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From Wikibooks, open books for an open world
- Introduction
- Different Types of Data
- Methods of Data Collection
- Data Analysis
- Summary Statistics
- Displaying Data
- Probability
- Distributions
- Testing Statistical Hypothesis
- Purpose of Statistical Tests
- Formalism Used
- Different Types of Tests
- z Test for a Single Mean
- z Test for Two Means
- t Test for a single mean
- t Test for Two Means
- paired t Test for comparing Means
- One-Way ANOVA F Test
- z Test for a Single Proportion
- z Test for Two Proportions
- Testing whether Proportion A Is Greater than Proportion B in Microsoft Excel
- Spearman's Rank Coefficient
- Pearson's Product Moment Correlation Coefficient
- Chi-Squared Tests
- Approximations of distributions
- Point Estimates
(12:07, 28 March 2007 (UTC))
- Unbiasedness
- Measures of goodness
- Completeness
- Sufficiency and Minimal Sufficiency
- Ancillarity
- Practice Problems
- Numerical Methods
- Time Series Analysis
- Multivariate Data Analysis
- Analysis of Specific Datasets
- Appendix
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