Foundations and Assessment of Education/Edition 1/Assessment Table of Contents/Assessment Chapter 3: Question Writing/Student Soapbox

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Assessment Chapter 3 Student Soap Box

The importance of involving your students in the assessment process was emphasized in class and in these two articles. Using one of the strategies mentioned, or an idea of your own, explain how you will help your students take responsibility for their own learning.

Add your response below. Extra credit will be awarded to multimedia responses. Don't forget to sign your response with four tildes.

How to get Students to take Ownership for their own Learning

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I have found that with my own children as well as myself self-assessment is a good way to pretest yourself as well as involve the students. As the articles stated students have better retention when they have a personal interest in the lesson. Having students create questions after the lesson has been presented gets them involved. Whether those questions would be actual test questions is up to the teacher but I have has teachers use this technique in my children's class and they feel great when their question is on a test.Jnemo001 (talk) 23:25, 26 June 2009 (UTC)

I just submitting a huge paragraph on how students can keep records on objectives of a course, making note the ones they've learned and still need to learn. I talk about how they continue to update as they take assessments and follow up assessment. I'm on my honor to say that I did this, but I lost the material because I'm having internet connection difficulties. Mbrowder (talk) 20:58, 14 June 2009 (UTC)

Both of the articles read were found to be very interesting. I would help my students take ownership for their own learning using many techniques. I would really like to teach a lesson and have the students make up questions that were from the lesson. I would like to come up with some "game show" ideas for the students to apply their questions they made. I also like the idea of having the students teach a lesson or part of a lesson to the rest of the class. I think this is a great way to assess what exactly the children have taken from the lessons taught by the teacher. I also think projects are a great way to assess what students have learned from a lesson. I really liked the idea of giving our quizzes and not grading them. i think doing this before a big tests will allow the students to feel less pressured when the graded tests are given. I think using assessments will definitely help students feel more confident when taking graded tests. Lwill031 (talk) 16:03, 13 June 2009 (UTC)

As a science teacher, I used hands-on learning opportunities not only to reinforce class content, but as an assessment tool to identify areas of success and those in need of improvement. Scientific inquiry through experiments are a great assessment tool. I divide the class into small groups (4-5) and make sure that each group contains a variety of learners from diverse backgrounds. Each person is assigned a specific duty: leader, scribe, organizer (makes sure that the group has the materials they need to perform the task), and scientist (performs actual tasks). This gives individual students an opportunity to explore a topic and formulate their own set of questions to be tested. While I walk around the room, I am taking notes on what I see and hear, as well as stop and pose questions to a group or student. When the experiment is over, students can share what they have learned from an activity. From their discussion I can make decisions regarding plans for future lessons and whether a topic should be re-examined. The best part is that the kids are having a blast and learning at the same time while I am assessing and giving feedback in a positive environment. Acrow005 (talk) 01:07, 13 June 2009 (UTC)

I really enjoyed reading these two articles as they offered some great ideas and suggestions! The second article was really interesting to read because it was from the perspective of a teacher learning from his/her mistakes. I think this is a great way to explain some of these concepts because it helps young teachers understand common misconceptions and offers some solutions. To help students retain information better and learn from their own mistakes, I will try to use as much review of test materials as possible. In this way, the tests will not only serve as a grade, but as a way for the student to understand why he or she made mistakes, how to change them and why it is necessary. Time does not always allow for one on one teaching and reviewing, so I will also use peer reviewing, editing of their own individual work (not only correcting answers but giving reasons as well) and constant feedback. With all of these methods, students will know where they stand and can begin to understand how they learn and why this is important. Khedl002 (talk) 01:21, 11 June 2009 (UTC)khedl002

These two articles really shed some light on the importance of assessment and feedback. Both articles were very informative. I especially liked the first one and the ideas that it suggested. I think the nongraded quiz is a great idea. This will take pressure off of student and help teacher know who needs help and what may need to be emphasized again. The thought of highlighting phrases on scoring guide reflecting strengths and areas for improvement and stapling to work is a good way to give feedback. Which we all know is also so important. Another really great way to engage students in their learning process is having them comment on their own progress.Aferg006 (talk) 23:46, 10 June 2009 (UTC)

Though it could potentially be disastrous, I would allow students a multitude of choices to depict what they have learned. Research papers, presentations, critical analysis– whatever peaks their interest, allows them to explore an area that interests them in a way that is adequate with their desired way of learning. That is not to say I would allow them to be unguided or totally free of constraints. To ensure things don't go sour, I would have to keep tabs on their progress, giving feedback as they go along. Even if they figure what they chose doesn't work best for them, they'll have learned why. Hsmit022 (talk) 19:28, 12 June 2009 (UTC)

I don’t think I could honestly say I would do this or that I would do that, one thing I do know is I would rely on the advice and techniques of experienced teachers. I do know that everyone learns differently, so assessments would have to vary. Mlipl001 (talk) 02:53, 14 June 2009 (UTC)

I really liked these articles on assessment. I really learned a lot about how to do assessments and what to look for when doing assessments for students. I like the idea of doing graphic organizers. Graphic organizers would not only give the students, but the teacher something concrete to see how well they knew the subject. One graphic organizer I would use specifically is the K-W-L-H graphic organizer because the student would fill out the organizer before the lesson was read, share their responses with the class, and as the lesson goes along see how they did with the subject. When the lesson is over, go back to the K-W-L-H organizer and compare what the students wrote. I think letting the students take responsibility for their own learning is a great way to get them involved and interested in their learning.Msmhobbs04 (talk) 21:20, 10 June 2009 (UTC)

I absolutely loved the idea in the second article to have assess students through multi forms. There were examples of drawings and discussions...even music would be an amazing aspect when done in the right setting. I find that it is great when students are placed in groups to work individual yet receive feedback from the other students. Each student has something unique to bring to a discussion and a different point of view and it is important for all students to be heard. I would believe that students take ownership in learning when they are given many interesting topics for to meet the needs of many and giving them some freedom as to how they would like to express what they have learned. Sston008 (talk) 00:26, 10 June 2009 (UTC)

Reading the articles and reviewing the class lecture really opened my eyes to the fact that students greatly benefit from being involved in their own learning. If I were teaching SOL 2.6 (The student will investigate and understand basic types, changes, and patterns of weather), there are many steps I would take to allow the students to take ownership for their own learning. The first thing I would do would be to share the objectives with the students at the beginning of the unit. I would have the students write the objectives in their own words, so they clearly understand all components. I would have them write their own goals and keep track of their own performance of the objectives. I may also have the students develop their own rubric, and conduct self and peer reviews. I think by taking these steps, I as the teacher would be able to see what the students know or don't know, and what they can do or can't do. I would see who and what I needed to re-teach, what the strengths and weaknesses of my students are, and how to group my students for instruction. Afett001 (talk) 14:51, 10 June 2009 (UTC)

I think one of the best ways to put students in control of their own learning is to have them make up multiple choice questions that have the potential of being featured on their next test. This not only gives students some say in how they are tested, but it requires them to look at what they've learned and how it should be assessed. Another good way to put students in control of their own learning is to have them complete group assignments. Though many students dislike working in groups, it is very helpful. They not only learn from whatever assignment they are given, but they also teach each other. Group work is a very helpful way to have students work together, as well. Having students make a list of their own goals is also a very good way to put students in control of their own learning. Sbutl016 (talk) 22:37, 10 June 2009 (UTC)

Assessments are valuable information tools for both students and teachers. They provide teachers a greater understanding as to what students are interested in, how far they have come in their journeys, where they want to go, and where they are going. I am a firm believer in project-based learning. With that said, students in my classroom will learn curriculum with hands-on, sensori-motor activities. They will be able to explore curiosities and answer questions that are important to them under given principle topics. By giving students more choice and control in the ways they express their learning, teachers are giving themselves more room to observe how and what students are learning. This informal assessment method allows students more autonomy in the classroom; while a teacher has the opportunity to discover strengths and weaknesses in each student, or even groups of students. Observation, journal writing, researching, drawing, and role-playing are all good examples of formative assessments for students in elementary years. I just hope I can organize it all. Abitt002 (talk) 03:33, 13 June 2009 (UTC)

Both articles presented some well-thought out ideas regarding assessments. To help my students take responsibility for their own learning, the first thing I would do when introducing a new lesson is give the students a list of learning targets they should know by the end of the lesson. I strongly believe in using graphic organizers and KWL would be an appropriate choice. A non-graded quiz at the beginning of the lesson would show the students and myself where they are in relation to the learning targets and help me tailor my instruction to where it is needed most, to whom it is needed most. It would also help me form cooperative learning groups as each student will excel in different subjects. Having cooperative learning groups create projects and then present them to the class also encourages students to take responsibility for their own learning as they understand that other students are depending on them for tasks in the project.Sciaston (talk) 00:23, 11 June 2009 (UTC)

I believe that having students keep a journal from the beginning of the school year to the end would be an excellent assessment tool. In the beginning I would have them write down their fears or elations about the class then every 6 weeks have them reflect on schoolwork and look back at what they wrote previously. I believe that for many students they would look back at the end and say.."wow! I can't believe that I thought that I couldn't do that. It was so easy." This reflection would allow them to build confidence and set future goals. I know that I was so scared to take Chemistry, but with the help of my professor I was able to gain confidence in myself and achieve my goal. (He helped me set the goal.) I believe that he was actually the one who pointed out some of the questions that I should be asking myself as a student. I believe that if we can teach that then students will become more proficient at each task that they endure. Hcomb003 (talk) 01:48, 11 June 2009 (UTC)

I thought that both of these articles were very interesting and allowed me to learn a lot about assessment and feedback. Unfortunately, a lot of times teachers do not have the chance to complete formative assessments due to time constraints. However, this method of feedback can be one of the best ways to get your students to take ownership for their own learning. They will know where they are on target and where they are lacking. Also, giving students a chance to see the correct answers and mistakes they made during summative assessments will give them some feedback (although it is too late to change that grade.) In this class we are writing and reading our own textbook. I see no better way to give students ownership of their learning then this. Students will learn while they teach. Coming up with your own presentations, articles, questions, etc. and presenting to the class is a great way for everyone to benefit Alucy001 (talk) 01:17, 12 June 2009 (UTC)

When students are learning to become teachers, I believe the get overwhelmed when you start talking about all of these assessments. I don't think they realize how many times they assess their students knowledge without every "planning" for it in a lesson plan. Even questions during a lecture can be used as an assessment of the material. By using the Socratic method in class you can assess your students. An example of the Socratic Method is if a teacher asks a question and calls on a student who may or may not have volunteered an answer. The teacher either then continues to ask the student questions or moves on to another student. Wikipedia state that "The employment of the Socratic method has some uniform features but can also be heavily influenced by the temperament of the teacher. The method begins by calling on a student at random, and asking about a central argument put forth by one of the judges (typically on the side of the majority) in an assigned case. The first step is to ask the student to paraphrase the argument, in order to ensure that the student has read and has a basic understanding of the case. (Students who have not read the case, for whatever reason, must take the opportunity to "pass," which most professors allow as a matter of course a few times per term.) Assuming the student has read the case and can articulate the court's argument, the teacher then asks whether the student agrees with the argument. The teacher then typically plays Devil's advocate, trying to force the student to defend his or her position by rebutting arguments against it." Even these types of formative assessments can help you dictate the pace and knowledge of your classroom. Jtmitchem (talk) 00:19, 13 June 2009 (UTC)

These two articles were very informative and helped me understand better the types of assessments that could help each student's need. I believe in a more visual type of assessment. I would like for my students to be hands on in what they have learned, like have them create a presentations where they are forced to teach the class a certain subject. This assessment would help the students understand the material given in class better. Due to time restraint and financial issues in schools, formative assessments are overlooked and replaced by summative assessments, but definitely formative assessments are far more beneficial for students. it gives a chance for the teacher to clear up any misunderstandings and see where the student is struggling.Ehern004 (talk) 02:27, 13 June 2009 (UTC)

I think that giving students a project that demonstrates their assessment allows them to reflect on what they have learned and apply it. I have had the experience in my classes to give them group tasks that get them talking, involved and apply the information that we have gone over. It is a technique I have see in my observations also. I like it when the students have to do their presentation in front of the class because they are not only sharing their information but participating in the feedback for their peers. I have also used roleplays and scenarios and those are ways to allow the personalities of the students to come out and use their creativity to create interesting assessments. Many of the time the students need to understand the relevance of what they are learning and what that means to them. Jnewh001 (talk) 03:06, 13 June 2009 (UTC)

I believe that having students involved in their own assessments is very important because then students can provide their own reactions and responses to the assessment, and help to develop future assessments that adequately monitor their progress in school. Some ways in which I would help my students to take responsibility for their own learning include giving them consistent and frequent feedback. By allowing them to consistently understand what they are doing right and wrong with assignments they will be able to know for future assignments what to change, or what not to change. I would also use positive reinforcement and motivation techniques as often as possible, because I feel that using positive remarks and praise in addition to motivation will make students more driven to doing their school work and taking the initiative to get it done. I also feel that using projects, both group and individual, is a good way to enable students to take responsibility for their own learning. This is because it makes students apply what they have learned to a project and requires them to think creatively about what to do regarding the assignment. Also, it allows teachers to assess the students' understanding of the topic. I believe that using these strategies will enable students to take responsibility for their own learning, so that they can take the initiative with their academic careers.Rburt005 (talk) 17:14, 13 June 2009 (UTC)

One of the most important aspects of being an educator is having a good understanding of what is assessment, the difference between summative and formative assessment and how to appropriately use them in the classroom. Between teachers and students, the teacher is obviously going to do the majority of assessment because they are, typically, going to know what to do with that information and better their students’ learning. However, this does not mean that students cannot partake in the assessment process. In fact, assessment can be very beneficial for students well beyond their elementary and secondary school years. The strategies that they learn and develop will help them understand how they learn and what they can do to improve. One method involves students assessing themselves about learning objectives during a unit in three stages. In the first stage, the teacher presents the objectives students will learn during the unit and ask students to identify what they know or do not know about each subject. It can be as simple as a journal entry or a KWL before the beginning of the unit. As the class proceeds through the unit, students determine their strengths and weaknesses of the learning objectives to improve their learning. The last stage occurs toward the end of the unit, which consists of students looking where they have been, and where they are now. Students look at what they have improved on and what they may still need to improve on before some type of summative assessment. By this point, students should be able to identify a majority of the objectives learned. During this entire process, the teacher is giving constant feedback but it is the students that are acting upon it. Adart001 (talk) 19:18, 13 June 2009 (UTC)

As an art teacher, the best method of assessment is how well the student can follow the directions and create a hands on work of art during class. After explaining things such as what a line is, or what a circle is, students are assessed on their understanding by, for example, being able to draw a line or cut out a circle from paper. During the class observations I did in an elementary school, I observed first hand that not all students understand elements of art after the first explanation. It was through the use of pictures as examples, demonstrations of the concept, and sometimes a short video that helped students understand. Then, they were able to reproduce in their own creative way, the concept that was just taught to them. It was really neat to see when the "light bulb" went off in a students head and they finally understood concepts such as, so this is how I hold the paintbrush to get this certain effect. So, assessing students in art comes through practicing and using hands-on techniques. Hcogg001 (talk) 20:18, 13 June 2009 (UTC)

I believe that by using the Multiple Intelligences, we as educators can encourage students to take responsibility for their learning by getting to know themselves, and understanding the best way for them to learn personally. For instance, the idea of homework is perfectly understandable, practice makes perfect. But the idea is stale. Students do not all learn in the same way, so they should be given the freedom to choose the best method to do their "homework". Say you taught a vocab today and the students need to learn it by the next class. For homework, the students could be told to do what they need to do to learn the words. If one student is into music, they might make up a song to learn the vocab, maybe another student learns best through flash cards. The idea is that students can take responsibility in their education and learning by choosing the avenue of learning that is best for them. Everyone is different, so why do we treat them all the same?Scrai010 (talk) 21:07, 13 June 2009 (UTC)

I would use the Formative assessments mentioned in the first article and later viewed in the second one to develop better teaching strategies. Creating these types of assessments that would be targeted to specific points measuring the amount of information learned compared with the lessons taught. Offering students information of what will be tested, what they are required to know by the end of the class and offering feedback on their areas of weakness as strengths does allow students to measure themselves and see where they stand. I think that the summative assessment is more for principals, creators of curriculums and teachers. I think that this type of assessment helps as an overall view as to what the students are learning in the long run and what areas need to be improved or added in the future. The formative assessment is in the now and at the moment. I think that current test and assessments to students that measure the knowledge on what has been taught at the moment is more beneficial to students in helping them realize what they might need from the teacher. When students know where they stand in the current time in class they can decide whether they want to improve themselves or just stay the same. The teacher takes the responsibility of going over the material that may need some refreshing but the student is ultimately and solely the one responsible for their final grade. When Formative assessment is used in the classroom the correct way the student becomes the manager of their education and not the teacher.Bpenn005 (talk) 02:20, 14 June 2009 (UTC)

I think that answering this question is hard to answer without actually having much experience in the classroom. I think one thing I can say is that I will try to experiment with several different methods, testing to see whether or not techniques work or whether they don't work. So it will be trial and error until I find a method that works. Rcoll029 (talk) 02:20, 14 June 2009 (UTC)

A good way for students to own his or her own learning, would be for them to keep active records of their work and progress. This would make the students feel like they have more power over their grade in the course, and would be a tangible display of what he or she needs to improve on. In terms of a music class, however, I would constantly test the knowledge and practice/improvement of the students. The student and I would then have a one on one conversation and assess his or her learning and improvement. Abeck017 (talk) 01:25, 15 June 2009 (UTC)

I really liked both articles. As for having students take responsibility for their own learning...informative assessments are a great way to do that. I believe in the hands on approach when teaching in the classroom. The more kinesthetic learning or active learning...the better the results. For instance...I worked as a Instructional Assistant for a reading teacher years ago and she allowed me to make up my own lesson unit plans. For a few weeks, I taught the students about Egypt. We did a lot of hands-on activities, as well as reading and assignments. At the end of the unit...I gave them a test to see how much they retained (along with a questionaire to assess their feelings about the unit) and the teacher was shocked that they all passed...because it was a low-level reading class...that was the most fun I had in a while. As for the articles...I agree with Ms. Tomlinson that in order to assess how your students are doing, it is necessary to take notes on your students, their reactions, attitudes, personalities, etc. to gage how they are learning and if they are having problems...find out why.Scarlett1 (talk) 05:54, 14 June 2009 (UTC)

Last week, one of my professors administered a personality test to all of her students. This test was used as an assessment to gauge our personality styles hence understanding our learning styles as well. It turned out to be accurate and incredibly beneficial to our success as students. I learned that my weakness lies in gathering and organizing data, but I excel at visual presentations. By understanding out strengths and weaknesses professor Pond was able to put us into groups where we could flourish in our own strengths and lean on others for support. Where someone else was the strong leg in compiling the information I was able to put it all into powerpoint and make it visually and aesthetically appealing. Professor Pond now understands what makes us tick and where we need encouragement and/or a little more assistance. I never would've thought this form of assessment would prove that effective but it was. An additional method of assessment is to have the student re-teach what was taught to them. Allow them the creative freedom to re-teach in their own format. This lets you asses their interpretations of your lessons as well as their creativity and communication skills. Any time information is asked to be regurgitated it requires them to pay attention and truly learn the material. These two methods have proven beneficial to myself, and I think would do the same to a class of mixed learning levels. Rpaige (talk) 14:34, 14 June 2009 (UTC)

I would have my students take responsibility for their own learning by implementing a more dynamic system of grading. I’m inspired by a segment on NPR’s fantastic radio show, “This American Life”, about an inner city Chicago school that used formative teaching methods extensively. They had their own teacher created report cards that listed more detailed information about every student and were issued once every month. On these cards students could mark their own progress, and these same cards were presented to parents at their yearly parent-teacher conferences. Rather than browbeat the students with permanent records, and meaningless averages, performance would be accessed and focused more on actual progress than “standards.” The grades for standardized tests came later. I would very much like to duplicate such a system, especially their methods for creating an effective writing program. Rather than teach mechanics, or have students write essays, they let the children write about whatever they wanted, usually in the form of journal entries, or related thoughts on a story they read in class. These assignments were never graded, just read and talked about. Low and behold grades improved. Ideally, I would work comics into the equation somewhere along the line. There’s a reading program in a juvenile facility, built mostly around the comic book Runaways. I’d love to try something like that, but I have no illusions. I’m highly doubtful any administration would let any such program exist. (The one in Chicago has since been gutted by the education board, I’m unaware of the situation regarding the “Runaways” reading program at the moment. In light of it being an actually decently written comic, with anti-establishment ideals, suffice it to say, I’m doubtful the program still exists. BitterAsianMan (talk) 02:19, 15 June 2009 (UTC)