The Lyrics of Henry VIII/My loue sche morneth for me, Cornish

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Lyrics  |  Manuscript  |  Authors and Composers
The Lyrics of Henry VIII
Appendix 1: Lyrics by Occasion/Theme  |  Appendix 2: Textual/Musical Witnesses  |  Appendix 3: Bibliography

The thowghtes within my brest A the syghes that cum fro my hart

[ff. 30v-31r]

My loue sche morneth
for me for me.
my loue sche morneth for me.
Alas pour hart
sen we depart                                                             5
morne ye no more for me for me.

In louys daunce
syth that oure chaunce
of abscene nedes must be.
My loue I say                                                             10
your loue do way.
and morne no more for me.

It is boote
to me hart roote
but. anguysch and pete.                                            15
Wherefore swete hart
your mynde revert
and morne no more for me.

O her kyndnesse.
O her gentylnes.                                                        20
what sayd sche then to me.
The gode aboue
her schuld not moue
but styll to morne for me.

Alas thought I                                                            25
what remedy.
venus to blame ar ye.
Now of sum grace
let se purchase
to helpe my loue and me.                                          30

Her for to say
I tooke this way
I dyspraysed her beawte.
Yet for all that.
stynt wold sche not.                                                   35
so trew of loue was sche.

At last sche wept.
I to her lept.
and sett her on my knee.
The terys ran down.                                                   40
halff in a swone
it rewyd my hart to se.

When I sawe this
I dyd her kysse
therwyth reuyued sche                                               45
And her smalle wast
ful fast vnlast
and sayd sche morned for me.

Then as I ought.
I me bethought.                                                           50
and prayd her to be ble
To take comfort.
of my report.
and morne no more for me.

I schall not fayll.                                                           55
but suere retaylle
from all other that be.
in well and wo
my hart to go
with her that morneth for me.                                       60

Thus here an ende.
goode lord deffend
all louers that trew be
And in especyall
from iebardyse all.                                                        65
my love that mornyth for me.


Textual Commentary

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“My loue sche morneth for me” is a song in defense of all true lovers (ll. 62–66) upon whom separation is forced (l. 9)—the lyric also relays a tale of two lovers in such a situation. The lover, who urges that his beloved forget him, acquiesces to the strength of her devotion and acknowledges his own unwavering dedication. Moralized versions of “My loue sche morneth for me” appear in Twenty Songs (#14) and The Gude and Godlie Ballatis (ed. A. F. Mitchell 140). Also related to this lyric are “Wep no more For me swet hart” (BL Harleian MS 1317 f. 94v; mentioned in the gloss to l. 6, below) and, as noted by Stevens (M&P 394), PRO Exchequer Miscellanea 163/22/2/57.

5 sen Since. depart Separate.
6 more for me Cf. “Wep no more For me swet hart” (BL Harleian MS 1317 f. 94v) which ends, also, “that yo shod morne For me” (l. 5).
7 louys daunce The act of the game of love, perhaps with more sexual overtones.
11 do way Leave off, let alone, cease (OED “do” v 53).
13 boote Good, profitable (OED n.1 I).
14 me My.
17 revert Recover consciousness, return to itself; also, turn away, so as to leave or desert one (OED v I.1.a, I.5).
23 her schuld not moue Should not move her.
26 what remedy Cf. Henry’s “Withowt dyscord” (H 49.23) and the unattributed “What remedy what remedy” (H 69).
28–9 grace . . . purchase Cf. this with other related acts associated with grace, i.e. the comment to Henry’s “If love now reynyd as it hath bene” (H 38.12).
29 . . . purchase I.e. let us see some aid from you (Stevens M&P 394).
31 say Assay, try, prove, test the fitness of (OED v.2 1).
35 stynt Cease, stop (OED “stint” v I).
42 rewyd Affected with regret, made (one) wish one had acted otherwise, or affected with pity or compassion (OED v.1 2,4).
47 vnlast Unlaced; freed or relieved, by undoing a lace or laces (OED “unlace” v 2).
51 ble Happy.
53 my report Knowledge or report of me.
56 retaylle Refrain.
58 well Weal, wealth.
61–2 here an ende . . . deffend Cf. Henry’s “Though sum saith that yough rulyth me” (H 51.18).
65 iebardyse Jeopardies.

The first stanza of “My loue sche morneth for me” is through-set in three voices (the third voice is not clearly offset), with the remaining text underlaid.
This piece is indexed in Robbins Index & Suppl. 2261.4, Boffey, and Ringler MS TM1057. It is reprinted in Flügel Anglia 233–35, Flügel Neuengl 133–34, Padelford 80–83, Stevens M&P 393–94, and Stevens MCH8 23.

Textual Notes

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Texts Collated

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H1 (ff. 30v–31r, ll. 1–6 H2,3), CTri (f. 45v, ll. 1–3).

2 for me for me.] for me. H1, ffor me^ CTri
3 my] for me my CTri; morneth] morys CTri; for me.] for me for me. H3