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Feng Shui/Substitute Star/Substitute Stars Of Period 6

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The Substitute Stars of Period 6 (also known as Age 6) are given on this page.

Grid Directions

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In a Flying Star Chart, the term "NORTH" includes N1, N2 and N3 (North 1, North 2 and North 3), and "SOUTHWEST" includes SW1, SW2 and SW3, etc. Each of the 8 main directions (N, S, E, W, NE, SE, NW, and SW) has 3 sub-divisions, resulting in a total of 24 sectors, and these are known as the "24 Mountains". In plotting a Flying Star Chart, each set of 3 sub-divisions is subsumed under one of the 8 main directions. However, the resultant charts are different for different sectors of the same main direction. For example, it is apparent that the Flying Star Chart of [W1-E1] is different from that of [W2-E2].

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The directions of the grids in each Flying Star Chart are found in the above table. For example, for Direction W1-E1 of the Original Flying Star Chart in Period 6, the stars in the West direction are 682. This means that a room in the West of the house/property has the stars 682. Similarly, a room in the South of the same property has the stars 419. For Direction W1-E1 of the Substitute Flying Star Chart in the same Period/Age, the stars in the West direction are 584, and a room in the North direction has the stars 221.

In every Flying Star Chart on this page (and in this book), the South↑ is always on top, and the North is always at the bottom of a grid. In Chinese, a magnetic compass is known as a "South Pointing Needle" (指南针). As a matter of perspective, this may help explain why a Nine-Palace Chart is always drawn with the South direction on top. A typical way to use a Nine-Palace Chart (aka Flying Star Chart) is to align the South direction and superimpose it onto the architectural plan of a house or property.

Original Flying Star Chart [W1-E1]

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The Original Flying Star Chart for Period=6, Mountain Direction=W1, and Facing Direction=E1

955 419 237
146 864 682
591 328 773

Substitute Flying Star Chart [W1-E1]

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The Substitute Flying Star Chart for Period=6, Mountain Direction=W1, and Facing Direction=E1

857 312 139
948 766 584
493 221 675

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Original Flying Star Chart [W2-E2]

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The Original Flying Star Chart for Period=6, Mountain Direction=W2, and Facing Direction=E2

753 318 531
642 864 186
297 429 975

Substitute Flying Star Chart [W2-E2]

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The Substitute Flying Star Chart for Period=6, Mountain Direction=W2, and Facing Direction=E2

655 211 433
544 766 988
199 322 877

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Original Flying Star Chart [W3-E3]

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The Original Flying Star Chart for Period=6, Mountain Direction=W3, and Facing Direction=E3

753 318 531
642 864 186
297 429 975

Substitute Flying Star Chart [W3-E3]

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The Substitute Flying Star Chart for Period=6, Mountain Direction=W3, and Facing Direction=E3

855 411 633
744 966 288
399 522 177

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Original Flying Star Chart [NW1-SE1]

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The Original Flying Star Chart for Period=6, Mountain Direction=NW1, and Facing Direction=SE1

656 211 438
547 765 983
192 329 874

Substitute Flying Star Chart [NW1-SE1]

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The Substitute Flying Star Chart for Period=6, Mountain Direction=NW1, and Facing Direction=SE1

856 411 638
747 965 283
392 529 174

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Original Flying Star Chart [NW2-SE2]

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The Original Flying Star Chart for Period=6, Mountain Direction=NW2, and Facing Direction=SE2

854 319 132
943 765 587
498 221 676

Substitute Flying Star Chart [NW2-SE2]

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The Substitute Flying Star Chart for Period=6, Mountain Direction=NW2, and Facing Direction=SE2

854 319 132
943 765 587
498 221 676

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Original Flying Star Chart [NW3-SE3]

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The Original Flying Star Chart for Period=6, Mountain Direction=NW3, and Facing Direction=SE3

854 319 132
943 765 587
498 221 676

Substitute Flying Star Chart [NW3-SE3]

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The Substitute Flying Star Chart for Period=6, Mountain Direction=NW3, and Facing Direction=SE3

854 319 132
943 765 587
498 221 676

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Original Flying Star Chart [N1-S1]

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The Original Flying Star Chart for Period=6, Mountain Direction=N1, and Facing Direction=S1

359 715 537
448 261 983
894 626 172

Substitute Flying Star Chart [N1-S1]

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The Substitute Flying Star Chart for Period=6, Mountain Direction=N1, and Facing Direction=S1

351 716 538
449 262 984
895 627 173

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Original Flying Star Chart [N2-S2]

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The Original Flying Star Chart for Period=6, Mountain Direction=N2, and Facing Direction=S2

152 616 834
943 261 488
597 725 379

Substitute Flying Star Chart [N2-S2]

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The Substitute Flying Star Chart for Period=6, Mountain Direction=N2, and Facing Direction=S2

152 616 834
943 261 488
597 725 379

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Original Flying Star Chart [N3-S3]

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The Original Flying Star Chart for Period=6, Mountain Direction=N3, and Facing Direction=S3

152 616 834
943 261 488
597 725 379

Substitute Flying Star Chart [N3-S3]

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The Substitute Flying Star Chart for Period=6, Mountain Direction=N3, and Facing Direction=S3

952 516 734
843 161 388
497 625 279

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Original Flying Star Chart [NE1-SW1]

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The Original Flying Star Chart for Period=6, Mountain Direction=NE1, and Facing Direction=SW1

852 417 639
741 963 285
396 528 174

Substitute Flying Star Chart [NE1-SW1]

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The Substitute Flying Star Chart for Period=6, Mountain Direction=NE1, and Facing Direction=SW1

659 215 437
548 761 983
194 326 872

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Original Flying Star Chart [NE2-SW2]

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The Original Flying Star Chart for Period=6, Mountain Direction=NE2, and Facing Direction=SW2

154 518 336
245 963 781
699 427 872

Substitute Flying Star Chart [NE2-SW2]

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The Substitute Flying Star Chart for Period=6, Mountain Direction=NE2, and Facing Direction=SW2

153 517 335
244 962 789
698 426 871

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Original Flying Star Chart [NE3-SW3]

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The Original Flying Star Chart for Period=6, Mountain Direction=NE3, and Facing Direction=SW3

154 518 336
245 963 781
699 427 872

Substitute Flying Star Chart [NE3-SW3]

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The Substitute Flying Star Chart for Period=6, Mountain Direction=NE3, and Facing Direction=SW3

153 517 335
244 962 789
698 426 871

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Original Flying Star Chart [E1-W1]

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The Original Flying Star Chart for Period=6, Mountain Direction=E1, and Facing Direction=W1

559 914 732
641 468 286
195 823 377

Substitute Flying Star Chart [E1-W1]

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The Substitute Flying Star Chart for Period=6, Mountain Direction=E1, and Facing Direction=W1

758 213 931
849 667 485
394 122 576

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Original Flying Star Chart [E2-W2]

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The Original Flying Star Chart for Period=6, Mountain Direction=E2, and Facing Direction=W2

357 813 135
246 468 681
792 924 579

Substitute Flying Star Chart [E2-W2]

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The Substitute Flying Star Chart for Period=6, Mountain Direction=E2, and Facing Direction=W2

556 112 334
445 667 889
991 223 778

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Original Flying Star Chart [E3-W3]

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The Original Flying Star Chart for Period=6, Mountain Direction=E3, and Facing Direction=W3

357 813 135
246 468 681
792 924 579

Substitute Flying Star Chart [E3-W3]

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The Substitute Flying Star Chart for Period=6, Mountain Direction=E3, and Facing Direction=W3

558 114 336
447 669 882
993 225 771

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Original Flying Star Chart [SE1-NW1]

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The Original Flying Star Chart for Period=6, Mountain Direction=SE1, and Facing Direction=NW1

656 112 834
745 567 389
291 923 478

Substitute Flying Star Chart [SE1-NW1]

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The Substitute Flying Star Chart for Period=6, Mountain Direction=SE1, and Facing Direction=NW1

658 114 836
747 569 382
293 925 471

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Original Flying Star Chart [SE2-NW2]

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The Original Flying Star Chart for Period=6, Mountain Direction=SE2, and Facing Direction=NW2

458 913 231
349 567 785
894 122 676

Substitute Flying Star Chart [SE2-NW2]

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The Substitute Flying Star Chart for Period=6, Mountain Direction=SE2, and Facing Direction=NW2

458 913 231
349 567 785
894 122 676

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Original Flying Star Chart [SE3-NW3]

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The Original Flying Star Chart for Period=6, Mountain Direction=SE3, and Facing Direction=NW3

458 913 231
349 567 785
894 122 676

Substitute Flying Star Chart [SE3-NW3]

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The Substitute Flying Star Chart for Period=6, Mountain Direction=SE3, and Facing Direction=NW3

458 913 231
349 567 785
894 122 676

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Original Flying Star Chart [S1-N1]

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The Original Flying Star Chart for Period=6, Mountain Direction=S1, and Facing Direction=N1

953 517 735
844 162 389
498 626 271

Substitute Flying Star Chart [S1-N1]

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The Substitute Flying Star Chart for Period=6, Mountain Direction=S1, and Facing Direction=N1

153 617 835
944 262 489
598 726 371

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Original Flying Star Chart [S2-N2]

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The Original Flying Star Chart for Period=6, Mountain Direction=S2, and Facing Direction=N2

251 616 438
349 162 884
795 527 973

Substitute Flying Star Chart [S2-N2]

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The Substitute Flying Star Chart for Period=6, Mountain Direction=S2, and Facing Direction=N2

251 616 438
349 162 884
795 527 973

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Original Flying Star Chart [S3-N3]

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The Original Flying Star Chart for Period=6, Mountain Direction=S3, and Facing Direction=N3

251 616 438
349 162 884
795 527 973

Substitute Flying Star Chart [S3-N3]

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The Substitute Flying Star Chart for Period=6, Mountain Direction=S3, and Facing Direction=N3

259 615 437
348 161 883
794 526 972

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Original Flying Star Chart [SW1-NE1]

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The Original Flying Star Chart for Period=6, Mountain Direction=SW1, and Facing Direction=NE1

258 714 936
147 369 582
693 825 471

Substitute Flying Star Chart [SW1-NE1]

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The Substitute Flying Star Chart for Period=6, Mountain Direction=SW1, and Facing Direction=NE1

956 512 734
845 167 389
491 623 278

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Original Flying Star Chart [SW2-NE2]

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The Original Flying Star Chart for Period=6, Mountain Direction=SW2, and Facing Direction=NE2

451 815 633
542 369 187
996 724 278

Substitute Flying Star Chart [SW2-NE2]

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The Substitute Flying Star Chart for Period=6, Mountain Direction=SW2, and Facing Direction=NE2

351 715 533
442 269 987
896 624 178

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Original Flying Star Chart [SW3-NE3]

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The Original Flying Star Chart for Period=6, Mountain Direction=SW3, and Facing Direction=NE3

451 815 633
542 369 187
996 724 278

Substitute Flying Star Chart [SW3-NE3]

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The Substitute Flying Star Chart for Period=6, Mountain Direction=SW3, and Facing Direction=NE3

351 715 533
442 269 987
896 624 178

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