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Feng Shui/Setting Up A Geomantic Chart/Earth Base

From Wikibooks, open books for an open world

Feng Shui | Flying Star | Geomantic Chart | Facing Palace | Facing Stars | Mountain Stars | Earth Base | 24 Mountains | Aquarium | Substitute Star | Xuan Kong Da Gua | Bazi & YiChing | Compass Location | 64 Hexagrams | River Map | 10-Combo | 1-Gua

The first number for the Earth Base is the Period number for that year, and always occupies the Central Palace. All other numbers for the Earth Base are always entered in the Yang Direction in a Geomantic Chart in the following sequence:

  1. [Row 3, Column 3]
  2. [Row 2, Column 3]
  3. [Row 3, Column 1]
  4. [Row 1, Column 2]
  5. [Row 3, Column 2]
  6. [Row 1, Column 3]
  7. [Row 2, Column 1]
  8. [Row 1, Column 1]
[Row 1, Column 1] [Row 1, Column 2] [Row 1, Column 3]
[Row 2, Column 1] [Period Number] [Row 2, Column 3]
[Row 3, Column 1] [Row 3, Column 2] [Row 3, Column 3]


  1. The first Palace to be filled in is [Period Number], followed by [Row 3, Column 3], ... , and finally [Row 1, Column 1].
  2. The numbers will be filled in in increasing order. In other words, if a number is n, then the next number will be n+1, except when n=9. If n=9, then the next number will be 1, followed by 2, 3,... that is:
8 4 6
7 9 2
3 5 1
  • [Row 2, Column 2] = 9
  • [Row 3, Column 3] = 1
  • [Row 2, Column 3] = 2
  • [Row 3, Column 1] = 3
  • [Row 1, Column 2] = 4
  • [Row 3, Column 2] = 5
  • [Row 1, Column 3] = 6
  • [Row 2, Column 1] = 7
  • [Row 1, Column 1] = 8