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Feng Shui/Xuan Kong Da Gua/Compass Location

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Compass Location

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The following Compass Location table transposes the circular arrangement of the hexagrams into a tabular form, where

  1. "GN" represents the Gua Number of a hexagram
  2. "Gua" is the hexagram itself
  3. "English" is the translation of the name of the hexagram
  4. "CN" is the order (Circular Number) of the hexagram, starting from 0 degrees to 360 degrees, on the concentric circle that lists the hexagrams on the Luopan.
  5. "Pinyin" is the transliteration of the Chinese name of the hexagram
  6. "SC" is the name of the hexagram in Simplified Chinese
  7. "Sector" is the sector, measured in degrees from North in a clockwise direction, where the hexagram is found on the concentric circle that lists the hexagrams on the Luopan

The Compass Location table consists of two parts. The first seven columns constitute the first part, and the last seven columns constitute the second part. The central column, consisting of the "~" character, separates Part 1 from Part 2. Part 1 lists all the 64 hexagrams, and Part 2 lists the hexagrams that are opposite in direction to those hexagrams in Part 1, that is, a line drawn from a hexagram in Part 1 to the opposite hexagram in Part 2 (on the same row in the table below) will pass through the center of the Luopan. For example, a line joining hexagram 24 ("Turning Back", in row 01) to hexagram 44 ("Encountering") will pass through the center of the concentric circle.

In Xuan Kong Da Gua, the direction of a hexagram can be either in the Facing Direction or the Sitting Direction. The Facing Direction is always opposite in direction to that of the Sitting Direction. For example, if a compass indicates that the Facing Direction is 5° from North (this is within the sector of the "Turning Back" hexagram, in row 01) then the Sitting Direction will be 185° from North (this is within the sector of the "Encountering" hexagram). Similarly, if the Facing Direction is "Encountering" (in row 33), then the Sitting Direction will be "Turning Back".

GN Gua English CN Pinyin SC Sector (deg)° ~ GN Gua English CN Pinyin SC Sector (deg)°
24 Turning Back 01 0 to 5.625 ~ 44 Encountering 33 gòu 180 to 185.625
27 Nourishing 02 5.625 to 11.25 ~ 28 Great Exceeding 34 dà guò 大过 185.625 to 191.25
03 Beginning 03 zhūn 11.25 to 16.875 ~ 50 Establishing The New 35 dǐng 191.25 to 196.875
42 Increasing 04 16.875 to 22.5 ~ 32 Long Lasting 36 héng 196.875 to 202.5
51 Taking Action 05 zhèn 22.5 to 28.125 ~ 57 Proceeding Humbly 37 xùn 202.5 to 208.125
21 Eradicating 06 shìkè 噬嗑 28.125 to 33.75 ~ 48 Replenishing 38 jǐng 208.125 to 213.75
17 Following 07 suí 33.75 to 39.375 ~ 18 Remedying 39 213.75 to 219.375
25 Without Falsehood 08 wú wàng 无妄 39.375 to 45 ~ 46 Growing Upward 40 shēng 219.375 to 225
36 Brilliance Injured 09 míng yí 明夷 45 to 50.625 ~ 06 Contention 41 sòng 225 to 230.625
22 Adorning 10 50.625 to 56.25 ~ 47 Exhausting 42 kùn 230.625 to 236.25
63 Already Fulfilled 11 jì jì 既济 ~ 64 ䷿ Not Yet Fulfilled 43 wèi jì 未济 236.25 to 241.875
37 Household 12 jiārén 家人 61.875 to 67.5 ~ 40 Relief 44 xiè 241.875 to 247.5
55 Abundance 13 fēng 67.5 to 73.125 ~ 59 Dispersing 45 huàn 247.5 to 253.125
30 Brightness 14 73.125 to 78.75 ~ 29 Darkness 46 kǎn 253.125 to 258.75
49 Abolishing The Old 15 78.75 to 84.375 ~ 04 Childhood 47 méng 258.75 to 264.375
13 Seeking Harmony 16 tóngrén 同人 ~ 07 Multitude 48 shī 264.375 to 270
19 Approaching 17 lín 90 to 95.625 ~ 33 Retreat 49 dùn 270 to 275.625
41 Decreasing 18 sǔn 95.625 to 101.25 ~ 31 Mutual Influence 50 xián 275.625 to 281.25
60 Restricting 19 jié 101.25 to 106.875 ~ 56 Travelling 51 281.25 to 286.875
61 Innermost Sincerity 20 zhōng fú 中孚 106.875 to 112.5 ~ 62 Little Exceeding 52 xiǎo guò 小过 286.875 to 292.5
54 Marrying Maiden 21 guī mèi 归妹 112.5 to 118.125 ~ 53 Developing Gradually 53 jiàn 292.5 to 298.125
38 Diversity 22 kuí 118.125 to 123.75 ~ 39 Hardship 54 jiǎn 298.125 to 303.75
58 Joyful 23 duì 123.75 to 129.375 ~ 52 Keeping Still 55 gèn 303.75 to 309.375
10 Fulfillment 24 129.375 to 135 ~ 15 Humbleness 56 qiān 309.375 to 315
11 Advance 25 tài 135 to 140.625 ~ 12 Hindrance 57 315 to 320.625
26 Great Accumulation 26 dà chù 大畜 140.625 to 146.25 ~ 45 Bringing Together 58 cuì 320.625 to 326.25
05 Needing 27 146.25 to 151.875 ~ 35 Proceeding Forward 59 jìn 326.25 to 331.875
09 Little Accumulation 28 xiǎo chù 小畜 151.875 to 157.5 ~ 16 Delight 60 331.875 to 337.5
34 Great Strength 29 dà zhuàng 大壮 157.5 to 163.125 ~ 20 Watching 61 guān 337.5 to 343.125
14 Great Harvest 30 dà yǒu 大有 163.125 to 168.75 ~ 08 Union 62 343.125 to 348.75
43 Eliminating 31 guài 168.75 to 174.375 ~ 23 Falling Away 63 348.75 to 354.375
01 Initiating 32 qián 174.375 to 180 ~ 02 Responding 64 kūn 354.375 to 360
44 Encountering 33 gòu 180 to 185.625 ~ 24 Turning Back 01 0 to 5.625
28 Great Exceeding 34 dà guò 大过 185.625 to 191.25 ~ 27 Nourishing 02 5.625 to 11.25
50 Establishing The New 35 dǐng 191.25 to 196.875 ~ 03 Beginning 03 zhūn 11.25 to 16.875
32 Long Lasting 36 héng 196.875 to 202.5 ~ 42 Increasing 04 16.875 to 22.5
57 Proceeding Humbly 37 xùn 202.5 to 208.125 ~ 51 Taking Action 05 zhèn 22.5 to 28.125
48 Replenishing 38 jǐng 208.125 to 213.75 ~ 21 Eradicating 06 shì kè 噬嗑 28.125 to 33.75
18 Remedying 39 213.75 to 219.375 ~ 17 Following 07 suí 33.75 to 39.375
46 Growing Upward 40 shēng 219.375 to 225 ~ 25 Without Falsehood 08 wú wàng 无妄 39.375 to 45
06 Contention 41 sòng 225 to 230.625 ~ 36 Brilliance Injured 09 míng yí 明夷 45 to 50.625
47 Exhausting 42 kùn 230.625 to 236.25 ~ 22 Adorning 10 50.625 to 56.25
64 ䷿ Not Yet Fulfilled 43 wèi jì 未济 236.25 to 241.875 ~ 63 Already Fulfilled 11 jì jì 既济 56.25 to 61.875
40 Relief 44 xiè 241.875 to 247.5 ~ 37 Household 12 jiā rén 家人 61.875 to 67.5
59 Dispersing 45 huàn 247.5 to 253.125 ~ 55 Abundance 13 fēng 67.5 to 73.125
29 Darkness 46 kǎn 253.125 to 258.75 ~ 30 Brightness 14 73.125 to 78.75
04 Childhood 47 méng 258.75 to 264.375 ~ 49 Abolishing The Old 15 78.75 to 84.375
07 Multitude 48 shī 264.375 to 270 ~ 13 Seeking Harmony 16 tóng rén 同人 84.375 to 90
33 Retreat 49 dùn 270 to 275.625 ~ 19 Approaching 17 lín 90 to 95.625
31 Mutual Influence 50 xián 275.625 to 281.25 ~ 41 Decreasing 18 sǔn 95.625 to 101.25
56 Travelling 51 281.25 to 286.875 ~ 60 Restricting 19 jié 101.25 to 106.875
62 Little Exceeding 52 xiǎo guò 小过 286.875 to 292.5 ~ 61 Innermost Sincerity 20 zhōng fú 中孚 106.875 to 112.5
53 Developing Gradually 53 jiàn 292.5 to 298.125 ~ 54 Marrying Maiden 21 guī mèi 归妹 112.5 to 118.125
39 Hardship 54 jiǎn 298.125 to 303.75 ~ 38 Diversity 22 kuí 118.125 to 123.75
52 Keeping Still 55 gèn 303.75 to 309.375 ~ 58 Joyful 23 duì 123.75 to 129.375
15 Humbleness 56 qiān 309.375 to 315 ~ 10 Fulfillment 24 129.375 to 135
12 Hindrance 57 315 to 320.625 ~ 11 Advance 25 tài 135 to 140.625
45 Bringing Together 58 cuì 320.625 to 326.25 ~ 26 Great Accumulation 26 dà chù 大畜 140.625 to 146.25
35 Proceeding Forward 59 jìn 326.25 to 331.875 ~ 05 Needing 27 146.25 to 151.875
16 Delight 60 331.875 to 337.5 ~ 09 Little Accumulation 28 xiǎo chù 小畜 151.875 to 157.5
20 Watching 61 guān 337.5 to 343.125 ~ 34 Great Strength 29 dà zhuàng 大壮 157.5 to 163.125
08 Union 62 343.125 to 348.75 ~ 14 Great Harvest 30 dà yǒu 大有 163.125 to 168.75
23 Falling Away 63 348.75 to 354.375 ~ 43 Eliminating 31 guài 168.75 to 174.375
02 Responding 64 kūn 354.375 to 360 ~ 01 Initiating 32 qián 174.375 to 180