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Feng Shui/Xuan Kong Da Gua/Relationship With Ba Zi And I Ching

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Feng Shui | Flying Star | Geomantic Chart | Facing Palace | Facing Stars | Mountain Stars | Earth Base | 24 Mountains | Aquarium | Substitute Star | Xuan Kong Da Gua | Bazi & YiChing | Compass Location | 64 Hexagrams | River Map | 10-Combo | 1-Gua

The hexagrams (Gua) used in Xuan Kong Da Gua are the same as those of I Ching. In addition, each of these hexagrams are related to the Heavenly Stems and Earthly Branches of Ba Zi, as shown in the table below:

H_E Elem:Elem Elem:Animal R Stem &
Pinyin Gua
64 Da Gua
H1_E7 YangWood::YangFire YangWood::Horse G1 甲午 jiǎ_wǔ 9 天风姤 8
H1_E7 YangWood::YangFire YangWood::Horse G1 甲午 jiǎ_wǔ 9 乾为天 1
H2_E8 YinWood::YinEarth YinWood::Goat G2 乙未 yǐ_wèi 7 水风井 6
H3_E9 YangFire::YangMetal YangFire::Monkey G3 丙申 bǐng_shēn 8 雷水解 4
H4_E10 YinFire::YinMetal YinFire::Rooster G4 丁酉 dīng_yǒu 4 泽山咸 9
H5_E11 YangEarth::YangEarth YangEarth::Dog G5 戊戌 wù_xū 1 地山谦 6
H6_E12 YinEarth::YinWater YinEarth::Pig G6 己亥 jǐ_hài 2 风地观 2
H7_E1 YangMetal::YangWater YangMetal::Rat G7 庚子 gēng_zǐ 2 风雷益 9
H8_E2 YinMetal::YinEarth YinMetal::Ox G8 辛丑 xīn_chǒu 1 地火明夷 3
H9_E3 YangWater::YangWood YangWater::Tiger G9 壬寅 rén_yín 9 天火同人 7
H10_E4 YinWater::YinWood YinWater::Rabbit G10 癸卯 guǐ_mǎo 8 雷泽归妹 7
* *
H1_E5 YangWood::YangEarth YangWood::Dragon G11 甲辰 jiǎ_chén 3 火泽睽 2
H2_E6 YinWood::YinFire YinWood::Snake G12 乙巳 yǐ_sì 7 水天需 3
H3_E7 YangFire::YangFire YangFire::Horse G13 丙午 bǐng_wǔ 4 泽风大过 3
H4_E8 YinFire::YinEarth YinFire::Goat G14 丁未 dīng_wèi 6 山风蛊 7
H5_E9 YangEarth::YangMetal YangEarth::Monkey G15 戊申 wù_shēn 2 风水涣 6
H6_E10 YinEarth::YinMetal YinEarth::Rooster G16 己酉 jǐ_yǒu 3 火山旅 8
H7_E11 YangMetal::YangEarth YangMetal::Dog G17 庚戌 gēng_xū 9 天地否 9
H8_E12 YinMetal::YinWater YinMetal::Pig G18 辛亥 xīn_hài 7 水地比 7
H9_E1 YangWater::YangWater YangWater::Rat G19 壬子 rén_zǐ 8 震为雷 1
H10_E2 YinWater::YinEarth YinWater::Ox G20 癸丑 guǐ_chǒu 6 山火贲 8
* *
H1_E3 YangWood::YangWood YangWood::Tiger G21 甲寅 jiǎ_yín 7 水火既济 9
H2_E4 YinWood::YinWood YinWood::Rabbit G22 乙卯 yǐ_mǎo 1 地泽临 4
H3_E5 YangFire::YangEarth YangFire::Dragon G23 丙辰 bǐng_chén 4 兑为泽 1
H4_E6 YinFire::YinFire YinFire::Snake G24 丁巳 dīng_sì 2 风天小畜 8
H5_E7 YangEarth::YangFire YangEarth::Horse G25 戊午 wù_wǔ 3 火风鼎 4
H6_E8 YinEarth::YinEarth YinEarth::Goat G26 己未 jǐ_wèi 1 地风升 2
H7_E9 YangMetal::YangMetal YangMetal::Monkey G27 庚申 gēng_shēn 6 山水蒙 2
H7_E9 YangMetal::YangMetal YangMetal::Monkey G27 庚申 gēng_shēn 7 坎为水 1
H8_E10 YinMetal::YinMetal YinMetal::Rooster G28 辛酉 xīn_yǒu 8 雷山小过 3
H9_E11 YangWater::YangEarth YangWater::Dog G29 壬戌 rén_xū 4 泽地萃 4
H10_E12 YinWater::YinWater YinWater::Pig G30 癸亥 guǐ_hài 6 山地剥 6
* *
H1_E1 YangWood::YangWater YangWood::Rat G31 甲子 jiǎ_zǐ 1 地雷复 8
H1_E1 YangWood::YangWater YangWood::Rat G31 甲子 jiǎ_zǐ 1 坤为地 1
H2_E2 YinWood::YinEarth YinWood::Ox G32 乙丑 yǐ_chǒu 3 火雷噬嗑 6
H3_E3 YangFire::YangWood YangFire::Tiger G33 丙寅 bǐng_yín 2 风火家人 4
H4_E4 YinFire::YinWood YinFire::Rabbit G34 丁卯 dīng_mǎo 6 山泽损 9
H5_E5 YangEarth::YangEarth YangEarth::Dragon G35 戊辰 wù_chén 9 天泽履 6
H6_E6 YinEarth::YinFire YinEarth::Snake G36 己巳 jǐ_sì 8 雷天大壮 2
H7_E7 YangMetal::YangFire YangMetal::Horse G37 庚午 gēng_wǔ 8 雷风恒 9
H8_E8 YinMetal::YinEarth YinMetal::Goat G38 辛未 xīn_wèi 9 天水讼 3
H9_E9 YangWater::YangMetal YangWater::Monkey G39 壬申 rén_shēn 1 地水师 7
H10_E10 YinWater::YinMetal YinWater::Rooster G40 癸酉 guǐ_yǒu 2 风山渐 7
* *
H1_E11 YangWood::YangEarth YangWood::Dog G41 甲戌 jiǎ_xū 7 水山蹇 2
H2_E12 YinWood::YinWater YinWood::Pig G42 乙亥 yǐ_hài 3 火地晋 3
H3_E1 YangFire::YangWater YangFire::Rat G43 丙子 bǐng_zǐ 6 山雷颐 3
H4_E2 YinFire::YinEarth YinFire::Ox G44 丁丑 dīng_chǒu 4 泽雷随 7
H5_E3 YangEarth::YangWood YangEarth::Tiger G45 戊寅 wù_yín 8 雷火丰 6
H6_E4 YinEarth::YinWood YinEarth::Rabbit G46 己卯 jǐ_mǎo 7 水泽节 8
H7_E5 YangMetal::YangEarth YangMetal::Dragon G47 庚辰 gēng_chén 1 地天泰 9
H8_E6 YinMetal::YinFire YinMetal::Snake G48 辛巳 xīn_sì 3 火天大有 7
H9_E7 YangWater::YangFire YangWater::Horse G49 壬午 rén_wǔ 2 巽为风 1
H10_E8 YinWater::YinEarth YinWater::Goat G50 癸未 guǐ_wèi 4 泽水困 8
* *
H1_E9 YangWood::YangMetal YangWood::Monkey G51 甲申 jiǎ_shēn 3 水火未济 9
H2_E10 YinWood::YinMetal YinWood::Rooster G52 乙酉 yǐ_yǒu 9 天山遯 4
H3_E11 YangFire::YangEarth YangFire::Dog G53 丙戌 bǐng_xū 6 艮为山 1
H4_E12 YinFire::YinWater YinFire::Pig G54 丁亥 dīng_hài 8 雷地豫 8
H5_E1 YangEarth::YangWater YangEarth::Rat G55 戊子 wù_zǐ 7 水雷屯 4
H6_E2 YinEarth::YinEarth YinEarth::Ox G56 己丑 jǐ_chǒu 9 天雷无妄 2
H7_E3 YangMetal::YangWood YangMetal::Tiger G57 庚寅 gēng_yín 4 泽火革 2
H7_E3 YangMetal::YangWood YangMetal::Tiger G57 庚寅 gēng_yín 3 离为火 1
H8_E4 YinMetal::YinWood YinMetal::Rabbit G58 辛卯 xīn_mǎo 2 风泽中孚 3
H9_E5 YangWater::YangEarth YangWater::Dragon G59 壬辰 rén_chén 6 山天大畜 4
H10_E6 YinWater::YinFire YinWater::Snake G60 癸巳 guǐ_sì 4 风天夬 6


  1. The "H_E" column represents the numbering system used for the Heavenly Stems (H) and the Earthly Branches (E) in Ba Zi
  2. The "Elem:Elem" and "Elem:Animal" columns represent the Elements and Animal Signs used in Ba Zi
  3. The "R" column is simply a sequential numbering of the rows, with no further significance
  4. The "Stem & Branch" column represents the Heavenly Stems and the Earthly Branches in Ba Zi
  5. The "Pinyin" column represents the transliteration or pronunciation guide of the Chinese characters
  6. The "64 Da Gua" column gives the names of the hexagrams as used in Feng Shui. These names are designed to aid human memory in recalling each Gua. These names contain built-in redundancies (which are basically the names of the top and bottom trigrams) that are absent in the names of the hexagrams as used in I Ching.
  7. As there are 64 hexagrams (Gua) and only 60 combinations of Heavenly Stems and Earthly Branches, a one-to-one match is not possible. To obtain a match with the 64 hexagrams, 4 pairs of Heavenly Stems and Earthly Branches are repeated. These four repeated pairs are marked by underlining the "GN" and "Pinyin" values in the above table, namely G1, G27, G31 and G57.

Combined Table

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The table below combines the above table with the Sector directions in a Luopan. The acronyms used in the title of the columns are:

  1. The "H_E" column represents the numbering system used for the Heavenly Stems (H) and the Earthly Branches (E) in Ba Zi
  2. The "R" column is simply a sequential numbering of the rows, with no further significance
  3. The "Stem & Branch" column represents the Heavenly Stems and the Earthly Branches in Ba Zi
  4. The "Pinyin" column represents the transliteration or pronunciation guide of the Chinese characters
  5. The "64 Da Gua" column gives the names of the hexagrams as used in Feng Shui. These names contain both the names of the top and bottom trigrams.
  6. "GN" represents the Gua Number of a hexagram
  7. "Gua" is the hexagram itself
  8. "English" is the translation of the name of the hexagram
  9. "CN" is the order (Circular Number) of the hexagram, starting from 0 degrees to 360 degrees, on the concentric circle that lists the hexagrams on the Luopan.
  10. "Pinyin" is the transliteration of the Chinese name of the hexagram
  11. "SC" is the name of the hexagram in Simplified Chinese
  12. "Sector" is the sector, measured in degrees from North in a clockwise direction, where the hexagram is found on the concentric circle that lists the hexagrams on the Luopan
  13. "TC" is the name of the hexagram in Traditional Chinese
  14. "Binary Rep." is the binary representation of a Gua, where "1" represents a Yang line (an unbroken line) and "0" represents a Yin line (a broken line). A line is called a "Yao" in Chinese.
  15. "GR" is the group under which a hexagram belongs. There are a total of eight groups/trigrams. Hexagrams are grouped by their respective lower trigram. These trigrams are also used in the I Ching, where Zhen represents Thunder, Qian represents Heaven, Kun represents Earth, etc.
H_E R Stem &
Pinyin Gua Qi
64 Da Gua
Gua Yun
GN Gua English CN Pinyin SC Sector
TC Binary GR
H1_E7 R01 甲午 jiǎ_wǔ 9 天风姤 8 44 Encountering 33 gòu 180 to 185.625 111110 Xun
H1_E7 R01 甲午 jiǎ_wǔ 9 乾为天 1 01 Initiating 32 qián 174.375 to 180 111111 Qian
H2_E8 R02 乙未 yǐ_wèi 7 水风井 6 48 Replenishing 38 jǐng 208.125 to 213.75 010110 Xun
H3_E9 R03 丙申 bǐng_shēn 8 雷水解 4 40 Relief 44 xiè 241.875 to 247.5 001010 Kan
H4_E10 R04 丁酉 dīng_yǒu 4 泽山咸 9 31 Mutual Influence 50 xián 275.625 to 281.25 011100 Gen
H5_E11 R05 戊戌 wù_xū 1 地山谦 6 15 Humbleness 56 qiān 309.375 to 315 000100 Gen
H6_E12 R06 己亥 jǐ_hài 2 风地观 2 20 Watching 61 guān 337.5 to 343.125 110000 Kun
H7_E1 R07 庚子 gēng_zǐ 2 风雷益 9 42 Increasing 04 16.875 to 22.5 110001 Zhen
H8_E2 R08 辛丑 xīn_chǒu 1 地火明夷 3 36 Brilliance Injured 09 míng yí 明夷 45 to 50.625 明夷 000101 Li
H9_E3 R09 壬寅 rén_yín 9 天火同人 7 13 Seeking Harmony 16 tóng rén 同人 84.375 to 90 同人 111101 Li
H10_E4 R10 癸卯 guǐ_mǎo 8 雷泽归妹 7 54 Marrying Maiden 21 guī mèi 归妹 112.5 to 118.125 歸妹 001011 Dui
* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *
H1_E5 R11 甲辰 jiǎ_chén 3 火泽睽 2 38 Diversity 22 kuí 118.125 to 123.75 101011 Dui
H2_E6 R12 乙巳 yǐ_sì 7 水天需 3 05 Needing 27 146.25 to 151.875 010111 Qian
H3_E7 R13 丙午 bǐng_wǔ 4 泽风大过 3 28 Great Exceeding 34 dà guò 大过 185.625 to 191.25 大過 011110 Xun
H4_E8 R14 丁未 dīng_wèi 6 山风蛊 7 18 Remedying 39 213.75 to 219.375 100110 Xun
H5_E9 R15 戊申 wù_shēn 2 风水涣 6 59 Dispersing 45 huàn 247.5 to 253.125 110010 Kan
H6_E10 R16 己酉 jǐ_yǒu 3 火山旅 8 56 Travelling 51 281.25 to 286.875 101100 Gen
H7_E11 R17 庚戌 gēng_xū 9 天地否 9 12 Hindrance 57 315 to 320.625 111000 Kun
H8_E12 R18 辛亥 xīn_hài 7 水地比 7 08 Union 62 343.125 to 348.75 010000 Kun
H9_E1 R19 壬子 rén_zǐ 8 震为雷 1 51 Taking Action 05 zhèn 22.5 to 28.125 001001 Zhen
H10_E2 R20 癸丑 guǐ_chǒu 6 山火贲 8 22 Adorning 10 50.625 to 56.25 100101 Li
* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *
H1_E3 R21 甲寅 jiǎ_yín 7 水火既济 9 63 Already Fulfilled 11 jì jì 既济 56.25 to 61.875 既濟 010101 Li
H2_E4 R22 乙卯 yǐ_mǎo 1 地泽临 4 19 Approaching 17 lín 90 to 95.625 000011 Dui
H3_E5 R23 丙辰 bǐng_chén 4 兑为泽 1 58 Joyful 23 duì 123.75 to 129.375 011011 Dui
H4_E6 R24 丁巳 dīng_sì 2 风天小畜 8 09 Little Accumulation 28 xiǎo chù 小畜 151.875 to 157.5 小畜 110111 Qian
H5_E7 R25 戊午 wù_wǔ 3 火风鼎 4 50 Establishing The New 35 dǐng 191.25 to 196.875 101110 Xun
H6_E8 R26 己未 jǐ_wèi 1 地风升 2 46 Growing Upward 40 ((shēng)) 219.375 to 225 000110 Xun
H7_E9 R27 庚申 gēng_shēn 6 山水蒙 2 04 Childhood 47 méng 258.75 to 264.375 100010 Kan
H7_E9 R27 庚申 gēng_shēn 7 坎为水 1 29 Darkness 46 kǎn 253.125 to 258.75 010010 Kan
H8_E10 R28 辛酉 xīn_yǒu 8 雷山小过 3 62 Little Exceeding 52 xiǎo guò 小过 286.875 to 292.5 小過 001100 Gen
H9_E11 R29 壬戌 rén_xū 4 泽地萃 4 45 Bringing Together 58 cuì 320.625 to 326.25 011000 Kun
H10_E12 R30 癸亥 guǐ_hài 6 山地剥 6 23 Falling Away 63 348.75 to 354.375 100000 Kun
* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *
H1_E1 R31 甲子 jiǎ_zǐ 1 地雷复 8 24 Turning Back 01 0 to 5.625 000001 Zhen
H1_E1 R31 甲子 jiǎ_zǐ 1 坤为地 1 02 Responding 64 kūn 354.375 to 360 000000 Kun
H2_E2 R32 乙丑 yǐ_chǒu 3 火雷噬嗑 6 21 Eradicating 06 shì kè 噬嗑 28.125 to 33.75 噬嗑 101001 Zhen
H3_E3 R33 丙寅 bǐng_yín 2 风火家人 4 37 Household 12 jiā rén 家人 61.875 to 67.5 家人 110101 Li
H4_E4 R34 丁卯 dīng_mǎo 6 山泽损 9 41 Decreasing 18 sǔn 95.625 to 101.25 100011 Dui
H5_E5 R35 戊辰 wù_chén 9 天泽履 6 10 Fulfillment 24 129.375 to 135 111011 Dui
H6_E6 R36 己巳 jǐ_sì 8 雷天大壮 2 34 Great Strength 29 ((dà zhuàng)) 大壮 157.5 to 163.125 大壯 001111 Qian
H7_E7 R37 庚午 gēng_wǔ 8 雷风恒 9 32 Long Lasting 36 héng 196.875 to 202.5 001110 Xun
H8_E8 R38 辛未 xīn_wèi 9 天水讼 3 06 Contention 41 sòng 225 to 230.625 111010 Kan
H9_E9 R39 壬申 rén_shēn 1 地水师 7 07 Multitude 48 shī 264.375 to 270 000010 Kan
H10_E10 R40 癸酉 guǐ_yǒu 2 风山渐 7 53 Developing Gradually 53 jiàn 292.5 to 298.125 110100 Gen
* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *
H1_E11 R41 甲戌 jiǎ_xū 7 水山蹇 2 39 Hardship 54 jiǎn 298.125 to 303.75 010100 Gen
H2_E12 R42 乙亥 yǐ_hài 3 火地晋 3 35 Proceeding Forward 59 jìn 326.25 to 331.875 101000 Kun
H3_E1 R43 丙子 bǐng_zǐ 6 山雷颐 3 27 Nourishing 02 5.625 to 11.25 100001 Zhen
H4_E2 R44 丁丑 dīng_chǒu 4 泽雷随 7 17 Following 07 suí 33.75 to 39.375 011001 Zhen
H5_E3 R45 戊寅 wù_yín 8 雷火丰 6 55 Abundance 13 fēng 67.5 to 73.125 001101 Li
H6_E4 R46 己卯 jǐ_mǎo 7 水泽节 8 60 Restricting 19 ((jié)) 101.25 to 106.875 010011 Dui
H7_E5 R47 庚辰 gēng_chén 1 地天泰 9 11 Advance 25 tài 135 to 140.625 000111 Qian
H8_E6 R48 辛巳 xīn_sì 3 火天大有 7 14 Great Harvest 30 dà yǒu 大有 163.125 to 168.75 大有 101111 Qian
H9_E7 R49 壬午 rén_wǔ 2 巽为风 1 57 Proceeding Humbly 37 xùn 202.5 to 208.125 110110 Xun
H10_E8 R50 癸未 guǐ_wèi 4 泽水困 8 47 Exhausting 42 kùn 230.625 to 236.25 011010 Kan
* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *
H1_E9 R51 甲申 jiǎ_shēn 3 水火未济 9 64 ䷿ Not Yet Fulfilled 43 wèi jì 未济 236.25 to 241.875 未濟 101010 Kan
H2_E10 R52 乙酉 yǐ_yǒu 9 天山遯 4 33 Retreat 49 dùn 270 to 275.625 111100 Gen
H3_E11 R53 丙戌 bǐng_xū 6 艮为山 1 52 Keeping Still 55 gèn 303.75 to 309.375 100100 Gen
H4_E12 R54 丁亥 dīng_hài 8 雷地豫 8 16 Delight 60 331.875 to 337.5 001000 Kun
H5_E1 R55 戊子 wù_zǐ 7 水雷屯 4 03 Beginning 03 zhūn 11.25 to 16.875 10001 Zhen
H6_E2 R56 己丑 jǐ_chǒu 9 天雷无妄 2 25 Without Falsehood 08 ((wú wàng)) 无妄 39.375 to 45 無妄 111001 Zhen
H7_E3 R57 庚寅 gēng_yín 4 泽火革 2 49 Abolishing The Old 15 78.75 to 84.375 011101 Li
H7_E3 R57 庚寅 gēng_yín 3 离为火 1 30 Brightness 14 73.125 to 78.75 101101 Li
H8_E4 R58 辛卯 xīn_mǎo 2 风泽中孚 3 61 Innermost Sincerity 20 zhōng fú 中孚 106.875 to 112.5 中孚 110011 Dui
H9_E5 R59 壬辰 rén_chén 6 山天大畜 4 26 Great Accumulation 26 dà chù 大畜 140.625 to 146.25 大畜 100111 Qian
H10_E6 R60 癸巳 guǐ_sì 4 泽天夬 6 43 Eliminating 31 guài 168.75 to 174.375 011111 Qian