Chip's Challenge/Level Pack 2/Levels 21-40
General hints | Levels 1-20 | Levels 21-40 | Levels 41-60 | Levels 61-80 | Levels 81-100 | Levels 101-120 | Levels 121-140 | Levels 141-149 | Passwords
Levels 1-20 | Levels 21-40 | Levels 41-60 | Levels 61-80 | Levels 81-100 | Levels 101-120 | Levels 121-140 | Levels 141-149 | Passwords
This is a continuation of the walkthrough for Level Pack 2 of Chip's Challenge. Levels 21 (Block Away!) through 40 (Traps II) will be discussed on this page.
Level 21:Block Away!
[edit | edit source]Run up and down to get the chips. On the second to last row, run up first. Push the last block left onto the toggle button. Run up to the row of chips. You can run past all the blocks. Go to the upper right corner and go through the upper chip socket, followed by the teleport. Go: RLR (red key) LRL (red key) LR (pause, then get red key). Ignore the yellow key; you can get one later. Exit left and go to the bottom right. Get the blue, yellow, green, blue and yellow keys. Pause before the last key. Go to the left and enter the *bottom* chip socket. Go 6LU2LD into the exit. All the other doors and sockets are booby-trapped and foil your 264 seconds.
Level 22:How Goes?
[edit | edit source]Run up to the key, then go right for chips. Go left for the rest of the chips, and then go down. Unlock the door and follow this route: 3D4L2D5R2D5L2D3L3U2L2U3LDL2DL3D5RD12RUR3UR4U2RDR2DR2D2L3D5R7U4R23U15LU5LD5LU4L2DL exit. This map will lead you to 27.
Level 23:Traps I
[edit | edit source]Go around the first four blocks, and run up. Push the second block right and up to the central row of trap buttons. Run back around and push the block on the left 2R. Push the block above you to the top. Push the right block onto the lower right button, and the other block one button from the last. Return down and push the lower block up and the upper block to the middle row. Push it next to the other block in the middle, then bring it down. Take the last of the top blocks and push it north. Get the next block from below and push both blocks right. Repeat with the next two blocks. Take the last block to the last button. On the left side, pass all the traps and get the chip. Go back to the start and pass the chip socket. Hit the green button to release the teeth. Pass the fireballs and turn right. The teeth has released a glider which cloned blocks to create the dirt. Step on it and run to the top right corner. Get the fire boots and return to the cloning area. Pass the fire above the clones and exit. You escaped the traps and score 254.
Level 24:Sudden Death
[edit | edit source]Step *down* and get the first two chips out of the teleport. Run right, down (leaving one chip) and left. The trap is open. Run down past the blob, and all the way to to the bottom. Get the left chips (you will simply push against the blocks), fire boot, and the right chips. Turn right and get the chips and green key. Get all of the blob chips except the nearest to the gravel. Backtrack and get the lone chips by the top set of tanks. Return to the very start and get the chip past the fire to the right. Return to the tank area and run through the middle. Get the chips above you and then the last lone chip. Go up, past the tanks, and get the chips and blue key behind the doors. Go back to the blob room and through the green doors to get the last chips. Go through the blue door to the exit. Sudden 305 seconds.
Level 25:Race for the Chips
[edit | edit source]Race all the way left and get the second chip on the top. Continue all the way up to the exit. Run around the teeth and go back to the bottom to finish the job. Get the first chip on the bottom and wait one move. Now run all the way to the right while picking up the chips. For the second-to-last chip, wait for the teeth to go all the way into the niche. Get the next chip, wait 2 moves, and go up. Pick up the first two chips and wait for the teeth to go to the end. Repeat the pattern used on the last chip below. After you get down to 18 chips, just pick up the rest of the chips and don't wait. Get the first two chips on the top and repeat the pattern used on the bottom side. You go all the way over left to the exit. You beat the teeth to score 269 seconds.
Level 26:Work Fast
[edit | edit source]Get the flippers and fire boots, then run right. Get the first chip and go DR3D to the bottom chip. U-turn on the chip path, getting the upper chip on the way. Go back to the pool. Run down and push the left block. Push each succeeding block into the water, watching out for gliders. Follow the ice to the exit. A fast 128 seconds.
Level 27:Frozen Floors
[edit | edit source]Be very fast on this level. Get the first two chips on the left, and then turn right. Get that chip and finish the column of chips. Go down through the force floor and wait. Step down off the third force floor and wait. Get the chip, then go up, push up, and step two right. Get the chip above you. Follow the path again, this time pushing through both force floors. Get this chip, and then the last chip above you. Step up and push down to go to the socket. Continue to follow the path to the exit for 276 cold seconds.
Level 28:Madness I
[edit | edit source]Step up and run right. Get that chip. Run down to another chip. Beat the next paramecia to a chip on the right. Run to the bottom, picking up the last chip on the way. Get the first chip by the bees and then go to the lower right corner. Circle around the level while picking up eight chips and hitting four buttons. Get the last two chips in the beehive, conveniently placed above you. Run to the sockets. Blow up the two bombs and put the third block where the first bomb was. Take the last (top) block to the start and push it through the teleport. Slide over the blocked teleport to the exit. Madness! 266!
Level 29:Fire and Water
[edit | edit source]Get the lower two chips on the left of the fire. Get the fire boot in the corner. Get the remaining chips and push the block into the fireballs. Run them back to the clone button. Run around the level and get the remaiming chips amid the fire. The exit is in the center. The neutralization reaction produces 169 seconds.
Level 30:Chase Race
[edit | edit source]Teleport to the bug area. Run around the ring and get the boots. Wade through below and run up through the balls. Get the two chips at the left and continue the path. Run around the ice and pass to the bee area. Get all four keys and beat the tank through the ice. Run form the paramecia, and then left. The teeth will all drown. Follow the lower path and get the suction boots and last chip. Run over the force floor and run for your life from the bug. Go through the teleport to the thief. Get the ice skates and pass the ice corner. Renegotiate the path again until the tank blocks you. Instead, go through the ice corner to the exit. First place prize: 246 seconds.
Level 31:Well of Wishes
[edit | edit source]Follow the blocks to the thief. Get the flippers and go through the teleport at the top. Get the top chip and swim down to the circle of gliders. Pass it and get the chip at the end of the river. Now get the other chip and return through the teleport. Turn left this time to get the chips at the start. Go back to the thief, then push the block down to the water. Turn left and build a path to the blue button. Return to the fork and build the other way. Go through the thief and get the flippers. Swim through the blocks to uncover the chip under the upper right block. Backtrack and run down to start a path to the exit area. Circle around to the left side and continue the path. Push the extra block right to prepare for the down push. Build left to the lower left area. Push the first two blocks into the water and follow with the third. Take it through to the water and hit the toggle button. Return to the right side, getting any other chips left behind, and push the block into the lower water. Pass the toggle wall and finish: 2R4UR2D2R2DRL2U2L2U3RUDL2UL2RU exit. You got your wish of 365 seconds.
Level 32:Tele-Portion
[edit | edit source]Get all of the chips in the first room except the one above the teleport and the three on the lower row. Clone two blocks and push them through. The second will cross the teleport. Push it through the other side. Go LRLRL through the ports, getting all the chips. Clone another block, push it through, then cross to the other side. Pick up the stray chip. Go LRLRL. Clone again and push through. You teleport to where you couldn't get before. Get the chips. Port LRL and circle around to the other side. Port LR to more chips. Get two more at the left port. Exit right and port up in the first room. You will get the last two chips at the end of the trail. Backtrack and you will be transported to the exit. A block sure DOES seem to be useful. 377 seconds came out of it!
Level 33:The Big Button Quest
[edit | edit source]Take the upper path on the left side to a square. Go on the top left path. On the lowermost landing is a path leading to a green button; go to the landing, but don't touch the button yet - you must push it at the right moment. Wait exactly 2 seconds and then go right. Beat the balls to the left and run past the (stuck) tanks. Run all the way right to get the chip and yellow key. Open the door and take the left path. You teleport to a red key (to the right). Go back through the teleport and go through the other side to the exit. 76 seconds found.
Level 34:Cypher II
[edit | edit source]Go down and push the top left block into the button. Push the other block left into another button. Reveal the chip below and pick up all the chips on the left side. Step D2RLDL2D2R6URURL3RDLDUDRDU2D2LRLULRLD. Push the bottom two blocks up to the top buttons. Move the right block onto the east button and push the other block up. Take the remaining chips and put both blocks onto the buttons. Run past the traps below you and go left of the red door. Go 2UDRLRL2U7R2DLRLRU2DR3D2LDLRLU3LDLRL and pass the blue door. Continue L3U2RD2R2URLR2D2RU2R6D4LULRL and down through the teleport. Pass the next trap and use the two blocks on the right to blow up two bombs. Step RDR4D and do the same. Go 2R2ULDRD and push left. Push the far right block into the top row, and then the next block SE of you. Push the far right block down and then the block above you. Now, move the free block right and the block on the far right of the central overhand up. Blow up the last bomb on the bottom and get the chip. Continue U4R and push the block up and left. Get the chip under the dirt and step up. Run right to the next set of traps. Pass over them and go to the last section. Circle right to the top right blue wall. Pick up the chip and go through the wall. Push the top block and then the bottom block. Reveal the two chips to the left and push the other two block right. Pass the wall and step 2DUD2LRL2R2DUDR2D2LU5L3U2RLR2L3D3R2U. Hit the tank button twice and move left to the trap button. Open the trap, go around the tank, and run right to the exit. You score 404. If you look closely at the level when it is finished, the blocks (in the left two rooms) and the walls (in the right two rooms) spell out MAER, the password to level 145 (Gauntlet).
Level 35:Mirror
[edit | edit source]Swim down to the bottom of the pool and enter the dirt. Go right to the tanks. Run through and get the chips. Wait for them to change again, then pass through. Pick up the red key at the left and run right. Exit the land and swim up. Pass the toggle door and go to the beehive at the left. Get the three chips below, but leave the others. Turn left to the chips, and then right for more. Return to the beehive and get the remaining chips to the left. Then run up to the sockets. Get the two keys and exit to the pool. Swim right to the blue door and open the toggle walls. Re-enter the center; this time pass the yellow door and balls to the exit. You see an image of 446 seconds in the mirror.
Level 36:Spy
[edit | edit source]The boosting is difficult, so keep your shirt on and go U2RDR3U2RDL2U2LU2L to the upper room. Step 6ULR2D3RLU4DUR4LR3D. Prepare for boosting. Continue 3LUL2U2RURURL2U2LDL2UD5R2DL2D2LDLDL3UL4D and return to the teleport. Step through it and continue RUR4U2RL4URL2D2LU2RL3DL2DRLDLD2L. You arrive in another room. Press on: LU2D4LRD3URL2D2RD2RUR2L2U3R. You arrive back in the start room. Step RD3R and you arrive in a new room. Move in a clockwise circle around the room to get the remaining chips. Go back to the teleport and go LR through it. You arrive in the second (other) room you visited. Go to the top and swim to the exit. 447 is pretty good with spies watching you!
Level 37:The Mystery of the Seven Chips
[edit | edit source]Wait to pass each of the tanks. Take the upper path and push the block L. Wait for the glider to hit it, then push it again. Run! Take the down, then the left fork. Get to safety on the gravel. Get the first chip and go up through each of the first 4 ports. Then go left, right, and left. You now have all the chips. Beat the gliders to the near gravel, and pass the next set of tanks. Go RDLU through the ice and run up. Pass the gravel and hit the toggle button TWICE. You must stop the paramecium from passing the toggle door and hitting the tank button again. Run past the gravel and take the other fork. A path is now open for you (from the block). Pass the first set of tanks. Go into the room with the rwo of tanks. The exit is at the left. Mystery solved! 322.
Level 38:Mads' Rush I
[edit | edit source]Very simple. Follow the ice and force floors to the boots and get the yellow key. Pass the thieves, glider, and yellow door. Circle right and pass the sliding ball to get the green key. Return and pass the green door. Hurry, now! Run down and left to the exit. The rash rush has paid off: 11 seconds!
Level 39:Yike-O-Matic
[edit | edit source]Go L3U2L2UR and up to the chip. Go right and get the last five chips. Go through the thief and pass by the "exit". Get the chip to the left and go down to the balls. Wait for the balls to bounce, then run all the way down. Go left and onto the ice. Step URLRUDL and pick up the block. Bring it back with you. Push it down to just above the button and then left. Then, take it 2RD, left to the wall, and U. Run to the right and pick up the last chip. Go into the toggle walls and creep towards the exit. When you get there, you score 231.
Level 40:Traps II
[edit | edit source]Push the block right and move 2L. Get the top block from the "pyramid" and move it right and up. Place it on the lowest button and go back to the pyramid. Push the east block on the right ledge 3R, and the block on the lowest step to the right 2U. Move the top block 5R and push the next block to the right over one. Take the first block up and put it next to the other one. Go back to the lower right corner and push that block down to the lower button. Push the other block in line with the block at the start and push it 3R. Go back to the pyramid and push the top block 2R. Move the last two blocks up to the two buttons. Take the other block and move it to the right. Carry the top block to the last button on the top, and the other block down to the other button in that corner. Push the block from the start onto its button. Pass the traps to get the chip. Open the socket and move ULU. Wait for the fireball, and then go to the exit behind it. 249 seconds are yours.