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Feng Shui/Setting Up A Geomantic Chart/Facing Palace

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Feng Shui | Flying Star | Geomantic Chart | Facing Palace | Facing Stars | Mountain Stars | Earth Base | 24 Mountains | Aquarium | Substitute Star | Xuan Kong Da Gua | Bazi & YiChing | Compass Location | 64 Hexagrams | River Map | 10-Combo | 1-Gua

The Facing Palace is determined by the facing direction of the house.

For example, for a house built during Period 6, and facing the direction "Wu", we look at the Period 6 chart, and look for "Wu" in the Inner Ring. In this case, "Wu" is found to be item (2) under 9-Purple, and if we move out from this Inner Ring to item (2) in the Outer Ring, we find "Tzu" which is under 1-White. Extracting the number 1 from 1-White, we look for Earth Base 1 in the Geomantic Chart, and this is the Facing Palace of the house.

The Period 6 Chart is reproduced below for ease of reference:

Outer Ring Inner Ring Center Inner Ring Outer Ring
  1. Chou (Yang)
  2. Ken (Yin)
  3. Yin (Yin)
  1. Keng (Yin)
  2. Yu (Yang)
  3. Hsin (Yang)
P6 3-Jade
  1. Chia (Yin)
  2. Mao (Yang)
  3. I (Yang)
  1. Chen (Yang)
  2. Sun (Yin)
  3. Ssu (Yin)
  1. Keng (Yin)
  2. Yu (Yang)
  3. Hsin (Yang)
  1. Hsu (Yang)
  2. Chien (Yin)
  3. Hai (Yin)
P6 4-Green
  1. Chen (Yang)
  2. Sun (Yin)
  3. Ssu (Yin)
  1. Chi (Yang)
  2. Wu (Yin)
  3. Wu (Yin)
  1. Wei (Yang)
  2. Kun (Yin)
  3. Shen (Yin)
  1. Jen (Yin)
  2. Tzu (Yang)
  3. Kuei (Yang)
P6 9-Purple
  1. Ping (Yin)
  2. Wu (Yang)
  3. Ting (Yang)
  1. Jen (Yin)
  2. Tzu (Yang)
  3. Kuei (Yang)
  1. Ping (Yin)
  2. Wu (Yang)
  3. Ting (Yang)
  1. Chou (Yang)
  2. Ken (Yin)
  3. Yin (Yin)
P6 2-Black
  1. Wei (Yang)
  2. Kun (Yin)
  3. Shen (Yin)
  1. Chia (Yin)
  2. Mao (Yang)
  3. I (Yang)

On the opposite side of the Geomantic Chart is the Tzu Mountain, and this is the Sitting Direction (or Palace) of the house, as shown below:

~ Wu Facing
(Facing Palace)
5 (1, 2) 1 (6, 6) 3 (8, 4)
4 (9, 3) 6 (2, 1) 8 (4, 8)
9 (5, 7) 2 (7, 5) 7 (3, 9)
~ Tzu Mountain ~

Note: The Mountain and Facing Stars are enclosed within brackets. For example, in the above chart "5 (1, 2)" means that in that Palace, the Earth Base is 5, the Mountain Star is 1, and the Facing Star is 2.

In the traditional format, the table is formatted as follows (where the Mountain Star is represented as a superscript on the left-hand side of the Earth Base, and the Facing Star is the superscript on the right-hand side of the Earth Base):

~ Wu Facing
(Facing Palace)
152 616 834
943 261 488
597 725 379
~ Tzu Mountain ~