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Chip's Challenge/Level Pack 2/Levels 81-100

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This is a continuation of the walkthrough for Level Pack 2 of Chip's Challenge. Levels 81 (Just Enough) through 100 (Torch) will be discussed on this page.

Level 81:Just Enough

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Push over the force floor and clone a block. Push it onto the force floor and take it down to the bottom. Push it into the water and get another block. Repeat this pattern until you get the last block through the teleport. Push the block down and onto the suction boot. The buried thin wall will go away, as three tiles cannot be on the same square. Push it left again and slide over to the left side of the slab. Clone one glider and go onto the force floors. Wait for the glider to hit the bomb, then pass it and step left to slide to the exit. 323 seconds are just enough.

Level 82:The Block Stops Here

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Run all the way to the bottom of the level and through the teleport. Get the 11 chips in each of the four rooms. Exit up and push the blocks right. Step on the entrance to all the chips once, revealing a bomb in each of them. Leave the sixth entrance as last; go through it and hit the button. All the bombs will detonate. Go get the remaining chips. Go through the chip socket and hit the toggle button behind the blocks. Go to the top right corner and push more blocks to reach the exit. The clock stops here at 252.

Level 83:Warehouse I

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Go through the teleport and down. Push the left of the pair of blocks 2D and the other into the side room. Continue D2R2ULUR3DLU3L2ULD and push the next block 2 spaces away. Go through the teleport and push the block above you through. Continue to push 3D and R. Go back through the teleport and take the other block next to you through the port. Leave it there and use the block on the left, below you. Continue with the two blocks below that. Now, go into the other block room and push 2R; use this block. Go back through and use the block next to you. As you push this block to the bombs, take the top block down and push it through on the way. Move this block over and use the block above you. Go back through and push the block into the makeshift "chamber" within the block jumble. Move this block out. Go back to the blocks and use the lower left block. Continue with the two blocks above the entrance, followed by the two blocks above those. Now, go to the far right. Push the block 2R2D and get the one below you. Push it out and prepare the top block to push right. Return to the right side and push the block into the right chamber. Return it left and push it through. Take one of the lower blocks and push it through the teleport, followed by 3D3R. Move the other block up to the entrance of the right chamber and use the block to the left. Go to the right side and use the last block. Retrieve the last block from below the bomb row and take it on a circuit through the empty rooms. When it becomes usable, push the block back through, blow up the last bomb, and exit. You retrieved a cluttered 388 seconds.

Level 84:Crypts of Aganorak

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Go down through the teleport and get the red key past the balls. Return and open the red door. Go: 2RU4RDRD2R2UR. From here go up to get the chips and R3D2R2UR to get the fire boot. Pass by the teleport and go through the fire maze below you. You get 13 chips and the blue key. Go up through the teleport to go to the lower right area. Beat the bug and get the chips and yellow key. Go through the teleport and then right. Unlock the yellow door and get the chips and flippers away from the walkers. You can afford to lose a move or two here, but try to get back as soon as possible. Return to the start room. Go left through the teleport and swim to the last chip. Return to the start and go past the chip socket above. Take the eastern block off the exit to uncover the 426-second treasure.

Level 85:Follow the Glacier Brick Road

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This level is heavily boosting-based, so I will just give the route. 3RDR2D2LUDRD2L3DR4DURU2R2D2L2D2U3RDL2R2DLD2LU. Backtrack all the way to the open path. 2R3UD4R2UR2U2LU2R2LD2R3DR5D2LU2L2RD2RDRDRD2LDRLU4R2D3RULRD3LDR2L4D2RD3R2ULUD5RUD2L2UR3LURUR. Backtrack all the way to the middle with the open path. (There are visible pop-up walls.) 2U5R2DL2RD3R2U3RDL. Backtrack again. U2R2D2R4U2DRD2RDU2LUL2D2L3U and follow the visible pop-up walls to the exit. Most people will score about 303; advanced boosters will score 305; and absolutely perfect boosting scores 306.

Level 86:Creative One-Ways

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You can only go one way! Beat the balls and push the block onto the ice. Pass it and beat the gliders. Run past the tanks and slide to the fireball cloner. Switch the tanks and jump in front of it before it returns. Run from the walker clones and wait for the ball. Push the block out of the way and clone more blocks below you. Turn left at the thief. Wait for the ball and go into the niche. Go to the left of the bug area and get the green key. Now it switches directions! Wait for the bug to go through the cycle to the right, then open the green door. Go on the trap and the bug will release you. Run left to get the blue key. Use the key to dodge the ball above you. Open another green door above you and clone a block. Push it into the top water. Get the yellow key and push the block out of the way so you can pass. Get the red key and lure the teeth into the niche to the right (use the path past the red door). Unlock the green button and wait for the walkers to stop. Pass through the tank again and get the suction boots. Dodge the fireballs on the force floors. Unlock the skates and skate back. Hit the tank button twice and pass through. Get the flippers and swim past the gliders. Get the fire boots and push the other block right one space. Go to the bottom and go RLRLRL through the ports. Use the block to stop the first two balls, so that you can (finally!) get to that nagging exit. You score 249 if you get perfect or near-perfect walker luck. Keep trying.

Level 87:The Walker Machine

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The JUMPING SWARM of CCLP2. 3L3U2LD2R2LU; repeat the pattern on the other lower turret. Get four chips around the walker in twos. Get the below chips in a bundle of four, and the one to the right as well. Get the last left overhang in a bundle of six. Get four below you, and six to the right. Get two above you and finish off the stray chips to the left. Get the lower part in a bundle of eight; then get six above you. Get the remaining chips from right to left. Pass the socket and settle into the safe exit. 20 walkers, 20 seconds. :-) ?

Level 88:Don't Get Lost

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Wait and get the chip above you. Wait and join the balls. Teleport down to the lower left. Circle around the teleport to get a chip. Push the block aside and port up. Circle around the water and get the flippers and chip. Port left and zigzag through the water. Push the block out and go to the next area. Break off and get the chip under you, then follow the balls. In the next area, go right to get the flippers and get the two chips in the corners. Continue on and get the chip at the top of the next area, and follow the balls. Break off at the second intersection and get the fire boots. Then, go past the fire to go to the next section. Circle around the force floor and get the chip above. Beat the balls left and go to the next section. (You don't need the chip enclosed by water.) Follow the balls around the force floors to the next chip. Break off at the teleport on the left. Circle around the balls and get the top chip, then the lower chip. Pass the line again to the exit. Your 317 seconds have been found again!

Level 89:The Ghetto Defender

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Go through the teleport and R2U2R to the gravel. Try again if you can't get it; it is oddstep syntax. Beat the teeth to the fire boots and green key. Be warned that the top two floor tiles to the right of the left row are not what they seem..... Release the glider and chase through the balls. Get the ten chips. Push the lower two blocks into the water, followed by the middle of the eastern blocks. (The left block is mined.) You DO NOT need the flipper or yellow key. You can't get to the yellow key; hence, the flipper is useless. Just beat the walker. Wind your way through the maze. Turn up from the second gravel. Beat the balls and enter the monster room. You may have to do this several times. Approach the yellow key from the bottom, and get it. Pass back out. (The walkers may stop you; try again if so.) Return to the gravel. Follow the path past the yellow door. Open the socket and *just* get off the trap into the exit. 381 prisoners rescued.

Level 90:Marjolaine's Maze

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Run past the melted ice and the thief. Turn right in the maze. Go below you to the teleport. Go DUD to get the blue key and go down to the lower maze. Take the upper fork and get the chips and skates, but leave the red key. Go back to the ice slab (blue key location) and surmount the ice corner to the right. Open the blue door and get the fire boots. Run left and pick up a block. Take it left and down. (Pick up one chip to the right on the way.) When you hit the thief, push it right to get another chip. Follow the ice to take another chip. Ascend the fringes and exit to the right. Join the circle of bees and get the chip. Run down and right through the fire to get the green key. Go back up to the teleport. Go LR and get the three chips on the right. Go one more time L and get the last chip. Pass the green door to the exit. 204 seconds wait.

Level 91:Tutti-Frutti

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Hug the wall to the right to get the fire boots. Return to the start, but go up. At the lower right corner is a red key. Hug the left wall (but don't go to the blue door). Open the red door and get the skates. Take the path left of the start and get the blue key in the ice pool at the bottom. DO NOT get the suction boots yet; instead go to the left of the red door area and take the left fork. Pass the blue door and get the flippers. Retire back to the red door area. Turn right and swim downwards. Pass the tank and pick up 65 of the chips. Go through the tank and open the toggle button. Enter the circle of gliders and get the red and blue keys to the left. Teleport back to right of the red door area. Go back to the start and get the suction boots. A bit south of the (former) red door is a yellow key; pass left of the red door and go right to nab it. Unlock the red door (on the other fork of the pathway to the flippers) and pick up a yellow key and fire boot. Go back to the red key pathway. Take the other fork and get the flippers. Take the upper path from the start (by the ice pool) and pass the fire, water, and yellow door to get the last chip. Go back to the original fire boot area. Pass the other way. Pass the chip socket and get the green key. Go back to the teleport. Wait until the clock ticks 471.4, then pass through the teleport and follow the gliders around. Pass the green door to exit. 468 different flavors!

Level 92:Abandoned Mines

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This is a very hard and challenging level. It requires good luck and high focus until the very end. Push the block up and get the suction boots. Open the first blue wall to the right. (Note: Odd step required.) Run 6L2U3L2DL2DRD5U3LUL3R4U2L4R2D5R2UR4L and go back to the blob area. With luck, the blobs have cleared out. Get the flippers and step LULU2RU. You are likely to die, but it is the fastest route. Now follow the force floors, stepping off where necessary. You arrive in a teeth room. Get the left chip and wait one move. Run right, down, and left. Wait one move, then hug the down wall and go right. You arrive in a turbulent force floor room. Run onto the ice and go EXTREMELY FAST L3R2D. Wait and resume R2DLDUL2D. Wait and continue again R3L2U. Wait one more time and step L2URU. Get the last chip to the left and go DR2U and force yoursef onto the ice. Slide the ice to the exit. With perfect execution in turbulence, you score 459. Even 458 is semi-Herculean.

Level 93:Exit Chip

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Where are the chips?? Go L2D and one appears! Run right and another appears. Reveal the last chip in the upper left corner. Run right to reveal flippers. Unearth a bomb and four doors in the center. Push the block out of the chip socket and run it right. LEAVE IT THERE - there is a hidden wall to the right! Circle around this wall and beat the ball. Avoid the bomb and beat the balls below you as well. Spiral through *all* the thin walls - the short way is mined. Slide to the top and get the suction boots in the upper right corner. Backtrack to the lower ball section. Uncover a block hidden under the top part of the alcove to the left and push it through to the bomb. Go through the hidden wall and get the four keys past the force floors to the left. Push it all the way left and open the four doors. Go back to the water in the upper ball section. Retrieve the block from the edge of the water and push it into the bomb below. Return to the start and pass the force floor to exit Chip with 388 seconds.

Level 94:Checkerboard II

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Level 95:Learn

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Beat the balls and run right. Do *not* let the teeth blow up yet. Instead, teleport. The teeth hold the trap open for you, so get the four chips. Retreat and blow the teeth up to get the four chips. Retrace your steps and follow the bugs to eight chips. Run right and clear out the yorkhouse above you for the remaining chips. Turn right and fit through the balls to learn a new lesson and score 314 seconds.

Level 96:Glider and Fire

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Push the block onto the lower left fire and wait for three gliders to pass; then run up to get the fire boot. Run right and push the top block 2L and the lower block left and down equal to the water. Push the lower block of the next two L and the other left to position for a bombing run. Push the top block UL and then U again. Push it out of the way to the right and get the three chips. Push the block 2RD and get the three chips to the right. Bring it back down and place it to block the gliders and send them down. The upper block goes R and the lower block 3D2L. Travel around it and push it R9D. Get three more chips to the left. Push the block right until the gliders travel outwards from the bombs (1 square right of them). Go back up, get the three chips up there, and push the block down and route the glider into the bomb. Push the block one more to the right and get the two chips below. Repeat. Repeat again, but push the block 2 squares right of the router. Then push the lower block R and the upper block 2R. Push the first block into the bombs to the right, get the two chips in the gliders, and push the block right one more to prepare the gliders. Run up and get the chips on the left; then get the ones on the right. Take the last block down to the bombs below and get the remaining chips. Go to the right of the level and pass the chip socket. Slide with the gliders around to the exit. You score 397 seconds.

Level 97:Roller Coaster

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Ride the roller coaster down until you reach the bottom. Circle around and get the flippers. Take the rung below the chip socket and get the green key. Pass the green door and slide to the right. Beat all the blobs and stomp the green button. Take the lowest rung and hug the walls to the bottom. Get the red key high above you. Return to the coaster and open the red door. Take the red key to the right and go 4L2D to the next red door. Get the next key and go 3LU4L2DRD4R2D to the next door. Get the last key and use it to get to the clone button. Go back to the lower right and use the block cloned to blow the bomb guarding the blue key. Open the blue door on the coaster. Beat the walkers to the tank button and retreat. Go to the lower right and get the yellow key, now open. Unlock the yellow door on the coaster and teleport. Turn right and go down. Approach the teleport by going up and right. You are sent to a fireball area. Push the block down one and retreat to the teleport. Teleport to the coaster and go to the lower right. The fireball has blown a bomb; you can now access the chip. Get it and pass the chip socket on the coaster to swim to the exit. The ride lasted 205 seconds, and you keep the other 265 (provided you had good luck with the walkers and blobs).

Level 98:Loop

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Run right and hit the toggle button. Lead the teeth to the fire, where you get the red key. As they burn, run out and get the ice skates. Swap the keys to reach a yellow key. Go into the pool and get all the chips. Open the yellow door, hit the button twice, and beat the balls. Force over the random force floors and pass the open wall. Get the red and green keys and pass the gliders to get to the green door. Swap keys to get a blue key. Hit the buttons so the wall is closed, and open the blue door. Run down and left. Get the fire boots and pass the socket. The exit is hidden in the fire. You score a loop of 37 seconds (36 for the unfortunates with the force floors).

Level 99:One-Block Sokoban

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Teleport and push the block right. Go down and get the red key. Push the block against the door. Get only the *middle* chips below you. Now, open the door and get the upper chips. Push the block onto the key and the water disappears! Bring it back to the start and push it right against the blue door to the right. Push it onto the yellow key and set it aside. Go down to the bottom and open the yellow door. Retrieve the block and push it onto the key. Get the key and get the remaining needed chips behind the green door. Push the block into the water at left and exit. 269 seconds for 1 block.....good deal!

Level 100:Torch

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Follow the path of the chips, waiting as needed. But when you get to the middle the first time, wait 4 moves before continuing. Continue the path to the end. When finished, return to the start, pausing as needed again. Get the fire boots and enter the exit to the left of you. 345 seconds.