The Lyrics of Henry VIII/Adew adew le company (Unattributed)

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Lyrics  |  Manuscript  |  Authors and Composers
The Lyrics of Henry VIII
Appendix 1: Lyrics by Occasion/Theme  |  Appendix 2: Textual/Musical Witnesses  |  Appendix 3: Bibliography

MAdame damours Deme the best of euery dowt

[ff. 74v-75r]

Adew adew le company
I trust we shall mete oftener
viue le katerine et noble henry
viue le prince le infant rosary.

Textual Commentary

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“Adew adew le company” is a song of departure, likely associated with one of the entertainments surrounding the birth of Henry’s first male child and potential monarchical heir (b. January 1511, d. February 1511). Similarly associated is Farthing’s “Aboffe all thynge” (H 14; see accompanying commentary).

1 Adew Adieu.
3 viue Long live.
4 le infant rosary Cf. Farthing’s “Aboffe all thynge” (H 14.6 and the commentary to that lyric), as well as “I loue I loue and whom loue ye” (LFay ff. 40v–46r), a lyric seemingly in celebration of Prince Arthur’s birth, wherein he is given the name of “rose” (l. 23).

The unattributed “Adew adew le company” is through-set for three voices, with an additional voice missing (see Stevens MCH8 intro.).

This piece is indexed in Robbins Index & Suppl. 120.4 and Ringler MS TM63. It is reprinted in Chappell Account 382, Flügel Anglia 247, Stevens M&P 390, and Stevens MCH8 17.