前不知道他有病 ⟨ngò thhsyȗng thhsiȇn pŭ čȋ dáo' thā iòw bíng⟩ "I did not know that she was ill."
- 他的病是甚麼病 ⟨thā tĭ bíng shhḯ' shhím mwȏ bíng⟩ "What is her illness?"
- 醫生天天來看他 ⟨’ī shēng thiēn thiēn lȃi khán thā⟩ "The doctor attends her every day."
- 看病的先生說他的病準不礙 ⟨khán bíng tĭ siēn shēng shïĕᵗ thā tĭ bíng čyùn pŭ ngái⟩ "The doctor says that it will not be of any consequence."
- 令姐好了沒有 ⟨líng tziè hào liàu mŏ iòw⟩ "Is your elder sister doing better?"
- 家姐還沒有全好呢 ⟨kiā tziè hhȃi/hhwȃn mŏ iòw thhsyuȇn hào nȋ⟩ "She is not quite well yet."
- 纔好了 ⟨thhsȃi hào liàu⟩ "She is just recovering."
- 肉身有死靈魂死不了 ⟨zhyŭᵏ shīn iòw sè lȋng hhȗn sè pŭ liàu⟩ "The body is perishable, but the soul cannot die."
[edit | edit source]- 伱往哪裏去 ⟨nì wàng nà lì khyú⟩ "Where are you going?"
- 伱上哪裏去 ⟨nì shíáng' nà lì khyú⟩ "Where are you going?"
- 我家去 ⟨ngò kiā khyú⟩ "I am going home."
- 我上家去 ⟨ngò shhiáng' kiā khyú⟩ "I am going home."
- 我回家去 ⟨ngò hhȗi kiā khyú⟩ "I am going back home."
- 我往伱家去 ⟨ngò wàng nì kiā khyú⟩ "I was going to your house."
- 伱從哪裏來 ⟨nì thhsyȗng nà lì lȃi⟩ "Whence do you come?"
- 伱打哪裏來 ⟨nì tà nà lì lȃi⟩ "Whence do you come?"
- 我從我哥家來 ⟨ngò thhsyȗng ngò kō kiā lȃi⟩ "I come from my elder brother's."
- 我打我哥家來 ⟨ngò tà ngò kō kiā lȃi⟩ "I come from my elder brother's."
- 我纔下了學 ⟨ngò thhsȃi hhiá' liàu hhiŏᵏ⟩ "I have just left the school."
- 我纔從學裏出來 ⟨ngò thhsȃi thhsyȗng hhiŏᵏ lì čhyŭᵗ lȃi⟩ "I have just left the school."
- 伱願意同我去麽 ⟨nì yuén ’í thhȗng ngò khyú mȏ⟩ "Would you like to come with me?"
- 伱願意跟我去麽 ⟨nì yuén ’í kēn ngò khyú mȏ⟩ "Would you like to come with me?"
- 伱願意往哪裏去 ⟨nì yuén ’í wàng nà lì khyú⟩ "Where do you wish to go?"
- 伱願意上哪裏去 ⟨nì yuén ’í shhiáng' nà lì khyú⟩ "Would you like to come with me?"
- 我們去𠉫一𠉫去 ⟨ngò mȗn khyú kwáng ’ĭᵗ kwáng khyú⟩ "Let's go for a walk."
- 好 ⟨hào⟩ "Willingly."
- 我們往哪邊去 ⟨ngò mȗn wàng nà piēn khyú⟩ "Which way shall we go?"
- 我們往哪裏去 ⟨ngò mȗn wàng nà lì khyú⟩ "Where should we go?"
- 伱願意往哪邊去就往哪邊去 ⟨nì yuén ’í wàng nà piēn khyú dziów wàng nà piēn khyú⟩ "We will go which way you please."
- 我們走近道 ⟨ngò mȗn tzòw gín' dáo'⟩ "We shall go the shortest way."
- 我們在道上叫著伱兄弟 ⟨ngò mȗn dzái' dáo' shhiáng kiáu djiŏᵏ nì hyuēng dí'⟩ "Let us take your brother in our way."
- 隨伱的便 ⟨szȗi nì tĭ bién⟩ "As you please."
- 他纔出了門 ⟨thā thhsȃi čhyŭᵗ liàu mȗn⟩ "He is just gone out."
- 他往外頭去了 ⟨thā wàng ngwái thhȏw khyú liàu⟩ "He is gone out."
- 他不在家 ⟨thā pŭ dzái' kiā⟩ "He is not at home."
- 他沒在家 ⟨thā mŏ dzái' kiā⟩ "He has not been at home."
- 伱知道他往哪去了不知道 ⟨nì čȋ dáo' thā wàng nà khyú liàu pŭ čȋ dáo'⟩ "Do you know where he is gone?"
- 伱知道他上哪去了不知道 ⟨nì čȋ dáo' thā shhiáng' nà khyú liàu pŭ čȋ dáo'⟩ "Do you know where he is gone?"
- 說不清 ⟨shyuĕᵗ pŭ thsīng⟩ "I cannot tell exactly."
- 說不準 ⟨shyuĕᵗ pŭ čyùn⟩ "I cannot tell exactly."
- 伱知道他甚麼時候回來不 ⟨nì čȋ dáo' thā shhím mwȏ shhï̑ hhów hhȗi lȃi pŭ⟩ "Do you know when he will return?"
- 不知道他走的時候有沒有說甚麼 ⟨pŭ čȋ dáo' thā tzòw tĭ shhï̑ hhów iòw mŏ iòw shyuĕᵗ shhím mwȏ⟩ "Any chance he said something when he went?"
- 既是這樣我們就不叫著他去了 ⟨kí shhḯ' čié iáng' ngò mȗn dziów pŭ kiáu djiŏᵏ thā khyú liàu⟩ "In that case we will not ask him to go (with us)."
- 我怕在道上土很多 ⟨ngò phá dzái' dáo' shhiáng thù hhèn tō⟩ "I am afraid the roads are very dusty."
- 這個雨略薄的把塵土壓了壓 ⟨čié kó yù liŏᵏ bŏᵏ tĭ pà čhhȋn thù ’iăᵖ liàu ’iăᵖ⟩ "The rain has laid the dust a little."
- 從下了雨以後我還沒有出去 ⟨thhsyȗng hhiá' liàu yù ì hhów' ngò hhȃi/hhwȃn mŏ iòw čhyŭᵗ khyú⟩ "I have not been out since the rain."
- 從下了雨以後我還沒有出門 ⟨thhsyȗng hhiá' liàu yù ì hhów' ngò hhȃi/hhwȃn mŏ iòw čhyŭᵗ mȗn⟩ "I have not been out since the rain."
- 我也沒有出去過 ⟨ngò iè mŏ iòw čhyŭᵗ khyú kwó⟩ "I have not gone out either."
- 我們去看看外頭怎麼様 ⟨ngò mȗn khyú khán khán ngwȃi thhȏw tzèm mwȏ iáng⟩ "Let us go and see how things look outside."
- 今天道比從前好走多了 ⟨kīm thiēn dáo' pì thhsyȗng thhsiȇn hào tzòw tō liàu⟩ "The roads today are much easier to walk on than in the past."
- 今天道比在先好走多了 ⟨kīm thiēn dáo' pì dzái' siēn hào tzòw tō liàu⟩ "The roads today are much easier to walk on than in the past."
- 下了雨了涼快了 ⟨hhiá' yù liȃng khwái liàu⟩ "The rain has made the weather cooler."
- 天不像在先那麼熱了 ⟨thiēn pŭ sziáng' dzái' siēn ná mwȏ zhiĕᵗ liàu⟩ "It is no longer as warm as before."
- 天不像從前麼熱了 ⟨thiēn pŭ sziáng' thhsyȗng thhsiȇn ná mwȏ zhiĕᵗ liàu⟩ "It is no longer as warm as before."
- 天不如從前麼熱了 ⟨thiēn pŭ zhyȗ thhsyȗng thhsiȇn ná mwȏ zhiĕᵗ liàu⟩ "It is no longer as warm as before."
- 甚麼也鮮氣 ⟨shhím mwȏ iè siēn khí⟩ "How fresh every thing looks!"
- 眼看著甚麼也長 ⟨iàn khán djiŏᵏ shhím mwȏ iè čiàng⟩ "Every thing shoots up visibly."
- 下雨多點兒更好 ⟨hhiá' yù tō tièm ȓ kéng hào⟩ "A little more rain would do even better."
- 我們走這個小道兒日頭曬不著 ⟨ngò mȗn tzòw čié kó siàu dáo' ȓ zhĭᵗ thhȏw shái pŭ djiŏᵏ⟩ "Let us take this path; we shall be sheltered from the sun."
- 是回家的近道 ⟨shhḯ' hhȗi kiā tĭ gín' dáo'⟩ "It is shortcut to home."
- 是回家最近的道 ⟨shhḯ' hhȗi kiā tzúi gín' tĭ dáo'⟩ "It is the nearest way to go home."
- 不過二刻的道兒 ⟨pūn kwó ŕ khĕᵏ tĭ dáo' ȓ⟩ "We have only half an hour's walk."
- 道很不好走 ⟨dáo' hhèn pŭ hào tzòw⟩ "The road is very difficult for walking."
- 泥有腳面深 ⟨nȋ iòw kiŏᵏ mién shīm⟩ "The mud is up to one's instep."
- 路滑流 ⟨lú hhwăᵗ liȏw⟩ "The road is slippery."
[edit | edit source]- 伱知道如今是幾下鐘不知道 ⟨nì čȋ dáo' zhyȗ kīm shhḯ' kì hhiá' čyūng pŭ čȋ dáo'⟩ "Do you know what o'clock it is?"
- 伱知道如今是幾點鐘不知道 ⟨nì čȋ dáo' zhyȗ kīm shhḯ' kì tièm čyūng pŭ čȋ dáo'⟩ "o'clock it is ?"
- 知不準 ⟨čȋ pŭ čyùn⟩ "I don't know exactly."
- 看看伱的表 ⟨khán khán nì tĭ piàu⟩ "Take a look at your watch."
- 伱從口袋裹拏出表來 ⟨nì thhsyȗng khòw dái lì nȃ čhyŭᵗ piàu lȃi⟩ "Take out your watch from your pocket."
- 沒有上絃 ⟨mŏ iòw shhiáng' hhiȇn⟩ "It is not wound up."
- 我忘了沒有上絃 ⟨ngò vȃng liàu mŏ iòw shhiáng' hhiȇn⟩ "I forgot and did not wind it up."
- 我忘了上絃 ⟨ngò vȃng liàu shhiáng' hhiȇn⟩ "I forgot to wind it up."
- 不走 ⟨pŭ tzòw⟩ "It does not go."
- 不走了 ⟨pū tzòw liàu⟩ "It does not go anymore."
- 伱的表走得對不對 ⟨nì tĭ piàu tzòw tĕᵏ túi pŭ túi⟩ "Does your watch go correctly?"
- 走得很對 ⟨tzòw tĕᵏ hhèn túi⟩ "It goes very accurately."
- 走得不對 ⟨tzòw tĭ pŭ túi⟩ "It does not go correctly."
- 走得慢 ⟨tzòw tĭ mán⟩ "It goes (too) slow."
- 走得快 ⟨tzòw tĭ khwái⟩ "It goes (too) fast."
- 慢了 ⟨mán liàu⟩ "(It) is getting (too) slow."
- 快了 ⟨khwái liàu⟩ "(It) is getting (too) fast."
- 不對 ⟨pŭ túi⟩ "It is not right."
- 快了二刻 ⟨khwái liàu ŕ khĕᵏ⟩ "It is half an hour too fast."
- 慢了一下多鐘 ⟨mán liàu ’ĭᵗ hhiá' tō čyūng⟩ "It is more than an hour too slow."
- 有時候不走 ⟨iòw shhï̑ hhów pŭ tzòw⟩ "It stops now and then."
- 一天慢一刻 ⟨’ĭᵗ thiēn mán ’ĭᵗ khĕᵏ⟩ "It loses a quarter of an hour every day."
- 一天快二刻 ⟨’ĭᵗ thiēn khwái ŕ khĕᵏ⟩ "It gains two quarters every day."
- 發條折了 ⟨făᵗ thhiȃu shhiĕᵗ liàu⟩ "The main spring is broken."
- 我要送到表匠那裏去 ⟨ngò ’iáu súng táo piàï dziáng ná lì khyū⟩ "I am going to send it to the watch-maker."
- 伱知道鐘表有幾下鐘了不知道 ⟨nì čȋ dáo' čyūng piàu iòw kì hhiá' čyūng liàu pŭ čȋ dáo'⟩ "Do you know what o'clock it is by the clock ?"
- 我沒有聽見鐘表響 ⟨ngò mŏ iòw thīng kién čyūng piàu hiàng⟩ "I did not hear the clock strike."
- 我們忍著些兒罷鐘表這就要響 ⟨tm mdnn jȇnn čhdȃid 6r p& ; čhungpiāo téè ȗidȗ iáoi&ng⟩ "Let us have a littie patience; it will strike by and by."
- 伱聽如今表響了 ⟨nì thīng zhyȗ kīm piàu hiàng liàu⟩ "Hearken, the clock is striking."
- 伱聽見表響了不 ⟨nì thīng kién piàu hìàng liàu pŭ⟩ "Do you hear the clock strike?"
- 聽見了我數數是幾下鐘 ⟨thīng kién liàu ngȏi shù shù shhḯ' kì hhiá' čyūng⟩ "I have heard (it) and I am counting the hours."
- 響了四下鐘 ⟨hiàng liàu sé hiačhdȗng⟩ "It struck four o'clock."
- 昨天我把表撥慢了 ⟨dzŏᵏ thiēn ngò pà piàu pwŏᵗ mán liàu⟩ "I put back the clock yesterday."
- 我把表撥快了 ⟨ngò pà piàu pwŏᵗ khwái liàu⟩ "I put forth the clock."
- 我把表撥回來了五分 ⟨ngò pà piàu pwŏᵗ hhȗi lȃi liàu ngȗ fūn⟩ "I put back the clock five minutes.."
[edit | edit source]- 屬甚麼的 ⟨shhyŭᵏ shhím mwȏ tĭ⟩ "What is the animal of the year of your birth ?"
- 屬猴的四十五歲 ⟨shhyŭᵏ hhȏw tĭ sé shhĭᵖ ngù súi⟩ "Year of the monkey; I am forty five."
- 伱還年輕呢 ⟨nì hhȃi/hhwȃn niȇn khīng nȋ⟩ "You are still young."
- 伱的年紀還不大 ⟨nì tĭ niȇn kì hhwȃn pŭ dá⟩ "You are still young."
- 伱還是年輕人呢 ⟨nì hhȃi/hhwȃn shhḯ' niȇn khīng zhȋn nȋ⟩ "You are yet a young person."
- 伱還是幼年人呢 ⟨nì hhȃi shhḯ' ’iów niȇn zhȋn nȋ⟩ "You are yet a child"
- 伱是壯年人 ⟨nì shhḯ' čwáng niȇn zhȋn⟩ "You are in the prime of live."
- 伱是正當年的人 ⟨nì shhḯ' číng tāng niȇn tĭ zhȋn⟩ "You are in the prime of live."
- 令弟多大歲數 ⟨líng dí' tō dá súi shú⟩ "How old is your brother?"
- 令弟多大了 ⟨líng dí' tō dá liàu⟩ "How old is your brother?"
- 有二十歲零六個月了 ⟨iòw ŕ shhĭᵖ súi lȋng lŭᵏ kó yuĕᵗ liàu⟩ "He is twenty years and six months."
- 年紀這麼小 ⟨niȇn kì čié mwȏ siàu⟩ "So young!"
- 令姪兒有幾歲 ⟨líng djĭᵗ ȓ iòw kì súi⟩ "How old is your brother's son?"
- 他還未沒有過六歲呢 ⟨thā hhȃi/hhwȃn mŏ iòw kwó lŭᵏ súi nȋ⟩ "He is no older than six years yet."
- 他是孩子 ⟨thā shhḯ' hhȃi tzè⟩ "He is a child"
- 他還不滿九個月 ⟨thā hhȃi/hhwȃn pŭ mwòn kiòw kó yuĕᵗ⟩ "He is not yet nine months old"
- 這個幼年人眼看著長 ⟨čié kó ’iów niȇn zhȋn iàn khān djiŏᵏ čiàng⟩ "This young person visibly grows"
- 大約著令叔伯弟快到十五歲了 ⟨dá ’iŏᵏ djiŏᵏ líng shyŭᵏ pĕᵏ dí' khwái táo shhĭᵖ ngù súi liàu⟩ "The son of father's brother is probably almost fifteen years old"
- 過了兩個月他就十五了 ⟨kwó liàu liàng kó yuĕᵗ thā dziów shhĭᵖ ngù liàu⟩ "In two months he will be fifteen years old."
- 下月他就十六歲 了 ⟨hhiá' yuĕᵗ thā dziów shhĭᵖ lŭᵏ súi liàu⟩ "Next month he shall be sixteen years old"
- 看著他沒有這麼大歲數 ⟨khán djiŏᵏ thā mŏ iòw čié mwȏ dá súi shú⟩ "He/she does not look as old as his age."
- 看著他歲數更大 ⟨khán djiŏᵏ thā súi shú kéng dá⟩ "He/she looks older."
- 令叔有多大年紀 ⟨lȋng shyŭᵏ iòw tō dá niȇn kì⟩ "How old may your father's brother be?"
- 令叔有多大歲數 ⟨lȋng shyŭᵏ iòw tō dá súi shú⟩ "How old may your father's brother be?"
- 估量他有六十了 ⟨kù liȃng thā iȏw lŭᵏ shhĭᵖ liàu⟩ "He may be sixty."
- 他差不多有六十 ⟨thā čhā pŭ tō iòw lŭᵏ shhĭᵖ⟩ "He is about sixty."
- 他有五十多歲了 ⟨thā iòw ngù shhĭᵖ tō súi liàu⟩ "He is more than fifty years old"
- 他五十多了 ⟨thā ngù shhĭᵖ tō liàu⟩ "He is more than fifty."
- 他是五十多歲的人 ⟨thā shhĭᵖ ngù shhĭᵖ tō súi tĭ zhȋn⟩ "He is a man of fifty years and upwards."
- 他至少有七十 ⟨thā čí shiàu iòw thsĭᵖ shhĭᵖ⟩ "He is at least seventy."
- 他少著説有七十 ⟨thā shiàu djiŏᵏ shyuĕᵗ iòw thsĭᵖ shhĭᵖ⟩ "He is at least seventy."
- 他少説有七十 ⟨thā shiàu shyuĕᵗ iòw thsĭᵖ shhĭᵖ⟩ "He is at least seventy."
- 他有這麽大年紀麽 ⟨thā iòw čié mwȏ dá niȇn kì mȏ⟩ "Is he so old?"
- 他這就老了 ⟨thā čié dziów lào liàu⟩ "He begins to grow old already."
- 眼看著衰敗了 ⟨iàn khán djiŏᵏ shwāi bái liàu⟩ "He breaks very fast visibly."
- 他顯老 ⟨thā hièn lào⟩ "He looks old."
- 他老糊塗了 ⟨thā lào hhȗ thhȗ liàu⟩ "He is become quite childish."
- 令姑不像這麼大年紀的 ⟨líng kū pŭ sziàng čié mwȏ dá niȇn kì tĭ⟩ "Your father's sister does not appear so old."
- 他顯著小十歲 ⟨thā hièn djiŏᵏ siàu shhĭᵖ súi⟩ "She appears to be ten years younger."
- 若看他的年紀還算壯實 ⟨zhiŏᵏ khán thā tĭ niȇn kì hhȃi/hhwȃn swón čwáng shhĭᵗ⟩ "Considering her age she is sturdy."
- 他父親還在呢 ⟨thā fvú' thsīn hhwȃn dzài nȋ⟩ "Her father is still living."
- 他一定年紀很大 ⟨thā ’ĭᵗ díng niȇn kì hhèn dá⟩ "He must be very old."
- 他纔九十六歲 ⟨thā thhsȃi kiòw shhĭᵖ lŭᵏ súi⟩ "He is just entering his ninety-six years."
- 他一點見不衰敗 ⟨thā ’ĭᵗ tièm pŭ kién shwāi bái⟩ "He has no infirmities."
- 他一點兒見不衰敗 ⟨thā ’ĭᵗ tièm ȓ pŭ kién shwāi bái⟩ "He has no infirmities."
- 他甚麼重點兒的病也沒有 ⟨thā shhím mwȏ djyúng' tièm ȓ tĭ bíng iè mŏ iòw⟩ "He has no serious health problem."
- 他沒有甚麼重病 ⟨thā mŏ iòw shhím mwȏ djyúng' pīng⟩ "He has no serious illness"
- 他還不像要死的 ⟨thā hhȃi/hhwȃn pŭ sziáng' ’iáu sè tĭ⟩ "He is not yet tired of life."
[edit | edit source]- 到了起來的時候 ⟨táo liàu khì lȃi tĭ shhï̑ hhów⟩ "It is the time of getting up."
- 天還沒有亮 ⟨thiēn hhȃi/hhwȃn mŏ iòw liáng⟩ "It isn't daylight yet."
- 天還沒有明 ⟨thiēn hhȃi/hhwȃn mŏ iòw liȃng mȋng⟩ "It isn't daylight yet."
- 天大明 ⟨thiēn dá mȋng⟩ "It is broad daylight."
- 大天亮了 ⟨dá thiēn liáng liàu⟩ "It is broad daylight."
- 開開帳子雨䈳 ⟨khāi khāi čiáng tzè yù dăᵖ⟩ "Open the curtains and the shutters."
- 今天願意穿甚麼衣裳 ⟨kīm thiēn yuén ’í čhyuenn shhím mwȏ ’ī shhiȃng/čhhiȃng⟩ "What clothes do you wish to wear today?"
- 昨天穿的衣裳因爲今天我不去拜會大槪也沒有客來 ⟨dzŏᵏ thiēn čhyuēn tĭ ’ī shhiȃng/čhhiȃng ’īn ȗi kīm thiēn ngò pŭ khyú pái hhúi dá kái iè mŏ iòw khĕᵏ lȃi⟩ "Those I had yesterday; the reason is that I am not visiting (anyone) and am expecting no visitors."
- 水壺在火上坐著呢這就要開了 ⟨shùi hhȗ dzái' hwò shhiáng dzwó' djiŏᵏ nȋ čié tziów ’iáu khāi liàu⟩ "The boiler is sitting upon the fire and the water begins to boil."
- 這些衣裳洗得不白 ⟨čié siē ’ī shhiȃng/čhhiȃng sì tĕᵏ pŭ bĕᵏ⟩ "This linen is very indifferently washed."
- 這雙襪子穿不得 ⟨čié shwāng văᵗ tzè čhyuēn pŭ tĕᵏ⟩ "This pair of socks are not wearable."
- 我要戴上帽子 ⟨ngò ’iāu tái shhiáng máo tzè⟩ "I am going to put on my hat."
- 埽了那個蜘蛛網 ⟨sào liàu ná kó čī čyū vàng⟩ "Sweep away that spider web."
- 伱去叫廚子預備早飯去因爲我要早出門 ⟨ní khyú kiáu čhhyȗ tzè yú bí tzào fván khyú ’īn ȗi ngò ’iáu tzào čhyū mȗn⟩ "Go and tell the cook to get my breakfast ready, as I must be out early."
- 伱是大清早起來的 ⟨nì shhḯ' dá thhsȋng tzào khì lȃi tĭ⟩ "You got up very early."
- 我平常起來得早 ⟨ngò phhȋng čhhiȃng khì tĕᵏ tzào⟩ "I commonly rise early."
- 我尋常起來得早 ⟨ngò szȋm čhhiȃng khì tĕᵏ tzào⟩ "I commonly rise early."
- 我素常起來得早 ⟨ngò sú čhhiȃng khì tĕᵏ tzào⟩ "I commonly rise early."
- 一覺睡到明 ⟨’ĭᵗ kiáo shhúi táo mȋng⟩ "I never awoke all night."
- 我睡起來醒不了 ⟨ngò shúi khì lȃi sìng pŭ liàu⟩ "When I begin to sleep, I cannot awake more."
- 我睡得不安 ⟨ngò shúi tĕᵏ pŭ ’ān⟩ "I did not sleep very well."
- 我睡不著 ⟨ngò shúi pŭ djiŏᵏ⟩ "I could not sleep."
- 我睡不著覺 ⟨ngò shhȗi pŭ djiŏᵏ kiáo⟩ "I could not sleep."
- 天一發亮我就醒了 ⟨thiēn ’ĭᵗ făᵗ liáng ngò tziów sìng liàu⟩ "I awoke as soon as it was daylight."
- 我驚醒了 ⟨ngŏᵏlng sīng liàu⟩ "???I awoke with a start."
- 我天天睡晌覺 ⟨ngò thiēn thiēn sho^ish&ng kiad⟩ "I am in the habit of taking noon's nap."
- 今天早起天很好 ⟨kīn mȇn ȋsāo khĭᵗhièn h6īm hāo⟩ "This is a fine morning."
- 𠉫一𠉫去行不行 ⟨kwáng ’ĭᵗ kwáng khyú hhȋngpdȗ mng ⟩ "What do you think of taking a little walk?"
- 喫早飯以前有工夫沒有 ⟨khĭᵏ tzào fván ì thhsiȇn iòw kūng fū mŏ iòw ⟩ "Do we have time before breakfast?"
- 工夫不小 ⟨kūng fū pŭ siàu⟩ "Plenty of time."
- 到喫早飯還有一下多鐘 ⟨táo khĭᵏ tzào fván hhȃi/hhwȃn iòw ’ĭᵗ hhiá' tō čyūng⟩ "There's yet more than one hour till breakfast."
[edit | edit source]- 天不早了 ⟨thiēn pŭ tzào liàu⟩ "It begins to grow late."
- 快到睡覺的時候了 ⟨khwái táo shhúi kiáo tĭ shhï̑ hhów liàu⟩ "It is almost time to go to bed."
- 我猜他快回來了 ⟨ngò thsāi thā khwái hhȗi lȃi liàu⟩ "I guess he/she will soon be back."
- 不多工夫他就該回來了 ⟨pŭ tō kūng fū thā dziów hhȗi lȃi liàu⟩ "I think he/she will be back before long."
- 平常他回來早 ⟨phhȋng čhhiȃng thā hhȗi lȃi tzào⟩ "Usually he/she comes back early."
- 素常他回來早 ⟨sú čhhiȃng thā hhȗi lȃi tzào⟩ "Usually he/she comes back early."
- 尋常他回來早 ⟨szȋm čhhiȃng thā hhȗi lȃi tzào⟩ "Usually he/she comes back early."
- 他平常十下鐘睡覺 ⟨thā phhȋng čhhiȃng shhĭᵖ hhiá' čyūng shhúi kiáo'⟩ "He commonly goes to bed at ten o'clock."
- 我聽見人敲門 ⟨ngò thīng kién zhȋn khiāo mȗn⟩ "I hear some one knocking on the door."
- 大約敲門的是他 ⟨dá ’iŏᵏ khiāo mȗn tĭ shhḯ' thā⟩ "Probably the one knocing the door is he/she."
- 大概敲門的是他 ⟨dá kái khiāo mȗn tĭ shhḯ' thā⟩ "Probably the one knocing the door is he/she."
- 伱看看去 ⟨nì khán khán khyú⟩ "Go and see."
- 不錯是他 ⟨pŭ thsŏᵏ shhḯ' thā⟩ "Just so; it is he."
- 久等了 ⟨kiòw tèng liàu⟩ "(I have made you) wait long."
- 等不了如今不過十下鐘 ⟨tèng pŭ liàu; zhyȗ kīm pŭ kwó shhĭᵖ hhiá' čyūng⟩ "Not waiting; it is but ten o'clock."
- 不到十下二刻我們不睡覺 ⟨pŭ táo shhĭᵖ hhiá' ŕ khĕᵏ ngò mȗn pŭ shhúi kiáo⟩ "We never go to bed before half past ten."
- 我沒有誤了時候 ⟨ngò mŏ iòw ngú liàu shhï̑ hhów⟩ "I did not miss the time."
- 伱不乏麼 ⟨nì pŭ fvăᵖ mȏ⟩ "Are you not tired?"
- 伱不儽得荒麼 ⟨nì pŭ lúi tĕᵏ hwāng mȏ⟩ "Are you not exhausted?"
- 不很乏 ⟨pŭ hhèn fvăᵖ⟩ "Not very tired."
- 我儽得沒有勁了 ⟨ngò lúi tĕᵏ mŏ iòw kíng liàu⟩ "I am exhausted with fatigue."
- 我的腿走不動 ⟨ngò tĭ thùi tzòw pŭ dúng'⟩ "My legs will move no farther."
- 伱不願意歇歇麼 ⟨nì pŭ yuȇn ’í hiĕᵗ hiĕᵗ mȏ⟩ "Won't you rest some?"
- 伱不願意歇一會麼 ⟨nì pŭ yuȇn ’í hiĕᵗ hiĕᵗ mȏ ’ĭᵗ hhúi mȏ⟩ "Won't you rest yourself a little?"
- 天不晚 ⟨thiēn pŭ vàn⟩ "It is not late."
- 還早 ⟨hhȃi/hhwȃn tzào⟩ "It is still early."
- 我不喜歡晚睡覺 ⟨ngò pŭ hì hwōn vàn shúi kiáo⟩ "I do not like to go to bed late."
- 我不喜歡睡覺睡得晚 ⟨ngò pŭ hì hwōn shúi kiáo shhúi tĕᵏ vàn⟩ "I do not like to go to bed late."
- 我喜歡早睡覺 ⟨ngò hì hwōn tzào shhȗi kiáo⟩ "I like to go to bed early."
- 我睏 ⟨ngò khún⟩ "I am sleepy."
- 我睏極了 ⟨ngȏ khún gĭᵏ liàu⟩ "I am oppressed with sleepiness."
- 我睏得荒 ⟨ngȏ khún tĕᵏ hwāng⟩ "I am oppressed with sleepiness."
- 一宿平安 ⟨’ĭᵗ syŭᵏ phhȋng ’ān⟩ "I wish you a good night."
- 一夜平安 ⟨’ĭᵗ ié phhȋng ’ān⟩ "I wish you a good night."
[edit | edit source]- 伱相幫這個孩子脫衣裳 ⟨nì siāng pāng čié kó hhȃi tzè thwŏᵗ ’ī shhiȃng⟩ "Help this child tb undress."
- 給他脫褂子脫鞋 ⟨kĭᵖ thā thwŏᵗ kwá tzè thwŏᵗ hhiȃi⟩ "Pull of his jacket and his shoes."
- 先給他摘帽子 ⟨siēn kĭᵖ thā čĕᵏ máo tzè⟩ "Take off her/his hat first."
- 沒有人來叫我來麼 ⟨mŏ iòw zhȋn lȃi kiáu ngò mȏ⟩ "Has nobody been here to ask for me?"
- 他說他明天早起再來 ⟨thā shyuĕᵗ thā mȋng thiēn tzào khì tzái lȃi⟩ "He said he would come again tomorrow morning."
- 伱沒有給我收甚麼書子嗎 ⟨nì mŏ iòw kĭᵖ ngò shiōw shhím mwȏ shyū tzè mȏ⟩ "Have you received any letters for me? ."
- 我戴上眼鏡 ⟨ngò tái shhiáng' iàn kíng⟩ "I am putting on my glasses."
- 我摘下眼鏡來 ⟨ngò čĕᵏ hhiá iàn kíng lȃi⟩ "I am taking off my glasses."
- 還有這張請帖 ⟨hhȃi/hhwȃn iòw čié čiāng thsìng thiĕᵖ⟩ "Here is a card of invitation too."
- 明天早起我事多該當早些起來 ⟨mȋng thiēn tzào khì ngò shhé tō kāi tāng tzào siē khì lȃi⟩ "I have a great deal of business tomorrow morning; I shall be obliged to rise a little earlier."
- 伱早早的叫醒我 ⟨nì tzào tzào tĭ kiáu sìng ngò⟩ "You will call me up early."
- 至晚五下鐘千萬莫誤了 ⟨čí vàn ngù hhiá' čyūng thsiēn ván mŏᵏ ngú liàu⟩ "At latest at five o'clock; and be particular not to fail."
- 至晚五下鐘千萬莫忘了 ⟨čí vàn ngù hhiá' čyūng thsiēn ván mŏᵏ váng liàu⟩ "At latest at five o'clock; and be particular not to forget."
- 把帳子䥀好點 ⟨pà čiáng tzè čhièn hào tièm⟩ "Draw the curtains a little closer."
- 把帳子䥀好點兒 ⟨pà čiáng tzè čhièn hào tièm ȓ⟩ "Draw the curtains a little closer."
- 在屋裏這些蚊子阿 ⟨dzái' ’ŭᵏ lì čié siē vȗn tzè ’ō⟩ "What a lot of mosquitos in the room!"
- 鎖上房門 ⟨swò shhiáng' fvȃng mȗn⟩ "Lock the house door."
Eating and drinking
[edit | edit source]- 伱餓不餓 ⟨nì ngó pŭ ngó⟩ "Are you hungry ?"
- 伱飢不飢 ⟨nì kī pŭ kī⟩ "Are you hungry ?"
- 我想喫 ⟨ngò siàng khĭᵏ⟩ "I want to eat"
- 我很想喫 ⟨ngò hhèn siàng khĭᵏ⟩ "I have good appetite."
- 我餓了 ⟨ngò ngó liàu⟩ "I am hungry now."
- 我餓得荒 ⟨ngò ngó tĕᵏ hwāng⟩ "I am anxiously hungry."
- 我餓死了 ⟨ngò ngó sé liàu⟩ "I am starving to death."
- 今天我還沒有喫甚麼呢 ⟨kīm thiēn ngò hhȃi/hhwȃn mŏ iòw khĭᵏ shhím mwȏ nȋ⟩ "I have not eaten any thing today."
- 我連一口還沒有喫呢 ⟨ngò liȇn ’ĭᵗ khòw hhȃi/hhwȃn mŏ iòw khĭᵏ nȋ⟩ "I have not yet taken a single mouthful."
- 我餓得立不住了 ⟨ngò ngó tĕᵏ lĭᵖ pŭ djyú liàu⟩ "I am so hungry I cannot stand."
- 伱願意喫點甚麼 ⟨nì yuén ’í khĭᵏ tièm shhím mwȏ⟩ "What would you like to eat?"
- 我不論甚麼也喫 ⟨ngò pŭ lȗn shhím mwȏ iè khĭᵏ⟩ "I will eat no matter what."
- 伱甚麼也不喫 ⟨nì shhím mwȏ iè pŭ khĭᵏ⟩ "You don't eat anything."
- 伱不喫點麼 ⟨nì pŭ khĭᵏ tièm mȏ⟩ "Won't you eat some?"
- 我喫得多 ⟨ngò khĭᵏ tĕᵏ tō⟩ "I eat a lot"
- 我喫得不少 ⟨ngò khĭᵏ tĕᵏ pū shiàu⟩ "I eat a lot"
- 年輕的人纔喫了就餓呢 ⟨niȇn khīng zhȋn thhsȃi khĭᵏ liàu dziów ngó nȋ⟩ "A young person barely finishes eating and immediately become hungry (again)."
- 年輕的人纔喫了就又想喫 ⟨niȇn khīng zhȋn thhsȃi khĭᵏ liàu dziów iów siàng khĭᵏ⟩ "A young person barely finishes eating and immediately wants to eat (again)."
- 喫飽了 ⟨khĭᵏ pào liàu⟩ "I have eaten enough."
- 伱喫得那麼飽麼 ⟨nì khĭᵏ tĕᵏ ná mwȏ pào mȏ⟩ "Are you so much satiated?"
- 伱飯量不大 ⟨nì fván liáng pŭ dá⟩ "You are not a great eater."
- 伱渴不渴 ⟨nì khŏᵗ pŭ khŏᵗ⟩ "Are you thirsty?"
- 伱不渴麼 ⟨nì pŭ khŏᵗ mȏ⟩ "Are you not thirsty?."
- 我渴了 ⟨ngò khŏᵗ liàu⟩ "I am thirsty."
- 我口渴 ⟨ngò khòw khŏᵗ⟩ "I am thirsty."
- 伱給我點兒欱的 ⟨nì kĭᵖ ngò tièm ȓ hŏᵖ tĭ⟩ "Give me something to drink."
- 伱願意欱甚麼 ⟨nì yuén ’í hŏᵗ shhím mwȏ ⟩ "What would you like to drink?"
- 伱願意同我欱杯酒不 ⟨nì yuén ’í thhȗng ngò hŏᵗ pūi tziòw pŭ⟩ "Would you like to take a glass of alcohol with me?"
- 很好 ⟨hhèn hào⟩ "Very well."
- 晌午飯欱甚麼 ⟨shiàng ngù fván hŏᵖ shhím mwȏ⟩ "What do you wish to drink with your lunch?"
- 伱是欱大麥酒是欱葡萄酒 ⟨nì shhḯ' hŏᵗ dá mĕᵏ tzioīw shhḯ' hŏᵗ phhȗ thhȃo tziòw ⟩ "Do you drink barley beer or wine?"
- 這大麥酒不好麽 ⟨čié dá mĕᵏ tziòw pŭ hào mȏ ⟩ "Is not this pretty good beer?"
- 伱用璃瓶盛著麼 ⟨nì yúng phwō lȋ phhȋng čhhȋng djiŏᵏ mȏ⟩ "Do you contain it in a glass bottle?"
- 伱在瓶子裏盛著麼 ⟨nì dzái' phhȋng tzè lì čhhȋng djiŏᵏ mȏ⟩ "What doy ou have in the bottle?"
- 伱裝在瓶子裏麼 ⟨nì čwāng dzái' phhȋng tzè lì mȏ⟩ "Do you bottle it?"
- 裝在瓶子裏有多大工夫 ⟨čwāng dzái' phhȋng tzè lì iòw tō dá kūng fū⟩ "How long has it been bottled?"
- 在瓶子盛著有多久 ⟨dzài phhȋng tzè čhhȋng djiŏᵏ iòw tō kiòw⟩ "How long has it been bottled?"
- 我總不記得欱過比這酒好的 ⟨ngò tzùng pŭ kí tĕᵏ hŏᵖ kwó pì tié tziòw hào tĭ⟩ "I do not remember ever having drunk anything better than this alcohol."
- 我不請伱欱燒酒 ⟨ngò pŭ thsìng nì hŏᵖ shiāu tziòw⟩ "I do not invite you to drink distilled liquor."
- 燒酒辣 ⟨shiāu tziòw lăᵗ⟩ "Distlled liquor is acrid."
- 我不愛喫酒 ⟨ngò pŭ ’ái khĭᵏ tziòw⟩ "I am not drinker."
[edit | edit source]- 伱喫了早飯沒有 ⟨nì khĭᵏ liàu tzào fván mŏ iòw⟩ "Have you breakfasted?"
- 伱喫了早起飯沒有 ⟨nì khĭᵏ liàu tzào khì fván mŏ iòw⟩ "Have you breakfasted?"
- 沒有 ⟨mŏ iòw⟩ "Not yet."
- 伱來得正是時候 ⟨nì lȃi tĕᵏ číng shhḯ' shhï̑ hhów⟩ "You come just in time."
- 伱來得恰是時候 ⟨nì lȃi tĕᵏ khiăᵖ shhḯ' shhï̑ hhów⟩ "You come just in time."
- 伱來得正對時候 ⟨nì lȃi tĕᵏ číng túi shhï̑ hhów⟩ "You come just in time."
- 早飯預備了 ⟨tzào fván yú bí liàu⟩ "Breakfast is ready."
- 這個火腿喫不得 ⟨čié kó hwò thùi khĭᵏ pŭ tĕᵏ⟩ "This ham is uneatable."
- 再添糖 ⟨tzái thiēm thhȃng⟩ "Add more sugar."
- 添的糖彀不彀 ⟨thiēm tĭ thhȃng ków pŭ ków⟩ "Is the sugar added enough?"
- 倒的嬭不彀 ⟨táo tĭ nài pŭ ków⟩ "The milk poured is not enough."
- 倒的嬭太少 ⟨táo tĭ nài thái shiàu⟩ "The milk poured is too little."
- 伱愛喫大米飯不 ⟨nì ’ái khĭᵏ dá mì fván pŭ⟩ "Are you fond of rice?"
- 不要作客 ⟨pŭ ’iāu tzŏᵏ khĕᵏ⟩ "Make yourself at home."
- 不要客氣 ⟨pŭ ’iāu khĕᵏ khí⟩ "Make yourself at home."
[edit | edit source]- 今天晌午老爺願意喫甚麽 ⟨kīm thiēn shiàng ngȗo lào iȇ yuén ’í khĭᵏ shhím mwȏ⟩ "What will you have for your dinner to-day?"
- 我們家裏有甚麽 ⟨ngò mȗn kiā lì iòw shhím mwȏ⟩ "What have we in the house?"
- 我們有一凷醃的牛肉 ⟨ngò mȗn iòw ’ĭᵗ khwái ’iēm tĭ ngiȏw zhyŭᵏ⟩ "We have a piece of beef marinated in salt."
- 醃了多大工夫了 ⟨’iēm liàu tō dá kūng fū liàu⟩ "How long has it been marinated in salt?"
- 伱估量醃得行了不 ⟨nȋ kù liȃng ’iēn tĕᵏ hhȋng liàu pŭ⟩ "Do you assess it to be marinated enough?"
- 我怕還沒有醃透 ⟨ngò phá hhȃi/hhwȃn mŏ iòw ’iēm thów⟩ "I am afraid it is not marinated through."
- 賣肉的送了一條羊羔腿來 ⟨mái zhyŭᵏ tĭ súng liàu ’ĭᵗ thhiȃu iȃng kāo thùi lȃi⟩ "The butcher has sent m a leg of lamb."
- 我要殺雞宰鵝 ⟨ngò ’iáu shăᵗ kī tzài ngȏ⟩ "I am going to kill fowls, to kill and dress geese."
- 是熬白莱是熬菠菜呢 ⟨shhḯ' ngȃo bĕᵏ thsái shhḯ' pūo thsái nȋ⟩ "Shall I boil cabbage or spinage?"
- 伱煑豆子煑山藥 ⟨nì čyù dów tzè čyù shān iŏᵏ⟩ "Boil some beans and yams."
- 拏刀子剝了皮兒去 ⟨nȃ tāo tzè pŏᵏ liàu phhȋ ȓ khyú⟩ "Take a knife to peel it off."
- 願意幾下鐘喫飯 ⟨yuén ’í kì hhiá' čyūng khĭᵏ fván⟩ "What time would you like to dine?"
- 看看鴨子雞直多少錢 ⟨khán khán ’iăᵖ tzè kī djĭᵏ tō shiàu thhsiȇn⟩ "See how ducks and fowls sell today."
- 伱想法子尋兩隻好的 ⟨nì siàng făᵖ tzè szȋm liàng čĭᵏ hào tĭ⟩ "Try find a way to get a couple of nice ones."
- 伱想法子尋兩個好的 ⟨nì siàng făᵖ tzè szȋm liàng kó hào tĭ⟩ "Try find a way to get a couple of nice ones."
- 若是好的買三斤 ⟨zhiŏᵏ shhḯ' hào tĭ mài sām kīn⟩ "If it be good, take three pounds (of it)."
- 若是好的稱三斤 ⟨zhiŏᵏ shhḯ' hào tĭ mài sām kīn čhīng sām kīn⟩ "If it be good, weigh three pounds (of it)."
- 叫他送兩三根牛筋條一條羊腿 ⟨kiáu thā súng liàng sām thhiȃu ngiȏw kīn thhiȃu ’ĭᵗ thhiȃu iȃng thùi⟩ "Let her/him send two or three beef muscles and a mutton leg."
- 問他有好牛舌沒有 ⟨vún thā iòw hào ngiȏw shhiĕᵗ thhȏw mŏ iòw⟩ "Ask her/him if he has a nice beef tongue."
- 他若沒有伱往別處去買去 ⟨thā zhiŏᵏ mŏ iòw nì wàng piĕᵗ čhyú khyú mài khyú⟩ "If hs has not, go somewhere else to buy (some)."
- 伱叫他給我也送錢單子來 ⟨nì kiáu thā kĭᵖ ngò iè súng thhsiȇn tān tzè lȃi⟩ "Tell him to send me the bill too."
- 伱上魚市上去了沒有 ⟨nì shhiáng' yȗ shhḯ' shhiáng khyū liàu mŏ iòw⟩ "Have you been to the fish market?"
- 有魚沒有 ⟨iòw yȗ mŏ iòw⟩ "Is there any fish?"
- 在市上一個魚也沒有 ⟨dzái' shhḯ' shhiáng ’ĭᵗ kó yȗ iè mŏ iòw⟩ "There was not a single fish in the market."
- 今天魚很少 ⟨kīm thiēn yȗ hhèn shiàu⟩ "There is very littie fish to-day."
- 有甚麼樣的魚 ⟨iòw shhím mwȏ iáng tĭ yȗ⟩ "What sort of fish is there?"
- 有螃蟹有鰕有鯉魚 ⟨iòw phhȃng hhiái' iòw hiā iòw lì yȗ⟩ "There are crabs, shrimps, carp."
- 該當將就著 ⟨kāi tāng tziāng dziów djiŏᵏ⟩ "We must content with it."
- 端飯來 ⟨twōn fván lȃi⟩ "Serve up the meal."
- 伱欱湯不欱 ⟨nì hŏᵖ thāng pŭ hŏᵖ⟩ "Will you take some soup?"
- 湯熱等著晾涼了點兒 ⟨thāng zhiĕᵗ tèng liáng liȃng liàu tièm ȓ⟩ "The soup is hot; let it cool a little."
- 晾涼了再喫 ⟨liáng liȃng liàu tsái khĭᵏ⟩ "Let it cool before you eat it."
- 伱願意喫凷燒牛肉不 ⟨nì yuén ’í khĭᵏ khwái shiāu ngiȏw zhyŭᵏ pŭ⟩ "Would you like to eat a chunk of roast beef?"
- 伱愛喫肥肉不 ⟨nì ’āi khĭᵏ fvȋ zhyŭᵏ pŭ⟩ "Do you like eatingfat?"
- 伱喜歡喫肥肉不 ⟨nì hì hwōn khĭᵏ fvȋ zhyŭᵏ pŭ⟩ "Do you like eatingfat?"
- 蘸著靑醬喫 ⟨čám djiŏᵏ thsīng tziáng khĭᵏ⟩ "Dip it in bean sauce and eat it."
- 這肉沒有煑透 ⟨čié zhyŭᵏ mŏ iòw čyù thów⟩ "This meat is not boiled through/enough."
- 這肉沒有燒透 ⟨čié zhyŭᵏ mŏ iòw shiāu thów⟩ "This meat is not roasted through/enough."
- 米粥煳了 ⟨mì čyŭᵏ hhȗ liàu⟩ "The congee is burned."
- 喫一小塊兒雞肉物不礙事 ⟨khĭᵏ ’ĭᵗ siàu khwái ȓ kī zhyŭᵏ iè pŭ ngái shhé⟩ "Eating a little bit of fowl will not do harm."
- 拏酒來 ⟨nȃ tziòw lȃi⟩ "Take some wine and come/Bring in some wine."
- 我在戒酒會裏 ⟨ngò dzái' kiái tziòw hhúi lì⟩ "I am in abstinence society."
[edit | edit source]- 水開了沒有 ⟨shùi khāi liàu mŏ iòw⟩ "Does the water boil?"
- 茶碗不彀 ⟨čhhȃ ’wòn pŭ ków⟩ "We do not have enough cups."
- 茶碗太少 ⟨čhhȃ ’wòn pŭ ków thái shhiàu⟩ "The cups are too few."
- 我們還少兩個扣碗 ⟨ngò mȗn hhȃi/hhwȃn shiàu liàng kó khów ’wòn⟩ "We are still two lidcups short."
- 再拏一把勺子一個茶托子來 ⟨tzái nȃ ’ĭᵗ pà shhiŏᵏ tzè ’ĭᵗ kó čhhȃ thŏᵏ tzè lȃi⟩ "Bring another spoon and a saucer."
- 茶勁頭很大 ⟨čhhȃ kíng thhȏw hhèn dá⟩ "The tea is very strong."
- 茶很艶 ⟨čhhȃ hhèn iém⟩ ""
- 我給伱倒半碗 ⟨ngò kĭᵖ nì táo pwón ’wòn⟩ "I will pour you out half a cup."
- 扣上蓋兒 ⟨khów shhiáng' kái ȓ⟩ "Put on the cover."
- 我可是願意但只怕天太晚了 ⟨ngò khò shhḯ' yuȇn ’í dán' čï̄ phá thiēn thái vàn liàu⟩ "I would like to but I am afraid it is too late."
- 我們登時就喫飯 ⟨ngò mȗn tēng shhï̑ dziów khĭᵏ fván⟩ "We shall sup immediately."
- 我們但但的喫一凷涼肉一點生菜 ⟨ngò mȗn dán' dán' tĭ khĭᵏ ’ĭᵗ khwái liȃng zhyŭᵏ ’ĭᵗ tièm shēng thsái⟩ "We shall just have a little cold meat and salad."
[edit | edit source]- 伱看火不著 ⟨nì khán hwò pŭ djiŏᵏ⟩ "Look, the fire does not light."
- 伱沒有添柴火 ⟨nì mŏ iòw thiēm čhhȃi hwò⟩ "You have not added firewood."
- 沒有全滅了 ⟨mŏ iòw thhsyuȇn miĕᵗ liàu⟩ "(The fire) is not quite out."
- 該當再生著 ⟨kāi tāng tzái shēng djiŏᵏ⟩ "(The fire) must be lighted up again."
- 這不是在這個角兒上呢 ⟨čié pŭ shhḯ' dzái' čié kó kiŏᵏ shhiáng nȋ⟩ "Look, aren't they here in the corner?"
- 這個木頭點不著 ⟨čié kó mŭᵏ thhȏw tièm pŭ djiŏᵏ⟩ "This wood does not light."
- 風箱在哪裏 ⟨fūng siāng dzái' nà lì⟩ "Where are the bellows?"
- 拿風箱去 ⟨nȃ fūng siāng khyú⟩ "Go and fetch the bellows."
- 在上頭放幾塊鉋花 ⟨dzái' shhiáng thhȏw fáng kì khwái pháo hwā⟩ "Put a few shavings on the top."
- 在上頭添上幾塊鉋花 ⟨dzái' shhiáng thhȏw thiēm shhiáng' kì khwái pháo hwā⟩ "Add a few shavings on the top."
- 如今添上兩三塊木頭 ⟨zhyȗ kīm thiēm shhiáng' liàng sām khwái mŭᵏ thhȏw⟩ "Now put on two or three pieces of wood."
- 工夫不大就著起火頭兒來了 ⟨kūng fū pŭ dá dziów djiŏᵏ khì hwò thhȏw ȓ lȃi liàu⟩ "The fire will soon draw up before long."
- 在筲裏有煤沒有 ⟨dzái' shào lì iòw mȗi mŏ iòw⟩ "Are there any coals in the scuttle?"
- 剩的不多了 ⟨shhíng tĭ pŭ tō liàu⟩ "The remaining are not much/Not much is left"
- 伱拏鏟子放上點煤 ⟨nì nȃ čhhȃn tzè fáng shhiáng' tièm mȗi⟩ "Take the shovel and put on some coals."
- 伱拏鏟子放上點石炭 ⟨nì nȃ čhhȃn tzè fáng shhiáng' tièm shhĭᵏ thán⟩ "Take the shovel and put on some coals."
- 不要一下子放一大些個 ⟨pŭ ’iáu ’ĭᵗ hhiá' tzè fáng ’ĭᵗ dá siē kó⟩ "Do not put on too many at a time."
- 伱若添的煤太多了火就滅了 ⟨nì zhiŏᵏ thiēm tĭ mȗi thái tō liàu hwò dziów miĕᵗ liàu⟩ "It you put on too many coals, the fire will go out."
- 伱差不多把火捫死了 ⟨nì čhhȃ pŭ tō pà hwò mȗn sì liàu⟩ "You have almost smothered the fire."
- 著起火頭來了 ⟨djiŏᵏ khì hwò thhȏw lȃi liàu⟩ "The fire begins to blaze"
- 冒起火頭來了 ⟨máo khì hwò thhȏw lȃi liàu⟩ "The fire begins to blaze"
- 火著得歡 ⟨hwò djiŏᵏ tiĕᵏ hwōn⟩ "The fire is burning brisk."
[edit | edit source]- 有新事兒沒有 ⟨iòw sīn shhé ȓ mŏ iòw⟩ "Is there any thing new?"
- 我不知道甚麼新事兒 ⟨ngò pŭ čī dáo' shhím mwȏ sīn shhé ȓ⟩ "I know nothing new."
- 但但的有謠言 ⟨dán' dán' tĭ iòw iȃu iȇn⟩ "It is nothing more than rumors."
- 我沒有聽見説甚麼 ⟨ngò mŏ iòw thīng kién shyuĕᵗ shhím mwȏ⟩ "I have not heard of any thing."
- 有這麼個風信兒 ⟨iòw čié mwȏ kó fūng sín ȓ⟩ "There is this talk."
- 我甚麼報也沒有看 ⟨ngò shhím mwȏ páo iè mŏ iòw khán⟩ "I have read no paper."
- 那個不過是在個書子上説的 ⟨nȃ kó pū kwó shhḯ' dzái' shyū tzè shhiáng shyuĕᵗ tĭ⟩ "It is only mentioned in a private letter."
- 那個不過是在個書子上寫的 ⟨nȃ kó pū kwó shhḯ' dzái' shyū tzè shhiáng siè tĭ⟩ "It is only mentioned in a private letter."
- 人不大信這個事兒 ⟨zhȋn pŭ dá sín čié kō shhé ȓ⟩ "They doubt this news very much."
- 這個事不定是眞是假 ⟨čié kó shhé pŭ díng shhḯ' čīn shhḯ' kià⟩ "This news wants confirmation."
- 這個事這不足信 ⟨čié kó shhé pŭ tzyŭᵏ sín⟩ "This news wants confirmation."
- 這個事兒誰說給伱了 ⟨čié kó shhé shhȗi shyuĕᵗ kĭᵖ nì liàu⟩ "Whence have you had this news?"
- 這個是誰給伱說的 ⟨čié kó shhé shhḯ' shhȗi kĭᵖ nì shyuĕᵗ tĭ⟩ "Whence have you had this news?"
- 誰吿訴了伱這個事 ⟨shhȗi káo sú liàu nì čié kó shhé⟩ "Whence have you had this news?"
- 伱怎麼樣知道這個的 ⟨nì tzèm mwȏ iáng čī dáo' čié kó tĭ⟩ "How do You know that?"
- 這個伱是怎麼樣知道的 ⟨čiē kó nì shhḯ' tzèm mwȏ iáng čī dáo' tĭ⟩ "How do You know that?"
- 我說給伱誰告訴了我這個 ⟨ngò shyuĕᵗ kĭᵖ nì shhȗi káo sú ngò čié kó⟩ "Let me tell you who told me this."
- 我打聽打聽這個 ⟨ngò tà thīng tà thīng čié kó⟩ "I shall inquire about that. "
- 後來知道了這個事兒是假的 ⟨hhów' lȃi čī dáo' liàï čié kō shhé ȓ shhḯ' kiā tĭ⟩ "That report has proved false."
- 還說打仗麼 ⟨hhȃi/hhwȃn shyuĕᵗ tà djiáng mȏ⟩ "Do they stil talk of war?"
- 看著講和了不 ⟨khān djiŏᵏ kiàng hhwȏ pŭ⟩ "Does it look like there will be a peace talk?"
- 大概不講和 ⟨dá kái pŭ kiàng hhwȏ⟩ "A peace talk is unlikely."
- 估量不講和 ⟨kù liȃng pŭ kiàng hhwȏ⟩ "A peace talk is unlikely."
- 度量著不講和 ⟨dŏᵏ liȃng djiŏᵏ pŭ kiàng hhwȏ⟩ "A peace talk is unlikely."
- 有令弟的信兒沒有 ⟨iòw líng dí' tĭ sín ȓ mŏ iòw kkūng ngŭᵗā⟩ "Have you heard from your younger brother?"
- 他多久沒有給伱寫信了 ⟨thā tō kiòw mŏ iòw kĭᵖ nì siè sín liàu⟩ "How long is it since he/she wrote to you?"
- 兩個月了沒有他的信兒 ⟨liàng kó yuĕᵗ liàu mŏ iòw thā tĭ sín ȓ⟩ "I have not heard from her/him these two months."
- 我天天盼望他的書子來 ⟨ngò thiēn thiēn phán váng thā tĭ shyū tzè lȃi⟩ "I expect a letter from her/him every day."
[edit | edit source]- 伱願意在國子園走一遭不 ⟨nì yuén ’í dzái' yuȇn tzè lì tzòw ’ĭᵗ tzāo pŭ⟩ "Should you like to take a walk in the garden?"
- 行 ⟨hhȋng⟩ "Willingly."
- 很好 ⟨hhèn hào⟩ "Very well."
- 看著今年收梨 ⟨khán djiŏᵏ kīm niȇn shiōw lȋ⟩ "There seems to be harvest of pears this year."
- 結了梨 ⟨kiĕᵗ liàu lȋ⟩ "The pears are set."
- 太密了 ⟨thái mĭᵗ liàu⟩ "(They) are too dense."
- 過逾的密 ⟨kwó yȗ tĭ mĭᵗ⟩ "Too dense."
- 今年杏很少 ⟨kīm niȇn hhíng' tzè hhèn shiàu⟩ "There are few apricots this year."
- 這些桃多麼好看 ⟨čié siē thhȃo tō mwȏ hào khán⟩ "How tempting these peaches look!"
- 這科樹年年結得多 ⟨čié khō shhyú niȇn niȇn kiĕᵗ tĕᵏ tō⟩ "This tree bears a great many every year."
- 這葡萄眞是熟了 ⟨čié phhȗ thhȃo čīn shhḯ' shhyŭᵏ liàu⟩ "These grapes are quite ripe."
- 熟得很早 ⟨shhyȗ tĕᵏ hhèn tzào⟩ "They are rupe very early."
- 在伱的菓木園子裏樹怎麼樣 ⟨dzái' nì tĭ kwō mŭᵏ yuȇn tzè lì shhyú tzèm mwȏ iáng⟩ "How are the trees in your orchard?"
- 結的菓子很多 ⟨kiĕᵗ tĭ kwò tzè hhèn tō⟩ "They are loaded with fruit."
[edit | edit source]- 伱沒有見我的花 ⟨nì mŏ iòw kién ngò tĭ hwā⟩ "You have not seen my flowers."
- 這科花是甚麼花 ⟨čié khō hwā shhḯ' shhím mwȏ hwā⟩ "What flower is this one?"
- 這科花叫甚麼 ⟨čié khō hwā kiáu shhím mwȏ⟩ "What is the name of this flower?"
- 如今我要看看伱的菜園子去 ⟨zhyŭᵏ kīm ngò ’iáu khán khán nì tĭ thsái yuȇn tzè khyú⟩ "Now I must pay visit to your kitchen garden."
- 白菜多麼多 ⟨bĕᵏ thsái čié mwȏ tō⟩ "What a quantity of cabbages!"
- 我們家裏用白菜用得多 ⟨ngò mȗn kiā lì yúng bĕᵏ thsái yȗng tĕᵏ tō⟩ "We consume a great many cabbages in my family."
- 我們家裏喫白菜喫得多 ⟨ngò mȗn kiā lì khĭᵏ bĕᵏ thsái khĭᵏ tĕᵏ tō⟩ "We consume a great many cabbages in my family."
- 這豆子已經開了花 ⟨čié dów tzè ì kīng khāi liàu hwā⟩ "These peas are in bloom already."
- 在別的地方我有長了豆角的了 ⟨dzái' piĕᵗ tĭ dí fāng ngò iòw čiàng liàu dów kiŏᵏ tĭ liàu⟩ "I have some ii pods in another place."
- 伱種了蠶豆沒有 ⟨nì čyúng liàu thhsȃm dów mŏ iòw⟩ "Have you planted any faba beans?"
- 有剛纔出來的 ⟨iòw kāng thhsȃi čhyŭᵗ lȃi tĭ⟩ "I have some just coming up."
- 有剛出來的 ⟨iòw kāng čhyŭᵗ lȃi tĭ⟩ "I have some just coming up."
[edit | edit source]- 伱若願意用工夫學我就願意敎 ⟨nì yuén ’í yúng kūng fū hhiŏᵏ ngò dziów yuén ’í kiāo⟩ "Yes, You are willing to take the trouble to learn I am willing to teach."
- 伱學畫畫兒不 ⟨nì hhiŏᵏ hhwá hhwá ȓ pŭ⟩ "Do you learn drawing/painting?"
- 伱學丹青不 ⟨nì hhiŏᵏ tān thsīng pŭ⟩ "Do you learn painting?"
- 敎伱音樂的是誰 ⟨kiāo nì ’īm iŏᵏ tĭ shhḯ' shhȗi⟩ "Who is the one teaching you music?"
- 我的姐妹跟的那位先生我也跟著他 ⟨ngò tĭ tziè múi kēn tĭ ná úi siēn shēng ngò iè kēn djiŏᵏ thā⟩ "The teacher whom my sister learns from - I learn from her/him too."
- 敎我姐妹的那位先生也敎我 ⟨kiāo ngò tziè múi tĭ ná úi siēn shēng iè kiāo ngò⟩ "The teacher who teaches my sister also teaches me."
- 起了頭有二年了 ⟨khì liàu thhȏw iòw liàng niȇn liàu⟩ " It has been two years since (I) started."
- 伱的先生敎得好不 ⟨nì tĭ siēn shēng kiāo tĕᵏ hào pŭ⟩ "Does your master teach well?"
Study of the Chinese language
[edit | edit source]- 如今我起頭學中國話 ⟨zhyȗ kīm ngò khì thhȏw hhiŏᵏ čyūng kwĕᵏ hhwá⟩ "I am beginning to learn Chinese."
- 口音最該用心學 ⟨khòw ’īm tzúi kāi yúng sīm hhiŏᵏ⟩ "The pronunciation should be learned with most dedication."
- 我的先生有敎口音的很好的法子 ⟨ngò tĭ siēn shēng iòw kiāo khòw ’īm tĭ hhèn hào tĭ făᵖ tzè⟩ "My master has a very good method of teaching pronunciation."
- 中國話難學不 ⟨čyūng kwĕᵏ hhwá nȃn hhiŏᵏ pŭ⟩ "Is Chinese difficult to learn?"
- 中國俗話說天下無難事只怕纏磨頭 ⟨čhyūng kwĕᵏ szyŭᵏ hhwá shyuĕᵗ thiēn hhiá' vȗ nȃn shhé čï̄ phá čhhiȇn mwó thhȏw⟩ "Chinese proverb says: Upon earth there is nothing difficult; it is only that men are afraid of the trouble."
- 中國俗語說天下無難事只怕纏磨頭 ⟨čhyūng kwĕᵏ szyŭᵏ yù shyuĕᵗ thiēn hhiá' vȗ nȃn shhé čï̄ phá čhhiȇn mwó thhȏw⟩ "Chinese proverb says: Upon earth there is nothing difficult; it is only that men are afraid of the trouble."
- 自己學中國話能學會了不能 ⟨dzé kì hhiŏᵏ čyūng kwĕᵏ hhwá nȇng hhiŏᵏ hhúi liàu pŭ nȇng⟩ "If learns Chinese by themselves, can they acquired it or not?"
- 學中國話該當多大工夫 ⟨hhiŏᵏ čyūng kwĕᵏ hhwá kāi tāng tō dá kūng fū⟩ "In how long a time can one learn Chinese?"
- 那個看人的材料也看他學得恆心不恆心 ⟨ná kó khán zhȋn tĭ thhsȃi liáu iè khán thā hhiŏᵏ tĕᵏ hhȇng sīm pŭ hhȇng sīm⟩ "It depends on your aptitude and perseverance in learning."
- 那個在人的材料也在他學得恆心不恆心 ⟨ná kó dzái' zhȋn tĭ thhsȃi liáu iè dzái' thā hhiŏᵏ tĕᵏ hhȇng sīm pŭ hhȇng sīm⟩ "It depends on your aptitude and perseverance in learning."
- 伱會說中國話不 ⟨nì hhúi shyuĕᵗ čyūng kwĕᵏ hhwá pŭ⟩ "Can you speak Chinese?"
- 這是伱不熟的緣故 ⟨čié shhḯ' nì pŭ shhyŭᵏ tĭ yuén kú⟩ "It is for want of practice."
- 伱凡是遇見個會說中國話的伱就同他説話 ⟨nì fvȃm shhḯ' yú kién kó hhúi shyuĕᵗ čyūng kwĕᵏ hhwá tĭ nì dziów thhȗng thā shyuĕᵗ hhwá⟩ "Whenever you meet a person who can talk Chinese, talk away with her/him."
- 伱毎遇見個會說中國話的伱就同他説話 ⟨nì mùi yú kién kó hhúi shyuĕᵗ čyūng kwĕᵏ hhwá tĭ nì dziów thhȗng thā shyuĕᵗ hhwá⟩ "Everytime you meet a person who can talk Chinese, talk away with her/him."
- 這樣不過一二年伱就能順著嘴的說了 ⟨čié iáng pŭ kwó ’ĭᵗ liàng niȇn nì dziów nȇng shhyún djiŏᵏ tzùi shyuĕᵗ liàu⟩ "By this means, in no more than a year or two, you will speak it without an effort."
- 這樣至多一兩年伱就能順著嘴的說了 ⟨čié iáng čḯ tō ’ĭᵗ liàng niȇn nì dziów nȇng shhyún djiŏᵏ tzùi shyuĕᵗ liàu⟩ "By this means, in at most a year or two, you will speak it without an effort."
- 怎麼能彀學中國字呢 ⟨tzèm mwȏ nȇng kpwh hhiŏᵏ čyūng kwĕᵏ dzé nȋ⟩ "How can one learn Chinese characters?"
- 學中國字有甚麼法子 ⟨hhiŏᵏ čyūng kwĕᵏ dzé iòw shhím mwȏ făᵖ tzè⟩ "What are the methods there to learn Chinese characters?"
- 這個書是甚麼書 ⟨čié kó shyū shhḯ' shhím mwȏ shyū⟩ "What is this book?"
- 這個書是中國孩子們在學裏念的千字文 ⟨čié kó shyū shhḯ' čyūng kwĕᵏ hhȃi tzè mȗn dzái' hhiŏᵏ lì niém tĭ thsiēn dzé vȗn⟩ "It is the Poem in a Thousand characters which Chinese children get by heart in the schools."
- 一個重字也沒有 ⟨’ĭᵗ kó čhhyȗng dzé iè mŏ iòw⟩ "It has no character repeated."
- 聽見說晁德蒞繙了四書五經與别的許多的書繙得很對 ⟨thīng kién shyuĕᵗ čhhiȃu tĕᵏ lí fān liàu sé shyū ngù kīng yù piĕᵗ tĭ hyù tō shyū fān tĕᵏ hhèn túi⟩ "I have heard that F. Zottoli has translated Four Books and the five Canons and many other works and translated (then) very accurately."
- 他講書是一句一句的講絲毫不錯 ⟨thā kiàng shyū shhḯ' ’ĭᵗ kyú ’ĭᵗ kyú tĭ kiàng tĕᵏ sE hhȃo pŭ thsŏᵏ⟩ "He explains the authors word for word without any error."
- 每五天作一篇文章就好 ⟨mùi ngù thiēn tzŏᵏ ’ĭᵗ phiēn vȗn čiāng dziów hào⟩ "It is proper to write a literary exercise every fifth day."
[edit | edit source]- 我上學去伱沒有聽見打鐘麼 ⟨ngò shhiáng' hhiŏᵏ khyú nì mŏ iòw thīng kién tà čyūng mȏ⟩ "I am going to school. Have you not heard the bell?"
- 我上學去伱沒有聽見打鐘響麼 ⟨ngò shhiáng' hhiŏᵏ khyú nì mŏ iòw thīng kién tà čyūng hiàng mȏ⟩ "I am going to school. Have you not heard the bell?"
- 還早呢 ⟨hhȃi/hhwȃn tzào nȋ⟩ "It is still early"
- 爲甚麼這麼急緊 ⟨úi shhím mwȏ čié mwȏ kĭᵖ kìn⟩ "Why such a hurry?"
- 我們到那裏怎麼也晚不了 ⟨ngò kūn táo ná lì tzèm mwȏ iè vàn pŭ liàu⟩ "No way I will be late arriving there."
- 一誤了時候就算晚 ⟨’ĭᵗ ngú liàu shhï̑ hhów dziów swón vàn⟩ "Once you miss the time it counts as late."
- 一誤了時候就不算不晚 ⟨’ĭᵗ ngú liàu shhï̑ hhów dziów pŭ swón pŭ vàn⟩ "Once you miss the time it counts as late."
- 還有工夫呢鐘纔響 ⟨hhȃi/hhwȃn iòw kūng fū nȋ čyūng thhsȃi hiàng⟩ "There is plenty of time, the bell only just ringed."
- 我們若到得晚些兒了至不好也不過受責罰就完了 ⟨ngò mȗn zhiŏᵏ táo tĕᵏ vàn siē ȓ liàu čḯ pŭ hào iè pŭ kwó shhiów' čĕᵏ fvăᵗ dziów hhwȏn liàu⟩ "If we arrive late, the worst that could happen is getting scolded."
- 我們若到得晚些兒了至不好也不過受責備就完了 ⟨ngò mȗn zhiŏᵏ táo tĕᵏ vàn siē ȓ liàu čḯ pŭ hào iè pŭ kwó shhiów' čĕᵏ bí dziów hhwȏn liàu⟩ "If we arrive late, the worst that could happen is getting scolded."
- 那個伱看著不算甚麼麼 ⟨ná kó nì khán djiŏᵏ pŭ swón shhím mwȏ mȏ⟩ "Do you call that nothing?"
- 我不喜歡受責罰 ⟨ngò pŭ hì hwōn shhiów čĕᵏ fvăᵗ⟩ "For my part, I do not like to be scolded."
- 這是他們的不好 ⟨čié shhḯ' thā mȗn pŭ hào ⟩ "It is their fault."
- 他們爲什盡不本分呢 ⟨thā mȗn úi shhím mwȏ pŭ tzìn pùn fvún nȋ⟩ "Why don't they do as they should?"
- 伱看看在我們後頭還有不知道多少學生呢 ⟨nì khān khān dzái' ngò mȗn hhów' thhȏw hhȃi/hhwȃn iòw pŭ čī dáo' tō shiá' hhiŏᵏ shēng nȋ⟩ "See, there are a unknowably great many children behind us."
[edit | edit source]- 我在哪兒坐著 ⟨ngò dzái' nà ȓ dzwwó djiŏᵏ⟩ "Where do I sit?"
- 我坐哪兒 ⟨ngò dzwó' nà ȓ⟩ "Where do I sit?"
- 伱不要佔這麼寬地方 ⟨nì pŭ ’iáu čiém čié mȏ khwōn dí fāng⟩ "Don't occupy so much space."
- 伱不要鬧 ⟨nì pŭ ’iáu náo⟩ "Do not make noise,"
- 伱不要這麼鬧 ⟨nì pŭ ’iáu čié mwȏ náo⟩ "Don't make such a noise."
- 伱不能彀安靜麼 ⟨nì pŭ nȇng kōw ’ān dzíng' mȏ⟩ "Can't you be quiet?"
- 我丟了我的書 ⟨ngò tiōw liàu ngò tĭ shyū⟩ "I have jost my book."
- 伱丟在哪裏了 ⟨nì tiōw dzái' nà lì liàu⟩ "Where did you leave it?"
- 伱念了伱的書沒有 ⟨nì niém liàu nì tĭ shyū mŏ iòw⟩ "Have you learned your lesson text?"
- 伱念了甚麼 ⟨nì niém liáu' shhím mwȏ⟩ "What lesson have you learned?"
- 伱沒有念伱的書 ⟨nì mŏ iòw niém nì tĭ shyū⟩ "You have not studies your lesson."
- 我忘了沒有念 ⟨ngò vȃng liàu mŏ iòw niém⟩ "I forgot and did not learn it."
- 我忘了念 ⟨ngò vȃng liàu niém⟩ "I forgot to learn it."
- 太難學 ⟨thái nȃn hhiŏᵏ⟩ "It is too difficult to learn."
- 我沒有工夫念 ⟨ngò mŏ iòw kūng fū niȇm⟩ "I have not had time to learn it."
- 一點兒也不會 ⟨’ĭᵗ tièm ȓ iè pŭ hhúi⟩ "(I) don't know even a little bit (of it)."
- 伱的地理圖畫完了沒有 ⟨nì tĭ dí lì thhȗ hhwá hhwȏn liàu mŏ iòw⟩ "Have you finished drawing your map?"
- 還沒有全完 ⟨hhȃi/hhwȃn mŏ iòw thhsyuȇn hhwȏn⟩ "Not completely done."
- 等不到他來我就畫完了 ⟨tèng pŭ táo thā lȃi ngò dziów hhwá hhwȏn liàu⟩ "I shall have finished before he comes."
Two students
[edit | edit source]- 伱尋甚麼 ⟨nì szȋm shhím mwȏ⟩ "What are you looking for?"
- 這裏有幾個 ⟨čié lì iòw kì kó⟩ "Here are several."
- 這個筆頭不好 ⟨čié pĭᵗ thhȏw pŭ hào⟩ "This pen is not good."
- 刺紙 ⟨thsé čï̀⟩ "It stabs/cuts the paper."
- 伱借給我一張紙行不行 ⟨nì tzié kĭᵖ ngò ’ĭᵗ čiāng čï̀ hhȋng pŭ hhȋng⟩ "Can You lend me a sheet of paper?"
- 寫書信的紙 ⟨siè shyū sín tĭ čï̀⟩ "Some letter paper."
- 我的箱子裏連一張也沒有了 ⟨ngò tĭ siāng tzè lì ’ĭᵗ čiāng iè mŏ iòw liàu⟩ "I have not even one single sheet in my box. "
- 我給伱這一張若不彀我再給伱別的 ⟨ngò kĭᵖ nì čié ’ĭᵗ čiāng zhiŏᵏ pŭ ków ngò tzái kĭᵖ nì piĕᵗ tĭ⟩ "Here is one. If (it) is not enough, I will give you more."
- 一張就彀了 ⟨’ĭᵗ čiāng dziów ków liàu⟩ "One sheet will suffice."
- 我給父母寫 ⟨ngò kĭᵖ fvú' mòw/mù siè sín⟩ "I am going to write to my parents."
- 忘不了 ⟨vȃng pŭ liàu⟩ "I will not forget."
- 伱借我的小刀子做甚麼 ⟨nì tzié ngò tĭ siàu tāo tzè tzú shhím mwȏ⟩ "What do you borrow my penknife for?"
- 爲削筆 ⟨úi siŏᵏ pĭᵗ⟩ "To sharpen a pencil."
- 我喜歡使鵝翎筆 ⟨ngò hì hwōn shè ngȏ lȋng pĭᵗ⟩ "I prefer using a quill."
- 我的筆不好 ⟨ngò tĭ pĭᵗ pŭ hào⟩ "My pen is not good."
- 我的筆不受使 ⟨ngò tĭ pĭᵗ pŭ shhiów shè⟩ "My pen is not easy to use."
- 我的筆使不得 ⟨ngò tĭ pĭᵗ shè pŭ tĕᵏ⟩ "My pen is unusable."
- 伱爲甚麼不用伱的小刀子 ⟨nì úi shhím mwȏ pŭ yúng nì tĭ siàu tāo tzè⟩ "Why don't you use your penknife?"
- 不快 ⟨pŭ khwāi⟩ "It is not sharp."
- 鈍了 ⟨dún liàu⟩ "It is blunt."
- 該磨了 ⟨kāi mwȏ liàu⟩ "It wants whetting."
- 全壞了 ⟨thhsyuȇn hhwái liàu⟩ "It is entirely spoilt."
- 伱願意我給伱削筆不 ⟨nì yuén ’í ngò kĭᵖ nì siŏᵏ pĭᵗ pŭ⟩ "Would you like me to sharpen your pencil for you?"
- 伱要筆尖硬的要軟的 ⟨nì ’iáu pĭᵗ tziēm íng tĭ ’iáu zhï̑en tĭ⟩ "Will you have it hard or soft?"
- 我要硬的 ⟨ngò ’iáu íng tĭ⟩ "I like it hard."
- 試一試 ⟨shḯ ’ĭᵗ shḯ⟩ "Try it."
- 尖兒太細 ⟨tsiēm thái sí⟩ "The tip is too fine."
- 縫兒太短 ⟨fvúng ȓ thāi twòn⟩ "It is not slit enough."
- 伱有寫書信的紙沒有 ⟨nì iòw siè shyū sín tĭ čï̀ mŏ iòw⟩ "Have you any letter paper?"
- 我纔買了幾張 ⟨ngò thhsȃi mài liàu kì čiāng⟩ "I have just bought some sheets."
- 我剛纔買了幾張 ⟨ngò kāng thhsȃi mài liàu kì čiāng⟩ "I have just bought some sheets."
- 今天晚晌我該當寫一封書信 ⟨kīm thiēn vàn shiàng ngò kāi tāng siè ’ĭᵗ fūng shyū sín⟩ "I ought to write a letter this evening."
- 今天晚晌我該當寫一封書子 ⟨kīm thiēn vàn shiàng ngò kāi tāng siè ’ĭᵗ fūng shyū tzè⟩ "I ought to write a letter this evening."
- 今天晚晌我該當寫一個書子 ⟨kīm thiēn vàn shiàng ngò kāi tāng siè ’ĭᵗ kó shyū tzè⟩ "I ought to write a letter this evening."
- 我要疊上我的書信 ⟨ngò ’iáu diĕᵖ shhiáng' ngò tĭ shyū sín⟩ "I am going to fold my letter."
- 伱給我一個書子套 ⟨nì kĭᵖ ngò ’ĭᵗ kó shyū tzè tháo⟩ "Give me an envelop."
- 伱給我一個封套 ⟨nì kĭᵖ ngò ’ĭᵗ kó fūng tháo⟩ "Give me an envelop."
- 如今我光剩了書套上的字沒有寫了 ⟨zhyȗ kīm ngò kwāng shhíng liàu shyū tháo shiáng' tĭ dzé' mŏ iòw siè liàu⟩ "Now I have only the address on the envelop to write."
- 書子沒有封上 ⟨shyū tzè mŏ iòw fūng shhiáng'⟩ "The letter is not sealed."
- 書子沒有封起來 ⟨shyū tzè mŏ iòw fūng khì lȃi⟩ "The letter is not sealed."
[edit | edit source]- 我要做針線活 ⟨ngò ’iáu tzú čīm sién hhwŏᵗ⟩ "I am going to do needle-work."
- 伱要縫甚麼 ⟨nì ’iáu fvȗng shhím mwȏ⟩ "What are you going to sew?"
- 伱要縫的是甚麼 ⟨nì ’iáu fvȗng tĭ shhḯ' shhím mwȏ⟩ "What is it that you are going to sew?"
- 我要修補一件大褂子 ⟨ngò ’iáu siōw pù ’ĭᵗ gién' dá kwá tzè⟩ "I am going to mend a gown."
- 這個針太麤 ⟨čié kó čīm thái thsū⟩ "This needle is too thick."
- 這個太細 ⟨čié kó thái sí⟩ "This one is too thin."
- 伱給我絲線棉花羊毛 ⟨nì kĭᵖ ngò sē sién miȇn hwā iȃng mȃo⟩ "Give me some silk thread, some cotton, some worsted."
- 要甚麼顏色的 ⟨’iáu shhȋmnh mwȏ iȃn shĕᵏ tĭ⟩ "Of what color do you want?"
- 要紅的 ⟨’iáu hhȗng tĭ⟩ "I want some red."
- 這個顏色不對 ⟨čié kó iȃn shĕᵏ pŭ túi⟩ "This color is not right"
- 顏色太深 ⟨iȃn shĕᵏ thái shīm⟩ "The color is too deep."
- 太淺 ⟨thái thsièn⟩ "It is too light."
- 我䘯了我的手巾邊 ⟨ngò thsiáu liàu ngò tĭ shiòw kīn piēn⟩ "I have been hemming my handkerchief."
- 盤著腿坐著的這些人是做甚麼的 ⟨phhwȏn djiŏᵏ thùi dzwó' djiŏᵏ tĭ čhié siē zhȋn shhḯ' tzú shhím mwȏ⟩ "All these men squatting on the hams, what are they about?"
- 他們是僱來的裁縫們 ⟨thā mȗn shhḯ' kú lȃi tĭ thhsȃi fvȗng mȗn⟩ "They are tailors that have been called in for the job."
- 不過一兩天的工夫就做完了 ⟨pŭ kwó ’ĭᵗ liàng thiēn tĭ kūng fū dziów tzú hhwȏn liàu⟩ "In a day or two at the most, the work shall be done."
- 這不是給伱女婿做的衣裳麼 ⟨čié pŭ shhḯ' kĭᵖ nyù sí tzú tĭ shhiȃng mȏ⟩ "Are not these clothes being made for your daughter's husband intended?"
- 是阿娶的日子眼看著就到了 ⟨shhḯ' ȏ thsyú tĭ zhĭᵗ tzè iàn khán djiŏᵏ dziów táo liàu⟩ "Yes. The wedding day is well in sight."
Book shopping
[edit | edit source]- 我願意看看伱纔買的那中國書 ⟨ngò yuén ’í khán khán nì thhsȃi mài tĭ ná čyūng kwĕᵏ shyū⟩ "I should like to see the Chinese books you have bought lately."
- 今天早起纔打開包了伱看頭一眼罷 ⟨kīm thiēn tzào khì thhsȃi tà khāi pāo liàu nì khán thhȏw ’ĭᵗ iàn pā⟩ "They were not unpacked before this morning. You shall have the first sight of them."
- 有新書也有老書 ⟨iòw sīn shyū iè iòw lào shyū⟩ "Some are new,some are old publications."
- 有一部好的也不貴 ⟨iòw ’ĭᵗ bú' hào tĭ iè pŭ kúi⟩ "I have a copy by me which is in very good condition and not expensive."
- 新的買不著了 ⟨sīn tĭ mài pŭ djiŏᵏ⟩ "It is impossible buy a new one."
- 全賣沒了 ⟨thhsyuȇn mái mŏ liàu⟩ "It is all sold out."
- 這個書如今不印了 ⟨čié kó shyū zhyȗ kīm pŭ ’ín liàu⟩ "This book is not printed now."
- 伱問我要多少錢 ⟨nì vún ngȏi ’iāu tō shiàï thhsiȇn⟩ "How much money do you ask me for it?"
- 可是不直 ⟨khò shï̀ pŭ djĭᵏ⟩ "It does not worth that indeed."
- 到底少了爲貴 ⟨táo tì shiàu liàu ȗi kúi⟩ "But it grows so scarce that the price has risen."
- 伱不能减點兒麼 ⟨nì pŭ nȇng kiàm tièm mȏ⟩ "You cannot let me have it for less?"
- 實在不能 ⟨shhĭᵗ dzái' pŭ nȇng⟩ "(I) really cannot."
- 這個價兒賣我也𧸖不了甚麼錢 ⟨čié kó kiá ȓ mái ngò iè djwán pŭ lià shhím mwȏ thhsiȇn⟩ "I hardly profit any by it."
Clothes shopping
[edit | edit source]- 伱有好布沒有 ⟨nì iòw hào pú mŏ iòw⟩ "Have you any fine cloth?"
- 伱願意要甚麼樣的布 ⟨nì yuȇn ’í ’iáu shhím mwȏ iáng tĭ pú⟩ "What sort of cloth do you wish to have?"
- 夏布 ⟨hhiá pú⟩ "Summer cloth, grass-cloth."
- 多大價錢的 ⟨tō dá kiá thhsiȇn tĭ⟩ "What price?"
- 多大價錢的也有 ⟨tō dá kiá thhsiȇn tĭ iè iòw⟩ "We have some of all prices."
- 伱拏出最好的來我看一看 ⟨nì nȃ čhyŭᵗ tzúi hào tĭ lȃi ngò khán ’ĭᵗ khán⟩ "Take the best out to let me take a look."
- 伱沒有比這個細的了麼 ⟨nì mŏ iòw pì čié kó sí tĭ liàu mȏ⟩ "Do you have anything finer than this?"
- 我怕不禁穿 ⟨ngȏ phá pŭ kīm čhyuēn⟩ "I am afraid that it won't be endure much wearing."
- 我管保結實 ⟨ngò kwòn pào kiĕᵗ shhĭᵗ⟩ "I garranty it to be strong."
- 這個花洋布已經落了顏色 ⟨čié kó hwā iȃng pú ì kīng lŏᵏ liàu iȃn shĕᵏ⟩ "This cotton print has its color faded already."
- 剰下的剛彀做一牀被子 ⟨shhíng hhiá' tĭ kāng ków tzú ’ĭᵗ čhhwȃng bí tzè⟩ "The remaining is just enough for making a coverlet."
- 伱賣的是多少錢一尺 ⟨nì mái tĭ shhḯ' tō shiàu thhsiȇn ’ĭᵗ čhĭᵏ⟩ "How much do you sell it a foot?"
- 我看著很貴 ⟨ngò khán djiŏᵏ hhèn kúi⟩ "I find it very expensive."
- 實價是多少錢.我不好打價 ⟨shhĭᵗ kiá shhḯ' tō shiàu thhsiȇn ngò pŭ háo tà kiá⟩ "What is the lowest price? I do not like to bargain."
- 我不二價 ⟨ngò pŭ ŕ kiá⟩ "I have but one price."
- 少了賣不得 ⟨shiàu liàu mái pŭ tĕᵏ⟩ "I cannot sell it under for less."
- 伱知道我是好主戶 ⟨nì čī dáo' ngò shhḯ' hào čyū hhú'⟩ "You know I am a good patreon."
- 可是到底合不著賣不得 ⟨khò shhḯ' táo tì hhŏᵖ pŭ djiŏᵏ mái pŭ tĕᵏ⟩ "True but I cannot sell without us reaching an agreement."
- 共總是多少錢 ⟨gyúng tzùng shhḯ' tō shiàu thhsiȇn⟩ "How much money in total?"
- 一共是多少錢 ⟨’ĭᵗ gyúng shhḯ' tō shiàu thhsiȇn⟩ "How much money in total?"
- 共合是多少錢 ⟨gyúng hhŏᵖ shhḯ' tō shiàu thhsiȇn⟩ "How much money in total?"
- 共計是多少錢 ⟨gyúng kí shhḯ' tō shiàu thhsiȇn⟩ "How much money in total?"
- 通共是多少錢 ⟨gyúng thūng shhḯ' tō shiàu thhsiȇn⟩ "How much money in total?"
- 伱算的不差麼 ⟨nì swōn tĭ pŭ čhā mȏ⟩ "Is your calculation not mistaken?"
- 算得很對 ⟨swón tĕᵏ hhèn túi⟩ "The account is quite right."
- 伱自己可以打打算盤 ⟨nì dzé kì khò ì tà tà swón phhwȏn⟩ "You may reckon by yourself on the abacus."
- 我不賒人的東西 ⟨ngò pŭ shiē zhȋn tĭ tūng sī⟩ "I do not buy on credit."
- 我甚麼也不賒給人 ⟨ngò shhím mwȏ iè pŭ shiē kĭᵖ zhȋn⟩ "I sell nothing on credit."
Furniture shopping
[edit | edit source]- 請進 ⟨thsìng tzín⟩ "Please to walk in."
- 願意看甚麼 ⟨yuȇn ’í khán shhím mwȏ⟩ "What sort of furniture do you wish to see?"
- 我缺一個立櫃 ⟨ngò khyuĕᵗ ’ĭᵗ kó lĭᵖ gúi⟩ "I want a cupboard."
- 我少一個立櫃 ⟨ngò shiàu ’ĭᵗ kó lĭᵖ gúi⟩ "I want a cupboard."
- 我昨日在廟會上買了一個很好的.在這裏呢 ⟨ngò dzŏᵏ zhĭᵗ dzái' miáu hhúi shhiáng' mài liàu ’ĭᵗ kó hhèn hào tĭ dzái' čié lì nȋ⟩ "I bought a very fine one yesterday at the town fair; it is here."
- 很體面的木頭做的 ⟨hhèn thì mién tĭ mŭᵏ thhȏw tzú tĭ⟩ "It is of a very beautiful wood."
- 價兒是… ⟨kiá ȓ shhḯ'⟩ "The price is..."
- 伱不能减價麼 ⟨nì pŭ nȇng kiàm kiá mȏ⟩ "You cannot take less?"
- 伱不能賤點兒麼 ⟨nì pŭ nȇng dzién tièm mȏ⟩ "You cannot make it cheaper?"
- 那價兒是最小的 ⟨ná kiá ȓ shhḯ' tzúi siàu tĭ⟩ "That price is the lowest."
- 價錢沒處裏小了 ⟨kiá thhsiȇn mŏ čhyú lì siàu liàu⟩ "The price cannot go anywhere cheaper."
- 這是很好的法子 ⟨čié shhḯ' hhèn hhào tĭ făᵖ tzè⟩ "It is a great way."
- 這是最好的法子 ⟨čié shhḯ' tzúi hào tĭ făᵖ tzè⟩ "It is a great way."
- 如今我願意看一看一個躺櫃 ⟨zhiï̀ kīn ȃgȏ [tztayuēn ȋ kh如i父血ĭᵏó fāng kūi⟩ "Now I should wish to look at a chest of drawers."
- 這裏有幾個上頭寫著價錢呢 ⟨čié lì iòw kì kó shhiáng thhȏw siè djiŏᵏ kiā thhsiȇn nȋ⟩ "Here are several, with the price marked upon each."
- 如今看一看伱的毯子 ⟨zhyȗ kīm khán ’ĭᵗ khán nì tĭ thàm tzè⟩ "Now let me take a look at your carpets."
- 伱願意多麼大的 ⟨nì yuén ’í tō mȏ dá tĭ⟩ "What size do you want?"
- 伱願意多麼長的多麼寬的 ⟨nì yuén ’í tō mwȏ čhhiȃng tĭ tō mwȏ khwōn tĭ⟩ "Of how long and how broad do you wish it to be?"
- 看看價錢 ⟨khán khán kiá thhsiȇn⟩ "Let us take a look at the prices."
- 這些個價錢大 ⟨čié siē kó kiá thhsiȇn dá⟩ "These are of prices."
- 這裏有賤點兒的到底一定沒有那個那麼好那麼體面 ⟨čié lì iòw dzién tièm ȓ tĭ táo tì ’ĭᵗ díng mŏ iòw ná kó ná mwȏ hào ná mwȏ thì mién⟩ "Here are some cheaper. But they are of course neither so good nor so handsome as that one."
- 我喜歡這一個就是價兒太大 ⟨ngò hì hwōn čié ’ĭᵗ kó dziów shhḯ' kiá thhsiȇn thái dá⟩ "I should like this well enough. But it comes to too much money."
- 伱看看多麼寛大就知道是不貴了 ⟨nì khán khán tō mwȏ khwōn dá dziów čī dáo' shhḯ' pŭ kúi liàu⟩ "Consider how large it is and you will realize it is not expensive."
- 毯子是直錢的東西 ⟨thàm tzè shhḯ' djĭᵏ thhsiȇn tĭ tūng sī⟩ "Carpets are expensive items."
- 伱願意看一看舊的不 ⟨nì yuén ’í khán ’ĭᵗ khán giów tĭ pŭ⟩ "Should you like to look at some secondhand ones?"
- 我要這一個 ⟨ngò ’iáu čié ’ĭᵗ kó⟩ "I will take this."
- 要別的東西不 ⟨’iáu piĕᵗ tĭ tūng sī pŭ⟩ "Do you want any thing else?"
- 這倚子直多少錢 ⟨čié ’ì tzè djĭᵏ tō shiàu thhsiȇn⟩ "What is the price of this chair / these chairs?"
- 非好倚子不直這些 ⟨fī hào ’ìi tzè pŭ djĭᵏ čié siē⟩ "They wouldn't worth so much if they weren't good chairs."
- 這是頭等好倚子按著時樣兒做的 ⟨čié shhḯ' thhȏw tèng hào ’ì tzè ’án djiŏᵏ shhḯ iáng ȓ tzú tĭ⟩ "These chairs are of the first quality and made according to the newest fashion."
- 材料很好工程也很細緻 ⟨thhsȃi liáu hhèn hào kūng čhhȋng iè hhèn sí djí⟩ "The material is very good and the workmanship is very fine."
- 我可喜歡這倚子就是嫌價兒太大 ⟨ngò khò hì hwōn čié ’ì tzè dziów shhḯ' kiá ȓ thāi dá⟩ "I like the chairs very well; but I do not like the price being too high."
[edit | edit source]- 可不要做得那麼長了 ⟨khò pŭ ’iáu tzú tĕᵏ ná mwȏ čhhiȃng liàu⟩ "Be sure not to make it so long."
- 要甚麼樣兒的釦子 ⟨’iáu shhím mwȏ iáng tĭ khów tzè⟩ "What sort of buttons will you have?"
- 要銅釦子 ⟨’iáu thhȗng khów tzè⟩ "I will have copper buttons."
- 伱給我做一條褲子.做得肥肥的我纔喜歎呢 ⟨nì kĭᵖ ngò tzú ’ĭᵗ thhiȃu khú tzè tzú tĕᵏ fvȋ fvȋ tĭ ngò thhsȃi hì hwōn nȋ⟩ "Make me a pair of trowsers. I am desirous to have them full wide."
- 在我的舖子裏有現成的衣裳 ⟨dzái' ngò tĭ phú tzè lì iòw hhién čhhȋng tĭ ’ī shhiȃng⟩ "There are ready made garments in my shop."
- 定做的衣裳更好 ⟨díng tzú tĭ ’ī shhiȃng kéng hào⟩ "Garments made to order are preferable."
- 伱拏了我的褂子來了沒有 ⟨nì nȃ liàu ngò tĭ kwá tzè lȃi liàu mŏ iòw⟩ "Have you brought my coat?"
- 拏來了 ⟨nȃ lȃi liàu⟩ "I have taken it here."
- 試一試 ⟨shḯ ’ĭᵗ shḯ⟩ "Try it some."
- 袖子做得太長太寬 ⟨sziów tzè tzú tĕᵏ thái čhhiȃng thái khwōn⟩ "You have madethe sleeves too long and too wide."
- 袖子做得太長太肥 ⟨sziów tzè tzú tĕᵏ thái čhhiȃng thái fvȋ⟩ "You have madethe sleeves too long and too wide."
- 衣裳太瘦 ⟨’ī shhiȃng thaì shów⟩ "The garment is too narrow."
- 胳肢窩裏掐得荒 ⟨kŏᵏ čï̄ ’wō lì khiăᵖ tĕᵏ hwāng⟩ "It pinches me under the arms."
- 伱們當裁縫的自己做的活有毛病也看不見 ⟨nì mȗn tāng thhsȃi fvȗng tĭ dzé kì tzú tĭ hhwŏᵗ iòw mào bíng iè khán pŭ kién⟩ "You tailors never find fault with your own work."
Shoe shopping
[edit | edit source]- 我要一雙鞋 ⟨ngò ’iáu ’ĭᵗ shwāng hhiȃi⟩ "I want a pair of shoes."
- 伱千萬不要做得太窄了 ⟨nì thsiēn vȃng pŭ ’iáu tzú tĕᵏ thái čĕᵏ liàu⟩ "Take great care not to make them too narrow."
- 伱千萬不要做得太小了 ⟨nì thsiēn vȃng pŭ ’iáu tzú tĕᵏ thái siàu liàu⟩ "Take great care not to make them too small."
- 伱犯這個毛病 ⟨nì fván' čié kó mȃo bíng⟩ "That's your defect."
- 平常伱做的鞋太窄 ⟨phhȋng čhhiȃng nì tzú tĭ hhiȃi thāi čĕᵏ⟩ "The shoes that you generally make are too narrow."
- 快快的做 ⟨khwái khwái tĭ tzú⟩ "Make them quickly."
- 我要試一試 ⟨ngò ’iáu shḯ ’ĭᵗ shḯ⟩ "I will try them a bit."
- 我提不上 ⟨ngò thhȋ pŭ shhiáng'⟩ "I cannot lift (the heelcap) up."
- 這裏有個鞋題子呢 ⟨čié lì iòw kó hhiȃi thhȋ tzè nȋ⟩ "Here is a shoehorn."
- 這裏有個鞋拔子呢 ⟨čié lì iòw kó hhiȃi băᵗ tzè nȋ⟩ "Here is a shoehorn."
- 腳掐得荒 ⟨kiŏᵏ khiăᵖ tĕᵏ hwāng⟩ "They contrict the feet too much."
- 掐腳 ⟨khiăᵖ kiŏᵏ⟩ "They contrict the feet too much."
- 腳指頭很不舒服 ⟨kiŏᵏ čï̀ thhȏw hhhèn pŭ shyū fvŭᵏ⟩ "My toes feel very uncomfortable."
- 得拏楥頭楥楥 ⟨tĕᵏ nȃ hyuén thhȏw hyuén hyuén⟩ "They must be stretched on the last."
- 穿穿就大了 ⟨čhïēn čhyuēn dziów dá liàu⟩ "They will grow wide by wearing."
- 穿不了兩天就舒服了 ⟨čhyuēn pŭ liàu liàng thiēn dziów shyū fvŭᵏ liàu⟩ "Worn for less than two days they will become comfortable."
- 穿不了兩天就不掐得荒了 ⟨čhyuēn pŭ liàu liàng thiēn dziów pŭ khiăᵖ tĕᵏ hwāng liàu⟩ "Worn for less than two days they will cease to be too contricting"
- 我不願意長雞眼 ⟨ngò pŭ yuén ’í čiàng kī iàn⟩ "I do not wish to get corns on my feet."
- 我願意腳舒舒坦坦的 ⟨ngò yuén ’í kiŏᵏ shyū shyū thàn thàn tĭ⟩ "I wish my feet to be comfortable and easy."
- 皮子不好 ⟨phhȋ tzè pŭ hào⟩ "The leather is bad."
- 幫子不結實 ⟨pāng tzè pŭ kiĕᵗ shhĭᵗ⟩ "The upper leather is not sturdy."
- 鞋底子太薄 ⟨hhiȃi tì tzè thái bŏᵏ⟩ "The soles are too thin."
- 後跟太寬 ⟨hhów' kēn thāi khwōn⟩ "The heels are too wide."
- 我看著這鞋一定不是爲我做的 ⟨ngò khán djiŏᵏ čié hhiȃi ’ĭᵗ díng pŭ shhḯ' úi ngò tzú tĭ⟩ "I can see surely these shoes were not made for me."
- 伱拏了我的靴子來了沒有 ⟨nì nȃ liàu ngò tĭ hyuē tzè lȃi liàu mŏ iòw⟩ "Have you brought my boots?"
- 拏來了 ⟨nȃ lȃi liàu⟩ "I have taken them here."
- 這個靴桶兒太髙 ⟨čié kó hyuē thùng ȓ thái kāo⟩ "The leg of this boot is too high."
- 這個靴桶兒太深 ⟨čié kó hyuē thùng ȓ thái shīm⟩ "The leg of this boot is too long."
- 這一雙該當換新底子 ⟨čié ’ĭᵗ shwāng kāi tāng hhwón sīn tì tzè⟩ "That pair wants soling and heeling."
Sickness and healing
[edit | edit source]- 如今怎麼樣 ⟨zhyȗ kīm tzèm mwȏ iáng⟩ "How do you find yourself at present?"
- 我頭旋.立不住 ⟨ngò thhȏw szyuén lȋb pŭ djyú⟩ "My head is giddy and I can hardly stand on my legs."
- 身上很不好 ⟨shīn shhiáng hhèn pŭ hào⟩ "I am not feeling well."
- 身上很不舒服 ⟨shīn shhiáng hhèn pŭ shyū fvŭᵏ⟩ "I am not feeling well."
- 我覺著病得厲害 ⟨ngò kiŏᵏ djiŏᵏ bíng tĕᵏ lí hhái⟩ "I feel myself very ill."
- 一點兒勁也沒有 ⟨’ĭᵗ tièm kíng ȓ iè mŏ iòw⟩ "I am have not even a bit of energy."
- 怎麼樣得的病 ⟨tzèm mwȏ iáng tĕᵏ tĭ bíng⟩ "How were you taken ill?"
- 前日起頭不好 ⟨thhsiȇn zhĭᵗ khì thhȏw pŭ hào⟩ "It began to feel bad the day before yesterday."
- 前日覺著身上冷了一陣子 ⟨thhsiȇn zhĭᵗ kiŏᵏ djiŏᵏ shīn shhiáng lèng liàu ’ĭᵗ djín tzè⟩ "The day before yesterday, I felt an episode of shivering."
- 後來又出了一大些汗就不好起來了 ⟨hhów' lȃi iów čhyŭᵗ liàu ’ĭᵗ dá siē hhán dziów pŭ hào khì lȃi liàu⟩ "Later I perspired profusely and have been ill since."
- 伱覺著乾噦不 ⟨nì kiŏᵏ djiŏᵏ kān ’yuĕᵗ pŭ⟩ "Did you feel a nausea?"
- 起頭乾噦如今不乾噦了 ⟨khì thhȏw kān ’yuĕᵗ zhyȗ kīm pŭ kān ’yuĕᵗ liàu⟩ "I retched a first (but) now I do not retch anymore."
- 到底頭痛得厲害 ⟨táo tì thhȏw thúng tĕᵏ lí hhái⟩ "Anyway, my head hurts badly."
- 如今伱覺著哪裏痛 ⟨zhyȗ kīm nì kiŏᵏ djiŏᵏ nà lì thúng⟩ "Where do you feel pain now?"
- 頭痛 ⟨thhȏw thúng⟩ "My head hurts."
- 腦袋痛 ⟨nào dái thúng⟩ "My head hurts."
- 覺著胃口有病 ⟨kiŏᵏ djiŏᵏ úi khòw iòw bíng⟩ "My stomach feels weird."
- 嗓子不好 ⟨sàng tzè pŭ hào⟩ "I have a sore throat."
- 我覺著肚裏痛 ⟨ngò kiŏᵏ djiŏᵏ dú' lì thúng⟩ "I feel a pain in my bowels."
- 冷了一宿 ⟨lèng liàu ’ĭᵗ syŭᵏ⟩ "I have had a shivering the whole night."
- 眼模模糊糊的 ⟨iàn mȗ mȗ hhȗ hhȗ tĭ⟩ "My eyes are dim."
- 想喫點兒不 ⟨siàng khĭᵏ tièm ȓ pŭ⟩ "Do you want eat a bit?"
- 兩天了差不多沒有喫甚麼 ⟨liàng thiēn liàu čhā pŭ tō mŏ iòw khĭᵏ shhím mwȏ⟩ "It has been two days and I have hardly eaten anything."
- 看看伱的舌頭 ⟨khán khán nì tĭ shhiĕᵗ thhȏw⟩ "Let me see your tongue."
- 伸出舌頭來我看—看 ⟨shīn čhyŭᵗ shhiĕᵗ thhȏw lȃi ngò khán ’ĭᵗ khán⟩ "Extend your tongue out and le me take a look."
- 舒出舌頭來我看—看 ⟨shyū čhyŭᵗ shhiĕᵗ thhȏw lȃi ngò khán ’ĭᵗ khán⟩ "Extend your tongue out and le me take a look."
- 吐出舌頭來我看—看 ⟨thù čhyŭᵗ shhiĕᵗ thhȏw lȃi ngò khán ’ĭᵗ khán⟩ "Extend your tongue out and le me take a look."
- 伸出胳髆來我給伱評評脈 ⟨shīn čhyŭᵗ kŏᵏ pŏᵏ lȃi ngò kĭᵖ nì phhȋng phhȋng mĕᵏ⟩ "Extend your arm out; I will interpret your pulse."
- 我給伱看看脈 ⟨ngò kĭᵖ nì khán khán mĕᵏ⟩ "I will take a look at your pulse."
- 脈不安 ⟨mĕᵏ pŭ ’ān⟩ "Your pulse is flurried."
- 脈跳得不勻 ⟨mĕᵏ thiāu tĕᵏ pŭ yȗn⟩ "Your pulse is irregular."
- 脈緊 ⟨mĕᵏ kìn⟩ "Your pulse is quick."
- 先生看著我的病重不重 ⟨siēn shēng khán djiŏᵏ ngò tĭ bíng djyúng' pŭ djyúng'⟩ "Do you think my illness is severe?"
- 不重到底當小心怕後來重了 ⟨pŭ djyúng' táo tì siàu sīm phá hhów' lȃi djyúng' liàu⟩ "Not severe; But you must take care lest it should become so."
- 這個病好治 ⟨čié kó bíng hào čhhȋ⟩ "This illness is easy to cure."
- 這個病容易治 ⟨čié kó bíng yȗng í čhhȋ⟩ "This illness is easy to cure."
- 先該當心裏平安 ⟨siēn kāi tāng sīm lì phīng ’ān⟩ "At first your mind should be calmed."
- 先該當放心 ⟨siēn kāi tāng fáng sīm⟩ "At first you should not worry."
- 我給伱送藥來伱欱 ⟨ngò kĭᵖ nì súng iŏᵏ lȃi nì hŏᵖ⟩ "I will send you medicine to drink."
- 明天早起再來看一看 ⟨mȋng thiēn tzào khì tzái lȃi khán ’ĭᵗ khán⟩ "(I will) come see you again tomorrow morning."
- 不用做別的但只小心常煖煖和和的 ⟨pŭ yúng tzú piĕᵗ tĭ dán' čï̄ tāng siàu sīm čhhiȃng nwòn nwòn hwō hwō tĭ⟩ "No need to do anything else; Onluy take care to stay warm all the time."
- 明天看一看可以放點兒血不 ⟨mȋng thiēn khán ’ĭᵗ khán khò ì fáng tièm ȓ hyuĕᵗ pŭ⟩ "We shall see tomorrow whether t will not be proper to release a little blood."
- 黑夜怎麼樣了 ⟨hĕᵏ ié tzèm mwȏ iáng liàu⟩ "How have you passed the night?"
- 黑下怎麼樣了 ⟨hĕᵏ hhiá' tzèm mwȏ iáng liàu⟩ "How have you passed the night?"
- 覺著好多了 ⟨kiŏᵏ djiŏᵏ hào tō liàu⟩ "I feel I have gotten much better."
- 覺著好得多了 ⟨kiŏᵏ djiŏᵏ hào tĕᵏ tō liàu⟩ "I feel I have gotten much better."
- 比從前平安.睡了一點兒覺 ⟨pì thhsyȗng thhsiȇn phhȋng ’ān shhúi liàu ’ĭᵗ tièm ȓ kiáo⟩ "I feel more at peace than earlier; I slept a little."
- 鬆快多了 ⟨suīng khwái tō liàu⟩ "I am a good deal easier"
- 我再給伱送一瓶子來 ⟨ngò tzái kĭᵖ nì súng ’ĭᵗ phhȋng tzè lȃi⟩ "I will send you another bottle."
- 我管保不礙 ⟨ngò kwōn pào pŭ ngái⟩ "I promise you that it will have no consequence."
- 我管保不礙事 ⟨ngò kwōn pào pŭ ngái shhé⟩ "I promise you that it will have no consequence."
- 過兩三天就全好了 ⟨kwó liàng sām thiēn dziów thhsyuȇn hào liàu⟩ "Passing two or three days you will competely well."
Travel companions
[edit | edit source]- 在中國工夫久了麼 ⟨dzái' čyūng kwĕᵏ kūng fū kiòw liàu mȏ⟩ "Have you been long in China?"
- 有十年了 ⟨iòw shhĭᵖ niȇn liàu⟩ "It has been ten years."
- 道不很好走 ⟨dào pŭ hhèn hào tzòw⟩ "The roads are not very easy to walk on."
- 道不大好走 ⟨dào pŭ dá hào tzòw⟩ "The roads are not very easy to walk on."
- 伱從前走過這個道沒有 ⟨nì thhsyȗng thhsiȇn tzòw kwó čié kó dáo' mŏ iòw⟩ "Did you ever travel this way before?"
- 伱從前走過這條道沒有 ⟨nì thhsyȗng thhsiȇn tzòw kwó čié thhiȃu dáo' mŏ iòw⟩ "Did you ever travel this way before?"
- 走過幾回 ⟨tzòw kwó kì hhȗi⟩ "!!!I traveled on it several times."
- 中國我全走遍了 ⟨čyūng kwĕᵏ ngò thhsyuȇn tzòw pién liàu⟩ "I travelled all over China."
- 這個道我很熟 ⟨čié kó dáo' ngȏ hhèn shhyŭᵏ⟩ "I know the road perfectly well."
- 路上不是過…麼 ⟨lú shhiáng pŭ shhḯ' kwo/kwó ... mȏ⟩ "On the way shall we not pass through...?"
- 不過 ⟨pŭ kwo/kwó⟩ "Not passing (there)."
- 過…東邊 ⟨kwo/kwó ... tūng piēn⟩ "(We shall) pass on the east of ..."
- 我們宿哪裏 ⟨ngò mȗn siŭᵏ nà lì⟩ "What place shall we stay for the night at?"
- 我們在店裏宿了好幾宿 ⟨ngò mȗn dzái' tiém lì syŭᵏ liàu hào kì syŭᵏ⟩ "We passed several nights in the inns."
- 我們在店裏過了好幾宿 ⟨ngò mȗn dzái' tiém lì kwo/kwó liàu hào kì syŭᵏ⟩ "We passed several nights in the inns."
[edit | edit source]- 這是上哪裏去的道 ⟨čié shhḯ' shhiáng' nà lì khyū tĭ dáo'⟩ "Whither does this road lead?"
- 伱走錯了 ⟨nì tzòw thsŏᵏ liàu⟩ "You are on the wrong road."
- 該當往哪邊去 ⟨kāi tāng wàng nà piēn khyú⟩ "Which direction should I go?"
- 不用問道 ⟨pŭ yúng vún dáo'⟩ "You need not inquire the way."
- 離這裏有多遠 ⟨lȋ čié lì iòw tō yuén⟩ "How far is it from here?"
- 過幾道橋 ⟨kwo/kwó kì dáo' khhiȃu⟩ "How many bridges has one to cross?"
- 有擺渡 ⟨iòw pài dú⟩ "There is a ferry."
- 車馬可以擺過去 ⟨čhiē mà khō ì pài kwo/kwó khyú⟩ "The carts and horses can he ferried over."
- 馬浮水過河 ⟨mà fvȏw shùi kwo/kwó hhȏ⟩ "The horses swim across rivers."
- 水有半人深 ⟨shùi iòw pwón zhȋn shīm⟩ "The water is up to one's middle body."
[edit | edit source]- 這裏有個李保祿先生.伱認得不認得 ⟨čié lì iòw kó lì pào lŭᵏ siēn shēng nì zhín tĕᵏ pŭ zhín tĕᵏ⟩ "There is a Mr Paul Li here, do you know (him)?"
- 伱認得叫李保祿的不認得 ⟨nì zhín tĕᵏ kiáu lì pào lŭᵏ tĭ pŭ zhín tĕᵏ⟩ "Do you know a person of the name of Paul Li?"
- 這城裏不是有個叫李保祿的麼 ⟨čié čhhȋng lì pŭ shhḯ' iòw kó kiáu lì pào lŭᵏ tĭ mȏ⟩ "Is there not a person of the name of Paul Li living in this town?"
- 我不認得叫這個名字的 ⟨ngò pŭ zhín tĕᵏ kiáu čié kó mȋng dzé tĭ⟩ "I don't know anybody of that name."
- 有叫這個名字的 ⟨iòw kiáu čié kó mȋng tzè tĭ⟩ "There is a person of that name."
- 伱知道他在哪裏住著不 ⟨nì čī dáo' thā dzái' nà lì djyú djiŏᵏ pŭ⟩ "Do you know where he lives?"
- 他在哪邊住著 ⟨thā dzái' nà piēn djyú djiŏᵏ⟩ "Whereabout does he live?"
- 他住的地方離魚市不遠 ⟨thā djyú tĭ dí fāng lȋ yȗ shhḯ' pŭ yuèn⟩ "Where he lives is not far from the fish-market."
- 離這裏遠不遠 ⟨lȋ čié lì yuèn pŭ yuèn⟩ "Is it far from here?"
- 離這裏很近 ⟨lȋ čié lì hhèn gín'⟩ "It is very close to here."
- 伱能彀指给我他的房子不能彀 ⟨nì nȇng ków čì kĭᵖ ngò thā tĭ fvȃng tzè pŭ nȇng ków⟩ "Can you direct me to his house?"
- 我也往那邊去 ⟨ngò iè wàng ná piēn khyú⟩ "I am going that way too."
- 我指給伱他在哪裏住 ⟨ngò čï̀ kĭᵖ nì thā dzái' nà lȋ djyú⟩ "I will show you where he lives."
[edit | edit source]- 餧馬的黑豆炒了沒有 ⟨’úi mà tĭ hĕᵏ dów čhào lìàu mŏ iòw⟩ "Have the black beans for feeding the horse been roasted?"
- 我們的馬在哪裏 ⟨ngò mȗn tĭ mà dzái' nàl lì⟩ "Where are our horses?"
- 在馬棚裏 ⟨dzái' mà phhȇng lì⟩ "In the stable."
- 餧了他們沒有 ⟨’úi liàu thā mȗn mŏ iòw⟩ "Did you feed them?"
- 他們喫了料沒有 ⟨thā mȗn khĭᵏ liàu liáu mŏ iòw⟩ "Have they eaten their food?"
- 伱沒有給他們洗蹄子 ⟨nì mŏ iòw kĭᵖ thā mȗn sì thhȋ tzè⟩ "You have not washed their feet."
- 伱牽著他們上坑裏去飲了沒有 ⟨nì khiēn djiŏᵏ thā mȗn shhiáng' khēng lì kyú ’ím liàu mŏ iòw⟩ "Have you taken them to ditch to make them drink (water)? ."
- 伱飲了他們沒有 ⟨nì ’ím liàu thā mȗn mŏ iòw⟩ "Have you made them drink?"
- 伱看一看一總的鐵掌好不好 ⟨nì khán ’ĭᵗ khán ’ĭᵗ tzùng tĭ thiĕᵗ čiàng hào pŭ hào⟩ "Take a look whether their shoes are all good."
- 伱把我的馬牽到鐵匠那裏去叫他換上一個掌子 ⟨nì pà ngò tĭ mà khiēn táo thiĕᵗ dziáng ná lì khyú kiáu thā hhwón shhiáng' ’ĭᵗ kó čiàng tzè⟩ "Take my horse to the farrier and have another shoe put on."
[edit | edit source]- 我想著上...去.伱看著行不行 ⟨ngò siàng djiŏᵏ khyú ... nì khán djiŏᵏ hhȋng pŭ hhȋng⟩ "I intend to go to ... Do you think it is possible?"
- 我有心上...去.伱看著行不行 ⟨ngò iòw sīm khyú ... nì khán djiŏᵏ hhȋng pŭ hhȋng⟩ "I intend to go to ... Do you think it is possible?"
- 這個人就是要先走的那一隻船上的水手 ⟨čié kó zhȋn dziów shhḯ' ’iáu siēn tzòw tĭ ná ’ĭᵗ čĭᵏ čhhyuȇn shhiáng tĭ shùi shiòw⟩ "Here is one of the crew of that which is to sail first."
- 伱們今天開船不 ⟨nì mȗn kīm thiēn khāi čhhyuȇn pŭ⟩ "Does your packet sail to-day?"
- 伱們船主在哪裏 ⟨nì mȗn čhyuēn čyù dzái' nà lì⟩ "Where is your captain?"
- 在家裏呢 ⟨dzái' kiā lì nȋ⟩ "At home."
- 伱看往我們這邊來的就是他 ⟨nì khán wàng ngò mȗn čhié piēn lȃi t’ī dziów shhḯ' thā⟩ "Look, the one comting toward us is he/she."
- 船主多久開船 ⟨čhhyuȇn čyù tō kiòw khāi čhhyuȇn⟩ "Captain, when will you sail?"
- 若是順風明天頭一道海潮上來就開船 ⟨zhiŏᵏ shhḯ' shhyún fūng mȋng thiēn thhȏw ’ĭᵗ dáo' hài čhhiȃu shhiáng' lȃi dziów khāi čhhyuȇn⟩ "If the wind is favorable, I shall go by the frst tide tomorrow."
- 爲甚麼不今天第一道海潮走呢 ⟨úi shhím mwȏ pū kīm thiēn dí ’ĭᵗ dáo' hài čhhiȃu tzòw nȋ⟩ "Why do you not go to-day by the first tide today?"
- 因爲有幾個上船的客人不願意在海上宿因此我同他們講定了非明天不開船 ⟨’īn ȗi iòw kó shhiáng' čhhyuȇn tĭ khĕᵏ zhȋn pŭ yuén ’í dzái' hài shhiáng' syŭᵏ ’īn thsè ngò thhȗng thā mȗn kiàng díng liàu fī mȋng thiēn pŭ khāi čhhyuȇn⟩ "Because there are several passengers who are not willing to spend the night on the sea therefore I have reached an agreement with them not to sail until tomorrow."
- 同他們說定了非明天不開船 ⟨thhȗng thā mȗn shyuĕᵗ díng liàu mȋng thiēn pŭ khāi čhhyuȇn⟩ "I have reached an agreement with them not to sail until tomorrow."
- 同他們約下了非明天不開船 ⟨thhȗng thā mȗn ’iŏᵏ hhiá' liàu mȋng thiēn pŭ khāi čhhyuȇn⟩ "I have reached an agreement with them not to sail until tomorrow."
- 况說今天晚晌風不順.走也是不行 ⟨hwáng shyuĕᵗ kīm thiēn vàn shiàng fūng pŭ shhyún tzòw iè shhḯ' pŭ hhȋng⟩ "Not to mention that the wind is not favorable this evening and we will not be able to leave for that either."
- 在伱的船上客人多不多 ⟨dzái' nì tĭ čhhyuȇn shhiáng khĕᵏ zhȋn tō pŭ tō⟩ "Have you many passengers?"
- 有三十多 ⟨iòw sām shhĭᵖ tō⟩ "I have more than thirty."
- 他們是那一國的 ⟨thā mȗn shhḯ' nȃ ’ĭᵗ kwĕᵏ tĭ⟩ "Which nation are they of?"
- 護照要緊不要緊 ⟨hhú čiáu ’iáu pŭ ’iáu kìn⟩ "Is it important to have a passport?"
- 不要緊 ⟨pŭ ’iáu kìn⟩ "It is not necessary."
- 明天幾下鐘海潮 ⟨mȋng thiēn kì hhiá' čyūng hài čhhiȃu⟩ "At what o'clock will the tide set tomorrow?"
- 明天我打發我一個水手去吿訴伱 ⟨mȋng thiēn ngò tà făᵗ ngò ’ĭᵗ kó shùi shiòw khyú káo sú nì⟩ "I shall send one of my sailors to give you notice."
- 明天我打發我一個水手去叫伱去 ⟨mȋng thiēn ngò tà făᵗ ngò ’ĭᵗ kó shùi shiòw khyú kiáu nì khyú⟩ "I shall send one of my sailors to call you."
- 伱估量著我們在船上要多麼大工夫 ⟨nì kù liȃng djiŏᵏ ngò mȗn dzái' čhhyuȇn shhiȃng ’iáu tō mwȏ dá kūng fū⟩ "How long do you estimate us to be at sea?"
- 那個我保不定因爲這個時候的風沒有準兒 ⟨ná kó ngò pào pū díng ’īn ȗi čié kó shhï̀ hhów tĭ fūng mŏ iòw čyùn⟩ "I cannot tell, because in this season the wind is not predictable."
- 伱估量著颳暴風不 ⟨nì kù liȃng djiŏᵏ kwăᵗ báo fūng pŭ⟩ "Do you think there will be a storm?"
- 不颳是一定的事兒 ⟨pŭ kwăᵗ shhḯ' ’ĭᵗ díng tĭ shhé⟩ "It is certain fact that it will not be blowing."
- 喫的東西要緊帶著不 ⟨khĭᵏ tĭ tūng sī ’iáu kìn tái djiŏᵏ pŭ⟩ "Is it necessary to bring provisions with me?"
- 許不要緊.到底帶著好 ⟨hyū pŭ ’iáu kìn táo tì tái djiŏᵏ hào⟩ "You will perhaps not need any; but it is prudent to have some with you after all."
[edit | edit source]- 我們全妥當了 ⟨ngò mȗn thhsyuȇn thhwò táng liàu⟩ "We are all ready."
- 大船在海裏離著這裏遠若來一陣暴風這隻小船等不到到了那裏就許翻了 ⟨dá čhhyuȇn dzái' hài lì lȋ djiŏᵏ čié lì yuèn zhiŏᵏ shhḯ' lȃi ’ĭᵗ djín báw fūng čié čĭᵏ siàu čhhyuȇn tèng pŭ táo táo liàu ná lì dziów hyù fān liàu ⟩ "The vessel is a great way off; and if a gale of wind comes on, this boat might upset before we could reach there."
- 沒甚麼危險 ⟨mŏ shhím mwȏ ngȗi hièm⟩ "There is no danger."
- 伱們搖船搖得辛苦了渾身都是汗了 ⟨nì mȗn iȃu čhhyuȇn iȃu tĕᵏ sīn khù liàu hhȗn shīn shhḯ' hhán liàu⟩ "You have being rowing the boat hard and you are all in sweat."
- 伱們搖船搖得費勁了通身都是汗了 ⟨nì mȗn iȃu čhhyuȇn iȃu tĕᵏ fí kíng liàu hhȗn shīn shhḯ' hhán liàu⟩ "You have being rowing the boat hard and you are all in sweat."
- 颳起大風來了 ⟨kwăᵗ khì dá fūng lȃi liàu⟩ "The wind increases."
- 伱們看衝著我們的船來的那個大浪頭 ⟨nì mȗn khān čhhyȗng djiŏᵏ ngò mȗn tī čhhyuȇn lȃi tĭ ná kó dá láng thhȏw⟩ "See that great wave that is coming towards our vessel."
- 我怕一會兒鬧天 ⟨ngȏ phá ’ĭᵗ hhúi ȓ náo thiēn⟩ "I fear we shall have a storm."
- 西邊天實在的黑 ⟨sī piēn thiēn shhĭᵗ dzái' tĭ hĕᵏ⟩ "The sky is really dark towards the west."
- 到如今是順風我們的船本來也走得快 ⟨táo zhyȗ kīm shhḯ' shhyún fūng ngò mȗn tĭ čhhyuȇn pùn lȃi iè tzòw tĕᵏ khwái⟩ "So far the wind is favorable and our ship is fast sailing one to start with."
- 我們順著風走呢 ⟨ngò mȗn shhyún djiŏᵏ fūng tzòw nȋ⟩ "We sail before the wind."
- 我頭痛得厲害 ⟨ngò thhȏw thúng tĕᵏ lí hhái⟩ "My head hurts badly."
- 我腦袋痛得厲害 ⟨ngò nào dái thúng tĕᵏ lí hhái⟩ "My head hurts badly."
- 欱一點兒酒心裏就覺著鬆快些兒 ⟨hŏᵖ ’ĭᵗ tièm ȓ tziòw sīm lì dziów kiŏᵏ djiŏᵏ sūng khwái siē ȓ⟩ "Drink a drop of alcohol and you will feel relieved."
- 我沒有一點勁兒了該當倒在牀上 ⟨ngò mŏ iòw ’ĭᵗ tièm kíng ȓ liàu kāi tāng tào dzái' čhhwȃng shhiáng⟩ "I have no energy left I must lie down on the bed."
- 我沒有一點勁兒了該當躺在牀上 ⟨ngò mŏ iòw ’ĭᵗ tièm kíng ȓ liàu kāi tāng thàng dzái' čhhwȃng shhiáng⟩ "I have no energy left I must lie down on the bed."
- 我們無病無災的到了.到底不是一點兒危險沒有.船主是不是 ⟨ngò mȗn vȗ bíng vȗ tzāi tĭ táo liàu táo tì pŭ shhḯ' ’ĭᵗ tièm ȓ ngȗi hièm mŏ iòw čhhyuȇn čyū shhḯ' pŭ shhḯ'⟩ "Well, here we are safe and sound; but not without having run some risk. Isn't it so, captain?"
- 我們這一道很順當 ⟨ngò mȗn čié ’ĭᵗ dáo' hhèn shhyún táng⟩ "This passage of ours have been smooth."
- 我們一天半走的道.平常三天四天有時候五天也走不了 ⟨ngò mȗn ’ĭᵗ thiēn pwōn tzòw tĭ dáo' phhȋng shhiȃng/čhhiȃng sām sé thiēn iòw shhï̑ hhów ngù thiēn iè tzòw pŭ liàu⟩ "This trip that we made in a day and a half - commonly even three or four days or sometimes five days would not be enough to make it."
- 這是費工夫的事兒不.我走海走得實在乏了.我願意在店裏歇歇 ⟨čié shhḯ' fí kūng fū tĭ shhé ȓ pŭ ngò tzòw hài tzòw tĕᵏ shhĭᵗ dzái' fvăᵖ liàu ngò yuén ’í dzái' tiém lì hiĕᵗ hiĕᵗ⟩ "Will this be a Iong operation? I am much fatigued with the sea, and I should like to go to the inn to rest myself."
- 伱給我開伱箱子的鑰匙然後伱願意上哪裏去上哪裏去 ⟨nì kĭᵖ ngò khāi nì siāng tzè tī iŏᵏ shhï̀ zhiȇn hhów' nì yuén ’í shhiàng nà lì khyú shhiàng nà lì khyú⟩ "Give me the keys of your trunks and you may then go where you please."
- 我我願意跟著我的箱子看著伱們搜査因爲我不願意伱們把我的東西翻腾亂了 ⟨ngò ngò yuén ’í kēn djiŏᵏ ngò tĭ siāng tzè khán djiŏᵏ nì mȗn shōw čhăᵗ ’īn ȗi ngò pŭ yuén ’í nì mȗn pà ngò tĭ tūng sī fān thhȇng lwón liàu⟩ "For me, I shall follow my trunk; I shall assist as it is being examined, because I wish it to be done without turning all my things topsy turvy."
- 我願意伱們把一件一件的東西全放在本地方 ⟨ngò yuén ’í nì mȗn pà ’ĭᵗ gién' ’ĭᵗ gién' tĭ tūng sī thhsyuȇn fáng dzái' pùn dí fāng⟩ "I shall have every thing put in its place again."
- 我遂後跟著他去 ⟨ngò szúi hhów' kēn djiŏᵏ thā khyú⟩ "I shall follow her/him."
[edit | edit source]- 伱爲甚麼穿著孝 ⟨nì úi shhím mwȏ čhyuēn djiŏᵏ hiáo⟩ "Why are you wearing mourning garments?"
- 我的哥不在了 ⟨ngò tĭ kō pŭ dzái' liàu⟩ "My elder brother is dead."
- 今天過晌午我去弔哭去 ⟨kīm thiēn kwó shiàng ngù ngò khyú tiáu khŭᵏ khyú⟩ "I shall go and wail for the dead this afternoon."
- 今天過晌午我去弔喪去 ⟨kīm thiēn kwó shiàng ngù ngò khyú tiáu sāng khyú⟩ "I shall go and wail for the dead this afternoon."
- 我替伱傷心 ⟨ngò thí nì shiāng sīm⟩ "I condole with you."
- 甚麼時候出殯 ⟨shhím mwȏ shhï̑ hhów čhyŭᵗ pín⟩ "When is he to be buried?"
- 一過年就出殯 ⟨’ĭᵗ kwó niȇn dziów čhyŭᵗ pín⟩ "We will depart to bury him immediately after the New Year's day."
- 一過年就下葬 ⟨’ĭᵗ kwó niȇn dziȏw hhiá' tzáng⟩ "We will bury him immediately after the New Year's day."
- 我送殯到墳上 ⟨ngò sūng pín táo fvȗn shhiáng⟩ "I shall accompany the coffin to the cemetry."
- 我去給老翁道惱 ⟨ngò khyú kĭᵖ lào ’ūng dáo' nào⟩ "I shall pay a visit to your father to condole with him."
- 我去給老翁道煩惱 ⟨ngò khyú kĭᵖ lào ’ūng dáo' fvȃn nào⟩ "I shall pay a visit to your father to condole with him."
[edit | edit source]- 有人敲門 ⟨iòw zhhȋn khiāo mȗn⟩ "Somebody knocks on the door"
- 伱去看看是誰 ⟨nì khyú khán khán shhḯ' shhȗi⟩ "Go and see who it is."
- 伱去開門去 ⟨nì khyú khāi mȗn khyú⟩ "Go and open the door."
- 搬椅子來 ⟨pwōn ’ì tzè lȃi⟩ "Fetch some seats."
- 請坐 ⟨thsìng dzwó'⟩ "Pray be seated."
- 請上座 ⟨tshìng shhiáng' dzwó⟩ "Please take the upper seat."
- 不願意坐下麼 ⟨pŭ yuén ’í hhiá' mȏ⟩ "Won't you sit down?"
- 兄臺違敎許久 ⟨hyuēng thhȃi ȗi kiáo hyù kiòw⟩ "My brother, I have not seen you (lit. I have been deprived of your instruction ) for a long time."
- 久違芝顏 ⟨kiòw ȗi čï̄ iȃn⟩ "I have missed the auspicious countenance of yours for long."
- 豈敢 ⟨khì kàm⟩ "How dare i (admit such a compliment)?"
- 彼此都不相見好久了 ⟨pì thhsè tū pŭ siāng kién hào kiòw liàu⟩ "You and I have certainly not seen each other for an age."
- 好阿.近來道喜阿.高陞阿.發財阿 ⟨hào ȏ gín' lȃi dáo' hì ȏ kāo shīng ȏ făᵗ thhsȃi ȏ⟩ "Are you well? Of late is there any thing upon which I may felicitate you? Have you been promoted? Have you made money?"
- 好說.蒙過獎了.託伱老人家的福.還算平安.但是沒有甚麼大福 ⟨hào shyuĕᵗ mȗng kwó tziàng liàu thŏᵏ nì lào zhȋnbkiā tĭ fŭᵏ hhȃi/hhwȃn swón phhȋng ’ān dán' shhḯ' mŏ iòw shhím mwȏ dá fŭᵏ⟩ "You are very polite; thanks for your too flattering compliments. Owing to your happy auspices, I am still enjoying repose, but nothing particularly good."
- 拏火來 ⟨nȃ hwò lȃi⟩ "Bring a light."
- 我不抽菸 ⟨ngò pŭ čhiōw ’iēn⟩ "I do not smoke."
- 我不喫菸 ⟨ngò pŭ khĭᵏ ’iēn⟩ "I do not smoke."
- 令尊大人令堂太太都納福阿 ⟨líng tzūn dá zhȋn líng thhȃng thái thái tū năᵖ fŭᵏ ȏ⟩ "Your honorable father and your honored mother are they both well?"
- 家父家母都還康健 ⟨kiā fvú' kiā mòw/mù tū hhȃi/hhwȃn khāng gién⟩ "My father and mother are still robust."
- 替我請安 ⟨thí ngò thsìngn ’ān⟩ "Please present them my kindest regards.."
- 令兄令弟那裏都替我問好 ⟨líng hyuēng líng dí' ná lì tū thí ngò vún hào⟩ "Please make my compliments to your elder and younger brothers."
- 不敢當.府上令伯父令伯母令昆仲都納福阿 ⟨pŭ kàm tāng fù shhiáng líng pĕᵏ fvú' líng pĕᵏ mòw/mù líng kūn djyúng tū năᵖ fŭᵏ ȏ⟩ "You are too kind by far. At your house, are your uncle, your aunt and your brothers all well and happy?"
- 託駕上的福都好阿 ⟨thŏᵏ kiá shhiáng tĭ fŭᵏ tū hào ȏ⟩ "By relying on your good fortune, all of them are well."
- 都託賴 ⟨tū thŏᵏ lái⟩ "By relying on your good fortune, all of them are well."
- 去年令尊壽誕.令郎有榮娶.我沒給老兄道喜.短禮得很了 ⟨khyú niȇn líng tzūn shhiów dán' líng lȃng iów yuȇng thyú ngò mŏ kĭᵖ lào hyuēng dáo' hì twòn lì tĕᵏ hhèn liàu⟩ "Last year, for the occasion of your father's natal day, and your son's nuptials, I have not wished you joy; I have indeed been excessively rude."
- 家父生辰.他老人家不叫人知道.小兒貧娶不敢驚動.因此我沒有給伱送信來 ⟨kiā fvú' shēng čhhȋn thā lào zhȋn kiā pŭ kiáu zhȋn čī dáo' siàu ȓ phhȋn thsyú pŭ kàm kīng dúng' ’īn thsè ngȏi mŏ iòw kĭᵖ nì súng sín lȃi⟩ "As for my fathers birth-day, he, good old man, never tells any body a word about it. And as for my little boy's humble marriage, I did not dare to trouble you with it; so I did not send a letter."
- 我前年有件小事.承伱費心.替我出力.給我跑了多少道.我還沒有給伱道乏呢 ⟨ngò thhsiȇn niȇn iòw gién' siàu shhé čhhȋng nì fí sīm thí ngò čhyŭᵗ lĭᵏ kĭᵖ ngò phào liàu tō shiàu dáo' ngò hhȃi/hhwȃn mŏ iòw kĭᵖ nì dáo' fvăᵖ nȋ⟩ "Year before last, I had a little piece of business, which gave you a deal of trouble, and made you use exertion on my behalf. How many times have you been running about here and there! I have not yet expressed my sense of the fatigue I caused."
- 我們相好.該當效勞.但怕我張羅不到 ⟨ngò mȗn siāng háo kāi tāng hhiáo lȃo dán' phá ngò čiāng wȏ pŭ táo⟩ "You and I are friends; we ought to exert ourselves to assist each other. I only fear that my services were of very little avail."
- 伱上月給我送了些個東西.我受了.還沒有給伱道謝呢 ⟨nì shhiáng yuĕᵗ kĭᵖ ngò súng liàu siē kō tūng sī ngȏ shhiów' liàu hhȃi/hhwȃn mŏ iòw kĭᵖ nȋ dáo' szié nȋ⟩ "Last month you were good enough to sent me a present of several things. I received them, and have not yet returned you thanks."
- 伱上月給我送了些個東西.我領了.還沒有給伱道謝呢 ⟨nì shhiáng yuĕᵗ kĭᵖ ngò súng liàu siē kō tūng sī ngȏ lìng liàu hhȃi/hhwȃn mŏ iòw kĭᵖ nȋ dáo' szié nȋ⟩ "Last month you were good enough to sent me a present of several things. I received them, and have not yet returned you thanks."
- 這點小東西算甚麼呢.不足掛齒.伱若再提.我就害臊了 ⟨čié tièm siàu tūng sī swón shhím mwȏ nȋ pŭ tzyŭᵏ kwá čhï̀ nì tzái thhȋ ngȏ dziów hhái sáo liàu⟩ "As for that handful of trifles, of what earthly value are they? They are not worth mention. If you allude to this subjcet again, I feel quite ashamed. ."
- 大哥伱是個大才大用的人.爲甚麼不出門找點事業做呢 ⟨dá kō nȋ shhḯ' kó dá thhsȃi dá yúng tĭ zhiȇn úi shhím mwȏ pŭ čhyŭᵗ mȗn čào tièm tièm shhé (ng)iĕᵖ tzú nȋ⟩ "My old brother, you are a most talented and most useful man. Why don't you go abroad to look after some sort of business to engage in?"
- 我是個愚蠢的人.甚麼事也不會辦.又沒能幹只可在家裏藏著 ⟨ngò shhḯ' kó yȗ čhyùn tĭ zhȋn shhím mwȏ shhé iè pŭ hhúi bán iòw mŏ nȇng kán čï̄ khò dzái' kiā lì thhsȃng djiŏᵏ⟩ "I am a most thick-headed fellow; I don;t know how to set about any thing; I have no kind of talent; I can only remain at home and hide myself."
- 近來在外頭有甚麼新開 ⟨gín' lȃi dzái' ngwái thhȏw iòw shhím mwȏ sīn vȗn⟩ "What news is there outside of late?"
- 我哪裏知道呢.與衙門裏的朋友們沒有甚麼大來往 ⟨ngò nà lì čī dáo' nȋ yù iȃ mȗn lì tĭ phhȇng iòw mȗn mŏ iòw shhím mwȏ lȃi wàng⟩ "How should I know? With my friends in the public office I dont associate much."
- 兄臺我這程子有點事兒.總不得空兒.如今來不過是請個安就完了.伱閒著沒事的時候.請到我寒舍去坐坐談論一回.爲甚麼總不賞臉呢 ⟨hyuēng thhȃi ngò čié čhhȋng tzè iòw tièm shhé ȓ tzùng pŭ tĕᵏ khúng ȓ zhyȗ kīm lȃi pŭ kwó thsìng kó ’ān dziów hhwȏn liàu nì hhiȃn djiŏᵏ mŏ shhé tĭ shhï̑ hhów thsìng táo ngò hhȃn shié khyú dzwó' dzwó' thhȃm lȗn ’ĭᵗ hhȗi úi shhím mwȏ tzùng pŭ shiàng lièm nȋ⟩ "My brother, for this short time past, have had a little business to attend to, and never could find leisure. I came seldom to inquire after you repose. When you have nothing to do, please come to my cottage, and sit a while, converse a little.Why is it that I never see you?"
- 我要走了 ⟨ngò ’iāu tzòw liàu⟩ "I must go."
- 爲甚麼這麼急緊 ⟨úi shhím mwȏ čié mwȏ kĭᵖ kìn⟩ "Why are you in such a hurry?"
- 我很忙 ⟨ngò hhèn mȃng⟩ "I have a great many things to do."
- 我該做的事兒多 ⟨ngò kāi tzú tīw shhé ȓ tō⟩ "I have a great many things to do."
- 兄臺就是忙也能彀稍待一會兒 ⟨hyuēng thhȃi dziów shhḯ' mȃng iè nȇng ków sháo dái' ’ĭᵗ hhúi ȓ⟩ "Sure you can stay little longer."
- 今天實在沒空兒 ⟨kīm thiēn shhĭᵗ dzái' mŏ khhúng ȓ⟩ "To-day I really have no time."
- 我該當上好些個地方去 ⟨ngò kāi tāng shhiáng' hào siē kó dí fāng khyú⟩ "I have many places to call at."
- 我該去的地方多 ⟨ngò kāi khyú tĭ dí fāng tō⟩ "I have many places to call at."
- 赶再來了我多待會兒 ⟨kàn tzái lȃi liàu ngò tō dái' hhúi ȓ⟩ "I will stay longer another time."
- 盼望工夫不大再見面 ⟨phán váng kūng fū pŭ dá tzái kién mién⟩ "I hope I shall see you soon again."
- 改日再見.不要送 ⟨kài zhĭᵗ tzái kién pŭ ’iáu súng⟩ "We shall see each other again another day. Let me find my way out by myself."
- 哪裏有這個理.不出房門使得麼 ⟨nà lì iòw čié kó lì pŭ čhyŭᵗ fvȃng mȗn shè tĕᵏ mȏ⟩ "Is that becoming? What! not see you out!"
- 吾兄太拘禮我一到伱這裏.伱就出去到大門口迎接.我臨走.伱又送出大門口去.叫我怎麼當得起呢 ⟨ngȗ hyuēng thái kyū lì ngò ’ĭᵗ táo nì čié lì nì dziów čhyŭᵗ khyú táo dá mȗn khhòw ȋng tziĕᵖ ngò lȋm tzòw nì iów súng čhyŭᵗ dá mȗn khòw khyú kiáu ngò tzèm mwȏ tāng tĕᵏ khì nȋ⟩ "You are too ceremonious. When I come to your house, you go out to receive me at the great door. When about to go away, you accompany me outside of the large door. How can I bear the load of so much honor?"
- 兄臺比我年長甚麼也在我以上.我敢不恭敬麼.我敢失禮麼.像我這樣還算慢待呢 ⟨hyuēng thhȃi pì ngò niȇn čiàng shhím mwȏ iè dzái' ngò ì shhiáng ngò kām pŭ kyūng kíng mȏ ngò kàm shĭᵗ lì mȏ sziáng' ngò čié iȃng hhȃi/hhwȃn swón mán dái' nȋ⟩ "You are my senior in years; in every thing you are higher than myself. Dare I do not show my respect for you? Dare I be wanting in any politeness? This is still lazy and neglectful."
- 留步 ⟨liȏw bú⟩ "Don't accompany me farther. Please return home."
- 止步 ⟨čï̀ bú⟩ "Don't accompany me farther. Please return home."
- 請回 ⟨thsìng hhȗi⟩ "Don't accompany me farther. Please return home."
New year
[edit | edit source]- 兄臺新喜啊 ⟨hyuēng thhȃi sīn hì ō⟩ "A happy new year to you, Sir."
- 好說.我們兩同喜啊 ⟨hào shyuĕᵗ ngò mȗn liàng thhȗng hì ō⟩ "You are very good. A happy new year to both of us."
- 兄臺.請坐 ⟨hyuēng thhȃi thhsìng dzwó'⟩ "Please take your seat, Sir."
- 爲甚麼 ⟨úi shhím mwȏ⟩ "What for?"
- 爲給兄臺拜年 ⟨úi kĭᵖ hyuēng thhȃi pái niȇn⟩ "That I may make my new year salute to you."
[edit | edit source]- 銀錢如糞土.臉面直干金 ⟨ȋn thhsiȇn zhyȗ fún thù lièm mién djĭᵏ thsiēn kīm⟩ "Silver is but dirt; reputation is worth any money."
- 眼不見嘴不饞.耳不聽心不煩 ⟨iàn pŭ kién tzùi pŭ čhhȃm r̀ pŭ thīng sīm pŭ fvȃn⟩ "What the eye does not see, the mouth does not desire; nor is the heart troubled by what the ear has not heard."
- 耳聞不如眼見 ⟨r̀ vȗn pŭ zhyȗ iàn kién⟩ "It is better to see than to hear."
- 一個巴掌拍不響 ⟨’ĭᵗ kó pā čiàng phĕᵏ pŭ hiàng⟩ "One hand will not make a sound unless the other be struck against it."
- 單絲不成線.獨木不成林 ⟨tān sē pŭ čhhȋng sién dŭᵏ mŭᵏ pŭ čhhȋng lȋm⟩ "A single staple of silk will not make a thread, nor a lone tree a forest."
- 一身不能當二役 ⟨’ĭᵗ shīn pŭ nȇng tāng ŕ yuĕᵏ⟩ "One man cannot do the work of two."
- 火上添油 ⟨hwò shhiáng thiēm iȏw⟩ "to add fuel to flame"
- 狗拏老鼠.多管閒事 ⟨kòw nȃ lào shyù tō kwòn hhiȃn shhé⟩ "A dog catching rat: a too meddlesome man."
- 下坡子容易.上坡子難 ⟨hhiá' phwō tzè yȗng í shhiáng' phwō tzè nȃn⟩ "It is easy enough to go down hill; the difficulty is to go up."
- 大處不算.小處算 ⟨dá čhyú pŭ swón siàu čhyū swón⟩ "To fling away large sums and to haggle about little expenses."
- 萬事起頭難 ⟨ván shhé khì thhȏw nȃn⟩ "Every thing is difficult at first."
- 各人的巧妙不同 ⟨kŏᵏ zhȋn tĭ khiào miáu pŭ thhȗng⟩ "Everyone has their own way of doing a thing."
- 三天打魚.兩天曬網 ⟨sām thiēn tà yȗ liàng thiēn shái vàng⟩ "To fish for three days, and then to be two days drying nets: to work by intervals."
- 知人.知面.不知心 ⟨čī zhȋn čī mién pŭ čī sīm⟩ "You may see a man's face, but you dont see his mind."
- 良藥苦口.忠言逆耳 ⟨liȃng iŏᵏ khù khòw čyūng iȇn ngĭᵏ r̀⟩ "Good medicine is bitter to the taste, and honest advice grates one's ear."
- 幼不學老何爲 ⟨’iów pŭ hhiŏᵏ lào hhȏ ȗi⟩ "If you don't study in your youth, what will you do when you grow oId?"
- 人往高處走水往低處流 ⟨zhȋn wàng kāo čhyú tzòw shùi wàng tī čhyú liȏw⟩ "It is as much the mission of person to rise as it is the property of water to descend."
- 軟的欺硬的怕 ⟨zhyuèn tĭ khī íng tĭ phá⟩ "to impose on the weak but to fear the strong"
- 喫穿量家當 ⟨khĭᵏ čhhyuȇn liȃng kiā táng⟩ "to live according to one's means"
- 熟能生巧 ⟨shhyŭᵏ nȇng shēng khiào⟩ "Practise makes pelfect."
- 針尖對麥芒 ⟨čīm tziēm túi mĕᵏ mȃng⟩ "Diamond cuts diamond (lit. a needletip against a wheat oar)."
- 一舉兩得 ⟨’ĭᵗ kyù liàng tĕᵏ⟩ "To kill two birds with one stone."
- 積少成多 ⟨tzĭᵏ shiàu čhhȋng tō⟩ "Many littles make a mickle."
- 沒有不透風的牆 ⟨mŏ iòw pŭ thów fūng tĭ thhsiȃng⟩ "Ears may be behind the wall."
- 下錯一步滿盤輸 ⟨hhiá' thsŏᵏ ’ĭᵗ bú mwòn phhwȏn shyū⟩ "One may Iose one's property for want of a trifle."
- 禍不單行 ⟨hhwó' pŭ tān hhȋng⟩ "One misfortune comes upon the neck of another."
- 事要多知飯要少喫 ⟨shhé ’iáu tō čī fván ’iáu shiàu khĭᵏ⟩ "Learn much and eat little."
- 進退兩難 ⟨tzín thúi liàng nȃn⟩ "To advance or retreat is equally difficult."
- 篩子餧驢漏豆子 ⟨shāi tzè ’úi lyȗ lów dów tzè⟩ "If you feed a donkey in a sieve, the peas wi llpass through the holes."
- 騎著馬尋馬 ⟨khhȋ djiŏᵏ mà szȋm mà⟩ "He goes about searching for his horse when riding it."
- 生死有命富貴在天(論語) ⟨shēng sè iòw míng fów kúi dzái' thiēn⟩ "Life and death are decreed by Heaven; riches and poverty too rest therein."
- 天不容 ⟨thiēn pŭ yȗng⟩ "Heaven is indignant at it."
- 二八月有亂穿衣 ⟨ŕ păᵗ yuĕᵗ lwón čhhyuȇn ’ī⟩ "On the second and eighth moons, you can wear garments of two seasons."
- 六臘月不出門 ⟨l(y)ŭᵏ lăᵖ yuĕᵗ pŭ čhyŭᵗ mȗn⟩ "On the sixth and twelfth moons, everyone stays at home."
Vocalization of Classical Chinese and Medieval Chinese text
[edit | edit source]楓橋夜泊
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(ng)yuĕᵗ lŏᵏ ’ū thȋ shwāng mwòn thiēn
kiāng fūng (ng)yȗ hwò túi čhhȏw miȇn
kū sū čhhȋng (ng)wái hhȃn shān szé
ié pwón čyūng shīng táo khĕᵏ čhhyuȇn
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