Category:Book:The Lyrics of Henry VIII

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This category contains pages that are part of the The Lyrics of Henry VIII book. If a page of the book isn't showing here, please add text {{BookCat}} to the end of the page concerned. You can view a list of all subpages under the book main page (not including the book main page itself), regardless of whether they're categorized, here.


The following related category may be of interest.

Pages in category "Book:The Lyrics of Henry VIII"

More recent additions More recent modifications
  1. The Lyrics of Henry VIII/De tous bien plane (van Ghizeghem, Incipit)
  2. The Lyrics of Henry VIII/Ffors solemant (de Févin, after Ockeghem / Incipit)
  3. The Lyrics of Henry VIII/La season (Compère / Agricola, Incipit)
  4. The Lyrics of Henry VIII/Dulcis amica (Prioris, Incipit)
  5. The Lyrics of Henry VIII/Belle sur tautes (Agricola, Incipit)
  6. The Lyrics of Henry VIII/Though sum saith that yough rulyth me (Henry VIII)
  7. The Lyrics of Henry VIII/A robyn gentyl robyn, Cornish (Wyatt)
  8. The Lyrics of Henry VIII/Ough warder mount (Unattributed, Incipit)
  9. The Lyrics of Henry VIII/Iay pryse amours (Unattributed, Incipit)
  10. The Lyrics of Henry VIII/Hey nony nony nony nony no (Unattributed, Incipit)
  1. The Lyrics of Henry VIII/Blow thi hornne hunter, Cornish
  2. The Lyrics of Henry VIII/Hey nony nony nony nony no (Unattributed, Incipit)
  3. The Lyrics of Henry VIII/With sorowfull syghs and greuos payne, Farthing
  4. The Lyrics of Henry VIII/Ffors solemant (de Févin, after Ockeghem / Incipit)
  5. The Lyrics of Henry VIII/Trolly lolly loly lo, Cornish
  6. The Lyrics of Henry VIII/En frolyk weson (Barbireau, Incipit)
  7. The Lyrics of Henry VIII/Yow and I and amyas, Cornish
  8. The Lyrics of Henry VIII/What remedy what remedy (Unattributed)
  9. The Lyrics of Henry VIII/Whilles lyue or breth is in my brest, Cornish
  10. The Lyrics of Henry VIII/HElas madam cel que ie metant, Henry VIII

The following 83 pages are in this category, out of 83 total.