The Lyrics of Henry VIII/De tous bien plane (van Ghizeghem, Incipit)

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Lyrics  |  Manuscript  |  Authors and Composers
The Lyrics of Henry VIII
Appendix 1: Lyrics by Occasion/Theme  |  Appendix 2: Textual/Musical Witnesses  |  Appendix 3: Bibliography

Blow thi horne hunter Iay pryse amours

[ff. 40v-41r]

De tous bien plane

Textual Commentary

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“De tous bien plane” appears as an incipit in H in the first and third voice; the second has no text whatsoever. There is no room left for block initial capitals, and none appear. As well, little room has been left among the musical notation for text listed in the manuscript’s table of contents as the thirty-first work. “De tous bien plane” is unattributed in H, although the piece is attributed elsewhere to Hayne van Ghizeghem.

“De tous bien plane” appears also in B78.B.17 (ff. 184r–v), BQ16 (ff. 133v–134r), BQ18 (f. 48r), CCap (ff. 20v–22r), CT3.b.12 (ff. 84v–85r), C291 (ff. 4v–5r), Di517 (ff. 11v–12r), Fl121 (ff. 24v–25r), Fl178 (ff. 34v–35r), FlR2356 (ff. 26v–27r), FlR2794 (ff. 18v–19r), Mo871 (#85), NH91 (ff. 42v–43r), P676 (ff. 42v–43r), P2973 (ff. 25v–26r), P15123 (ff. 105v–106r), Pav362 (ff. 34v–35r), PBOdh (ff. 22v–23r), PBS07 (I #19), Pe431 (ff. 70v–71r), Ps1144 (65–8), RC2856 (ff. 66v–67r), RG27 (ff. 64v–65r), S/P (f. 39r), Up76a (ff. 15v–16r), W287 (ff. 52v–53r), WLab (ff. 62v–63r), and elsewhere (see Fallows, Catalogue 129–30; Atlas, ed. 136–37; and Jeppesen). Full texts appear in B78.B.17 (text only),C291, Di517, P2973, W287, and WLab. Incipits and partial texts appear in BQ16, Ccap, Fl121, Fl178, FlR2356, FlR2794, NH91, P676, P15123, Pav362, PBOdh, PBS07, Pe431, Ps1144, RC2856, RG27, S/P, and Up76a. An alternative text appears in CT3.b.12.

Below is the text provided by Jeppesen (7–8):

De tous biens plaine est ma maistresse,
Chascun lui doit tribut d'onneur;
Car assouvye est en valuer
Autant que jamais fut deeesse.

En la veant j'ay tel leesse                                       5
Que c'est paradis et mon cueur.
De tous biens . . .

Je n'ay cure d'autre richesse
Si non d'estre son serviteur,
Et pource qu'il n'est chois milleur                         10
En mon mot porteray sans cesse:
De tous biens . . .

This piece is reprinted in Stevens MCH8 36, Hewitt (ed. Odhecaton #20), Atlas (ed. 136–37), Lopelman (ed. #575), Jeppesen (7–8), and Lerner (ed., Agricola v.lxiv), among others. It is indexed in Fallows (Catalogue 129–30), among others.

Textual Notes

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Texts Collated

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H1,2,3 (ff. 40v–41r).

2 omit H2