Flora of New York/Lamiales 2
← Lamiales 1: Oleaceae ↓ Scrophulariaceae |
Flora of New York — Lamiales 2: : Lamiaceae | → Lamiales 3: Mazaceae ↓ Lentibulariaceae | |||
Table of contents |
Genus index |
Protected species index | Invasive species index | ||
Family Lamiaceae
[edit | edit source]The Lamiaceae (mint family) is the sixth largest family of the flowering-plants.[1]
Subfamily Viticoideae
[edit | edit source]Although no members of the Viticoideae (sage subfamily) have yet been verified outside of cultivation in New York, the beach vitex has been documented as having the potential to be highly invasive in the Long Island region. The genus Callicarpa is included here only for convenience, as it is currently unplaced within the Lamiaceae but is said to be "allied" to the Viticoideae.[1]
Callicarpa americana has also not been found to have naturalized in New York, but it is cultivated and sold in the "native plant" trade. |
[edit | edit source]Vitex rotundifolia (beach vitex) is listed as potentially being highly invasive in New York. It was introduced in the southeasterm US for beach stabilizaiton but is now banned in most areas,[1] including New York State.[2]
There appear to have been no East Coast reports north of southern New Jersey.
Genus Vitex | Chaste-tree | N.Y. Status | Images | Distribution | 0 NPT |
L. Vitex agnus-castus L. |
Lilac chaste tree ⓘ
Introduced, Potentially invasive, iMapInvasives, Invasive.org: [1], USGS: L48 established |
NYFA: Not in Flora Atlas iNat: GBIF 6 counties |
USDA-X0 Images Wikispecies | |
L.f. 1782. Vitex rotundifolia L.f. 1784. Vitex ovata Thunb. 1847. Vitex trifoliavar. unifoliolata 1891. Vitex ovatavar. subtrisecta 1903. Vitex trifoliavar. ovata 1959. Vitex trifoliavar. simplicifolia |
Beach vitex, Roundleaf chaste-tree, Chasteberry, Monk's pepper |
Introduced from western Pacific, Highly invasive, NYIS: 73%[1], USGS: L48 established Perennial, Shrub |
no NY reports iNat GBIF |
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[edit | edit source]American beautyberry is native to the Southeast and occasionally planted in New York as a "native" shrub, but its has not been known to naturalize in the Northeast.
Genus Callicarpa | Beautyberry | N.Y. Status | Images | Distribution | NY NPT |
L. 1753. Callicarpa americana L. 1755. Burchardia americana (L.) Duhamel |
American beautyberry, Beauty-berry, French mulberry |
Introduced from southeastern US, US South native |
NYFA: 0 NYFA: xx counties xx counties |
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(Lour.) K.Koch 1790. Porphyra dichotoma Lour.
1872. Callicarpa dichotoma (Lour.) K.Koch |
Purple beauty-berry ⓘ
Introduced, Potentially invasive, GRIIS-US: Invasive, Uncertain naturalization |
NYFA: xx counties iNat GBIF xx counties |
Images Wikispecies | |
Subfamily Ajugoideae
[edit | edit source]The Ajugoideae (bugle subfamily).
[edit | edit source]Genus Trichostema sect. Trichostema | Bluecurls | N.Y. Status | Images | Distribution | NY NPT |
L. 1753. Trichostema dichotomum L.
1821. Trichostema pilosum Roth
1937. T. dichotomum var. puberulum Fernald & Griscom |
Forked bluecurls, Bastard pennyroyal, Common blue curls, Blue curls Trichostème fourchu ⓘ
Native, Secure |
NYFA: 5 |
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1778. Trichostema setaceum Houtt.
1788. T. lineare Walter
1814. T. dichotomum var. lineare (Walter) Pursh
1818. T. lineare Nutt. |
Narrowleaf bluecurls, Narrow-leaved blue-curls |
Native, Endangered |
NYFA: 1 |
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Genus Trichostema sect. Orthopodium | Bluecurls | N.Y. Status | Images | Distribution | NY NPT |
L. 1753. Trichostema brachiatum L. 1803. Isanthus coeruleus Michx. 1888. Isanthus brachiatus B.S.P. [1]1933. Isanthus brachiatusvar. linearis 1943. Tetraclea viscida Lundell |
Fluxweed, False pennyroyal, Glade blue curls, Pennyroyal blue curls |
Native, Rare |
NYFA: 3 |
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[edit | edit source]Ajuga, or bugleweed, contains about 40 species of herbaceous plants, none of which are native to North America. The two species Ajuga reptans and to a lesser extent Ajuga genevensis have been found to naturalize in New York State.
Genus Ajuga | Bugle | N.Y. Status | Images | Distribution | NY NPT |
L. 1753. Ajuga reptans L. |
Carpet bugle, Common bugle, Blue bugle Bugle rampante ⓘ
Introduced, Widespread weed, CP-5[1], NE-3[2] |
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L. 1753. Ajuga genevensis L. |
Erect bugle, Standing bugle, Geneva bugle |
Introduced | NYFA: X GBIF |
USDA-XX WFO Images Wikispecies | |
[edit | edit source]
Genus Teucrium | Germander | N.Y. Status | Images | Distribution | NY NPT |
L. 1753. Teucrium canadense L.
1829. T. canadense var. virginicum (L.) Eaton
1878. T. occidentale A. Gray
1901. T. boreale E.P. Bicknell
1901. T. littorale E.P. Bicknell
1908. T. canadense var. littorale (E.P. Bicknell) Fernald
1946. T. canadense var. occidentale (A. Gray) E. M. McClint. & Epling
1963. T. canadense var. boreale (E.P. Bicknell) Shinners |
American germander
Canada germander
Canadian germander
Hairy germander
Western germander
Wood sage Germandrée du Canada ⓘ
Native, CoC: 4, Secure FACW Perennial, Herb=forb, Part shade |
NYFA: 5 |
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L. 1753. Teucrium botrys L. |
Cutleaf germander, Cut-leaved germander, Cut-leaf germander |
Introduced from Europe, Possibly naturalized |
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[edit | edit source]Although Clerodendrum trichotomum (harlequin glorybower) is now listed in Suffolk County in the New York Flora Atlas. It has been cultivated, and there are reports of it naturalizing in eastern Long Island.[1] It is listed as Invasive Species Tier 5 (Monitor) in the Lower Hudson and Long Island PRISMs.[2]
Genus Clerodendrum | Glorybower | N.Y. Status | Images | Distribution | NY NPT |
Thunb. 1784. Clerodendrum trichotomum Thunb. |
Harlequin glory-bower Harlequin glorybower |
Introduced, Potentially invasive, NYIS Tier: (5), Invasive.org: [2], GRIIS-US: established (category C3), SNA, GNR Perennial, Shrub, Heliophily: 5 |
NYFA: Suffolk (2021) iNat: 6 counties GBIF: present in NY |
FSUS Images Wikispecies | |
Subfamily Scutellarioideae
[edit | edit source]Scutellaria
[edit | edit source]Skullcap (Scutellaria) contains about eight species that are or have been found in New York. Several of these are presumed to be extirpated in the state.
Genus Scutellaria | Skullcap | N.Y. Status | Images | Distribution | NY NPT |
L. 1753. Scutellaria galericulata L. Sp. Pl.:599 |
Marsh skullcap Hooded skullcap Willowherb skullcap Scutellaire toque Grande toque Scutellaire à casque Scutellaire à grande fleur Tertianaire Scutellaire à feuilles d'épilobe |
Native, CoC: 6, Secure, S5, G5 OBL Perennial, Herb-forb, Heliophily: 7 |
NYFA: 53 counties iNat: 50 counties GBIF: present in NY |
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L. |
Mad dog skullcap Mad-dog skullcap Blue skullcap Tall blue skullcap |
Native, CoC: 7, Secure, S5, G5 OBL-FACW Perennial, Herb-forb, Heliophily: 6 |
NYFA: 56 counties |
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Michx. var. parvula |
Small skullcap | Native, CoC: 8, Rare, DEC-C[1] |
NYFA: 3 |
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var. missouriensis |
Leonard's skullcap | Native, CoC: 10, No recent reports, S1, G4-T4 FACU-UPL |
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Biehler var. incana |
Hoary skullcap, Downy skullcap |
Native, CoC: 10, Endangered, No recent reports, DEC-A[2], SH, G5 Perennial, Herb-forb |
NYFA: Cattaraugus 1934 iNat: 6 counties GBIF: present in NY |
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L. |
Hyssop skullcap ⓘ
Helmet flower
Native, CoC: 10, Endangered, DEC-A[2], S1, G5, NYNHP: S1[3] FACW Perennial, Herb-forb |
NYFA: 1 |
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Muhl. ex Spreng. var. elliptica Scutellaria ovalifolia Pers. Scutellaria pilosa Michx. |
Hairy skullcap | Native, CoC: 10, Likely extirpated |
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Pursh |
Veined skullcap | Native, CoC: 10, Likely extirpated |
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Showy skullcap | Native, CoC: 10, No recent reports |
Images Wikispecies | ||
Fernald Scutellaria galericulata × Scutellaria lateriflora |
Skullcap | Native, N.Y. excluded |
NYFA-Excluded |
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Subfamily Lamioideae
[edit | edit source]Tribe Marrubieae
[edit | edit source]Ballota
[edit | edit source]Genus Ballota | Horehound | N.Y. Status | Images | Distribution | NY NPT |
L. ssp. foetida (Koch) Hayek 1929. Ballota nigrassp. foetida Ballota nigravar. alba Ballota nigravar. foetida Ballota borealis Schweigg. |
Black horehound, Fetid horehound Ballote vulgaire, Ballote noire, Marrube noire |
Introduced from Europe, northern Africa |
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[edit | edit source]Genus Marrubium | Horehound | N.Y. Status | Images | Distribution | NY NPT |
L. |
White horehound | Introduced | NYFA: X GBIF |
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L. Marrubium peregrinum L. |
Introduced, Not naturalized |
NYFA: Xm NYFA: Bronx (1899) iNat No observations |
Images Wikispecies | |
[edit | edit source]Genus Moluccella | Moluccella | N.Y. Status | Images | Distribution | NY NPT |
L. |
Shellflower | Introduced, Impersistent |
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Tribe Lamieae
[edit | edit source]Lamium
[edit | edit source]Lamium species are commonly known as dead-nettles and are native to Eurasia and northern Africa. About six of these species have naturalized in New York.
Genus Lamium | Deadnettle | N.Y. Status | Images | Distribution | NY NPT |
(L.) L. 1753. Galeopsis galeobdolon L.
1759. Lamium galeobdolon (L.) L.
1778. Galeobdolon luteum Huds.
1966. Lamiastrum galeobdolon Ehren. & Polatschek |
Yellow archangel, Yellow henbit, Aluminum plant, Artillery plant Lamier jaune, Ortie jaune, Lamier doré |
Introduced from Eurasia, Invasive, NYIS Tier: U, LH: 5, iMapInvasives, Invasive.org: [3], USGS: L48 invasive, Weed[1] |
NYFA: X NYFA: 5 counties GBIF ~30 counties |
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(L.) L. 1753. Lamium albumvar. maculatum L. 1763. Lamium maculatum L. |
Spotted deadnettle, Spotted henbit, Variegated deadnettle Lamier maculé, Lamier tacheté |
Introduced from Eurasia, Widespread weed, Invasive.org: [4], USGS: L48 invasive, NE-3[2] |
Go Botany VASCAN ARS-GRIN Tropicos Images Wikispecies | |
L. 1753. Lamium purpureum L. 1852. Lamiopsis purpurea (L.) Opiz |
Purple deadnettle, Red hanbit, Red deadnettle |
Introduced, Widespread weed, USGS: L48 invasive |
USDA-XX Go Botany Images Wikispecies | |
L. 1786. Lamium hybridum Vill.
1787. Lamium purpureum var. hybridum (Vill.) Vill.
1796. Lamium dissectum With.
1806. Lamium purpureum var. incisum (Willd.) Pers.
1881. Lamium hybridum ssp. hybridum (With.) Nyman
1927. Lamium hybridum ssp. dissectum (With.) Gams
1927. Lamium hybridum var. dissectum (With.) Gams |
Hybrid deadnettle, Purple deadnettle, Red deadnettle, Red hanbit |
Introduced | NYFA: X |
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L. 1753. Lamium amplexicaule L.
1960. Lamium amplexicaule var. album Pickens & M.C.W.Pickens |
Henbit deadnettle, Common dead-nettle, Common henbit, Clasping henbit |
Introduced from Eurasia, n. Africa, Potentially invasive, USGS: L48 invasive |
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L. ssp. album1753. Lamium album L. |
White deadnettle, White-nettle, White henbit, Snowflake |
Introduced from Eurasia, Unknown naturalization |
Albany, Allegany, Herkimer, Tompkins (1925), Washington NYFA: X |
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Tribe Leonureae
[edit | edit source]Leonurus
[edit | edit source]Motherwort
Genus Leonurus | Motherwort | N.Y. Status | Images | Distribution | NY NPT |
L. 1753. Leonurus cardiaca L. 1830. Leonurus glaucescens Bunge 1849. Leonurus cardiacavar. villosus 1874. Lamium cardiaca (L.) Baill. 1945. Leonurus cardiacassp. villosus |
Common mother-wort
Introduced from Eurasia, Widespread weed, Invasive.org: [5], NE-3[1] |
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Houtt. 1753. Leonurus sibiricus L. misapplied 1778. Leonurus japonicus Houtt. |
Chinese motherwort ⓘ
Honeyweed ⓘ
Siberian motherwort ⓘ
Introduced | NYFA: X NYFA: Queens (2013) Queens (2020), Rockland (2021) |
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[edit | edit source]False motherwort
Genus Chaiturus | Lion's tail | N.Y. Status | Images | Distribution | NY NPT |
(L.) Ehrh. ex Rchb. 1753. Leonurus marrubiastrum L.
1771. Cardiaca marrubiastrum (L.) Schreb.
1787. Chaiturus leonuroides Willd. (nom. superfl.)
1796. Leonurus parviflorus Salisb. (nom. illeg.)
1831. Chaiturus marrubiastrum (L.) Ehrh. ex Rchb.
1839. Chaiturus marrubiastrum (L.) Spenn.
1844. Leonurus marrubiastrum var. simplicissimus K.Koch
1880. Leonurus marrubifolius St.-Lag.
1889. Chaiturus marrubifolius St.-Lag. |
False motherwort ⓘ
Lion's tail ⓘ
Introduced, Not naturalized |
NYFA: X NYFA: Ulster (1897) iNat Sullivan (2020), Ulster (2020) |
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Tribe Phlomideae
[edit | edit source]Phlomis
[edit | edit source]Genus Phlomis | Jerusalem-sage | N.Y. Status | Images | Distribution | 1 NPT |
L. 1753. Phlomis tuberosa L. 1794. Phlomoides tuberosa (L.) Moench 1824. Leonotis tuberosa (L.) Hoffmanns. 1829. Phlomidopsis tuberosa (L.) Link 1837. Trambis tuberosa (L.) Raf. 1843. Phlomitis tuberosa (L.) Rchb. ex T.Nees |
Tuberous Jerusalem sage, Jerusalem sage Sauge de Jérusalem |
Introduced from Eurasia, Unk. naturalization |
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Tribe Synandreae
[edit | edit source]Physostegia
[edit | edit source]The only native or naturalized member of Physostegia found in New York is P. virginiana, the commonly-cultivated northern obedient-plant. Although it is considered native to New York, most populations are probably the result of naturalized escapes.[1]
Genus Physostegia | Lionsheart | N.Y. Status | Images | Distribution | 1 NPT |
(L.) Benth. ssp. virginiana 1753. Dracocephalum virginianum L. 1789. Dracocephalum denticulatum Aiton 1830. Physostegia speciosa Sweet 1834. Physostegia virginiana (L.) Benth. 1908. Physostegia formosior Lunell 1931. Dracocephalum formosius Rydb. 1982. P. virginianassp. virginiana autonym |
Obedient plant, False dragon-head, Obedient false dragon-head, Virginia false dragon-head Physostégie de Virginie |
Native, CoC: 9, Secure, S5, G5 FACW-FAC Perennial, Herb-forb |
NYFA: 5 |
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Tribe Stachydeae
[edit | edit source]Stachys
[edit | edit source]Genus Stachys | Hedgenettle | N.Y. Status | Images | Distribution | NY NPT |
Pursh 1800. Stachys tenuifolia Willd. (misappl.)
1814. Stachys hispida Pursh
1836. Stachys glabra Riddell
1920. Stachys palustris var. macrocalyx Jenn.
1943. Stachys tenuifolia var. platyphylla Fernald
1943. Stachys tenuifolia var. perlonga Fernald
1943. Stachys tenuifolia var. hispida Fernald
1972. Stachys palustris var. hispida B.Boivin
1982. Stachys pilosa ssp. hispida (Pursh) Á.Löve & D.Löve |
Hispid hedgenettle, Smooth hedge-nettle, Slender betony |
Native, Likely secure |
NYFA: 4 iNat GBIF |
USDA-NN COL Kew WCSP POWO Go Botany VASCAN ARS-GRIN ITIS Tropicos BONAP Images Wikispecies | |
Michx. var. hyssopifolia Stachys hyssopifolia Michx. Stachys atlantica Britton Stachys lythroides Small |
Hyssopleaf hedgenettle, Hyssop-leaved hedge-nettle |
Native, Threatened |
NYFA: 2 |
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Nutt. var. pilosa1834. Stachys pilosa Nutt.
1900. Stachys palustris var. homotricha Fernald
1909. Stachys asperrima Rydb.
1920. Stachys palustris var. nipigonenis Jenn.
1934. Stachys palustris ssp. pilosa (Nutt.) Epling
1943. Stachys palustris var. pilosa (Nutt.) Fernald |
Hairy hedgenettle ⓘ
Hairy hedge nettle ⓘ
hairy hedge-nettle ⓘ |
Native, CoC: 3, Unranked |
NYFA: Nu NYFA: Essex (1940) ? counties |
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Nutt. var. arenicola (Britton) G.A.Mulligan & D.B.Munro 1901. Stachys arenicola Britton
1931. Stachys brevidens Rydb.
1989. Stachys pilosa var. arenicola (Britton) G.A.Mulligan & D.B.Munro |
Marsh hedge-nettle ⓘ
Sand hedge nettle ⓘ |
Native, CoC: 0, Very rare, S1 |
NYFA: N1 NYFA: Cattaraugus (1929) iNat GBIF Cortland (2018) |
COL WFO Kew WCSP POWO Images Wikispecies | |
L. 1753. Stachys palustris L. 1849. S. palustrisvar. elliptica Clos 1879. S. palustrisvar. petiolata T.Durand 1881. S. palustrisvar. segetum Nyman 1908. S. palustrisvar. homotricha Fernald |
Marsh hedge-nettle, Marsh woundwort, Marsh betony Épaire des marais, Crapaudine |
Introduced from Eurasia |
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K.Koch |
Woolly hedgenettle, Lamb's ears, Epiaire laineuse |
Introduced from temperate Asia, USGS: L48 established |
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L. 1753. Stachys sylvatica L. |
Whitespot, Woodland hedge-nettle, Hedge woundwort Épaire des bois, Épaire des forêts |
Introduced from Eurasia |
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(L.) L. 1753. Betonica annua L. 1763. Stachys annua (L.) L. |
Annual hedgenettle Épiaire annuelle |
Introduced from Eurasia, Impersistent |
NYFA: Xm |
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Artichoke betony, Chinese artichoke, Crosne du Japon |
Introduced from China, Impersistent |
NYFA: Xm |
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(L.) L. 1753. Glechoma arvensis L. 1763. Stachys arvensis (L.) L. 1778. Cardiaca arvensis (L.) Lam. |
Field hedgenettle, Staggerweed, Field woundwort Épiaire des champs |
Introduced from Eurasia, N. Africa, Impersistent |
NYFA: Xm |
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(K. Koch) Stearn 1800. Betonica grandiflora Stephan ex Willd. 1834. S. grandiflora (Willd.) Benth. hom. 1849. Betonica macrantha K.Koch 1951. Stachys macrantha (K.Koch) Stearn |
Big-sage | Introduced from temperate Asia, Impersistent, No specimens |
NYFA: Xm |
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(L.) Trevis. 1753. Betonica officinalis L. 1834. Stachys betonica Benth. |
Common hedgenettle | Introduced from Eurasia, N.Africa, Impersistent |
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Riddell 1848. Stachys nuttallii Shuttlw. ex Benth. 1903. Stachys salvioides Small 1920. Stachys riddellii House 1927. Stachys subcordata Rydb. 1936. Stachys cordata Riddell |
Heartleaf hedgenettle, Heart-leaved hedge-nettle |
Introduced, N.Y. excluded |
NYFA-Excluded |
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Tribe Galeopseae
[edit | edit source]Tribe Galeopseae (Dumort.) Vis.[1]
[edit | edit source]Genus Galeopsis | Hempnettle | N.Y. Status | Images | Distribution | NY NPT |
Boenn. 1824. Galeopsis bifida Boenn. 1831. G. tetrahitvar. bifida 1848. G. tetrahitvar. parviflora 1881. G. tetrahitssp. bifida 1921. G. bifidavar. emarginata 1929. G. tetrahitvar. bifida |
Notched hemp-nettle, Bifid-lip hempnettle, Splitlip hempnettle, Common hempnettle Galéopside bifide, Galéopsis bifide |
Introduced, Naturalized, Widespread |
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L. 1753. Galeopsis tetrahit L. 1763. Lamium tetrahit (L.) Crantz 1771. G. tetrahitvar. tetrahit 1794. Tetrahit nodosum (L.) Moench 1821. G. nodosum (Moench) Gray (i) 1862. G. tetrahitssp. tetrahit 1891. Ladanum tetrahit (L.) Kuntze |
Common hempnettle, Common hemp-nettle, Brittle-stemmed hemp-nettle, Brittlestem hempnettle, Dog nettle, Ironwort Galéopside à tige carrée, Galéopside tétrahit, Ortie royale |
Introduced from Europe, Naturalized |
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L. 1753. Galeopsis ladanum L. |
Broad-leaved hemp-nettle, Broadleaf hempnettle, Hemp nettle |
Introduced from Eurasia, Not naturalized |
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Ehrh. ex Hoffm. G. angustifolia Ehrh. ex Hoffm. G. ladanumvar. angustifolia |
Narrow-leaved hemp-nettle, Narrowleaf hempnettle |
Introduced, Not naturalized |
NYFA: Xm |
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Subfamily Nepetoideae
[edit | edit source]Tribe Elsholtzieae
[edit | edit source]Collinsonia
[edit | edit source]
Genus Collinsonia | Horsebalm | N.Y. Status | Images | Distribution | NY NPT |
L. 1753. Collinsonia canadensis L. |
Stoneroot, Horsebalm, Canada horse-balm, Northern horsebalm, Richweed, Citronella, Citronella horse balm |
Native, CoC: 7, Secure FAC Perennial, Herb-forb |
NYFA: 5 |
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[edit | edit source]Elsholtzia ciliata (crested late-summer mint) is listed as invasive in Connecticut.[1]
Genus Elsholtzia | Elsholtzia | N.Y. Status | Images | Distribution | NY NPT |
(Thunb.) Hyl. Elsholtzia cristata |
Crested elsholtzia, Crested latesummer mint, Crested late-summer mint, Vietnamese balm |
Introduced from Asia, Potentially invasive |
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[edit | edit source]
Genus Perilla | Perilla-mint | N.Y. Status | Images | Distribution | NY NPT |
(L.) Britton var. frutescens 1753. Ocimum frutescens L.
1764. Perilla ocymoides L. superfl.
1856. Perilla ocymoides var. japonica Hassk.
1939. Salvia infuscata Epling
1948. Perilla frutescens var. japonica (Hassk.) H.Hara |
Beefsteak plant ⓘ
Beefsteakplant ⓘ
Perilla-mint ⓘ
Wild sesame ⓘ
Introduced, Naturalized FAC Annual, Herb-forb |
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(L.) Britton var. crispa (Benth.) W. Deane 1784. Ocimum crispum Thunb.
1848. Perilla ocymoides var. crispa Benth.
1848. Perilla arguta Benth.
1923. Perilla frutescens var. crispa (Benth.) W. Deane |
Crisped beefsteak plant ⓘ
Shiso ⓘ
Beefsteakplant ⓘ
Introduced, Unk. naturalization FAC Annual, Herb-forb |
USDA-X0 Go Botany ARS-GRIN Tropicos Images Wikispecies | |
Tribe Mentheae
[edit | edit source]Mentheae is the largest Lamiaceae tribe and contains the herbs sage, thyme, and of course mint. The subtribes used here are from Drew & Sytsma (2012).[1]
Subtribe Salviinae
[edit | edit source]Salvia
[edit | edit source]Salvia is the largest genus in the Lamiaceae. Its only native species, Salvia lyrata, is listed as Endangered but has not been reported in the state recently.
Genus Salvia | Sage | N.Y. Status | Images | Distribution | NY NPT |
L. 1753. Salvia lyrata L. 1768. Horminum lyratum (L.) Mill. 1837. Larnastyra lyrata (L.) Raf. 1828. Cunila lyrata (L.) Schrank |
Lyre-leaved sage, Lyreleaf sage, Cancerweed |
Native, CoC: 10, Endangered, No recent reports, SH, G5 FACW-FACU Perennial, Herb-forb, Sun - part shade |
Orange (1990), Rockland (1990), Ulster, Westchester (1898) NYFA: Z |
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Michx. ex Lam. var. grandiflora Benth. 1833. Salvia pitcheri Torr. ex Benth. 1848. Salvia azureavar. grandiflora 1894. Salvia azureavar. pitcheri 1939. Salvia azureassp. pitcheri 1939. Salvia azureassp. intermedia |
Blue sage, Pitcher sage, Pitcher's sage |
Introduced from southern U.S., N. America native |
Suffolk (1941) NYFA: X |
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Hornem. 1806. Salvia lanceolata Brouss.
1807. Salvia reflexa Hornem. |
Lance-leaved sage, Rocky Mountain sage, Blue sage, Lambsleaf sage, Sage mint |
Introduced from great plains, N. America native |
Albany (1994), Madison (1940), Oswego (2003), St. Lawrence (1994), Suffolk (2001) NYFA: X |
USDA-NW ARS-GRIN Images Wikispecies | |
L. 1753. Salvia glutinosa L. |
Sticky sage, Jupiter's sage, Jupiter's distaff |
Introduced from Eurasia, Potentially invasive, iMapInvasives, Invasive.org: [6], USGS: L48 established, Naturalized[1] |
Dutchess (2010) NYFA: Xn GBIF |
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Benth. |
Wood sage | Introduced, Unk. naturalization |
Images Wikispecies | |
L. |
Kitchen sage | Introduced | NYFA: X |
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L. |
Meadow sage ⓘ
Meadow clary ⓘ
Introduced sage ⓘ Sauge des près ⓘ
Introduced, Naturalized |
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L. |
Lilac sage | Introduced | NYFA: X |
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Genus Salvia (excluded species) | Sage | N.Y. Status | Images | Distribution | NY NPT |
L. |
Clary ⓘ
Clary sage ⓘ
Europe sage ⓘ Sauge sclarée ⓘ
Sclarée ⓘ
Toute-bonne ⓘ
Introduced from Eurasia, N.Y. excluded |
NYFA-Excluded |
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Silver sage | Introduced, N.Y. excluded |
NYFA-Excluded |
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L. |
Nodding sage | Introduced, N.Y. excluded |
NYFA-Excluded |
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L. (pro. sp) Salvia nemorosa × Salvia pratensis |
Hybrid of wood sage & meadow sage |
Introduced, N.Y. excluded |
NYFA-Excluded |
Images Wikispecies | |
[edit | edit source]
Genus Melissa | Balm | N.Y. Status | Images | Distribution | NY NPT |
L. Melissa officinalis L. |
Lemonbalm ⓘ
Lemon balm
Common balm
Garden balm
Introduced, Potentially invasive, Invasive.org: [7], USGS: L48 invasive, Naturalized, SNA, GNR UPL Perennial, Heerb-forb |
USDA-XX Images Wikispecies | |
Subtribe Prunellinae
[edit | edit source]Prunella
[edit | edit source] In New York, Prunella (self-heal or heal-all) consists primarily of the single species Prunella vulgaris, which (depending on the source) has two subspecies present: the Eurasian P. vulgaris ssp. vulgaris and the North American P. vulgaris ssp. lanceolata.
Prunella vulgaris | self-heal | middle cauline (mid-stem) leaves | growth form | ||
base shape | leaf shape | length/width ratio | |||
ssp. lanceolata | American | cuniate (wedge-shape) | lanceolate to oblong | 2.0 - 5.0 (avg. 3.0) | upright or reclining, tips ascending |
ssp. vulgaris | Eurasian | rounded | ovate to ovate-oblong | 1.5 - 2.5 (avg. 2.0) | flat on ground |
Genus Prunella | Selfheal | N.Y. Status | Images | Distribution | NY NPT |
L. ssp. lanceolata (W.P.C.Barton) Piper & Beattie1818. Prunella pennsylvanica var. lanceolata W.P.C.Barton
1834. Prunella vulgaris var. elongata Benth.
1913. Prunella vulgaris var. lanceolata (W.P.C.Barton) Fernald
1915. Prunella vulgaris ssp. lanceolata (W.P.C.Barton) Piper & Beattie |
American self-heal, American heal-all, Lance selfheal, Mountain selfheal, Narrowleaf selfheal |
Native, CoC: 1, Unranked, SNR FAC-FACU Perennial, Herb-forb |
NYFA: 3 counties |
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L. ssp. vulgaris1753. Prunella vulgaris L. |
Eurasian self-heal, Common self-heal |
Introduced, Widespread weed |
NYFA: 53 counties |
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(L.) L. Prunella laciniata (L.) L. |
Cutleaf selfheal, Cut-leaved selfheal, Cut-leaved heal-all |
Introduced | NYFA: X |
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Subtribe Lycopinae
[edit | edit source]Lycopus
[edit | edit source]Bugleweed, waterhorehound, or gypsywort (genus Lycopus) species are herbaceous perennials that grow in a variety of wetlands, on stream banks, and in low-lying meadows.
Genus Lycopus | Bugleweed | N.Y. Status | Images | Distribution | NY NPT |
Muhl. ex W.P.C.Barton ssp. americanus1813. Lycopus americanus Muhl. (i) 1815. Lycopus americanus Muhl. ex W.P.C.Barton 1917. Phytosalpinx americana (Muhl. ex W.P.C.Barton) Lunell |
American bugleweed
American water horehound
Common water horehound[1]
Native, CoC: 4, Secure, S5, G5 OBL Perennial, Herb-forb |
NYFA: 5 NYFA: 56 counties GBIF ? counties |
USDA-NN COL Go Botany ARS-GRIN Tropicos Images Wikispecies | |
Muhl. ex W.P.C. Barton ssp. laurentianus (Roll.-Germ.) Coursol & Bailleul 1945. Lycopus laurentianus Roll.-Germ. in Naturaliste Canad. 72:177 |
Native, Unranked, SNR, G5-T3Q |
NYFA: 3 counties iNat: |
POWO Images Wikispecies | ||
Michx. 1803. Lycopus uniflorus Michx.
1901. Lycopus communis E.P.Bicknell
1901. Lycopus membranaceus E.P.Bicknell
1910. Lycopus coreanus H.Lév. |
Northern bugleweed ⓘ
Northern water horehound ⓘ
Northern water-horehound ⓘ
Tuberous water-horehound ⓘ
Slender bugleweed
One-flowered horehound ⓘ Lycope à une fleur ⓘ
Native, CoC: 4, Secure, S5, G5 OBL Perennial, Herb-forb |
NYFA: 5 NYFA: 54 counties GBIF ? counties |
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L. 1753. Lycopus virginicus L.
1814. Lycopus virginicus var. quercifolius Pursh
1833. Lycopus macrophyllus Benth.
1833. Lycopus virginicus var. pauciflorus Benth.
1840. Euhemus officinalis Raf.
1840. Euhemus sylvaticus Raf.
1870. Lycopus virginicus var. macrophyllus (Benth.) A.Gray |
Virginia bugleweed, Virginia water horehound |
Native, CoC: 4, Likely secure, S4, G5 OBL Perennial, Herb-forb |
NYFA: 4 NYFA: 40 counties GBIF ? counties |
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Steele Lycopus uniflorus × Lycopus virginicus 1901. Lycopus sherardii E.S.Steele
1901. Lycopus × sherardii Steele
1972. Lycopus virginicus var. sherardii (Steele) B.Boivin |
Sherard’s bugleweed ⓘ
Sherard’s water horehound ⓘ
Native, Unraked, SNA OBL |
NYFA: U NYFA: Suffolk (1926) iNat not observed |
COL Images Wikispecies | |
Raf. Lycopus amplectens Raf.
Lycopus sessilifolius A.Gray
Lycopus amplectens var. pubens (Britton ex Small) Fernald |
Clasping bugleweed ⓘ
Clasping water horehound ⓘ
Clasping water-horehound ⓘ
Sessile-leaved bugleweed
Native, CoC: 10, Threatened, S2, G5 OBL Perennial, Herb-forb |
NYFA: 2 NYFA: 2 counties (1988) not observed? |
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Moench Lycopus rubellus Moench |
Stalked bugleweed
Stalked water horehound
Taperleaf water horehound
Native, CoC: 3, Endangered, S1, G5 OBL Perennial, Ferb-forb |
NYFA: 1 NYFA: ? counties iNat Bronx (2018) |
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Greene 1848. Lycopus obtusifolius Benth.
1898. Lycopus asper Greene
1898. Lycopus maritimus Greene
1917. Phytosalpinx aspera (Greene) Lunell |
Western bugleweed ⓘ
Western water horehound ⓘ
Western water-horehound ⓘ
Rough bugleweed
Rough water horehound
Introduced, N. America native, Unknown naturalization, SNA, G5 OBL Perennial, Herb-forb |
NYFA: X NYFA: 3 counties (1981) iNat not observed |
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L. 1753. Lycopus europaeus L.
1891. Lycopus europaeus var. mollis Briq. |
European bugleweed ⓘ
European water horehound ⓘ
Gypsywort ⓘ
Introduced, Potentially invasive, iMapInvasives, Invasive.org: [8], USGS: L48 invasive, Naturalized, SNA, GNR OBL Perennial, Herb-forb |
NYFA: X NYFA: 13 counties iNat GBIF 10 counties |
USDA-XX Go Botany ARS-GRIN Images Wikispecies | |
Subtribe Nepetineae
[edit | edit source]Agastache
[edit | edit source]Genus Agastache J.Clayton ex Gronov. | Giant-hyssop | N.Y. Status | Images | Distribution | NY NPT |
(Willd.) Kuntze 1800. Hyssopus scrophulariaefolia Willd. 1891. Agastache scrophulariifolia (Willd.) Kuntze |
Purple giant-hyssop, Figwort giant-hyssop, Purple giant hyssop, Figwort giant hyssop Agastache à feuilles de scrofulaire |
Native, CoC: 2, Likely secure, S4 Perennial, Herb-forb, Heliophily: 6 Sun - shade |
NYFA: 16 counties iNat: 5 counties |
USDA-NN FSUS Go Botany VASCAN ARS-GRIN BONAP LBJ Images Wikispecies | |
(L.) Kuntze 1753. Hyssopus nepetoides L. 1808. Vleckia nepetoides (L.) Raf. 1891. A. nepetoides (L.) Kuntze 1829. Lophanthus nepetoides (L.) Benth. |
Yellow giant hyssop, Catnip giant-hyssop Agastache faux-népéta, Agastache faux-népète |
Native, CoC: 6, Threatened Perennial, Forb-herb |
NYFA: 2-3 |
USDA-NN Go Botany VASCAN ARS-GRIN Tropicos BONAP Images Wikispecies | |
(Pursh) Kuntze 1813. Hyssopus anethiodorus Nutt. 1814. Stachys foeniculum Pursh 1818. Hyssopus foeniculum (Pursh) Spreng. 1829. Lophanthus anisatus Benth. 1891. Agastache foeniculum (Pursh) Kuntze 1892. Vleckia foeniculum (Pursh) MacMill. 1894. Vleckia anethiodora (Nutt.) Greene 1898. Agastache anethiodora (Nutt.) Britton |
Anise-hyssop, Fragrant giant-hyssop, Lavender giant-hyssop, Anise mint, Blue giant hyssop, Fennel giant hyssop, Licorice mint Agastache fenouil |
Introduced from S-central Canada, N-central US, N. America native, Cultivated, Naturalized: ? Perennial, Forb-herb, Sun-shade |
USDA-NN Go Botany VASCAN ARS-GRIN ITIS NatureServe BONAP LBJ Images Wikispecies | |
[edit | edit source]Genus Dracocephalum | Dragonhead | N.Y. Status | Images | Distribution | 2 NPT |
Nutt. 1818. Dracocephalum parviflora Nutt. 1913. Moldavica parviflora Britton |
American dragonhead, Dragonhead mint |
Native, Endangered |
NYFA: 1 |
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L. Moldavica thymiflora (L.) Rydb. |
Thymeleaf dragonhead, Thyme-leaved dragon-head |
Introduced, Impersistent |
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[edit | edit source]Ground ivy (Glechoma hederacea) is a common weed found in cultivated places throughout most of New York State.
Genus Glechoma | Glechoma | N.Y. Status | Images | Distribution | NY NPT |
L. 1753. Glechoma hederacea L.
1771. Calamintha hederacea (L.) Scop.
1822. Glechoma hederacea var. parvifolia Gray
1834. Nepeta glechoma Benth.
1842. Nepeta hederacea (L.) Trevis. |
Ground ivy, Gill-over-the-ground, Creeping Charlie |
Introduced, Highly invasive, NYIS Tier: 4, iMapInvasives, Invasive.org: [9], USGS: L48 invasive, Widespread weed, SNA, GNR FACU Perennial, Herb-forb |
USDA-XX COL Go Botany Images Wikispecies | |
[edit | edit source]Hyssop (Hyssopus officinalis)
Genus Hyssopus | Hyssop | N.Y. Status | Images | Distribution | 1 NPT |
1753. Hyssopus officinalis L.
2020. Hyssopus schleicheri G.Don ex Loudon |
Introduced | NYFA: X GBIF |
USDA-XX Go Botany Images Wikispecies | |
[edit | edit source]
Genus Nepeta | Catnip | N.Y. Status | Images | Distribution | NY NPT |
L. |
Catnip | Introduced, Widespread weed, IO |
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M.Bieb. |
Caucasus catmint | Introduced, Impersistent |
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Lam. Nepeta racemosa Lam.
Nepeta mussinii Spreng. ex Henckel |
Racemed catnip
Persian catmint
Introduced, Impersistent |
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[edit | edit source]Meehan's mint is native to the Appalachians from North Carolina to Pennsylvania. It doesn't appear to have naturalized in New York, though it is planted as a "native" groundcover.
Genus Meehania | Meehan's mint | N.Y. Status | Images | Distribution | NY NPT |
(Nutt.) Britton 1818. Dracocephalum cordatum Nutt. 1834. Cedronella cordata Benth. 1894. Meehania cordata (Nutt.) Britton |
Meehan's mint, Creeping mint, Trailing mint |
Introduced from Appalachians, US South native, No NY reports Perennial, Herb-forb |
NYFA: 0 |
USDA-N0 ITIS Tropicos NatureServe BONAP IPN Images Wikispecies | |
Subtribe Menthinae
[edit | edit source]The large Menthinae subtribe can ce separated into Old-World and New-World clades along the lines presented in Drew and Sytsma (2012).[1] However, many of the genera have been found to be polyphyletic, including Mentha and Clinopodium, which have New York species in both clades.
[edit | edit source]False-pennyroyal (Hedeoma species).
Genus Hedeoma | False-pennyroyal | N.Y. Status | Images | Distribution | NY NPT |
(L.) Pers. (1806) Cunila pulegioides
Melissa pulegioides
Ziziphora pulegioides |
American false pennyroyal, American pennyroyal |
Native, Secure |
NYFA: 5 |
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Pursh |
Rough false pennyroyal | Native, Threatened |
NYFA: 2-3 |
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[edit | edit source]
Genus Blephilia | Pagoda-plant | N.Y. Status | Images | Distribution | NY NPT |
(Pursh) Benth. |
Hairy pagoda plant, Hairy woodmint |
Native, CoC: 6, Likely secure, S4, G5? FACU |
NYFA: 4 |
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(L.) Raf. |
Downy pagoda plant, Downy woodmint, Ohio horsemint, Sunny woodmint |
Native, Endangered, DEC-A[1] |
NYFA: 1 |
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[edit | edit source]Beebalm or Bergamot contains about 12 to 20 species in North America.
Genus Monarda | Beebalm | N.Y. Status | Images | Distribution | NY NPT |
L. var. fistulosa1753. Monarda fistulosa L.
1789. Monarda oblongata Aiton
1813. Monarda purpurea Pursh
1821. Monarda affinis Link
1826. Monarda scabra Beck |
Common wild bergamot, Wild bergamot, Wild bergamot bee-balm |
Native, CoC: 2, Secure FACU-UPL Perennial, Herb-forb, Sun - part shade |
NYFA: 5 |
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L. var. mollis (L.) L.1756. Monarda mollis L.
1762. Monarda fistulosa var. mollis (L.) L.
Monarda fistulosa var. mollis (L.) Benth.
1924. Monarda mollis f. albiflora Farw.
1945. Monarda fistulosa f. albiflora (Farw.) Sherff |
Pale wild bergamot | Native, CoC: 2, Likely secure FACU-UPL Perennial, Herb-forb |
NYFA: 4-5 GBIF |
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L. 1753. Monarda didyma L.
1797. Monarda purpurea Lam.
1815. Monarda oswegoensis W.P.C.Barton |
Oswego tea, Scarlet beebalm, Bee-balm, Red bergamot, Bergamot, Mountain-mint Monarde écarlate, Monarde pourpre |
Native, CoC: 7, Secure FAC-FACU Perennial, Herb-forb, Sun - part shade |
NYFA: 5 |
USDA-NN Go Botany VASCAN ARS-GRIN BONAP LBJ Images Wikispecies | |
Willd. Monarda didyma × Monarda fistulosa 1809. Monarda media Willd.
1878. Mondarda fistulosa var. media (Willd.) Gray
1895. Mondarda fistulosa f. media (Willd.) Voss |
Purple wild bergamot, Purple bergamot, Purple horsemint Monarde moyenne, Monarde pourpre |
N. America native, NY nativity unk., S1, G4? FACU-FAC Perennial, Herb-forb, Heliophily: 6 |
NYFA: 11 counties iNat: Cortland county |
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L. var. villicaulis (Pennell) Shinners1919. Monarda punctata ssp. villicaulis Pennell |
Hairy-stem spotted horsemint Hairy horsemint Horsemint Spotted beebalm Monarde à tige velue |
Native, CoC: 6, Likely secure, S4, G5T5? UPL Perennial, Herb-forb |
NYFA: 13 counties iNat: Warren, Saratoga GBIF: present in NY |
USDA-NN WFO POWO FSUS Go Botany VASCAN BONAP Images Wikispecies | |
L. var. punctata1753. Monarda punctata L. in Sp. Pl.: 22 |
Eastern Horsemint Spotted beebalm Dotted horse mint Common spotted horse mint Monarde ponctuée |
Native, CoC: 10, Especially vulnerable, S1 UPL Perrenial, Herb-forb, Heliophily: 8 |
NYFA: 4 counties iNat: no observations GBIF: present in NY |
USDA-NN WFO POWO FSUS Go Botany VASCAN FNA BONAP Images Wikispecies | |
L. 1753. Monarda clinopodia L. in Sp. Pl.:22 |
Basil balm, Basilbalm, Basil bee-balm |
Native, CoC: 7, Endangered, S1, G5, NYNHP: S1[1] FACU Perennial, Herb-forb |
NYFA: 1-2 |
USDA-N0 BONAP Images Wikispecies | |
[edit | edit source]The 7 New York species of the genus Pycnanthemum (pick-NAN-thuh-mum) are commonly referred to as mountain mints, although that common name may be misleading since these plants often occur in moist lowland locations. All of the approximately 20 species of this genus are native to North America.[1]
Genus Pycnanthemum sect. Capitellatae | Mountainmint | N.Y. Status | Images | Distribution | NY NPT |
1809. Pycnanthemum tenuifolium Schrad. in Hort. Gott.:10 |
Slender mountain-mint Narrow-leaved mountain-mint Narrowleaf mountain-mint Slenderleaf mountain-mint Pycnanthème à feuilles étroites |
Native, CoC: 3, Secure, S5, G5 FAC-FACW Perennial, Herb-forb, Heliophily: 7 Sun - part shade, 4x (n = 20, 40) |
NYFA: 46 counties |
USDA-NN POWO FSUS Go Botany VASCAN ARS-GRIN FNA LBJ Images Wikispecies | |
(L.) T.Durand & B.D.Jacks. ex B.L.Rob. & Fernald 1753. Satureja virginiana L. in Sp. Pl.:567 |
Virginia mountain-mint American mountain-mint Common mountain-mint Pycnanthème de Virginie |
Native, CoC: 3, Likely secure, S4, G5 FACW-FAC Perennial, Herb-forb, Heliophily: 8 Sun - part shade, 4x (n = 40) |
NYFA: 39 counties |
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(Michx.) Pers. var. verticillatum1803. Brachystemum verticillatum Michx. in Fl. Bor.-Amer. 2:6 |
Whorled mountain-mint Pycnanthème verticillé |
Native, CoC: 6, Endangered, S1-S2, G5-T5?, NYNHP: S1-S2[1] FAC Perennial, Herb-forb, Heliophily: 7, 4x (n = 38-39) |
NYFA: 1-2 |
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var. pilosum (Nutt.) Cooperr. 1818. Pycnanthemum pilosum Nutt. in Gen. N. Amer. Pl. 2:33 |
Whorled mountain-mint | Introduced, N. America native |
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1834. Pycnanthemum torreyi Benth. in Labiat. Gen. Spec.:329 |
Torrey's mountain mint | Native, Endangered, NYNHP: S1[2] |
NYFA: 6 counties iNat: Cultivated GBIF: Bronx County |
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Genus Pycnanthemum sect. Pycnanthemum | Mountainmint | N.Y. Status | Images | Distribution | NY NPT |
(L.) Michx. var. incanum1753. Clinopodium incanum L.
1803. P. incanum (L.) Michx. |
Hoary mountain-mint silverleaf mountain mint |
Native, CoC: 6, Secure, S5, G5 Perennial, Herb-forb, Heliophily: 7, 4x (n = 38) |
NYFA: 5 |
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Torr. & A. Gray Koellia clinopodioides |
Basil mountain-mint | Native, Endangered, NYNHP: S1[3] |
NYFA: 1 |
USDA-N0 Go Botany Images Wikispecies | |
Genus Pycnanthemum sect. Brachystemum | Mountainmint | N.Y. Status | Images | Distribution | NY NPT |
Blunt mountain-mint Short-toothed mountain mint Broad-leaved mountain mint |
Native, CoC: 8, Threatened, NYNHP: S2-S3[4] FAC |
NYFA: 2-3 |
USDA-N0 Go Botany LBJ Images Wikispecies | ||
[edit | edit source]Genus Cunila | Cunila | N.Y. Status | Images | Distribution | 1 NPT |
(L.) Britt. Cunila mariana L.Mappia origanoides (L.) House |
Common dittany | Native, Likely secure |
NYFA: 4 |
USDA- Images Wikispecies | |
[edit | edit source]Mints (Mentha spp.) are widely cultivated aromatic herbs with about 40 taxa (20 species, 30 subspecies, and 10 hybrids worldwide.) worldwide.[1]
The only species of mint (Mentha) listed as native to New York is Mentha canadensis L. (sensu Tucker & Chambers, 2002) with 2n=96, which is believed to be an ancient hybrid of Mentha arvensis (2n=72) and Mentha longifolia (2n=24)[2]
Genus Mentha | Mint | N.Y. Status | Images | Distribution | NY NPT |
L. Mentha arvensis × Mentha longifolia 1753. Mentha canadensis L.
1833. Mentha canadensis var. glabrata Benth.
1882. Mentha arvensis ssp. piperascens Malinv. ex Holmes
1891. Mentha arvensis var. canadensis (L.) Kuntze
1894. Mentha arvensis var. sachalinensis Briq.
1894. Mentha arvensis var. haplocalyx (Briq.) Briq.
1908. Mentha arvensis var. glabrata (Benth.) Fernald
1921. Mentha sachalinensis (Briq.) Kudô
1924. Mentha arvensis var. piperascenes Malinv. ex L.H.Bailey
1956. Mentha arvensis ssp. canadensis (L.) H. Hara
1956. Mentha arvensis ssp. piperascens (Malinv. ex Holmes) H.Hara |
American wild mint ⓘ
American corn mint
Canadian mint
Corn mint
Chinese mint
Japanese mint
Native, CoC: 4 North America and Asia, Secure, S5, G5 FACW Perennial, Herb-forb, 2n = 96 |
NYFA: 5 iNat GBIF |
USDA-NN Kew WCSP POWO Go Botany ARS-GRIN ITIS Tropicos Images Wikispecies Note: [1] | |
L. 1753. Mentha arvensis L.
1753. Mentha gentilis L.
1764. Calamintha arvensis (L.) Garsault
1778. Mentha austriaca Jacq.
1827. Mentha arvensis ssp. parietariifolia (Becker) Briq. |
Corn mint ⓘ
European corn mint ⓘ
Field mint ⓘ
Wild mint
Ginger mint ⓘ Menthe des champs
Introduced from Eurasia, Naturalized, SNA, G5 FACW Perennial, Herb-forb, 2n = 72 |
USDA-NN Kew WCSP POWO Go Botany ARS-GRIN ITIS Images Wikispecies | |
L. 1753. Mentha spicata L
1763. Mentha viridis L.(L)
1890. Mentha sylvestris ssp. Viridis (L.) Batt.
auct. Mentha cordifolia non Opiz ex Fresen.
auct. Mentha longifolia non (L.) Huds. |
Spear mint
Introduced, Potentially invasive, Invasive.org: [10], USGS: L48 invasive |
NYFA: X NYFA: 38 counties GBIF ? counties |
USDA-XX Kew WCSP POWO Go Botany Images Wikispecies | |
Sole (pro sp.) Mentha arvensis × Mentha spicata 1753. Mentha gentilis L.
1798. Mentha gracilis Sole
1822. Mentha gracilis var. cardiaca Gray
1865. Mentha cardiaca (Gray) Gerarde ex Baker
1896. Mentha gentilis var. cardiaca (Baker) Briq.
auct. Mentha × muelleriana non F.W.Schultz |
Bushy mint ⓘ
Scotch spearmint
Creeping whorled mint
Introduced from Europe, Potentially invasive, Invasive.org: [11], USGS: L48 established |
USDA-XX Kew WCSP POWO Images Wikispecies | |
L. (pro sp.) Mentha aquatica × Mentha spicata 1753. Mentha piperita L.
1836. Mentha aquatica f. piperita (L.) G.Mey.
1866. Mentha aquatica var. piperita (L.) Alef. |
Peppermint | Introduced | NYFA: X GBIF |
USDA-NN Kew WCSP POWO Images Wikispecies | |
L. var. aquatica1753. Mentha aquatica L. |
Water mint | Introduced | NYFA: X |
USDA-XX Images Wikispecies | |
L. var. citrata (Ehrh.) W.C. Werner1792. Mentha citrata Ehrh.
1828. Mentha aquatica f. citrata (Ehrh.) Fresen.
1889. Mentha piperita ssp. citrata (Ehrh.) Briq.
1893. Mentha aquatica var. citrata (Ehrh.) W. C. Werner
1903. Mentha × piperi var. citrata (Ehrh.) Briq. |
Orange mint ⓘ
Introduced, Naturalized |
NYFA: Xn NYFA: Tompkins (1920) iNat GBIF ? counties |
Images Wikispecies | |
(L.) Huds. (pro sp.) Mentha longifolia × Mentha suaveolens |
Peppermint | Introduced | NYFA: X |
USDA-X0 Images Wikispecies | |
Huds. (pro sp.) Mentha spicata × Mentha suaveolens M. alopecuroides Hull M. nemorosa Willd. |
Foxtail mint | Introduced | USDA-XX Images Wikispecies | ||
L. 1753. Mentha pulegium L.
1796. Mentha aromatica Salisb.
1812. Thymus bidentatus Stokes
1827. Mentha pulegioides Dumort.
1844. Melissa pulegium (L.) Griseb. |
Pennyroyal ⓘ
Penny-royal ⓘ
Introduced, Potentially invasive, iMapInvasives, Invasive.org: [12], USGS: L48 invasive, Naturalized, SNA OBL |
NYFA: Xn NYFA: Cortland (1977) iNat GBIF No observations |
Images Wikispecies | |
Ehrh. 1792. Mentha suaveolens Ehrh.
1900. Mentha rotundifolia var. suaveolens (Ehrh.) Briq.
1975. Mentha graveolens R.Vilm. & M.Barbero |
Apple mint |
Introduced, Potentially invasive, iMapInvasives, Invasive.org: [13], USGS: L48 invasive, Not in NY Flora Atlas |
NYFA-Excluded NYFA: not listed iNat GBIF 2 counties |
Images Wikispecies | |
[edit | edit source]The nativity of Clinopodium vulgare in North America seems to be uncertain. BONAP and Go Botany show it as native in eastern North America. POWO shows it as only introduced here. The New York Flora Atlas now lists its native status as Unranked. The Flora of the Southeastern United States states that "plants in our area reflect both native and introduced genotypes,"[1] which may also be the case for the Northeast, including New York State.
Genus Clinopodium | Clinopodium | N.Y. Status | Images | Distribution | NY NPT |
L. 1753. Clinopodium vulgare L. in Sp. Pl.:587 |
Wild basil, Field basil |
Unknown, Unranked, Questionable[1] Perennial, Herb-forb |
NYFA: X iNat: All counties |
USDA-NN POWO FSUS Go Botany ARS-GRIN Tropicos BONAP Images Wikispecies | |
(Nutt.) House 1836. Hedeoma arkansana Nutt. in Trans. Amer. Philos. Soc., n.s., 5:186 |
Limestone calamint, Low calamint |
Native, Likely extirpated, N. America native |
USDA-NN ARS-GRIN Images Wikispecies Note: [2] | |
(L.) House 1753. Thymus acinos L.
1794. Acinos thymoides Moench
1811. Calamintha acinos (L.) Clairv.
1843. Satureja acinos (L.) Scheele
1891. Clinopodium acinos (L.) Kuntze
1946. Acinos arvensis (Lam.) Dandy |
Basil thyme, Mother of thyme |
Introduced | NYFA: X |
USDA-XX Go Botany ARS-GRIN Tropicos Images Wikispecies | |
(L.) Kuntze 1753. Melissa nepeta L.
1798. Calamintha nepeta (L.) Savi
1843. Satureja calamintha (L.) Scheele
1891. Clinopodium nepeta (L.) Kuntze
1896. Satureja calamintha var. nepeta (L.) Briq. |
Field balm, Lesser calamint |
Introduced, Impersistent |
NYFA: X iNat: Queens |
USDA-X0 ARS-GRIN ITIS Images Wikispecies | |
[edit | edit source]Genus Satureja | Savory | N.Y. Status | Images | Distribution | NY NPT |
L. (1753) |
Summer savory, Savourée, Sarriette des jardins |
Introduced from Eurasia, Not naturalized |
USDA-XW ARS-GRIN ITIS Images Wikispecies | |
L. |
Winter savory | Introduced from Mediterranean, N.Y. excluded |
NYFA-Excluded |
Images Wikispecies | |
[edit | edit source]Genus Origanum | Origanum | N.Y. Status | Images | Distribution | NY NPT |
L. 1753. Origanum vulgare L. 1867. Thymus origanum (L.) Kuntze 1934. Micromeria formosana C.Marquand |
Wild marjoram, Marjoram, Oregano, Organy |
Introduced from Eurasia, northern Africa, Naturalized |
USDA-XX ARS-GRIN Tropicos Images Wikispecies | |
[edit | edit source]Large thyme (Thymus pulegioides) is a common garden escapee in the northeast, while garden thyme (Thymus vulgaris), though often cultivated, rarely escapes and has not been found to naturalize.
Genus Thymus | Thyme | N.Y. Status | Images | Distribution | NY NPT |
L. 1753. Thymus pulegioides L.
auct. Thymus serpyllum L. misapplied |
Large thyme ⓘ
Lemon thyme ⓘ
Wild thyme ⓘ
Broad-leaved thyme ⓘ
Introduced from Europe, Naturalized, SNA, GNR Perennial, Shrub-subshrub |
USDA-XX Go Botany ARS-GRIN BONAP Images Wikispecies | |
Genus Thymus (excluded taxa) | Thyme | N.Y. Status | Images | Distribution | NY NPT |
L. |
Garden thyme | Introduced, Exclueded |
excluded NYFA-Excluded |
USDA-X0 Images Wikispecies | |
L. |
Breckland thyme | Introduced, Exclueded |
excluded NYFA-Excluded |
ARS-GRIN Images Wikispecies | |
Tribe Ocimeae
[edit | edit source]Lavandula
[edit | edit source]Genus Lavandula | Lavender | N.Y. Status | Images | Distribution | NY NPT |
English lavender | Introduced | NYFA: X |
USDA-X0 Images Wikispecies | ||
[edit | edit source]Genus Ocimum | Basil | N.Y. Status | Images | Distribution | NY NPT |
L. |
Sweet basil | Introduced, Impersistent |
USDA-XX Images Wikispecies | |