The Lyrics of Henry VIII/Adew mes amours et mon desyre, Cornish

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The Lyrics of Henry VIII
Appendix 1: Lyrics by Occasion/Theme  |  Appendix 2: Textual/Musical Witnesses  |  Appendix 3: Bibliography

Pastyme with good companye Adew madam et ma mastress

[ff. 15v-17r]

Adew mes amours et mon desyre
ie vous de prannce depertamant
et sy ie vous a fayt de plesure
sy na passaunce commandamant

Pardon amoy tres humblemannt                     5
ie le demand Ia may mon cure
a seruys loyalmant
elas ie bien perdieu ma payn with


Textual Commentary

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This piece appears in four voices in H. “Adew mes amours et mon desyre” is listed in the manuscript’s table of contents as the eighth work, with the second stanza (in a hand different from that of the original list’s compiler) listed in the page’s margin as the ninth work. “Adew mes amours et mon desyre” is attributed to Cornish in H but closely related, textually, to Alexander Agricola’s “Adieu m’amour et mon desir,” which appears in FlC2439 (ff. LXIIIIv–LXVr; LXVv–LXVIr), Heil (f. 10r), PBP504 (3, #LXVII), and LH5242 (ff. 30v–32r).[1] Of these, full texts of the lyric are extant in FlC2439 (second instance) and LH5242; fragmentary texts, or incipits, are extant in FlC2439 (first instance), Heil, and PBP504.

The text found as the first voice of LH5242 is as below:

ADieu mamour et mon desir
de vous ie prans departement
si ie vous ay fait desplaisir
passant vostre commandement
pardonnez moy Ioyeuse ment                     5
Iay mis mon cueur a vous seruir
loyalle ment hellas hellas
Iay bien per du ma paine
hellas Iay bien per du ma paine

“Adew mes amours et mon desyre” is reprinted in Stevens M&P (389), Stevens MCH8 (12), Lerner (ed., Agricola 5.xliii–xliv), and elsewhere.

Textual Notes

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Texts Collated

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H1,2,3,4 (ff. 15v–17r).

8 elas ~ payn] elas ~ payn elas ie bien perdieu ma payne. H1,3,4, elas ~ payn elas ie bien perdieu ma payne elas ie bien perdieu ma payn H2


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  1. Stevens had noted earlier that "The opening of this song with its extended points of imitation is perhaps foreign in manner and unlike Cornish's other compositions in this manuscript. The song, however, has not been traced elsewhere" (MCH8 102, #8).