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Chip's Challenge/Levels 121-140

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This is a continuation of the walkthrough for Chip's Challenge. Levels 121 (PERFECT MATCH) through 140 (ICEDEATH) will be discussed on this page.


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The name of the level means you have to match both tracks of fireballs in the middle so that the toggle buttons are pressed at the same time, keeping the toggle door at the lower right consistently open/closed (which can be changed in the far left corridor). Since the level is untimed, you can just keep cloning and cloning until both paths are filled up. Then they should stick and stop everything. Go through the labyrinth at the bottom. If the toggle door opens, you have done something wrong. Turn back. Else, you reach the end and behold the fireball cloner blocked by the (closed) toggle wall, and the exit on the right of it.

For a much faster solution in a hurry (and more artistic), clone once, then push a wall once, and go 2L2R2L2R. Push the block down at the right time to push the fireball into the water. Step back up quickly and wait for the next fireball. Repeat ONCE, and then follow the path to the right. Go down to the labyrinth and exit.


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Go left and collect 3 chips. Go up and through the pop-up wall. Continue up, right, 4D2R2U2R2U3R. Run up and exit the area. Step one row to the right of the walls and go: 8D3L4R5U2L and go to the right for the chips. The teeth will open the trap. Return to the start and get the last chip on the way to the exit. Play fair and you score 272.


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Hit the toggle button and wait for the block to be cloned. Step on the dirt and wait for the next block. Then push the block as the fireball comes by the second time and as the block is cloned. The fireball will be deflected into the bomb. You are free of the "prison". Clone a block and fill in the water to the left of the button. Clone another block, going to the bottom at the same time, and push the block up to the top and in the water. Time your path through the fireball cloning. Evade the teeth (which are coming toward you now) and get the chips at the upper left, lower center, and lower right. The exit is at the upper right. Prison guard your momma, teeth! 272 seconds.

Level 124:FIRETRAP

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At the start, hold down the trap button until the fireball passes the trap. Then push the block one away from the upper right corner. He will hit the trap button for you, and you can get out. Go into the fire maze. DO NOT get the chips yet. Instead, go for the green button. However, DO get the chip above, and to the left of, the ice corner. Go to the tank area at the top and collect the red key and chip at the left. Go to the ice swirl and get the chip and the blue key below it. Go through the ice. Push one block (from behind the blue door) onto the bottom fire to cause them to change the toggles continuously. Go to the bottom left and push the block into the upper left corner. Go to the tank area and get the fire boots at the right. Go to the start and get the four chips at the left. Get the chips in the fire maze. Collect the chip at the left end of the original fireball room. Return to the bottom left and get the chip. Follow the bottom and get the last chips. Go to the chip socket at the lower right and follow the ice to the exit. 667 seconds are rewarded.

Level 125:MIXED NUTS

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Push all four blocks into the water, but don't step on them yet. The glider should be trapped in the middle. Now step on the dirt. You should be able to get all four chips. Beat the ball and go to the next section. Go to the bottom and push that block into the water. Go back up to the top and push all the blocks down one space. Return to the top and push all blocks to the left one space. A block should now be free to put into the lowest water. Repeat until you are down to two blocks. Put this block in the HIGHER of the two waters and you can get both chips. Beat the bug and go to the next area. Collect each column of chips and go to the top of the third column. Go to the right RAPIDLY and you will reach the next block area. You don't need the blocks, but there are chips under them, so make sure you can push every single block. Follow the upper path to the ice rink. Go right at each starting spot, avoiding the balls and bombs to get the remaining chips. The chip socket is on the top path. Go through it. Step three to the right and go up. The teleport takes you to the exit.

Level 126:BLOCK N ROLL

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Push the first two blocks at the top into the water. To get the others, push them two squares and go around them. Make sure to get the chips. Get the other three chips behind the water. Go R 2D through the walker rooms. Go all the way to the bottom and push the first block to the left 4U. Then push the second furthest left all the way up to the water. Push the block you see in, followed by the one still free at the bottom. Get the two chips. Go all the way up to the top through the walker rooms. Wait for the bug, then get the chips from right to left. Go back to the walker rooms. Go left and up. You are now in a big block area. From just before pushing the block: 4U 2L 4D 2U 2L and get behind the lone block on the right, pushing the block above it all the way to the right and getting two chips on the way. From where you put the lone block (to the left of where it started): 2D 2L 6D 2R D 3U R L 2D 2R 2D 3R 7L (another block placed) R D 3L R. Go all the way up and right. You return to the walker rooms. Go R D R 2U through the rooms. Push each end block forward to push the middle aside and get the chip. Go to the right of the walker room and do the same. Go 2D and R to the last side room. Every other block starting from the top left block has fire under it; push every other block, while trying not to disturb the bugs, to get the remaining chips. Go U 2R through the walker rooms and follow the path at the right to the exit. This route should score from about 430 to up to 442, depending on your luck with the walkers. At the present, 439 is the highest time achieved, although more is definitely possible.

Level 127:SKELZIE

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Step left to dodge the ball, then go through it UDUDU to get the red key. Continue DU and step LD. Go through RLRLRLRL for several chips. Step DR and go through UDUDUD to exit the teleport area. The red door is to the right, the blue door is to the lower left, the yellow door is to the lower right, and the green door is to the left. When you get to the green door, step on the button and get the chip. Now go to the bottom and reenter the teports. DUDUDU takes you to the exit room. Step LD and RLRLRLRL to get the last two chips. The exit is down below. You score 453 seconds.

    • NOTE: It is infinitesimally possible for one of the blobs to hit the toggle button for you, thus saving 4 steps; in this case, 454 is possible!!

Level 128:ALL FULL

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Go around the water to the flippers. Get them and continue holding the button until the balls are jammed up. Go to the right, through the water, and get a yellow key (herein referred to as "key"). Unlock the door and get the chips. Go to the left and you will be presented with fire boots, suction shoes, and a key. Pick them up and go to the right of the track that took you here. Get the chips guarded by the ball, and then the chips guarded by the fireballs. At the bottom center is another key; pick it up. Go to the left and get three more chips and a key. Push the block through the ball and get the flippers. Go to where the fireballs are being cloned. Swim to another key. Go to the room above you and get ONE chip (you don't need 4 chips in this level; you have left one behind at the beginning and the other three are the other missing ones). Now go back to where you got the boots (a boss problem stops those bees from cloning, although the button is being pressed) and go through two of the doors at the top. Travel through the maze and pick up the remaining 154 chips. The exit is near the start of this maze. Your bank is full of the 315 seconds just scored.


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5D 2L 2U D L D U; wait for gliders to pass, then go 2L and follow gliders to hive entrance. Get the chips inside and exit. You can get out of the lobster trap with 286 seconds left!

Level 130:ICE CUBE

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Try not to leave before finishing, as there is a bee on the outer track. Go: 3URDUDRULRDR2DU2LU2D3U2LDLRU2R2LDRUR. This is the only exception to the rule. Travel down to the next exit and go: LD2L and the exit is below you.


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This time, you cannot see the teeth moving through the walls. Go left for 3 chips and go up and right (3 squares past the walls). Run all the way up and: RU3R2L8D5R4L8U5R4L6D4L4R5U3L and right to the chips. Return to the start and exit, getting the last chip. 26 seconds seems unfair, but it is the best time.

Level 132:MIX UP

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First, go to the left. You will see a column of four blocks. Push the third and then the first from the top. Then push the second one down. Now push all four into the water below and get the red key. Go back to the start and open the red door. Push the blocks into the bombs from the upper right to upper left to get the green key thus: Push the first block up. Go around it and push the next one right to the bomb. Return to the left and use the pushed block to blow up bomb 2. Push the upper block up, and go around, pushing it into the rightmost bomb. L2DL2DLRD2L2ULU3R and circle back to the start. Push the right block R and the block below it up. Push the top block L and the block below it 2L. Blow up bomb 4 with the upper right block. Circle to the left and get the next block to blow up bomb 5. 4DLDLDL and push the upper block to where bomb 5 was. Push the right block 2UL and take it to the top to blow up bomb 6 (and 7, using the other block at the top). Circle back to the start and push the right block 2RUL. Now return to the start and push the two blocks one right each. Push the top block right, and take the above block to bomb 8. Go to the bottom, pushing the top block left one, and repeat the pattern, pushing the upper block into bomb 9. Take the last block in a similar way for bomb 10 and the green key. Now go to the center and to the left. Bring seven blocks to the water bridges below as follows: Go to the block area and push the first two blocks out of your way. 2U2RDR2DLURU4RD2RDLD and circle around back. You will push the first block into the left water. Go through the left entrance, push the lowest of the cluster right, and push the nearest block down through, pushing the original block down as you circle back. When you have brought the second block over, take it to just above the left bridge, then get another: Go through the left entrance again, this time using the block in front of you, and repeat the pattern, this time *not* pushing the block down on the way back. Push the first block into the left, then the second into the right bridge. You will repeat this pattern a total of 2 more times. Continue by pushing the block you left the last time down, and taking it right for loading. Return to the blocks and push the left block down one. Load the right block by going right and down. Circle around and push the other block just above it. Prepare the lower block. Return to the blocks and push the upper block left until you can load the lower block. Prepare this block and load the very last one the same way as the others. With this last pair (after taking the second block down), just push the first into the left bridge and leave the other one for later. Go onto the ice strip. Hold down the down key and you will push over the up force floor. Open the lower right squares of dirt, and go to the bottom section. Go immediately to the right given the chance, on both the upper and lower walker areas. Leave the other chips for the way back. The blue key should be wide open now; grab it. Go back across the ice strip and enter the bottom left area. Do not unlock the blocks yet. Instead, open the other blue door. Get the blue key and return to the bottom. (The teeth should *not* be chasing you.) Unlock the blocks and push LU2D3RULULU4LULD, retrieving the block from the top. Push it into the water and push the other block down. Continue this pattern as you push the remaining blocks into the water. Block 3: Push the top block right, then get the left block. Block 4: Push the lower block left and get the top block. Block 5 can just be pushed up. Push both blocks into the water this time. Go to the top of the room with the last block. Step RL and wait. Step 2D and wait. As the teeth come next to you, step 2U3RD2LUL and bring the block down. Finish the bridge (the teeth will not follow) and get the chip. Wait one move (the easiest way is to just hit the wall once) and run to the bottom. You will just beat the teeth. Return to the center. Now, finish the right parallel bridge. Open the green door and get the last four chips amid the pop-up walls. Go through the furthest left pop-up wall each time. Go through the lower left, upper left, upper right, and lower right pop-up walls (on the sides, in that order). Do *not* lose yourself, you have taken 5 minutes already (although you have saved substantial time by not having to build a bridge to the lower right)! Watch out for the bees as you exit (above). It doesn't matter how mixed up the level is, one thing is for certain: you just scored 678 seconds!


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Go through each blob room and pick up the chips. Be patient.

Level 134:PAIN

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At the beginning beehive, let the bugs out, get the chips, push the free block to two squares below the start, and push the block on the bottom down one. Then all of the bugs will fall in the water. Get all of the chips and push the block down into the first water square. You are now in an area with a HUGE amount of blocks. First, go to the right. About a few squares right of the middle there are fire boots. Push the block into the water and get them. On the far right there is a pathway down to a chip. Build a bridge to it, and then bridge all the way to the left until you are one away from stuck. Build a bridge down from the left so as to intersect the end of the long one. You can now reach the lower left corner. From there, build another bridge all the way to the exit on the right. Yes, I know it's long. :-( That's why it's called PAIN.

Level 135:TRUST ME

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There is a bug in this level. Go to the right, all the way to the force floor, then go down and get the key. Due to a common problem, bees can only be cloned in the direction that the most recent created monster, called the "boss", is going at the time. Since the boss is not going west, bees are not cloned for a while, and you can escape. Go back to the start and exit. This takes only seven seconds, entrusting you to the other 293.


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Level 137:GOLDKEY

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Yellow keys are referred to as "keys". Avoid the paramecia and get to the gravel at the right of the level. Go through the maze, getting the five keys in the order that you go through the maze. If done correctly, you should have to wait only between the third and fourth keys. Use four of the keys on the doors on the right. Be quick as you move fast 2U and 2D on the force floors. MAKE SURE YOU GET THE KEY WHEN YOU GO 2D FOR THE SECOND TIME. This is the "gold key" mentioned. Go through both doors. Key count=0. Go right to the fake wall and go down and all the way right to a key. Return to the fake wall and go U (wait) U (wait) R (key) D (wait) R (wait) U3R3U. You should now be in the top section devoid of keys. Go through the pop-up wall, beat the balls, and get the flippers. Get the key from the bees and return to where you just were. This time, go down. You get a key and go back into the force floor maze. Follow the same path as before, except go right where the key was. DO NOT continue right - the keys are booby-trapped! Go through the door. You should still have 1 key left. Go to the left wall and go all the way up (opening the fake wall). Streak right through the last yellow door and the exit waits. You acquire 392 seconds from the gold vault.


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Go to the nearest teleport and go DUDUD. You should be in a block room. Push the first two of the lower blocks up through the teleport. Push the next block (to the right of you) up through. Push it left through and follow. Push it right through and follow. Step down and go UDUD to the block room. Push the lower right block left one, then the next one left, then the next one left. Follow, and follow to the right. This is what you repeat. Go DUD back to the block room. Repeat with the upper of the two blocks. Repeat with the far right block, going UD. Now use the lower block, going DU. You are now in the top blocks. Repeat with the nearest block and go U. Repeat with the upper left block. Push the lower left block, then the next block down, and push the left block down through the teleport, followed by pushing the right block left through, but DON'T follow this time. 5RU3L2RU3LD2R2U3L2D2U and push the last two blocks down. Now follow and push whichever block you hold to the right of each teleport. After the third partial post is made, the next teleport will take you to the start room; push the block right and follow. In this room and the next two, finish the partial post. The next teleport takes you to the start room; there should be nowhere for the teleport to take you right, and you can slide across the teleport to the exit. You get a partial reward of 240 seconds.


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Try to pick up all the chips except for the ones around the walkers, and then free them one by one. This level is untimed, so be patient with the walkers. The exit is at the bottom.

Level 140:ICEDEATH

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This is very simple if you know where to go. Else, you are bound to drown in freezing water. UR2ULDRDR3D2L2U2LULULDRDL2DRD2RURUR2U2LU3L2D2RD2R2D2RU3LU2LD4R2U4L4U2RD5RU; you now have ice skates. Skate 4D12L6D3L and exit. You have braved the cold and score 263 seconds.