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Feng Shui/Flying Star Feng Shui/Period 6

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Period Six

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In traditional Feng Shui, the Period is normally depicted as a circle in order for it to be used to construct the Nine Palaces Chart. As given below, the circle for Period 6 has been transposed into tabular form which can just as easily be used to construct the required charts for use in Feng Shui.

The first and last columns in the table below are called "Outer Ring" because they are seen in the outermost ring of a Feng Shui circular chart. In tabular format, there are two columns for "Outer Ring", although in a circular format it is actually only one ring. This is because the first column represents what we see on one side of the circle, whilst the last column represents what is diagonally opposite on the other side of the circle.

The "Inner Ring" represents the second ring from the outermost ring. Again, although it is shown as two columns, the Inner Ring consists of only one continuous ring in circular format. The "Center" column gives the Period number. In this instance, P6 represents Period Six.

Outer Ring Inner Ring Center Inner Ring Outer Ring
  1. Chou (-)
  2. Ken (+)
  3. Yin (+)
  1. Keng (+)
  2. Yu (-)
  3. Hsin (-)
P6 3-Jade
  1. Chia (+)
  2. Mao (-)
  3. I (-)
  1. Chen (-)
  2. Sun (+)
  3. Ssu (+)
  1. Keng (+)
  2. Yu (-)
  3. Hsin (-)
  1. Hsu (-)
  2. Chien (+)
  3. Hai (+)
P6 4-Green
  1. Chen (-)
  2. Sun (+)
  3. Ssu (+)
  1. Chi (-)
  2. Wu (+)
  3. Wu (+)
  1. Wei (-)
  2. Kun (+)
  3. Shen (+)
  1. Jen (+)
  2. Tzu (-)
  3. Kuei (-)
P6 9-Purple
  1. Ping (+)
  2. Wu (-)
  3. Ting (-)
  1. Jen (+)
  2. Tzu (-)
  3. Kuei (-)
  1. Ping (+)
  2. Wu (-)
  3. Ting (-)
  1. Chou (-)
  2. Ken (+)
  3. Yin (+)
P6 2-Black
  1. Wei (-)
  2. Kun (+)
  3. Shen (+)
  1. Chia (+)
  2. Mao (-)
  3. I (-)


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The term "Period" is also known as the "Age", and the term "Mountain Direction" is also known as the "Sitting Direction".

Grid Directions

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In a Flying Star Chart, the term "NORTH" includes N1, N2 and N3 (North 1, North 2 and North 3), and "SOUTHWEST" includes SW1, SW2 and SW3, etc. Each of the 8 main directions (N, S, E, W, NE, SE, NW, and SW) has 3 sub-divisions, resulting in a total of 24 sectors, and these are known as the "24 Mountains". In plotting a Flying Star Chart, each set of 3 sub-divisions is subsumed under one of the 8 main directions. However, the resultant charts are different for different sectors of the same main direction. For example, it is apparent that the Flying Star Chart of [W1-E1] is different from that of [W2-E2].

(of a

The directions of the grids in each Flying Star Chart are found in the above table. For example, for Direction [W1-E1] of the Original Flying Star Chart in Period 6, the stars in the West (direction) are 682. This means that a room in the West of the house/property has the stars 682. Similarly, a room in the South of the same property has the stars 419.

In every Flying Star Chart on this page (and in this book), the South↑ is always on top, and the North is always at the bottom of a grid. In Chinese, a magnetic compass is known as a "South Pointing Needle" (指南针). As a matter of perspective, this may help explain why a Nine-Palace Chart is always drawn with the South (direction) on top. A typical way to use a Nine-Palace Chart (aka Flying Star Chart) is to align the southerly direction and superimpose it onto the architectural plan of a house or property.

Direction W1-E1

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The Flying Star Chart for Period=6, Mountain Direction=W1 , and Facing Direction=E1

955 419 237
146 864 682
591 328 773

Direction W2-E2

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The Flying Star Chart for Period=6, Mountain Direction=W2 , and Facing Direction=E2

753 318 531
642 864 186
297 429 975

Direction W3-E3

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The Flying Star Chart for Period=6, Mountain Direction=W3 , and Facing Direction=E3

753 318 531
642 864 186
297 429 975

Direction NW1-SE1

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The Flying Star Chart for Period=6, Mountain Direction=NW1, and Facing Direction=SE1

656 211 438
547 765 983
192 329 874

Direction NW2-SE2

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The Flying Star Chart for Period=6, Mountain Direction=NW2, and Facing Direction=SE2

854 319 132
943 765 587
498 221 676

Direction NW3-SE3

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The Flying Star Chart for Period=6, Mountain Direction=NW3, and Facing Direction=SE3

854 319 132
943 765 587
498 221 676

Direction N1-S1

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The Flying Star Chart for Period=6, Mountain Direction=N1 , and Facing Direction=S1

359 715 537
448 261 983
894 626 172

Direction N2-S2

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The Flying Star Chart for Period=6, Mountain Direction=N2 , and Facing Direction=S2

152 616 834
943 261 488
597 725 379

Direction N3-S3

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The Flying Star Chart for Period=6, Mountain Direction=N3 , and Facing Direction=S3

152 616 834
943 261 488
597 725 379

Direction NE1-SW1

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The Flying Star Chart for Period=6, Mountain Direction=NE1, and Facing Direction=SW1

852 417 639
741 963 285
396 528 174

Direction NE2-SW2

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The Flying Star Chart for Period=6, Mountain Direction=NE2, and Facing Direction=SW2

154 518 336
245 963 781
699 427 872

Direction NE3-SW3

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The Flying Star Chart for Period=6, Mountain Direction=NE3, and Facing Direction=SW3

154 518 336
245 963 781
699 427 872

Direction E1-W1

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The Flying Star Chart for Period=6, Mountain Direction=E1 , and Facing Direction=W1 :

559 914 732
641 468 286
195 823 377

Direction E2-W2

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The Flying Star Chart for Period=6, Mountain Direction=E2 , and Facing Direction=W2 :

357 813 135
246 468 681
792 924 579

Direction E3-W3

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The Flying Star Chart for Period=6, Mountain Direction=E3 , and Facing Direction=W3 :

357 813 135
246 468 681
792 924 579

Direction SE1-NW1

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The Flying Star Chart for Period=6, Mountain Direction=SE1, and Facing Direction=NW1:

656 112 834
745 567 389
291 923 478

Direction SE2-NW2

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The Flying Star Chart for Period=6, Mountain Direction=SE2, and Facing Direction=NW2:

458 913 231
349 567 785
894 122 676

Direction SE3-NW3

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The Flying Star Chart for Period=6, Mountain Direction=SE3, and Facing Direction=NW3:

458 913 231
349 567 785
894 122 676

Direction S1-N1

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The Flying Star Chart for Period=6, Mountain Direction=S1 , and Facing Direction=N1 :

953 517 735
844 162 389
498 626 271

Direction S2-N2

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The Flying Star Chart for Period=6, Mountain Direction=S2 , and Facing Direction=N2 :

251 616 438
349 162 884
795 527 973

Direction S3-N3

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The Flying Star Chart for Period=6, Mountain Direction=S3 , and Facing Direction=N3 :

251 616 438
349 162 884
795 527 973

Direction SW1-NE1

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The Flying Star Chart for Period=6, Mountain Direction=SW1, and Facing Direction=NE1:

258 714 936
147 369 582
693 825 471

Direction SW2-NE2

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The Flying Star Chart for Period=6, Mountain Direction=SW2, and Facing Direction=NE2:

451 815 633
542 369 187
996 724 278

Direction SW3-NE3

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The Flying Star Chart for Period=6, Mountain Direction=SW3, and Facing Direction=NE3:

451 815 633
542 369 187
996 724 278