Chip's Challenge/Level Pack 2/Levels 1-20

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Chip's Challenge:

General hints | Levels 1-20 | Levels 21-40 | Levels 41-60 | Levels 61-80 | Levels 81-100 | Levels 101-120 | Levels 121-140 | Levels 141-149 | Passwords

Level Pack 2:

Levels 1-20 | Levels 21-40 | Levels 41-60 | Levels 61-80 | Levels 81-100 | Levels 101-120 | Levels 121-140 | Levels 141-149 | Passwords

This page covers levels 1 (A Fleeting Memory) through 20 (Ranger Denmark).

Level 1:A Fleeting Memory

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This level looks like MEMORY, but in a square. Run down and press the tank button. Run right one square, then down one more square. Press the blue button again and run right until you are above another tank button. Go down to it and press it twice. Go right and down. Press the tank button and the toggle button. Repeat. Press the tank button one more time and the exit is open to you. You do not need the chips; your memories of them fleet past as you score the first 347 seconds.

Level 2:Naomi's Bug Collection

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Get the yellow key and chip above you. Pick up the blue key and use it to go to the left side of the level. Pick up the chips, red keys, and fire boots while avoiding the gliders. Pass the bug on the left side of the start area and get the two chips and yellow key. Repeat this process on the right side, except that you can only pick up the chips (and red key and flippers) from the first glider. Now, return to the top. Pass the other red door and get the two chips, along with the green key. Go back to the right side and open the green door. Get the red key and chips. Pass the red door below you, get the remaining chips, and exit. You collect 243 seconds.

Level 3:Bea's Den

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Get the three chips and exit down from the lower right. Beat the ball and blob to get the yellow key, flippers, and chip. Return to the start and unlock the yellow door. Pick up the fire boots. Beat the ball to the blue key and get the chip. Run back to the left, passing the ball and blob. Walk the fire to the top. Push the two eastern blocks out of the way and get the three chips. Push the third block left to blow up the bomb. Get the red key. Walk the fire again and unlock the red door. Swim to the ice. You pick up a chip. Step U2RDR to get the green key from the fire. Backtrack to the water. This time, turn right. Unlock the green door and swim to the remaining chips. The exit is just past the blue door. You stole 109 seconds from the bea's den.

Level 4:Force World

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Go up and get the chips. Get the chip above the block. Push the block onto the force floors. Push the top block to get the fire boots. Push the lower block to get the suction boots. Push the lower block onto the force floors. Follow the floors and go through the teleport. Go through the spy and get the remaining chips. Push the second block from the left down to get the flippers, and follow the path through the chip socket to the exit for 237 seconds.

Level 5:Suction Ride

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Circle around the block and push it onto the bomb. Repeat. The third time, go to the top right and switch the tank. Push the third and fourth blocks into the bombs. Go below you and get the chip (open to you now). Circle back to the start, get the remaining chips, and exit. You score 377 seconds.

Level 6:Fixing the Toggle Switch

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Go right through the teleport. Wait for the fireballs to pass by, then push the left block 2R, the block below it 2D, and the block beside that D. Push the topmost block to the edge of the water and use the other block to pass the water. Go back to the start and pass the changing toggle walls to the exit. Plumber Chip is paid 163 seconds.

Level 7:Slightly Mad

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Follow the ice path, picking up the chips, until you hit an intersection. Turn up for 4 more chips. Go back and turn left. Leave the upper left chip and continue. Next fork: Leave the lower right chip and continue up. Pick up the 8 chips and return. Turn right. Pick up the lower chips and follow the lower path. Get those 8 chips and return. Take the upper right path this time. Leave one chip and get the next four. Return, picking up the eighth chip. Now, go backwards. Collect all three of the chips left behind. From the last of those, go up. Pass the socket and get the flippers. Follow the path to one square before the intersection. Swim down and right to the exit. You score a slightly mad 254.

Level 8:Use the Fish

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Follow the floor path, pushing the blocks into the water. When you reach the ice spiral, turn right. Push this block into the water. Get the other one and push it up and into the water. Teleport to the center of the level. Push two more blocks into the water. Push the next block up and then left. Position the fourth block up and push it left. Take the next blocks into the ice spiral. Follow it to a block cloner. Push the first block into the water below the cloner. Take the next blocks right and bridge to the exit. 302 fish caught!

Level 9:Maze of One Way

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Very simple. Just go right until you are stopped, then step down. If you step right at the right moment, you will step onto another chip. Step up to get the suction boots. Go to the exit at the bottom. There is more than one way to do this level, but this is the only way to bypass the chips and get 197.

Level 10:Who Needs a Flipper?

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Hit the button once and push the block 2 away from the left wall. Push it up to get a chip. Push the block to the left into the bomb and get the chip. Go to the right. A bomb has blown up by now; get the chip and push the block. You will get the last chip. Go all the way to the right and blow up the eastern bomb. Open the chip socket and cut to the left. Push the right block next to the bomb, then the middle block into the bomb to the left of it. Push the block to the right and under the corridor. Get the last block, push it through the bombs, and blow up the bomb under the block at the right. Push this block into the water and the exit is above you. You need 368 to be on the clock!

Level 11:Deconstruction

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This is a fairly complicated route. U2RL2U2D2L4U3DRU and go through and left through the port. Push up, 4DLR2DLU4L4R2D4L3RUL, and go through the port. Teleport down and push left. Move 4RDU2RDL and push down. Run back 4U2R4D3ULD and go through the port, coming out east. Push this block down and repeat the same pattern on the right. Here, push the second block all the way to the top right. Get the chip, go 3D3LD5R3L2D2L3U2D2LD, and push right. Take the next block up and finish the work in the top right corner. Take the last block to the left and get that chip. Get the chip below you. Run 3R2DR and push up. Push the top block left and get the lower chip with the other block. Push up and get that chip. Repeat the exact same pattern on the bottom and on the right. When you get down to 2 chips, pick them up one by one. Go left through the port and exit. You constructed 411 seconds.

Level 12:Mazed In

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Go through the maze 4RU2R4U5L2D4L3D2L5U2R2U9R2U12L2DL15D6R2D8L7U2L6U2R6UR. You get the yellow key. Go back to the start and go under the start square. Pass the wall below you and get the chip and blue key. Travel back to where the yellow key was, but this time pass the blue door. Continue up and: 19R2D2R7D2R11U2R15D2L10D3L2D5R7U. You pick up the green key. Travel back up and left to a chip. Go right and 4U2L to open up a chip and a red key (up and down). Go back around and up to another chip. Travel 2D2R and up to the top right corner; continue 2L2D2L2U and left to another chip. Back up and all the way back to the left. Step 5D and left to get two more chips open. Go back, passing the former blue door, and get the chip below on the right. Backtrack down and 3R2D. Go right to another chip. Go left to the wall and up to another chip. Step 3D2L and get two more chips. Retreat back towards the center and get the chip above the red door. Get the chip next to the door and pass it. Run right to a chip and 5D3L2D to another. Turn right to one more chip. Retreat further into the center. Get the chip at the top. Continue to retreat and get another chip. Pass just to the right of the first door you reached (NE of the start). Step 2L and get the chip. Go back to where you got the blue key (below you) and get the last chip. Go all the way back to the lower right corner and turn left. Pass the chip socket and go 6L2D to the exit. You mazed through to score 354.

Level 13:The Serial Port

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Follow the path through the chips and balls until you have all the chips. Go LU2R and down to get to the toggle button. Press it and backtrack. This time, turn left to the exit and collect 342 seconds.

Level 14:The Parallel Port

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R2DR2DR2DR3D, picking up boots (you can ignore the suction if you want); pick up the chip under you. Now continue D2R3UR2UR2U2R. Repeat 2DR, picking up the three keys, until you get to the very bottom row. Now wait for the tank, and go R2U, picking up boots, until you get to the pop-up wall. Step R2D to the chip socket, and go through the tiles and doors to the exit. 258 seconds.

Level 15:Debug File

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Get the flippers and RUN to the right. Go to the right of the uppermost block past the gravel and listen closely: There is a thin wall under the blocks, and chips under the water. Here's the difficult part: CLICK one square up and two squares left of your location. You will push the block into the water *and* go up at the same time! Step on the dirt and repeat with the next block (optional, though you do not need to do so to score 237). Get the chip under the last water and step on the next dirt. Repeat until you have all the chips. It is important that you click on several of them. When you are done, go to the chip socket above you, which debugs the exit beneath you.

Level 16:Paw-Print Isle

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Push the top block up and get the chip. (Whenever you push into the water, get the chip.) Push the block to the right and return. Push the second block below you, and then the blocks SW of it. When you come up from here, step right and up to go back to the right. Push the block one space to the left up two, and then push the other block right. Finish the other block by pushing up. Travel along the top ice to the block at the left. Push it left, and push the next block left. Get the block on the bottom and push it next to the socket. Push the lower block of the two on the left over to the left side. Push the lone block up two spaces, and then the top block of the "snake" three spaces right. Repeat with the next upper block, but push all the way right. Push the upper right block in the corner down two, and then the upper block left. Push the last unmoved block down. Return up and push the block right. Push all the way up and all the way left. Take the last block and push upwards to the last chip. The chip socket is next to you, and the exit at the end of the ice. The paw-prints say "313". :-)

Level 17:Double Trouble

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Step down IMMEDIATELY. Go right into the teleport. Wait, pick up the chip and go back left through again. Repeat. This time get the chips. All the walls are fake. Go through again and repeat. Go through again and run down. Wait one move and get the lower row, then the upper row. Teleport again and get the chip. Teleport twice more and get the chips by the gliders. QUICKLY teleport 5 times. You will go back to the first corridor. Hurry right. You can just beat the paramecia. Run up and all the way left to the exit. You score double 128 seconds=256 seconds.

Level 18:Elemental

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Follow the water and turn right for chips. Continue to the left. Follow the gravel through the fire and turn up. Get many chips up there. Go back and turn right. At the next choice, go left and get 2 chips. Continue by going down and taking the left fork. Get more chips, go back, and take the right fork. Get the chip and go down. Turn left for a chip. Circle back around and get more chips. Move all the way right and finish the chips. The exit is in the lower right corner. You score 237 seconds.

Level 19:A Sample of Things to Come

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R2U7R; wait for the teeth to bomb. Go down and left. You can beat the teeth to the rest of the keys from the top. Wait for all the teeth to blow up before picking up the fifth chip on the right. Go through the red doors. Wade the dirt and go to the bottom. Push over the random force floor and get the keys. Exit to the center. Go through the green door at the top and get the paramecia chips. Circle back over and go to the right blue door. Beat the gliders to the flippers. Go back left and go through the RED door. Swim down and get all the chips. Finally, go through the blue door and get the remaining chips by the ball and walker. Go to the lower right corner. Get on top of the first row and step 2R2DR3DR; now wait. Continue 2RD2R and open the sockets. Press the red button three times. Run back through the balls. Return to the toggle wall passageway in the start room. Walk over the traps and beat the balls above you to the exit. Free 301 seconds.

Level 20:Ranger Denmark

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Circle all the way around the area to the fire boots. Go to one below the ice and push left. You are now in the middle area. Get the chip and ignore the ice skates. If you die, try again. Slide back out to the right and exit. 293 seconds on the range.