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Feng Shui/Substitute Star/Substitute Stars Of Period 4

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The Substitute Stars of Period 4 (also known as Age 4) are given on this page.

Grid Directions

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In a Flying Star Chart, the term "NORTH" includes N1, N2 and N3 (North 1, North 2 and North 3), and "WEST" includes W1, W2 and W3, etc. Each of the 8 main directions (N, S, E, W, NE, SE, NW, and SW) has 3 sub-divisions, resulting in a total of 24 sectors, and these are known as the "24 Mountains". In plotting a Flying Star Chart, each set of 3 sub-divisions is subsumed into one of the 8 main directions. However, the resultant charts are different for different sectors of the same main direction. For example, it is apparent that the Flying Star Chart of [W1-E1] is different from that of [W2-E2].

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The directions of the grids in each Flying Star Chart are found in the above table. For example, for Direction W1-E1 of the Original Flying Star Chart in Period 4, the stars in the West direction are 469. This means that a room in the West of the house/property has the stars 469. Similarly, a room in the South of the same property has the stars 287. For Direction W1-E1 of the Substitute Flying Star Chart in the same Period/Age, the stars in the West direction are 469, and the stars in the North direction are 196.

In every Flying Star Chart on this page (and in this book), the South is always on top, and the North is always at the bottom of a grid. In Chinese, a magnetic compass is known as a "South Pointing Needle" (指南针). As a matter of perspective, this may help explain why a Nine-Palace Chart is always drawn with the South direction on top. A typical way to use a Nine-Palace Chart (aka Flying Star Chart) is to align the South direction and superimpose it onto the architectural plan of a house or property.

Original Flying Star Chart [W1-E1]

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The Original Flying Star Chart for Period=4, Mountain Direction=W1, and Facing Direction=E1

733 287 915
824 642 469
378 196 551

Substitute Flying Star Chart [W1-E1]

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The Substitute Flying Star Chart for Period=4, Mountain Direction=W1, and Facing Direction=E1

733 287 915
824 642 469
378 196 551

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Original Flying Star Chart [W2-E2]

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The Original Flying Star Chart for Period=4, Mountain Direction=W2, and Facing Direction=E2

531 186 318
429 642 864
975 297 753

Substitute Flying Star Chart [W2-E2]

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The Substitute Flying Star Chart for Period=4, Mountain Direction=W2, and Facing Direction=E2

531 186 318
429 642 864
975 297 753

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Original Flying Star Chart [W3-E3]

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The Original Flying Star Chart for Period=4, Mountain Direction=W3, and Facing Direction=E3

531 186 318
429 642 864
975 297 753

Substitute Flying Star Chart [W3-E3]

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The Substitute Flying Star Chart for Period=4, Mountain Direction=W3, and Facing Direction=E3

539 185 317
428 641 863
974 296 752

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Original Flying Star Chart [NW1-SE1]

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The Original Flying Star Chart for Period=4, Mountain Direction=NW1, and Facing Direction=SE1

632 187 819
721 543 365
276 998 454

Substitute Flying Star Chart [NW1-SE1]

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The Substitute Flying Star Chart for Period=4, Mountain Direction=NW1, and Facing Direction=SE1

639 185 817
728 541 363
274 996 452

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Original Flying Star Chart [NW2-SE2]

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The Original Flying Star Chart for Period=4, Mountain Direction=NW2, and Facing Direction=SE2

434 988 216
325 543 761
879 197 652

Substitute Flying Star Chart [NW2-SE2]

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The Substitute Flying Star Chart for Period=4, Mountain Direction=NW2, and Facing Direction=SE2

433 987 215
324 542 769
878 196 651

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Original Flying Star Chart [NW3-SE3]

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The Original Flying Star Chart for Period=4, Mountain Direction=NW3, and Facing Direction=SE3

434 988 216
325 543 761
879 197 652

Substitute Flying Star Chart [NW3-SE3]

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The Substitute Flying Star Chart for Period=4, Mountain Direction=NW3, and Facing Direction=SE3

433 987 215
324 542 769
878 196 651

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Original Flying Star Chart [N1-S1]

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The Original Flying Star Chart for Period=4, Mountain Direction=N1, and Facing Direction=S1

839 484 612
721 948 266
375 593 157

Substitute Flying Star Chart [N1-S1]

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The Substitute Flying Star Chart for Period=4, Mountain Direction=N1, and Facing Direction=S1

638 283 411
529 747 965
174 392 856

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Original Flying Star Chart [N2-S2]

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The Original Flying Star Chart for Period=4, Mountain Direction=N2, and Facing Direction=S2

137 583 315
226 948 761
672 494 859

Substitute Flying Star Chart [N2-S2]

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The Substitute Flying Star Chart for Period=4, Mountain Direction=N2, and Facing Direction=S2

136 582 314
225 947 769
671 493 858

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Original Flying Star Chart [N3-S3]

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The Original Flying Star Chart for Period=4, Mountain Direction=N3, and Facing Direction=S3

137 583 315
226 948 761
672 494 859

Substitute Flying Star Chart [N3-S3]

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The Substitute Flying Star Chart for Period=4, Mountain Direction=N3, and Facing Direction=S3

138 584 316
227 949 762
673 495 851

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Original Flying Star Chart [NE1-SW1]

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The Original Flying Star Chart for Period=4, Mountain Direction=NE1, and Facing Direction=SW1

639 285 417
528 741 963
174 396 852

Substitute Flying Star Chart [NE1-SW1]

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The Substitute Flying Star Chart for Period=4, Mountain Direction=NE1, and Facing Direction=SW1

831 486 618
729 942 264
375 597 153

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Original Flying Star Chart [NE2-SW2]

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The Original Flying Star Chart for Period=4, Mountain Direction=NE2, and Facing Direction=SW2

832 386 114
923 741 568
477 295 659

Substitute Flying Star Chart [NE2-SW2]

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The Substitute Flying Star Chart for Period=4, Mountain Direction=NE2, and Facing Direction=SW2

832 386 114
923 741 568
477 295 659

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Original Flying Star Chart [NE3-SW3]

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The Original Flying Star Chart for Period=4, Mountain Direction=NE3, and Facing Direction=SW3

832 386 114
923 741 568
477 295 659

Substitute Flying Star Chart [NE3-SW3]

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The Substitute Flying Star Chart for Period=4, Mountain Direction=NE3, and Facing Direction=SW3

832 386 114
923 741 568
477 295 659

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Original Flying Star Chart [E1-W1]

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The Original Flying Star Chart for Period=4, Mountain Direction=E1, and Facing Direction=W1

337 782 519
428 246 964
873 691 155

Substitute Flying Star Chart [E1-W1]

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The Substitute Flying Star Chart for Period=4, Mountain Direction=E1, and Facing Direction=W1

337 782 519
428 246 964
873 691 155

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Original Flying Star Chart [E2-W2]

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The Original Flying Star Chart for Period=4, Mountain Direction=E2, and Facing Direction=W2

135 681 813
924 246 468
579 792 357

Substitute Flying Star Chart [E2-W2]

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The Substitute Flying Star Chart for Period=4, Mountain Direction=E2, and Facing Direction=W2

135 681 813
924 246 468
579 792 357

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Original Flying Star Chart [E3-W3]

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The Original Flying Star Chart for Period=4, Mountain Direction=E3, and Facing Direction=W3

135 681 813
924 246 468
579 792 357

Substitute Flying Star Chart [E3-W3]

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The Substitute Flying Star Chart for Period=4, Mountain Direction=E3, and Facing Direction=W3

935 581 713
824 146 368
479 692 257

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Original Flying Star Chart [SE1-NW1]

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The Original Flying Star Chart for Period=4, Mountain Direction=SE1, and Facing Direction=NW1

236 781 918
127 345 563
672 899 454

Substitute Flying Star Chart [SE1-NW1]

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The Substitute Flying Star Chart for Period=4, Mountain Direction=SE1, and Facing Direction=NW1

936 581 718
827 145 363
472 699 254

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Original Flying Star Chart [SE2-NW2]

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The Original Flying Star Chart for Period=4, Mountain Direction=SE2, and Facing Direction=NW2

434 889 612
523 345 167
978 791 256

Substitute Flying Star Chart [SE2-NW2]

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The Substitute Flying Star Chart for Period=4, Mountain Direction=SE2, and Facing Direction=NW2

334 789 512
423 245 967
878 691 156

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Original Flying Star Chart [SE3-NW3]

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The Original Flying Star Chart for Period=4, Mountain Direction=SE3, and Facing Direction=NW3

434 889 612
523 345 167
978 791 256

Substitute Flying Star Chart [SE3-NW3]

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The Substitute Flying Star Chart for Period=4, Mountain Direction=SE3, and Facing Direction=NW3

334 789 512
423 245 967
878 691 156

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Original Flying Star Chart [S1-N1]

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The Original Flying Star Chart for Period=4, Mountain Direction=S1, and Facing Direction=N1

938 484 216
127 849 662
573 395 751

Substitute Flying Star Chart [S1-N1]

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The Substitute Flying Star Chart for Period=4, Mountain Direction=S1, and Facing Direction=N1

836 382 114
925 747 569
471 293 658

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Original Flying Star Chart [S2-N2]

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The Original Flying Star Chart for Period=4, Mountain Direction=S2, and Facing Direction=N2

731 385 513
622 849 167
276 494 958

Substitute Flying Star Chart [S2-N2]

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The Substitute Flying Star Chart for Period=4, Mountain Direction=S2, and Facing Direction=N2

631 285 413
522 749 967
176 394 858

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Original Flying Star Chart [S3-N3]

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The Original Flying Star Chart for Period=4, Mountain Direction=S3, and Facing Direction=N3

731 385 513
622 849 167
276 494 958

Substitute Flying Star Chart [S3-N3]

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The Substitute Flying Star Chart for Period=4, Mountain Direction=S3, and Facing Direction=N3

831 485 613
722 949 267
376 594 158

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Original Flying Star Chart [SW1-NE1]

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The Original Flying Star Chart for Period=4, Mountain Direction=SW1, and Facing Direction=NE1

936 582 714
825 147 369
471 693 258

Substitute Flying Star Chart [SW1-NE1]

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The Substitute Flying Star Chart for Period=4, Mountain Direction=SW1, and Facing Direction=NE1

138 684 816
927 249 462
573 795 351

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Original Flying Star Chart [SW2-NE2]

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The Original Flying Star Chart for Period=4, Mountain Direction=SW2, and Facing Direction=NE2

238 683 411
329 147 865
774 592 956

Substitute Flying Star Chart [SW2-NE2]

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The Substitute Flying Star Chart for Period=4, Mountain Direction=SW2, and Facing Direction=NE2

238 683 411
329 147 865
774 592 956

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Original Flying Star Chart [SW3-NE3]

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The Original Flying Star Chart for Period=4, Mountain Direction=SW3, and Facing Direction=NE3

238 683 411
329 147 865
774 592 956

Substitute Flying Star Chart [SW3-NE3]

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The Substitute Flying Star Chart for Period=4, Mountain Direction=SW3, and Facing Direction=NE3

238 683 411
329 147 865
774 592 956

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